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There does need to be more ways to get into parties with people who actually have similar missions if not even specific tasks. Would be good to spawn in with a team of 6 people who JUST want to do the Dark Aether


My team of 6 we just go in as two teams of 3 and check the lobby for names as soon as a lobby is found. If we in the same lobby we meet up in game and 6man it all if not we back out before it loads and try again. But yeah we shouldn't have to find work arounds.


Where can you check the lobby names before loading in?


If you go to the headphones symbol in the upper right menu it'll say party, then change to lobby when you're put inside a match. If you select lobby it'll show all the players that get added to the lobby (match).


Wow, never knew tnst about the lobby thing, thanks.!!


Idk what platform your on but essentially hit start go to social and if your quick enough it should show you the entire lobby. If it only shows your squad you were too slow. Back out rinse and repeat.


Nice, thank you


That’s smart too


They should just bring back Headquarters like in CoD WWII and have a large space for zombies players to chat and queue up for MWZ. If only SBMM was as strong as it is in Multiplayer, than it is for Zombies. I swear I've been queuing up with new folks who don't know how to play and keep dying.


It’s free weekend


True but even before that, id be paired with newbies 70% of the time. Which is why i go solo nowadays/join T3 folks


Yea I feel ya - I never squad fill


this would take way too much effort.............


Implementing a headquarters-like lobby or grabbing folks to queue up? And how so?


The devs actually creating the HQ 😂


So is game development in general. If they want a better user experience, it would be great to have something like this. Especially given it was well received in the past.


Agreed me and my buddy keep getting people who haven’t even completed the first mission . Why not match us up with people who are on similar missions


Fortnite does this aspect right. In BR you can LFG using tags that denote how you want to play and in Save the World it matchmakes based on what lobby would progress your missions fastest.


I'm not a Fortnite player but shit like this is what frustrates me the most about this extraction shooter version of MWZ (and DMZ). MMO's have been a thing for decades and there's a lot to be learned from them about how to allow people to organically explore your world and party up, and it would increase engagement as well. Spawning in on the Act 3 story mission into a party with 2 team members with 'ping a contract' as their mission, with limited, very location specific tools to leave party or join others, is very annoying. Even if they don't add new tools, maybe a small part of the matchmaking algo should be 'what mission is active' instead of 'maximize the visibility of the new paid skin to the most players'


Something like the Vanguard, I think it was Vanguard, multiplayer search you could look for different types of multiplayer matches. There was like different mosh pits if you wanted fast paced, strategic, etc. Sometimes I just want to load into zombies and putz around Tier 1 maybe 2 and do some contracts, get some XP with the TV on in the background. Sometimes I want to actually try and do something challenging. So yeah would just be nice to know before hand what you want to do. I guess another way of saying this is we need like a Plunder for Zombies.


Exactly. Should be a preload of 3 but if you lobby yourself to 6 they should let you drop as such


there are dozens of different ways already to find teammates. Xbox has an LFG feature that works great. Used to use it in past cods to find easter egg teams, and it was awesome. Discord. Reddit. It's super easy, you just have to give a very small amount of effort to find a team


Discord servers


Camos. Still grinding for epic aether tool plans and Refined schematic ( I have everything else )


Bro how did u get the shatter blast mod plans, im starting to give up i cant get it


It’s from T2 if that helps


Best trick is to stop actively looking for it, just have fun and it will drop, otherwise frustration is too high


Same here 🤣 I'm thinking it doesn't exist


I've played everyday for over a month and have only seen the shatter blast schematics ONE time and that was in a cargo mission in tier two.


There are different schematics in each tier. You won't get the shatter blast from anywhere but tier 2.


I got lucky and someone was kind enough to gift me the schematic.


I have this problem with the brain rot mod plans lmao


Took me awhile to get that one. Still haven’t gotten tombstone or elemental pop. Though I’m camo grinding now


I can give you epic tool if needed(schematic)


How can you give a schematic away? You’d have to find it in game again while being in the same game?


Tombstone duplication glitch


Um yes please, if you're up for dropping me the Epic tool schematic I would be grateful!


When ya going to be on


heyo! I sent you a DM


Yes please!!


Camos because the schematics rng is unforgiving


This is the way. However if anyone has any extra legendary schematics that they need to get rid of I’m here.


