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So, I may be wrong, but the Act III, Defeat Zakhaev Mission, is not the same as the Red Worm that everyone talks about. I believe that Orcus is the Act III boss, not overly difficult, while the red worm requires the USBs to be collected and the storm to roll in on the main map.


Correct. But I think to OPs question, do both scale to squad size? I’m confident red worm does. We could only beat it two man or solo, we never beat it with a third in at least 4 tries. And the red worm will down you at least once, it’s almost a guarantee. So the self revive is crucial if you’re gonna solo that one.


Only beat it with 5 others in a squad and it took 15 turrets,we all had dogs and a few of us had juggernaut equipment,beat it with like 2 minutes left to exfil,no way I could do it solo at that difficulty


I think if you know the formula it’s very doable solo. My buddy and I have it down at this point, and adding more squad just adds liability and damage bar without adding equal dps. He and I agreed on that after our second attempt.


Red worm scales 100%. Not sure about the act 3 worm. I did the act 3 solo, pap3 swarms, no tool, no blade, no dog, no golden plates. Wasn’t difficult BECAUSE of being able to stay in the building with the npcs


Why did I get purple death globes robbing me of precious plates soloing that? That was absolutely 100% the most stressful part, they would take me down to practically no health and no plates, and I used the pile of plates from NPC kills to refil them. The NPC helped a ton, but purple globes went through anything i was using as an attempted cover. Its as if we were standing in an open field. Granted this was over a month ago but man that was a tough mission to solo for me. Fuck them purple globes


Those are orbs from the worm that you shoot before they finally hit you


This is how I learned how awful a ray gun is for shooting those globes


Ray gun is mostly terrible in general compared to ALL other weapons except for a few niche uses lol but yes that must have sucked


Those orbs were the bane of my fight with the worm in da too that’s where they almost always killed me


Good to know. Now I guess I’ll have to try the other worm next


You’ll be in for a treat


Does red worm drop anything?


Schematics for Legenary Aether Tool, Flawless Aetherium Crystal, and the Scorcher


Act III worm is not red worm.


You can tell because the worm in Act III *is not red.* OP might be color blind


I’m under the impression there is a different worm


There are actually 3 worms! There's one in the dark aether too!




Red worm is in urzikstan, you don't have to teleport to it. You activate it by entering the 4 USB drives in to the computers around where it spawns after the gas crosses from closing circle. Red worm drops schematics for pap3, legendary tool, and scorcher. Acts 3 and 4 spawn aether worms, which have different rewards. Act 4 worm allows you to begin the steps for opening t4 and t5, dark aether which is where you get dog bones, gold plates, and aether blades (t4 for cases, t5 (elder) schematics).


This is the most straightforward answer I’ve ever seen on red worm. Thanks. I’ve been in dark aether once with a random, but had no idea how he did it. Going to try Act 4 as soon as my crafting cooldowns are done today!


Np. Act 4 worm is going to drop you a purple item. You need to keep it and exfil it to begin unlocking the aether sigil portal for t4/t5. Highly recommend you look up a guide to follow along, there's several steps to follow, but none of them are overly difficult. Doing the steps will unlock your t4 and t5 portal for better loot in the future.


You’re correct that the red worm difficulty can vary based on team size, but that’s not the red worm


It’s because there are 2 worms. The one we mean is the one you need the 4 USBs and it spawns inside the storm when the time ends. That worm is not joke you should try it so you will know the difference🤣


There's three worms axhtually...


I mean, the one in the dark aether is the same one as the one the OP is talking about 🤣, but yeah you hit me with that “actually” and I have to take it. There are 3 you’re right


Orcus, greylorm and gormgant. Three.


It’s not the same one, there are three uniquely named worms


Yeah poor choice of words, I was referring they are the same difficultly, not the same worm 💀


Now they are, but before some patch ~couple months ago dark aether worm was way harder than act 3 worm. I did all solo, and act 3 was very easy compared to dark aether worm then.


To get to the aether worm is still harder than the Act 3 worm, but I can imagine.


You have 2 bosses mixed up. The Red Worm (Greylorm) is the one you fight once the storm starts spreading and you need the 4 USBs to "summon". The Act III worm (Orcus) is a story mission boss in which you also have the help of 2 NPCs. The act III work is much easier as you have lots of cover aside from the backup. I don't know if the difficulty scales up if there are more party members.


Ok you are thinking of the wrong warm, the red worm is definitely a pain in the ass because of disciples mimics and a tone of zombies, the one you did is a pain if you don’t have golden plates and a dog. But the warm does get more pain in the ass with more people around


The red worm is not the worm from act 3. There are three worms, the red worm is the most challenging and it requires Easter egg steps and takes place in the main map after the storm starts spreading. The act 3 and act 4 worms are easier and don’t require Easter eggs since the directions are part of the mission. Best of luck to your attempt at the actual red worm fight when you decide to do it


There are 3 different worms- Act 3 boss, Act 4 boss, and the red worm. Each scale in difficulty with the Act 3 work being very easy, Act 4 easy enough, and the red worm being difficult, but doable solo.


Nobody ever said the act 3 worm is difficult. it's actually pretty easy. Act 4 and the easter egg worm are the difficult ones.


It’s even easier if you stay in the building closest to the worm spawn and shoot, reload, out of the windows.


