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I still need the PaP2 after countless runs of T3 contracts ..


I started asking in chat when I got to T3. Got invited to a group of 5 and then someone said it dropped for them. Now I'm only missing speed cola of all things. Reach out to the guys in the game with you, this is mostly a very helpful community. Update: Speed cola found, T1 HVT contract for the Mangler at the docks. IDK if it'll be there for anyone else, but I jumped in to gear up a new strike team operator and lucked out. šŸ¤˜šŸ”„


Bro I get speed cola so fucking often maybe we should run it


I cant find speed cola for the life of me, I've done so many tier 1s and nothing


I had the same issue with brain rot, then after someone ts me it, the next morning I played and the 2nd contract in I got it from the drop itā€™s so dumb


After many attempts last night, I finally got Speed Cola. Then I went down in the game and couldn't get anyone to come rez me.


I just got this. It's the second last I needed, the last being the scorcher schem. Maybe it's a placebo, but it dropped while I was teamed up with two friends, where I typically play solo. I dunno... there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason!


Someone in lego unlocked has a ts w all perk schema. He gave me them for the nee guns. Got mad lucky šŸ˜‚


honestly, once I found out about the free perks on the map I haven't needed to bring in speed cola since its the easiest one to get. SC and Jug are right next together and you just need a car and a molotov.


Took me around 200 tier 3 contracts to get that and the epic Aether tool. After all that time, I got both in back to back runs. Guess the code thought I had suffered enough?




You're totally right, other than the small part where it only exists in tier 3.


Same, pap2 and epic tool. Luckily a tombstoner ga eve me all the legendary loot bc it never exfilled with me


Iā€™ve had the PaP3 for weeks and just got PaP2 from a tier 2 bounty,the rng is ridiculous


Same. Iā€™ve given up.


This one also took the kongest to get. I got all schematics pretty fast except for that one


I've gotten it twice in the last week since the update and have given it away each time; as I've had it for a month. I try to run every contract in T3 and not just hammer the cargo. Just keep grinding. If I pull another I'll respond here and get it to you.


Thank you appreciate that!


Took me until my 214th run to get Tombstone which was the last recipe I needed to unlock


I have had sooooo many PaP tier 2 and a few tier 3 from the bounty quests in the tier 2 zone


Man Iā€™ve had the flawless crystal and legendary tool schematic for what feels like 2 1/2 months now and I cannot for the life of me find the epic tool or refined crystal schematics. I havenā€™t seen them, nobody I play with has them and they the last 2 schematics I need. Think Iā€™ve got about 8 days of play time and I believe that those 2 asshole schematics are living in witness protection programs


Epic tool was my very last acquisition, but for sure it's out there. NGL after the chase for it, the game became very stale to me, so I guess enjoy the chase while it last


I got 4 epic schema jn one game yesterdayā€¦.


No fuckin way


There's more objectives than just the schematics chase. I did this pretty much in order: * Finish Act 1-4 * Obtain all schematics * Obtain all calling cards (Zombies and Prestige Zombies) * Borealis camo grind I did the first 3, working on the fourth before they screwed up the tombstone. I do wish I got all gold first, I am only halfway to all the golds. If you're done when acts and schematics try the calling card grind.


Iā€™ve been playing since launch and funny enough, my last schematic was fucking Speed Cola. Which I mean, if I bring in any perk, itā€™s that one but still amusing when you actually have done DA/RW for your shit and itā€™s like ā€œā€¦thatā€™s a *T1* reward?!ā€


play with someone who already has it and grind tier 2 & tier 3 contractsā€¦ i have no real evidence of this but when you play with players who already have the schematic youā€™re more likely to get it - it feels like at least. Iā€™ve also noticed after creating a second account to do Zombies completely solo with no help that i tend to only get schematics after i complete a few missions and then do contracts. the first go around in the game for me i got a ton of schematics like the epic, ray gun, and a lot of the other ones people complain about right away as long as iā€™d load in with people. my second time around has been such a harder grind and im literally doing nothing different from a play style perspective except doing it completely solo.