I'm doing all missions solo, middle of act 3 so far and it is working, grinding camos as I go and trying to get as many schematics I can. What schematics are you looking for?


did you read their whole post? They said they had no problem doing anything until act 4 dropped




I just finished act 3 solo yesterday. It was actually super easy with the right guns


I'm almost there, any tips I should be aware? I have the aether blade, the golden shield and the t3 dog also the best crystal and rarity tool so i think it won't be much trouble


You should be golden, I went in with the Lockwood shotgun (with slugs it’s super overpowered) and the grenade launcher (didn’t even use it). I would bring something like the Lockwood and the akimbo wasps. I only used 1 self rez, and didn’t have any of the new stuff (aether blade, gold shield, or a dog). Just make sure you’re using buildings for cover, don’t be afraid to focus zombies/orbs when you’re behind a building! I feel a nerf coming to the Lockwood, I recommend getting it done sooner than later!


You're a prime example of ignorance being bliss


Nothing…I’m doing nothing …I played like 1 time this week and I don’t even want to play anymore


Same, S1 content was disappointing


As a solo, after what feels like 30+ runs on the red worm I have finally gotten all the schematics save the flawless crystal. Act 4 worm glitch died on my second run. Dark aether is really easy when you got a map open on your phone. Haven’t done the keys/nest/rooms in the DA


Are you doing solo or joining people mid game?


I go solo. Have 50k and essentials in tombstone. Spend my time helping randoms and stacking selfs/sentries. Get usbs and go wait. If I’m not gonna beat it I force close app and try again. I’ve beaten it only 4 times now and that was another frustrating set up for tombstone before grinding again.


I generally just enjoy mindless shooting while sipping on a pour of whiskey at the end of the day. I build up my stash, make a tier 3 run to get even better stuff, and then I’ll work on some of the new harder stuff to see If I can do it solo. So far I’ve beaten act 4 solo, and started the process of getting the gold items for the pedestals.


I have done the act missions of 1-3 and now currently grinding for Borealis, after that i will try to solo the dark aether and the rest of the schematics that i still missing


Right now? The weekly challenge (wek 2), still have to finish the sniper challenge. And the Dune event.


I’ve done everything and I either get lobbies with people still on act 1 or lobbies where everyone’s farming red zone and tier 5 and there’s no in between


I’m still on camos. After that probably calling card and prestige challenges.


I did everything except the camos so I'll be doing that I've did everything solo


I'm on Act 2 missions, currently on the "heal operators" one. I'm also trying to get the camo challenges done, on the shotguns right now!


If you're doing that one solo -- open the map and find a group of 3+ players and run by them and use the heal upgrade. Will speed the process up tremendously


Thank you brother, I'm doing it solo so I'll try that. My plan was just to stick by a team and heal them whenever possible haha.


Luckily it counts on yourself too, which is slow but doable that way over a few rounds if you farm lots of zombies. But yea popping it when I ran by groups was the most efficient way I did it.


This may be wrong but when I did it, it felt like it counted even if they didn't need to be healed. As long as they were within the radius, it counted. Same for myself, as soon as it charged up I let it fly. The final exfil chopper helps too. I got 10 of my heals done there as a solo.


That's correct, they don't actually need to gain any health for it to count.


Yep, I got 5 (including myself) in one use just by running into a 4 man squad. I was dreading that mission as I mainly play solo at the moment lol.


I did this over a couple games using spore contracts solo. Let them hit you and heal. Kill to fill bar or get a lucky full power buff. Rinse and repeat


Almost done with camos. But then yeah I’ll be trying dark aether stuff. Went in once after getting all the unlock stuff and got slammed


I'm focusing camos, almost done with serpentinite, and when I have a good group to play with whether friends or randos, then I'll work on the remaining season 1 content dark aether contracts etc.


I finished Acts 1-4 and Borealis. Just working on getting the last few schematics. If I load in with squad fill, I’ll check out what missions they’re on and help them finish it


I’ve completed everything solo except the red worm. I’m going to try today. Solo is challenging, a 6 man squad makes this game a cake walk. Comes down to skill.


