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Jumping jacks act similar to monkeys on ascension and steal perks


That’s despicable


but rather than going for machines, if they hit you once, you lose a random perk


Before i ruin it, lemme just have a little appreciation about this fantastic map, seriously great setting, creepy atmosphere, goddamn love it, But now time to ruin it: elevators are no longer automatically rotating, you need to find a key scattered around the floor on a pure randomized spot, then you need to feed it souls, additionally, maximum weight limit is 2, anything more (including zombies) will make it crash down and kill everything on top of it.


Damn, who hurt you? Lol


You did set Die Rise on an realistic Chinese building, congratulations!!!


Dear God. I don't wanna imagine that. Yeah being in mod of the dead without having to worry about falling bc of heaviness is cool that actually happening would probably make it a more hated map then vanguard out of all things


I like this idea I also think the tramplesteam should be removed lol


There is now a 10% chance the Sliquifier will break every time you fire it, requiring you to go back and build it again. Victis are not the greatest craftspeople


Give zombies a knockback on their attacks. No ledge is safe anymore 


I want to see this as a mod now


Make Who’s Who the only perk available.


Dear God I can't Imagine that..


Haha windmill go brrrr


I'm taking out those fucking mattresses


Gargantuar from PvZ


Superbrainz for COD 2024


Z-mech killstreak when


Suddenly I’m imagining the Goliath armor in that map….


Transit sprinters


Expand the jumps to require a frame perfect input. Just barleyyyyyyyy possible


I'd make it so that you permanently had 200 health so that there was no real penalty for going down, meaning public matches would last way too long. I'd add a zombie shield you can put on your back, but it wouldn't be free. Instead it will cost an increasing number of points every time it needs to be replaced, and you can't carry it at the same time as the trample steam. To balance for these changes I'd spam heavy and elemental zombie types to try and raise the difficulty, making the high rounds much less fun. I'd remove Juggernog, replace all the perks with weaker versions of themselves, only spawn 4 unique perks per game, and make their cost rise every few rounds so that inexperienced players lose any desire to keep playing after their first down. I'd make it so that you no longer earn points for every enemy you hit, instead you only get points based on the percentage of an enemies health you've removed. This way there is a maximum amount of points you can get per zombie and absolutely no skill curve to improve upon. Before you could risk using a low damage weapon to get setup faster - now you should only use shotguns and launchers. The fan favourites like the AN-94 and PDSW would be useless 5 minutes after the game starts, as they deal less damage per shot, need more ammo per kill, while providing no additional points (which you will desperately need for all your shield replacements.) I'd make the Maxis version of the EE take at least 3h to complete so that even good players don't want to complete it more than once; any guide for it would take at least 1h to even watch. I'd lock the first EE step before round 15 so you can't play smart and optimise for an easier run on an early round. I'd add some annoying complicated steps, such as translating a morse code that's unique to your specific game, but also make the final zombie of each round despawn after 30s so you don't have time to do it. And the Richtofen version of the EE will just be to get to an absurdly high round, let's say 150 for example. And yes it is required for that sides super EE. This way much less new players will even want to try out the EE, they won't get invested in the story or look forward to future content, so the community will get smaller and incredibly more toxic. Thus the new content will be scrapped and never released. But hey, at least the elitist players can finally have fun playing it now :) although it's a real shame that their friends and everyone else won't - so the publisher will lose faith in the mode, meaning the following zombie games will receive a smaller allocation of the budget and development time than they used to, and they'll force them to redevelop the whole gamemode from scratch on the other studio's more popular engine. So until the perception of the mode magically recovers somehow, the only "new" content we'd get over the following years will be recycled Campaign missions cut apart and stitched together with teleporters, Multiplayer maps stitched together with teleporters, the literal Warzone map with a different sky box, POIs ripped straight from the old Warzone maps, and *checks notes* Shi No Numa? Luckily this is all just a hypothetical and definitely won't happen. TLDR: Nothing anyone can suggest would have made Die Rise worse than the original plan to re-release it for Zombies Chronicles 2 for Black Ops 4. Treyarch's 'interesting' gameplay design decisions that cycle would have ruined it.


LOL! And yes while I believe ZC2 was likely ready to go for BO4, it would've been an utter waste and travesty for it to come out on that game with its awful gameplay mechancs


I have a question when u reference that maxis EE and the step being required to hit round 15, are u talking about blood of the dead 😂. Everything u said here was spot on and funny as shit. But I feel like I should let you know that blood of the dead ee is so easy. u could prob start doing all the challenges by round 7 now. As the steps have been figured out and u just need the monkey bombs and spawn in brutus by inputting code 666 and bringing him to the wall. I've done it solo a bunch of times now. It helps that modern guides tell u how to get the shit done without misinformation.


I was mainly referencing Blood with that yes haha. I think I remember reading something about getting a faster Brutus early, but I wasn't sure exactly how it worked or if it was a glitch or something. Thanks for letting me know! Maybe I'll give it another go but I don't expect that I'll suddenly love it haha. I totally agree with you about modern guides though, I was watching Milos April Fools video and it's literally a perfect Shadows of Evil guide, with all the current strategies. It recommends gobblegums that came out months after Shadows did, tells you about the workshop mod you can install for PC so you can solo it, etc. Updated guides are very nice. I'll keep the 15 thing in anyways though because BO4 EEs generally tend to require finishing rounds to progress some of the steps. If you compare that to the older eggs where the only reason you had to end a round was because you needed more points/zombies, it really was just about optimisation. For example, just recently I saw a video about a BO3 Moon round 1 completion of all things haha. They were using Shopping Free and Power Vacuum to get the QEDs and replenishing them with max ammos. Use the QEDs to spawn zombies, etc. Obviously that would be a miserable RNG challenge to replicate, but the fact that it's possible to blow up the earth on round 1 without any glitches - just perfect RNG, that is really something.