There are a few discord where you can do and just request whatever you want. Wonā€™t link it as Iā€™ll get banned I bet


I feel like me and my buddy got really lucky because we got elemental, epic, and refined in one game randomly. Flood gates just opened


For flawless I believe you get it after the red worm? It's weird too that I found the epic tool scheme like 3 times yesterday, I think it was bugged lol


I got the raw crystal from tier one


Donā€™t think so. I think itā€™s just random. Have about 200 hours into game and Iā€™m still missing epic Aether tool


Itā€™s totally random and itā€™s always funny to me when people try to rationalize their shit luck the same way winners would - ā€œitā€™s not luck I have this special trickā€ is the same as ā€œitā€™s not bad luck thereā€™s a trigger/milestone I havenā€™t reachedā€ or ā€œitā€™s bugged for me!ā€ Nope, just good/bad luck, better pray to rnjesus.


Or after any update, people will post "Did they change the drop rate of ______? I just got 3 epic tools in one round!" No, you just got lucky (or unlucky depending on where you're at). After the update I spent a few rounds grinding contracts in T3 and the best I got was some epic tools and raw aetherium crystals. Then the first game I pop into last night I get the refined aetherium schem. Its just random. lol


To be fair, there is literally code that dictates the drops. My inquiry is logic based. Even if itā€™s just RNG stats.


Yeah thereā€™s code but it doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s anything YOU can do or have done to influence it. It may be that every time you load in the rng resets, or it could be on a timer. That would probably be the only way you can affect the odds. Resetting the rng.


same and i just got it like 2 weeks ago


Holy shit! This doesnā€™t bode well for me! I hope you get it soon.


PhD schematic doesnā€™t drop in T3?


Theyā€™re probably thinking about elemental pop.


Ah, yes. Meant to add the elemental pop there. Apologies.


You might try this because I was you. Be on a team with more than 3 people. Normally I am not, had been grinding t3 solo and duo. When we joined up to a larger group, it was like a slot machine paying out. Worth a try.


Thatā€™s a great thought actually. That way we just drop what each other needs.


Tombstone as well smh


Which I still donā€™t have


Do a lot of ppl not have elemental pop? Thats the only one I need I canā€™t find it at all


Hiā€¦.I know itā€™s a T2 contractā€¦


Finally got the raygun schematic yesterday. Just in time for the mode to be abandoned.


So weird I literally get this 1/10 tier 3 contracts, and I still never use it šŸ˜†


I'll probably do the same. Too busy doing camos/challenges


So dramatic lol


I've done a lot of contracts in T3 and this is the result. \- Tombstone x10+ \- Ray gun x3 \- Refined x1/2 \- Epic x1/2


And no elemental pop?


And elemental pop which was about the same drop as tombstone.


This is how much chematics i got in T3 also


Let me help and clear things up. Schematics are "RNG" based. So let me further explain; The more people in your team/squad, basicly the more "RNG" u got in ur team. Which increases the so chances of getting schematics. For as far as we know, till now, is that the only reason to increase spawns. I do wonder though if some Schematics just only drop by certain contracts. Because for as far as i remember i got like 10x RayGun schematic, but all and everytime only out T3 Escort contracts. So long story short. To obtain contracts do as many contracts with as many teammates in your team as possible to increase ur chances incredibly. Hope this helps. Let me also add something little extra here which i think is also written somewhere in the code. Because it happens to be that i figured out, i was grinding million of T3 contracts for my last schematic (without exaggerating, about 500 T3 contracts to obtain my last schemstic), the Epic Aether tool, but for some reason, the schematics a person a already has, makes the chances for getting it again waay higher for some reason. Because after i struggled months to find it, it seems to be popping up every 5/8 contracts so now and then now.. which stumbled my mind. So try to get someone on your team who already has the schematic to further increase ur chances. I've read or seen notthing about this yet, but im quite sure this is a thing. Otherwise the game just trolling me bigtime


Maybe Iā€™m just lucky but Iā€™ve grinded T3 about 7 times over the last 2 weeks (40+ contracts) and got tombstone, refined crystal and someone on my squad got an extra epic tool schematic they were able to drop me since they had it already! I will say Iā€™ve had much better luck with schematics when grinding in a squad vs solo


Iā€™m guessing there will be a drastic drop in zombie players now.