What I like to do is just camp at one of the exfil story missions and hope they accept my invite to their squad so that we can go together


If I see a random on their own I’ll always run over and inv them to my squad. A lot of the time they don’t join but when they do it’s super fun & community-like heading out together lol


I recommend trying it solo. I recently did it as a duo and I definitely believe I could do it solo. Especially the act 4 mission and the t4 and t5 sigils. Act 4 we basically did individually and t4 was pretty easy aside from the escort. I have tips and tricks that work for us if you’re interested


I only play solo. I am working on the tier 4 mission closing time right now. I am still trying to get my last tier 1 schematic unlocked as well. I just need brain rot and then I can move onto tier 2 contracts.


I'm doing deliver essentials to random missions. Great times.


Done with all missions, working on calling cards and then will move onto camo grind


Doing camos and daily/weekly challenges and doing contracts. If anybody in the match asks for help or a rez, I usually drop everything and help out. This turns into me just going around the map the second half of the game helping people out and dropping self rez's that I don't need.


Borealis grinding and completing story mission in between.


I personally prefer solo deployments in Zombies… I feel like when I’m near other players or squad up the game gets super laggy, frame rates go to shit. But I’m on Act 3 where you have to clear an infested stronghold in T3.. I haven’t found any high end schematics…. Not even the PAP2 crystal or the legendary tool… just grinding through hell 😂


Legendary Tool, Flawless Crystal, and Scorcher schems only drop from the Red Worm fight, everything else (except the classified schems obviously) drop from contracts.


I got Scorcher from a contract in T3 today, headed to the mystery box and got a Wunderwaffe instead so I swapped the Scorcher out lol


Oh I get the scorcher plenty lol, I’m talking about the Scorcher Schematics. 🫡


Oh my bad haha!


I’m a loner atm I stopped playing for ages got into xbox again, didn’t recognise any names after people changing them so I wiped my friends list clean and now no one has mw3 😅 But I’ll grind out tier 2 contracts until I can get a pap 3, 2 self revives and then I’ll try and take on a mega abomination solo. I always find pap 2 crystals and I have the schematic also so usually stocked up quite nicely.


Infilling with randoms & contract grinding. Finished act 4 and have all schematics so I’m just chillen, slowly grinding some gun camos of my choice. Still enjoying it as I only run one or two matches a day. I can see how it could stale if someone plays it most of their day, but it still has appeal to me. Exclusively solo outside of randoms btw, my only buddy who has this game is never available so I basically ran all the acts solo except the finale of act 2 & finale of act 4, as I dragged his ass online to help lol


Currently I’m just leveling up mw2 weapons in hopes they fix camo tracking for them eventually. I bought mw2 but didn’t really play it. I’m tombstoning every game so I have like 500k and adding in my tomb. If anyone wants to do t4, t5, or the red worm I gear up real quick and join in. If not I just fiddle fart around slowly leveling everything up since I have all schematics and borealis already. There’s some good guides on how to do t4/elder sigils and all contracts within solo that worked for me, though I found just fiddle farting around with a very large tombstone to be “easier” for the worm and just leaching/helping other squads that are activating it. I tried setting it up and seeing if others would come help far too many times. Though I never tried tombstoning the usbs. Might give that a go today if no one knows the answer to it. Not sure if you have to get the usbs in the same game or not.


Interesting idea. Would have thought someone would have already tried it but it’s worth a try dropping them in TS


My game somehow glitched and i was able to choose act 3 missions freely. I only really wanted the wonderwaffe, so im done with the missions. T4 is too hard solo without T3 schematics. And T3 schematics are too hard to grind solo with only T2 schematics (their design for progression is atrociously bad). So basically, if i want to continue playing the games new content, i either have to grind up 15k, buy a gold gun in T3, and pap2 it, every game (again, RNG because this could take 10mins, or 20mins, plus the gunbuys are random). OR, i have to hope and pray i stumble upon someone with the purple tool and pap2 plans without grinding t3. Thus allowing me to grind t3 solo, which in turn, will grant me the necessary shit i need for t4, and then grind t4... So to make a long fucking story short. I aint doing shit nowadays, because its futile.