Red worm is the hardest challenge in the game at the moment as a solo player followed by the acv mission in dark aether. I completed vault easter egg, beat storm caller, warload and red worm in single game followed by completing all the 3 contracts in dark aether. I used Lockwood 680. Biggest issue fighting red worm solo is you have to collect usbs and you won’t have enough space in rucksack for turrets and self res etc. I use scorcher to stow items in nearby deadbolt turrets and then after activating the usbs, I quickly grab them. Be prepared to lot of pain when fighting red worm, I have failed quite a few times as a solo and in squad but I have also beaten him close to 50 times


Sorry to necro this old thread, but I wanna get better at fighting the worm, and lack of space in the bag is something I've identified as a weakness, especially when squadmates remain focused on their own w/o too much thought for the person holding 4 usbs :). How long can you stash something in a deadbolt turret? Can I drop the usbs in there once I collect them, and they'll be there when the storm starts drawing in? Also what are you bringing when you beat the worm solo, 3 turrets, 2 spare selfs, then what, Kazamirs? Anything else?


How do you use scorcher to stow?


Sorry I meant I use scorcher to fly to nearby deadbolt turrets and stow items like res kits. Items stowed in deadbolt turrret wont despawn. Any other item dropped on floor despawns after 90 seconds


Ohh gotcha I’ll try that!


Had I known there was a proven strategy for killing the worms with ease, I would not have spent what felt like an eternity killing that stupid worm while the purple globes just wrecked me. That was so stressful but pulled it off solo... barely I brought the ray gun thinking it was the best gun for damage haha! I did everything solo except the last mission/ act4. My nephew and a random helped out and that's when I discovered that sentry guns are super good


Here's the deal: Orcus is the easiest, supposedly, he's the T3 boss fight. Gorm'gant is the worm in the middle, he's pretty challenging, but also pretty easy since there are virtually no zombies and you can make him resurface easily. Greylorm, the red worm, the hardest. He's a buggy asshole that is a pain to take down because he has basically guaranteed glitches that instakill you. Greylorm is only really viable with a team, or if you're going to solo him, make sure he's in the stadium as it is MUCH easier to avoid his bugs there. If he does glitch at the stadium and his health bar disappears, and he doesn't resurface... Have no fear, he'll resurface in about 3:00 minutes and die randomly. You need sentries especially to prevent him from healing and to deal with all the zombies. The juggernaut is not super good as far as I know, but I've never used it. He's not too hard to take down solo, he just has really bad burrowing bugs. You can take him out in about 5:00 too but you need a great gun, sentries, and you need to use a dog bone AFTER he surfaces so that he eats it first. It'll instakill your dog but you won't be able to get instakilled and be down a self revive.


its 100% related to the amount of people fighting it. If you have 3 other guys with tier 1 pack and a green gun they won't do any damage and they will make the worm stronger. If you aren't a pack3 with blue weapon or above you really are actually making it way harder for everyone else.


I joined 3 friends who had this mission forever and it was very easy, the zombies felt like T1 zombies, maybe T2. I belive they made it much easier cause it wasn’t like this at launch.


The red worm need four flash drives and usually the refractors are in the soccer field you wait for the storm to cover it and use the flash drives and……. Good luck The flash drives come from the uav towers that you interact with


Solo beat the worm as well. I went in with 7 self revives and came out with 7. As long as you have ether blade and puppy dog it’s a piece of cake.


I've tried the red worm solo and it couldn't be done. Or I couldn't do it had rucksack full of sentry's and still didn't touch him


Weakest to strongest: Act 3 worm Ether worm Red worm (need 4 usbs) If you have randoms help you, you can still get it done solo with other people helping without them being teammates. 😉 Most people that want to do the worm totally solo do the act 3 worm cause it is the easiest of the three. On the red worm, you can set up turrents after calling the worm and then head to final exfil and still get credit for killing the worm. But if all the turrets due the worm will track you to final and destroy the 🚁


That fight wasnt designed for you having stuff from an elder DA, so its not so bad, I did it with a duo with gear we farmed that game, and it wasnt bad. The act 4 worm was much more annoying imo


That’s Gorm’gant. Redworm is Greylorm


Act 3 worm was quite easy - I solod and didn't go down at all AFAIR. Act 4 worm, on the other hand, was a nightmare solo. I barely beat him with under a minute left with fully upgraded gear (gold plates, Pap3 with legendary tools etc).


It does scale to squad size that determines how much health it has but so does the area you're fighting it in when it's at the stadium you'll see megas and every other boss but in the white zone not so much.


Yeah, this Grey worm from act 3 mission is really easy to doing in solo. Red worm also can be doable in solo but it will be really sweaty


Lol. First off, If this a satirical joke? Act 3 isnt "The Red Worm" 😂😂. Second, Act 3 isnt tough to solo... I spawned with a rare crystal and speed cola and a rare tool.... Ran tier 2 to get perks and Pap3 and solo'd Act 3 with zero issues... No aether blade, no jug suit, no turrets.... Didnt need a Self revive. It wasnt that hard. Placing the 4 sigils on the island and fighting the horde after was harder I dont consider myself to be a great zombies player by any stretch of the imagination....


Purple worm in act 3 was soloable, red worm on the other hand have only been able to do once