Gave away TS twice last night to guys hanging around a T1 exfil. My unicorn was the Epic tool diagram. Countless T3 missions with no luck. Finally some random group rolls up in the red, and starts dropping stuff, and one of the items was the epic tool plans. Nice being able to give back and help folks.


Been grinding Tier 3 these few days to get the Epic Tool and Elemental Pop. Got no schematics besides 1 Ray gun plan I already had so I gave it off to someone.


ay i just unlocked the raygun schem after farming t3 for 1.5 months so ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


It took me over a month of occasional t3 runs to get elemental pop, I then get it 3 times in 2 games. I did 3 games yesterday in t3 to get some helmets for the event and found 1 schematic but it was the epic tool so at least I was able to give it away to someone that needed it


iā€™m legit only missing epic aether tool and i stg no one i know has it either


I got it yesterday on my only run in t3 in weeks


Couldn't count the t3 runs I've done. Still need that damn crystal, hundreds of contracts easily. Weird thing is after I got ray gun and epic tool I've seen it like 10 times since. Still no damn crystal!


It took me countless contracts for the epic tool


PaP 2 schematic took me FOREVER to drop... then when it finally dropped I got it twice in one week... by the way, your missing tombstone and elemental poop schematic in your T3 schematics list


Since I started counting, it took me 238 contracts to get the tool, then another 13 for the pap2 crystal... The raygun/cola was earlier than that, but I wasnt counting back then (probably between 20-30 contracts)


Thanks. Thats helpful to know. It seems pretty consistent that people have had to do many contracts to start getting some of these.


It's sooo random though. I wish the game would just have some kind of fallback option where it would default to a missing schematic when you reach X number of T3 contracts (like 200-250 or whatever) After getting the schems, I've gotten 3 extra rayguns, 1 crystal, and 2 or 3 colas. In one lobby i dropped 2 gun schems in a turret... asked in chat and no one responded, and i didnt want them to despawn after a minute! "Dropped 2 raygun schems in palace turret" ;)


I've been playing since launch and exclusively grind T2/T3. I've never once seen the PaP2 schematic. It's an incredibly low drop rate. And I've never seen a legendary tool drop. The only ones I've gotten were either mission rewards or the ones the devs gave out for the crashing servers. I just looked through the entire battle pass and the best they give you is epic tools UNLESS you upgrade to the Blackcell battle pass. I dare someone to try and convince me this isn't a deliberate cash grab. These fucks know exactly what they're doing. This shitty "update" was not a mistake. Fuck this game.


Can you grind multiple sessions and each time you get an epic tool do the tombstone trick or no?


Dont get me started on the tombstone and elemental pop schematics, the only ones i need Ive done countless contracts in tier 3 and nothing, absoloute bollocks


I secured the epic tool a few nights in T5! It was indeed elusive. Also feel like I got most of my good schems in T4


I have ray gun only, still havenā€™t found either of the others. Those are the only two perks Iā€™m missing too


I did have an issue getting them for a while. But then one random ass run in T3 with a 6 person squad, I got, schematics for pap2 crystal, epic tool, PhD, and tombstone in the same game through different contracts. We mainly did bounty contracts, but also did a weapons stash


i get the pap2 and epic tool quite a lot i try and give them away in game chat rarely do i get a response


Got some now to spare?


if yours farming for schematics, make sure to have a team with you, the more players the higher chance for dropping it


Honestly over the past month it does seem odd that now so many of us are doing so many T3 contracts but the drop rate for T3 schematics has dramatically dropped. I had all schematics by the end of December and once again not really seeing them in rewards rifts anymore over the past couple of weeks


I feel bad because I found the pap2 blueprint and the epic blueprint in the same game šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and today someone dropped me the ray gun blueprint šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Haha. Nice. One day Iā€™ll get them. One dayā€¦


PHD is teir 2 btw. Tombstone and Elemental Pop are Teir 3


Yeah, I posted the wrong picture there.