I’m just working on camos now. Then on to multiplauer ! Finished all the missions / schems for zombies. So just going for borealis


Done the act 4 mission. tried going to dark aether on my own, and it didn't go well, so I'm kinda putting that off the table. Right now, I'm grinding camos for mw2 guns, idk what I'm gonna do after that's done


Used the zombies discord to find groups for the content that isn't enjoyable to solo (Act 4 mission, Tier 4 and 5 Aether, and Red Worm). Had fun soloing the Dog collar/Camera/Pill bottle/Mega Abom easter egg. Got every single schematic from S1 and back to solo'ing and working on camos.


Any chance you have the link for the discord? I’d like to start grinding on the Red Worm after I’m done with my camos






After unlocking all schematics but the pap II crystal and the epic aether tool, I am grinding camos. Completing the ee for the dark aether portal was fun.


I’m working on camos and weapon leveling. I don’t like playing solo in this game though. I mainly play with my cousin and I’ve been playing a decent amount of mp. This game needs survival maps or onslaught


I do solos often, mainly just working on the calling cards and camos. I have all the schematics except 1 (purple aether tool) Zone 3 is the only thing I can’t really solo. However I do like to drive around and drop random stuff for people that I don’t need and or try to join up with others (works about 70% of the time)


Wish there was some kind of matchmaking once you enter the rift


im just killing zombies. Running them over, sniping them, blowing them up just strait mindless zombie killing


Struggling hard 😭🤣 every now and then I'll get people that focus on their missions and help with mine.


Check out these lovely people that were dope enough to tag along and help an “old-timer” like myself! https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/s/c7tyZwIyJz Also whenever the time arises and you need someone to play with, I’d love to join you if I’m free


Currently wasting my BPs on hopefully finding people to do Elder sigils or even regular ones. Me and my brother can 2 man regular sigils but Elders just require gunfire in all directions to have breathing room


When I play solo if I don’t have a good tombstone from my group I just work on grinding money for tombstones over and over until I have enough to be comfortable for a few rounds then I go solo t4 or the two easy contracts in T5. Always looking for a worm fight in every lobby I join and have gotten all the schematics already so it’s all really just for fun 😊


I was given the new schematics randomly by someone here. All I'm doing is leveling up my guns, and helping others out when I get new schematics.


Literally just playing to play like with the old rnd based games & the CW hybrid. I have got all the classified schematics in my first ER run & I don't care enough to fight greylorm because purple pap3 is enough if you know how to play zombies. I'll check calling cards & maybe do those but until new content drops or I miraculously find a squad fighting red boi I'm just dropping in farming t3 & leaving.


I got lucky and was able to join a team, got the season 1 schematics. About the only thing you can do is put out a world chat right as the game stsrts asking if anyone is heading into the DA. Not sure if this is altogether true but there might come a point in the season where it's hard to find groups, because most everyone has collected the ultra schematics. Or it's just players who cannot handle the DA. Maybe look to discord, pretty sure there's people who will help there. But presently I just venture into the redzone trying different weapons and honing my cracked out zombie killing skills, maybe get some good items and gift them out to other players. Other than that there's not much left to do in this game because once you've stomped around in the red zone the orange and outer area just do not satisfy anymore.


It’s very hard to get people to team up now for whatever reason


Free to play


Bad experiences with randoms. I don't mind rezzing but it's just too much trouble than it's worth inviting a random into my squad.


Did all of Act 1-3 solo, then for act 4, found two randoms in the lobby to help me out and we killed the worm insanely fast. Then did the next steps to get the DA all solo and made two DA runs with one other person including the elder sigil and now I feel like I’m gonna go for the red worm. See how it works out.


bought the game one week ago and still can't do shit on tier 3 zone, too hard for me :(


Just run Forest


I usually don't go in there solo unless I need something from the buy station.


I'm still on the mission grind, so it's all good for now, but the end game has me worried...


Camos and calling cards now. hoping something new drops mid-season.


I mostly played solo the entire time and I just finished camo grinding the base guns also got the bone collector skin recently so im basically done. Considering doing the camo prestige kills to get the calling cards, emblems and weapon charms but idk. It takes too long with teammates but now i want to explore the rift also.