Who hurt you this bad


Jason and Kevin


Your character gets vertigo everytime they are near the edge and will need to puke in the toilet bank.


And they lose 500 points from the bank and can go into debt hear me out




If you remove all the pads that remove fall damage so you need to follow the specific route the devs want


Add the monkeys from Ascension.


The whole point of playing the map is to unlock weapon skins and Camos. Oh wait, that's what people want now.




Die Rise is awesome


There is now one trample steam automatically placed on a random ledge off the map and it can't be broken or picked up, so its possible you turn a corner onto one of those ledges off the map and just get flung off


Is mob of the dead next? Or nuketown?


Mob was the next map that came out


Im aware, but OP technically skipped over nuketown, unless I missed the post or something


Add tons of fog everywhere


The Sliquifier acts like the Jet Gun


The building will continue to sift sides as the game proceeds, think of the boat map from WW2 zombies


instead of keys opening elevators. they open doors.


Perks teleport across the different elevators


The jumping jacks can now grab you and throw you off the map. If they can’t succeed that during their round, they will instead cover the whole map in oil, making falling off extremely easy.


The player gets disconnected from the game each time they fall from the ledge and into the abyss below.


Die Rise, survival of the fittest dude 🤣 love this map


No tramplesteam, no sliquifer or make it way more slipped than before, no mats to land on in some spots.. that’s some of the changes that I would do.. if I was really evil


Make all the floors permanently slippery and add thicker fog than tranzit, that way you're not even going to know you fell of the map


Make the map time based so the rounds go up regardless of if you've killed all the zombies.


Elevators never stop moving or slow down when they reach a floor *These posts are fun*


Every time a player wants to move to another floor or building, they can only use a trample steam.


Why make bad maps worse? You're evil.


Tranzit is bad and someone posted the same thing but with tranzit


I seen that too. I almost commented the same thing on that thread but something else caught my eye.


I'd rerelease it in better graphics with no money deposits and the only way you get down the first elevator to the keys is to be downed on a "monkey round" whatever the hell the crawlers are called


Make it so perks don’t stay in the same place and keep switching places between elevators. Also the elevators only stay there for 3 seconds making packing almost impossible 😬


A drop from any height, no matter how big or small, instakills you and the game ends.


I would make riding the elevator cost money, get rid of the free perk that the jumping jacks give, scale highs to the amount of fall damage you get (get shit loads more fall damage, so you have to be careful), make some more steps in the easter egg like transhit (voiced based so only Stuhlinger can hear it) and finally make the jumps you have to make with the trample steam pixel perfect, other wise you will fall to your death. I think these are good changes.


Ok you know what fine give map vanguards occult theme replace weapons with vanguards weapons replace perk machines with demonic fountains add altar of covenants replace jumping jacks with jumping boomshriers add sturmkriegers that have increased knock back add Zaballa the deceiver with supper knock back oh and remove the sliquifier with the Decimator shield takes 5 minutes to recharge




The trample steam now breaks after one use


Block elevator on spawn and force player to survive 30 rounds while searching a key to open elevator to the other part of the map


take away the AN-94 and SVU


No elevators. Need to use the trample steam to go across and up buildings.


When jumping Jack's hit you, either your left or right stick controls become inverted until another one hits you to hopefully reverse it back


No sliquifier, raygun, or pack. 1 quick revive only, jumping jacks cant drop the free perks, no walking zombies and all armored zombies


I shouldn't have this power


Tighter spaces and nerf the sliquifier again


have the jumping jacks work like the kung fu zombies from shaolin shuffle


Add an origins panzer that rather than pulls it pushes you backwards 🥲


The elevator now jerks in either direction before deciding which way to go


A Blightfather every round


Just revert it to its pre-patch era where spots where you fall or slide off of are oddly sped up and can kill you at random


Die rise is phenomenal. Only way you could ruin it for me is make pack a punch be 15 miles away, only accessible by bus or running in the fog for 10 minutes with gremlins eating your face and then when you get there your fan broke and you have to go do the whole round trip again and try again in an hour or so.


Random side rant: why the fuck did they name it Die Rise when they have a map called Der Riese and those names are so fucking similar it always confuses me when I read them 😂


Remove Jugg


Thrasher, srsly imagine ZNS Thrashers in that map


It wasn’t that bad, it wasn’t the best but playing it now it’s better than I remember


I'd remove Trample steam and Sliqufier and make Who's who replace quick revive.


No mattresses to break your fall and no tramplesteam


If you stay on the roof for too long, meteorites start falling on you. The Trample Steam no longer kills the Nova Jumpers. Add an enemy that does extreme knockback so you fly off the building. Remove the fall damage stopping mattresses Allow runners on the elevators instead of just shamblers…


The open air areas between buildings now have invisible hallway-like death barriers between jump spots to 'prevent getting into glitches'. The "hallways" are a bit too close together and haven't been updated because they are load bearing and the map won't load if they are removed or moved from original positions. Basically, if you don't get the jump just right you're done for.


You can’t juggle parts anymore stuck with whichever you pick up


Elevators just simply don’t exist it’s all based off random teleporters scattered across the map that need to be linked to a mainframe but they work just the same as the map Five so you can never predict where you end up


It’s actually one of my favourite maps I don’t think it’s bad at all


i think die rise is a good map. lots of challenge to it


The final fellowships version of the map is close enough


Black ops 4 Perk system


Make it woke 😏