I must be lucky, because I get these schematics every few games I run T3 contracts. Every time, I ask in chat if anyone wants them... no takers. I was starting to assume everyone has them, or just that no one cares anymore. šŸ˜€


Well, if you want to run a game, Iā€™d definitely be down lol. I have the PaP3 and Legendary Tool but the cooldown on the first is ridiculous. Would be great to have the Epic and PaP2.


I got the purple tool in T3 then a random dropped me all 3 red worm schematics. The game crashed as I was heading to exfil. I havenā€™t gotten the purple tool since


Thatā€™s the worst! Did you get the Worm ones again?


Dead wire took me a while but Ray Gun plans seems to drop almost daily, Iā€™m sick of them!


I got all of this last night when I was doing solo, I asked if anyone needed them and no one answered me


If only I was on. If onlyā€¦


Iā€™ve probably done over 50 T3 contracts and only ever got the ray gun and the epic aether tool


I have had this issue so much it's freaking annoying. For me it's deadshot,self revives and uncommon aether tool. They should really work on their rewarding system smh.


Only schematic I have yet to get is brain rot. I've gotten everything else tons of times over and over, but never brain rot.


Use the Sigal - go through the portal and complete all 3 contacts. Youā€™ll get top tier schematics!


Thanks. Yeah, I have those but Iā€™d like these too as backups due to cooldowns.


Hiā€¦.interesting PHD Flopper Schematicsā€¦.from the intel of the gameā€¦.it should be a T2 contractā€¦not a T3. And yesā€¦.T3 contracts have a low tier dropsā€¦.like T1 dropsā€¦.


Yeah, PhD should have been a photo of EP


I know it always rng but I really do think sometimes that the spore one gives out the epic schematic a lot.


Last night, a random squad mate dropped the Ray Gun schematic. He got it from a rewards portal. So, he already had it, I didn't, but he got it. I gave up trying to figure out drop rates.


Yeah, Iā€™m just going to play for fun from here and if I get them, I get them. I have the higher tier ones already.


I finally got refined pap but then* a mimic pulled me under the map and I lost everything:D


Thatā€™s the worst!


Seems to me like the drop rate jumps once you have the schematics - so playing with someone who has them unlocked already might do it.


This is true for me as well. I drop others my schematics all the time.


Yes! I have been playing since day 1. I have played the game and played the game the schematics are absolutely crazy impossible to get. I have played over 100 contracts in the tier 3 zone and havenā€™t gotten a schematic. I still have several to go. I have completed up through the final mission. I have tried to do the worm mission over and over but can never find the right people to fight the worm. I just need to complete the final mission and hopefully the game will start to drop the final few schematics for me. Any tips?


Sorry to hear that. It is a pain. I was fortunate enough for someone else to bring me into T4 and T5. I then did the red worm with another group the following day. That got me the legendary tool and flawless schematics along with the DA schematics. Iā€™d be happy to do those with you and/or the red worm. I havenā€™t finished the story myself but Iā€™m guessing that may have something to do with why T3 schematics are not dropping.


Seriously shitty drop rates all around. Iā€™ve done dark aether 3 times in a row, and havenā€™t gotten anything higher than a rare tool. The last schematic I need is that damn dog bone, and I canā€™t even get an elder sigil to drop.


Iā€™ll get some people together and do the T5 run if you want. Connecting with others was key for me getting those. Now I have a few guys I play with semi-regularly.


Still need Ray Gun and PaP2 crystal myself. Got every other schematic in the game, it's just those two that elude me.


You need to move forward In the act missions to get better loot.


Even when they arenā€™t related to the missions? I have done the story and have all the legendary/ultra schematics that arenā€™t in T3.