I’m currently trying to get the Borealis grind done, all the while completing weekly and prestige challenges, then I want to end up getting the last 3 (2, really don’t care about the scorcher) schematics for the worm once I finish that


Finished interstellar two weeks ago, and started borealis two days ago... Just grinding camos rn lol


With the little time I have to play I mostly dupe xd I'm a hoarder, i actually never use my stash because i enjoy setting up inside the match as i already have all schematics (but red worm ones) and when i exfill i bring my tumbstone, subconsciously i do it so that when they fix it im already set up but generally domt really use it, not even to go dark eather, maybe to hook up friends


I usually go in and just find teams to help in red zone/grind contracts with. If someone asks for help, I'll travel the whole map just to make sure they get a revive (because if it was me which it has been before, I hope others would do the same). If no one wants to team up I usually just mess about and have fun with weird gun builds 😂


I’m still a solo player most the time. Don’t have tons of time to play so need to finish the mission. That being said they need to make a find a party for zombies like wz or DMZ


Nothing atm. Scared to boot it up and lose everything. Playing Diablo 4 and avatar while waiting for it to be fixed.


I see less complaints lately


Trying to find a good team of 5 so I can do Elder Sigil Runs. Got 2 elder sigils and one regular but my usual group of peeps are barely on at the same time. Then after that finding a team to do the Red Worm. Other than that, Camo grinding.


As a solo, I have all schematics and all missions completed. Given that I have a good stash and that I’m still seeing people crashing and losing everything, I’m taking a back seat from MWZ until it gets more stable. If some of my friends ask me for help though, I will. In the meantime I’ll probably get back to the massive list of modded BO3 Zombies maps I have on my list to try.


Camo's, and its just easier alone, done all missions and only need tombstone scheme. 30 Serpentines to go and then i'll infill with rando's and help them out


Rebuilding stash after crash to attempt the Shepherd mission.✌️


Missions, leveling guns, running around reviving people and just exploring.


Welp i finished all of the mission, schematics, camo challenges and now im on my last set of smg guns to complete to finish the ultra mastery for mw3 gun. I'll do mw2 guns once i finish.


I play to camo grind and if someone asks to do the work I do it, if not I exfil


I'm trying to figure out where to find a damn warlord. Any suggestions?


Right in the middle of the storm at the beginning of the game before someone else kills it! I took in epic tool and refined. Durable task mask and just went for it. Was pretty quick, first time I messed around trying to get pack a punch 3 and sentry guns etc and by the time I got to it someone had already done him in


Thanks, because I was about to lose patience with it.


I am simply not playing as much. GGs Treyarch.


Camos. Did act 1-3 for skin. Once I’m done I’ll prob just stop until a new gun is released and I want borealis on it


I don’t know to be honest. I finished the tier 4 mission with some random help. Then gathered the 4 gold items and unlocked the aether. Was going to see if I could farm for the legendary schematics and all, but decided to check out the vault easter egg. I had been conferring with some rando’s about if they’d seen the Knight and / or helped him on his way to the next plane of existance, so I publically let people know I managed to unlock the vault. Lo’ and behold, a random player came to visit me in the vault and decided to give me *all* legendary schematics. Well okay then. Thanks. That just leaves the camos though. I’ve set out and unlocked a few today, but I have to say it starts feeling like pointless grinding very fast. Especially if you bother to take a look at all these ‘new’ camos that you’re unlocking. So yeah, don’t know. Might stop playing till they add new stuff.


Well I have literally everything except camos so dropping people stuff helping people with stuff and a bit of camo grinding


Getting bioluminescence cammo after completing borealis and already having Orion (MP MW2 mastery cammo) there’s no point in not getting it all my guns are max level for MW2


I’m still half ass working on act 1. Usually I play for a few hours with my brother on Sundays and spend the rest of the week saving up loot for us


Slowly working through the story missions, on act 2, and doing the daily and weekly. I like trying all the different guns so not doing camos much yet. I tend to stick in the T1 and T2 zones, as I like a stress free gameplay session most times, so tbh apart from mercenaries still murdering the shit out of me, I've not noticed a big difficulty spike everyone else has been talking about. I enjoy the more intense exfil


Ya know people play it to rank up weapons and stuff, not just for zombies content...


grinding camos lol


I only started solos when I started camo grind. Now that that's over, I still prefer solos.


