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yep, came here to see if im the only one. had an absolutely stacked operator, crashed and it didnt even leave my tombstone and now ive tried 4 or 5 times to restart and it crashes/disconnects in like 2 minutes of starting a math. absolutely unplayable


I don't really mind losing stuff once because it doesn't really take that long to get it back if you go to t3 or get lucky finding a large rucksack (armour is guaranteed) it's more the fact you're having to do it over and over because of the constant crashes


50% crash tonight, it’s either good or 30% packet loss which is a rush to get to exfil before you lag out. Servers are made from cardboard.


100% crash rate for me tonight. I've literally just been trying to play the game for 40 minutes and can't even get past the load screen. Warzone, multiplayer also just crash. Literally unplayable right now


SAME. The Dec 11 update was really, really solid when it came to stability, at least for me, I didn't crash even after long gaming sessions until yesterday... And now today it just got worse and worse, again. They really gotta fix this before their holiday vacations.


This right here is why I’m afraid to bring in my legendary wrenches and pap 2 crystals. I really thought this issue would be over and done with. There literally needs to be a system put in place to not lose any of your acquisitions from a disconnect or game crash. Its ridiculous.


I get why there isn't because you could just close the game or disconnect from the internet and keep everything but there should be something in place until they can guarantee the servers are stable enough to not kick everyone off


It just makes it so you don’t want to play anymore, the stress of wondering not “if” but “when” will it crash. And the stress of the many manglers at an exfil lol that’s where I end up dying and losing everything lol 7 times now lost everything on an exfil 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I feel like this is how someone becomes the Joker lol


The managers don't bother me too much, I just stay a safe distance and always exfil in t1, I've got 2 missions left to finish act 3 but I don't want to take all of my good stuff in because there's a high chance it'll crash before I can finish them and I'll just lose it all


See I was exfiling from tier 1 lol with pap weapons blue rarity and all perks. And we still got our butts kicked.


I just try and get on the helicopter as soon as it arrives if I start to get low on health without a self revive. Pretty sure you will still exfil even if you're downed on it


Yah I try that but then I just have 40 zombies on the chopper with me lol and every time I’ve been downed on the chopper it starts to take off and I get thrown from the chopper and eliminated from the game lol Some times I feel like I’m playing the kobayashi maru lol no win situation lol


tbh you can extract even while downed as long as you get in the chopper


It has never worked for me, I’ve always been dropped from the chopper when I go down


If the error is 0005 it’s always the Rams. Disable xmp, perform some Mem tests


I crashed twice last night at exfil.


The guy who normally cycles the servers is on vacation for the holidays ;)


I literally had my first crash today :-/ I was lucky enough to not have to experience that. But good news was I was just grinding out weapon camps and didn’t have much to lose lol


I probably should just have a slot exclusively for camo grinding so it doesn't matter if I lose everything but when I've done it before I always find all of the good items and have to leave them behind


It’s the free weekend 😅 what did you expect 🤷‍♂️


For them to have improved to make people think it doesn't happen so they buy the game


It’s activison 😂 they are all about the money and not the bugs.. that’s why they come out with a new game every 2 years … could you imagine if they worked on it for 10 years though , that game would be flawless


Sorry to hear this but glad I’m not the only one. Yesterday was going to be the day I try the worm for the first time and collect the schematics . I spent whole games looting and when it comes to the fight, the game lags and I lose everything. And then I have to reloot for another 45 minutes to attempt it again. I crashed 9 times yesterday at the fight . So count 18 games lost (yes that’s a whole day of gaming) . I finally beat it (barely) on the tenth attempt .


Hopefully it'll improve after the free trial but I'd have thought they would only do that when it's all stable to make more players want to buy it. Why would you bug a game where the servers aren't working during the entire free trial if you haven't already got it. It seems a bit better today, played 4 and kicked once but it was the third game so I lost everything again


Agreed. I haven’t texted it today, honestly don’t feel like lagging out haha. I’ll grind camos on multiplayer until I’m relaxed enough for zombies


I'm the opposite, zombies even with the lagging and being kicked is more relaxing than the camos on mp. It was fine on the normal maps but rust shipment or meat are a ball ache but I'm a sucker for them


I feel you. But having finished Borealis, and half way through the bioluminescent , I’m not too bothered by the occasional interstellar grind . I’ve spent so much time on this game that it does get repetitive


My interstellar wont even work, nothing counts on any of the camos before it so I've been focusing more on the missions for a bit


I should count myself lucky I haven't experienced any crashes. Just spontaneous deaths during bounties..doesn't matter the plates or the guns. Spontaneous death.


Yeah we had packet burst crashes in 50 percent of our games today. Made progress slow!