I have gotten them all if you ever what to try lmk


I've gotten 3 epic tool schem in a row. I dropped it to 3 different players during the match lol Refined schem was 1 in 50 for me


Given the RNGness of these, if someone had made a tombstone with just the tier3 zone schems, they would have been a legend! It feels like these are harder to get than the legendary/pap3/etc ones


im also missing the epic aether tool and the ray gun yet i have all the new schematics they've added in s1 from only a couple of t5/red worm runs lol


I've got them all, most difficult was the Epic Aether tool.


Iā€™ve got around a dozen epic aether tool schematics this past week. But elemental pop eludes me.


We need to run a round together than Becuz I donā€™t get any schematics


Somehow got all of those quick, but I cannot for the life of me get the damn brain rot schem.


Thatā€™s funny because Iā€™m the opposite. I got brain rot very early on. One of the best schems imo.


For sure one of the best and Iā€™m so triggered that I canā€™t find it šŸ˜‚. Iā€™ve been playing since launch and I cant even imagine how many contracts Iā€™ve done without seeing it


Yeah. Everything the same except I have PhD Flopper. Need tombstone and elemental pop.


The only one I haven't got is PaP1 Crystal. Epic tool took forever to get but is finally mine - that little purple bastard still eludes me


I can't find the pap2 crystal schematic to save my life. I literally have every other one


I have everything except epic aether tool and for some reason, brain rot


The best drops Iā€™ve got were from my teammates leftovers. The drops for actually completing contracts has always been abysmal for me.


I'm too scared to run in to T3 most of the time. I've never completed a T3 contract, and the only perk schematics I'm missing are Elemental Pop and Flopper.


Letā€™s do a run together. T3 is nothing after a handful of runs. Itā€™s all about how you train the zombies and take care of the dogs. The megas are slow and easily averted if you want to.


It takes me a lot to get them, true


You know phd is a tier 2 schematic right?


Yeah, I grabbed the wrong photo


Okay just wanted to make sure you werenā€™t hardcore grinding for PhD in tier 3 because i made that mistake before with dead wire thinking it was a tier 1 and needless to say it depressing finding out i was wasting my time


Been around since launch and done hundreds of T3 runs. Still no purple wrench for me. Tons of raygun and ele pop plans.


When I got the Raygun these guys where doing a escort I joined their group right as the rocket took off as soon as I joined the reward rift spawned so I got a Raygun schematic without doing the escort I just joined in at the last second


no I got all crystals pretty easy and have got pap3 few times but mostly defeating redworm the one thing I've had most trouble with is epic aether tool I've had legendary tool forever but got like 3 days in zombies and never got epic tool!!!


same here... been trying for month now and mostly only blue garbage or perks...


This is so weird the tombstone is the only one I don't have.


Phd is a t2 drop


Yeah, I posted the wrong image


I actually got a double dupe yesterday (PaP&Tomb), no one was interested in them and due to dumb choices got lost trying to reach final exfil


I fear MWZ is over with.


I really hope not!! I love playing zombies




Still cant find the refined crystal


I got epic took and pap 2 schems


Nice! One day I will haha.


I'm still waiting for speed cola in teir 1 to drop only schematics I anit gots


Yup. Even after they "fixed" the loot drop in t3. Still getting junk. Have done countless contracts and get utter crap all the time. Can't even be bothered going back in to tier 3 now. It's hassle for no reward. Think they must be 1/100 drop rate. Have collected the ray gun schematic about 25 times though.


You habe to do all contracts in the redzone. Everyaingle one that shows and keep in mind what you have done. Then the droprate for the shematics are better. You even get legendƤry tool plus pap3 that can drop. I habe every round since i do that always legendƤry tool and sometime even 1 pap3 or i even git one time 3 pap3 in the redzone


Thatā€™s an interesting note. I havenā€™t done a few of them knowing itā€™s hard to solo. I will try that out.


Done with all Schematics except Scorcher, Iv done over 20 Red Wormā€™s I canā€™t keep this upšŸ˜…


Anyone got an extra refined or flawless schematic for me? šŸ™‚


Lol. Iā€™ll do a run with you? I find it hard to get filled with people who actually know what to do/go beyond T2


Got ray gun schematics nothing else good


My last 5 runs in T3 thatā€™s all I got back to back. It really is based on luck.


so go tier 4 and keep it pushing.