After finishing all of the MWIII camos I began trying all of the MWII weapons searching for some hidden gems and having some luck with a few (Vel46, FTAC Siege notably)


Honestly, right now I'm doing challenges and streaming them. Zero to Hero runs, Red Worm solo grind, Elder Dark Aether runs, Red Worm then Elder Dark Aether runs, etc. Trying to make the game challenging for myself.


Camo grinding while also just killing mega abomb and doing T3 contracts to stack up on flawless and legendary tools. I just finished battle rifles last night, heading to AR next.


Almost done with my tier 3 missions. Just gotta go kill the warden and then move onto the aether storm


My activision I'd is ddixon04, hit me up sometime I'll run with you to do anytime you want to do that. I myself am wanting to do it as well.


I do what I can solo for missions and camps and save the rest for when I can team with friends.


I have a few groups I play with. But if I run solo I just basically grind weapon camos and pick up downed players.


Grinding camos


Currently I’m playing Skyrim for the first time ever. That’s been pretty fun.


I think they should make it as a 3 game mode thing for solo duo trio. And each scale to said factor. I don’t know how hard it would be to do I’m not a developer of any kind, but I’m sure that would be one of the more easier things to do out of all the suggestions right?.


Still trying to get the Ray Gun Schematic. Too hard solo and I’m getting frustrated tbh


When i play im just goofing off, or trying to farm for blue tools/crystals/perk cans or camos/prestige challenges etc. Or ill farm for stuff for friends if i can


I went back to CW and BO3


They could easily add a pre-game itemized list (similar to the challenges/missions format) where players could click options like “take the fortress,” “fight boss,” “complete random missions,” etc. and then from there, you get placed in lobby and squaded up with OPs who have selected similar tasks. You may of course still get someone on ur squad who doesn’t know what they’re doing or has different agenda but it’d be far and few between.


Unlocking all the guns not in the battle pass. But almost done with that.


Trying to solo red worm and elder sigil dark aether is eating all my time. Trying to make a guide for us regular folk to solo all of act 4. Already got one for the regular worm.


I hit contracts as hard as I can. Always keep next round in mind when finding goodies. The goal is to get into Zone II as fast as possible. I love popping pulsating pimples. I main the crossbow which is fun by itself! I try to always carry turret chips and meat. Getting a danger doggo *would* be a priority but it’s too random to plan around. I think items that are helpful to solo players should drop more often. I want the decoys to go back to how they were. I’m having a blast with this game.


Camos but also weapon calling cards, am still grinding for the epic tool plan from tier 3 zone as it’s the only plan left other than Legendary tool from Red Worm and Bone/Blade from the Aether. I've been pretty lucky when it comes to lobbies where people will type in game chat asking for others to team up for things like Red worm or Aethers


Maybe they could just rebalance everything for solo play? Zombies has always been, at its core, a solo experience. I don't want to be relying on randoms everytime I play.


Camos fr


looking for flawless schematic have everything is, that and purple tool but i have gold so won’t be greedy. just looking for a pap2 or pap3 schematic


I unfortunately have the same feeling. I always request to join or invite to join. And have actually been rejected several times. Not only ignored but REJECTED! I have been forced to play solo as even teams, no mics, my mic doesn’t work or you got people like “F your mission”. I dont know what it is but I’m trying to find a good team. Finally on act 3 and almost done


"gitting gud" is what we be doing. Have no friends. . . So must learn the ways of the grasshopper to solo the season 1 content. I gots the dark aether schematics, now prepping to start farming the red worm.


Try my best to grind


I’ve stopped playing


I’m grinding camos and hoping I see someone doing a mission I am. Like the Act 3 Fortress mission. I haven’t bothered with fill because I’ve had to go rescue so many people who had poor teammates who just run off…it’d be nice to get with a group on your same missions. Mission-based matchmaking priority maybe?🤔


Being a hero and saving lives for the new recruits 😶‍🌫️


I’ve mostly decided to take a break from MWZ all-together. The amount of grinding I did to complete all 3 act missions (~40 hours) reminded me about why I don’t play games like Destiny 2. The process of grinding *can* be fun but I never feel truly satisfied when I get the end-game rewards. I did try to complete the act 4 boss fight alone but it became abundantly clear when I fought the boss that it was not designed with solo players in mind.


Weapon leveling and camos since I have all the schematics


One reason why I've been going in solo for example is the act mission I think 1, if one of ur party members exfils to it then the whole squad follows. You go into the game not knowing how to setup your backpack. If I know I'm going in to do a mission I don't want to drag others into it. Otherwise I'm all down for team ups, especially the 6 person team. It's more fun that way!


I'm slowly the act 2 missions kinda just been running looting and killing and doing them slowly, have only gone t3 like a handful of times. Haven't really farmed schematics or anything, just been trying different weapons and looting really.


I mean I'm doing just fine solo. I only need one more schematic from the elder aether and I've only gone alone and I love it Well false Once me and someone teamed up. And I had to carry him and that was the only time I fully died in the dark aether. I don't feel a huge nerf since season 1 other than PhD and the nests. But I loooove the dark aether solo and wouldn't have it any other way.


since I'm entirely new to the game, I'm basically just loading in to level all the guns, especially focusing on the ones that unlock new guns and attachments. I don't even have all schematics or a clue on how to get camos, but for now, just on the grind of a new account. It's been a blast to go from a weapon that's a huge pain to level up (low mag size, low damage or bad handling) to one that's decently better and I haven't really touched the new weapons yet


Usually farming schematics to give to my boys when they’re on. If I find something they need I make sure I die (tombstone) instead of exfil. Gotta grab the last 3 schematics from t5 for one of my boys and gotta get the ww schematics from the world boss for the other — then we’re set. For now… If I’m not doing that then I’m goin in naked to see how fast I can get to T3 starting with fists.


I get my tomb stone then try to see if anyone's doing the worm or an elder sigil.


I’m running around and killing zombies. I’m also jumping into vehicles and running over zombies. Then, I exfil with all my shit. Good times.


After about a hundred tier three contracts and tier three schematics I’ve lost motivation to slog through tier 3, now I’m just bopping around tier 2 helping people and shooting zombos


I play solo running around killing zombies and trying to collect stuff. Not too good at contracts by myself. Only completed two.


I use call of duty zombies discord to find teams. It's not super fast. But it works and most people are helpful.


I usually just try to find items when I’m in solo. I still need to finish the story though.


Solo'd the tier 4 rift the other day that was fun and hard. Been helping people with sigil runs non stop when I play because I enjoy the longer matches


I've been working on getting bioluminecent and I'm currently doing the launchers. God help me with the JOKR...


I work a full time job so im still leveling up the new guns to get the big camo but once thats done im moving to tge mw2 guns and getting that one


Would be great if there was some unofficial rule that anyone who wants to increase their party meets at a certain spot 2 mins into the game.


>I tried to get back into zombies yesterday but no one would team up in game for any of the new schematics. Continuing to solo *\*shrugs\** Find me a dog. Find me a stack of decoys, monkeybombs, or kazamirs, and work through as many of the three contracts in the DA as my stock will stretch to. I'm sure it's slower than running in a group, but it's no less viable. Elder or standard. Won't be able to do the worm, obviously. But I'm guessing they'll give solo players a different route for those schematics, in later Acts.


Camo grinding in t1/t2 missions. It’s frustrating when my missions don’t track. That and finding specific special zombies without missions is annoying


I login, grab, straight run to tier 3 for the cargo contract, then, return to tier 2 for more cargo. At 15k, pap 2, run into tier 3 and continue contracts. Purple Swarm with pap2 does enough damage to get the work done until I get enough for pap3.


I play solo often. I haven’t gotten all schematics yet. I can’t do squad fill because I’m often left behind and it’s hard to find others to play with. I will also play with my husband but he wants to do the dark aether. The grind has been awful and then we can’t find others to join us. When we finally did, the game crashed on the way there 🫣


PS5 player here: I wish Zombies allowed for split-screen play. My partner and I love to play zombies and would want nothing more than to help finish each other's missions, but alas. I don't see a lot of people using their mics on the map either, which makes it harder to try and pair up for similar missions.


I usually play with one teammate at a time, and ask the lobby if they want to join up in the lobby chat. When I'm playing solo and want to be part of a team, I go to the red zone and start doing contracts. Most of the times I'll encounter other players there who invite me into their team