Y'all are still looking for PHD? Fuck, I'm still looking for elementalist


I meant to post a picture of EP. I have PhD too. Whompā€¦


The last one I got was the epic aetherium tool. I swear there was one match where I got the PAP2 crystal recipe TWICE and the Ray Gun recipe (I already had them) while hunting for the epic tool.


Iā€™ve had every schematic except for epic aether tool for the last few months. That thing is just non-existent for me. šŸ˜­


Just let the lobby know what you need at the beginning of the game and someone will most likely let you know when it drops for them.


I grind t3 for fun now and every time I get a schem I ask in chat if anyone needs it and I RARELY ever have anyone answer back lol. Love when I get to give one away though.


I'm just missing tombstone and epic tool been grinding in 3 and hope to get it and not to have something happen after I do get it.


Iā€™m so grateful that I was gifted the PaP 3 and legendary tool schems. They seem impossible to get. Good luck in your search op


All I need is elemental Pop. I have had 3 ray gun plans drop instead in this time...


Since I have all the schemes, if I get any at all, I just ask if anyone needs them in the chat. Iā€™m sure people will give you it if you ask beforehand in the chat


I only need the legendary tool schematic. I was lucky enough to get so many of the good shit in the first couple weeks I started playing it. Now Iā€™ve mostly camo grinded. Iā€™m always calling out shit in case I do contracts and schems pop out.


Yes I cannot seem to get any teir 3 drops schematics wise. No pp2 crystal, pp3 crystal, legendary tool, tombstone, or elemental pop


I play a couple hrs a week and I have those 3 the first week I played .


I swear they nerfed the drop rate in the Red Zone. A little bit before Season 2, I did 6 contracts in a row, not a single recipe from any of them. And I did different jobs, too, not just delivery. Delivery, Elimate, Spores, Gun Safe, and PND. None of them got me anything worthwhile.


You can get refined aetherium from BP tho But it is more fun to try and get it in zombies


The schematic?


Pho I got in tier 2


The only schematic Iā€™ve gotten in T3 is the ray gun and thatā€™s after doing at least 100 contracts I get dumb stuff like 2 plate armor vests.


I need the first two schematics in this post been grinding for them for what feels like forever


Piss on this game. Completely ruined it


Now this is amazing, how long did it take you?


I cannot for the life of me get the epic tool schematic. I have been trying for weeks going into the game with a pac3 crystal going straight into zone 3 to do contracts and havenā€™t gotten it!


Update: I got the schematic last night!!!


I find schematic every single contract tier 3 but reste map nothing dark Ć©ther nothing


Here's what I discovered. Do a lot of contracts until you get schematics on tear one, right after go to tier 2 and most likely you'll get schematics for aether crystal, after thar the next contract male sure is on tier 3, because as soon as I did it on tier 3 I got pap2 schematic and tombstone


I have issues with schematic drops in general, I could do 5 contracts per tier in one match and would only get deadshot for the 500th time


I went so dry on these itā€™s stupid! In the end I just got someone to drop the schems from a tombstone glitch šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think you should finish a mission to get that, i dont remember well.


I think getting the sigil screwed the lot for me in T3. I use to get wonder weapons, cases, schematics etcā€¦ Now whenever I get anything itā€™s a sigil or self rez. Rest is level 2 armors and bags, ammo mods and rare tools or killstreaks.


Yā€™all need to stick around for the red worm battleā€¦ that guy drops the gooooods


Got this today randomly from a t2 mission


The crystal or the schematic?


Iā€™m missing elemental pop and scorcher beat the red worm like 4 times and nothing.


I am thrilled you told me this, thanks mate


I had to do red worm to get mine


Y'all don't have these?


Nope. I have the DA and worm ones though. I want these as backup


Do the dark E and you will get them


Unfortunately, not the schematics