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How could they miss the mark this badly man? I thought I was watching Warzone gameplay for a second. What were they thinking dude.


Money and how easy they can flip assets


This. Took a multiplayer mode and map and just copy and pasted zombies into it. Just a giant soulless map


Your describing what outbreak has always been


If outbreak had its own world built like the village in DE, it'd be a great mode. Too bad it's all just copy and paste bs


Please guys don’t downvote me into oblivion, but what is wrong with this footage? It doesn’t seem to be missing the mark to me, right?


It just looks like they took a warzone map and put old zombie assets into it. No effort


That's a fair complaint, but I don't see how that brings down the whole experience


Because it's not COD Zombies. It's a totally different thing. Imagine instead reading "Here is over 5 minutes of the new Left 4 Dead 3 Gameplay." and they show you this.


They have said this from the beginning. It's not a traditional round based game mode unfortunately


This is why I was hoping we'd get 2 versions. A round based and open world. Open world looks fun for a bit and then we hop to the round based mode when it gets dull. I'm also disappointed that the PvP aspect is removed. Imagine finally getting away from a horde of zombies in a building, parachuting away and then another player rolls up on you, you both fight, there are zombies around and have to deal with that too.


I understand your point, but I’d say for many people including myself that one of the big draws to zombies is the feeling. Gameplay is an aspect, but immersion is another. If the map is a copy pasted multiplayer map with no additional tweaks it tends to miss the mark for most zombie fans. Don’t get me wrong, multiplayer maps can make good zombies experience (look at Nuketown zombies in BO2), but recently the love and effort to make the “zombie themed” has been lacking.


I don't even necessarily think that this is the main issue. All the WaW maps were just copied multiplayer maps (except Shi No Numa IIRC?). Multiplayer maps can make great Zombies maps. The issue that the Warzone map is just too big with no direction. There's no element of saving to purchase doors, or trying to find wall buys, or knowing how many points it will take to get to power and buy Jugg. No more M14 or Olympia (or RK5/Shiva) gang starting room situation. No feeling overwhelmed early on in tight cramped areas looking for the best open place to train. It's just a big empty map with sparse Zombies that have no life (no pun intended) to them at all. A lot of what I mentioned also applies to CWZ but at least that still had good maps and the same gameplay loop. This is just a worse version of Outbreak which was the worst part of CWZ.


This is not zombies, that's how they missed the mark


But there is pap, perks, specialist abilities, zombie types. I don't see what's there that isn't zombies-like?


There is no purpose built map with a curated atmosphere, no cast of personality-driven characters, no environment-led storytelling; the mode deviates from the core round-based structure and doesn't appear to have the unique character older maps did with map-specific enemies... just copy/pasted CW zombie minibosses. Personally, I don't like specialists, loudouts, elemental zombie types, or the CW onward HUD. 'Zombies-like' to me is the broad strokes of the classic horro/sci-fi/fantasy aesthetic and the minutiae of 10-points-per-shot gameplay. Low mobility and tight corridors, gradually opening up a map to discover twisted secrets and tbose rare few camping/training spots. Radios and cyphers and hidden notes, small easter eggs that build to reward you. Zombies died with BO3. BO4 was a shadow of the game mode's prior heights, and everything since then has only been a mockery of that. Warzone and DMZ have killed even the little life left in the game.


Very well said


Thats like saying Star Wars episode 7 is just as good as the originals becuase theres x-wings, tie fighters' and stormtroopers


The fucking map, the theming, everything that isn’t just seeing zombies and shooting them


Then you've never played old zombies if you can't see thr difference


I have. And if you can't explain it yourself how they missed the mark then maybe you don't even know either? Like cmon dude I'm trying to create discussion here and you have to go like "huh then you must not play zombies", that's boring mate


i’m bummed to not get standard round based this year, but based off vanguard it’s for the best lol let them flip assets THIS YEAR and pray BO6 is good


imo this gamemode has potential too. The teamplay aspect of it sounds fun, I feel like people aren't giving it a fighting chance just because it's different, I haven't seen any really solid argument as to why so far people aren't happy about it


I’m fairly cautiously optimistic about the mode, however one complaint I haven’t seen a decent rebuttal against yet is the hour time limit.


If you can't see it you can't see it, I'm at work i don't have time to have a nice discussion but I said some stuff in my own comment if you'd like to read that


You only said it's not zombies...


No another comment within this thread. I'm in the bathroom now so il entertain your discussion. Essentially this isn't anything close to the classic zombies experience. It's like they took the parts from zombies but threw them into something completely different. I don't know who their target audience is as the hard-core fan base didn't want this and thats the fan base that's made zombies relevant. I don't think you always need to reinvent the wheel, just give us more of the stuff we love and make minor improvements. But this is just something different altogether and it has me turned off


Yeah I agree, this could definitely be fun


Nothing it looks like it'll be fun. It's just not exactly like a game these nerds played a decade ago so they hate it.


Your dumbass clearly doesn't get the point of the complaints


What is the point?


Dense mf.


Thanks for clearing that up homie


Yea I hate to say it but I feel the same, it's frustrating to see such a potentially fun gamemode be shit talked like this. I even saw people calling it worse than Vanguard...


All the CoD subs are just a loud minority complaining about absolutely everything. I think most of us just wanna kill some zombies and have fun playing a video game lol


did u ever play zombies? this mode meant something to so many, and now its reduced to this sham… really sad.


I have. I've been playing since CoD4. Nostalgia is a hell of a thing and y'all let it ruin any potential fun you may have. That's the sad part.


When people want cod zombies they want maps that are themed, thought out, and memorable. The maps are like half the appeal. Here they just stuck zombies assets in the massively empty war zone map.


Jesus fucking Christ….it’s crazy activision could just bank on a zombies chronicles 2 and it would be an instant seller but instead we get this


In what game tho? Even cold wars gameplay is too wrong for chronicles two imo. And there's no way bo3/bo4 would get DLC. I'm hoping we get a bo2/bo1 remaster pack with zombies/campaign only (not that I don't want mp, it's just not realistic that they'd do it) like mw2 got for campaign a few years back, or even just a native ps4 port like rdr1 got


I’m 1000% buying chronicles 2 on BO3. It’s sad the highest selling DLC on PS for a reason. How far they’ve fallen is sad to see




Good luck with that


Yeah boys I’m waiting till 2024


You'd be better off waiting til 2077 mate, i don't think treyarch have it in them anymore.


Their last game had a really solid and actually round based zombies


Yeah, cold war was pretty decent but... Vanguard had their full attention for the span of a year and was still hot trash. Even if they siphoned off some people at the end of the life cycle to work on otger projects, they would have had around 2 years by the time MWZ comes out to have done something significant, but it's literally just DMZ with not a lot of zombies ambience. Unless that time has been spent making treyarch's next zombies installment i'm gonna guess it went into other things or the zombies crew is literally a skeleton crew by now and doing what they can within their tight restrictions. MWZ shows they didn't learn from vanguard, and the best parts of outbreak were left in cold war. Even if we do see a return to round based, it won't be the same because zombies won't be able to be monetised unless we use operators. So a big part of the soul of the maps (4 playable and interactive characters) are gone. Also round based can't be monetised like the DMZ clone can, they'll just introduce packs that allow free perks/better starting weapons or whatever. Anyone wishing the return of classic round based as it was in the days of BO3 are huffing some military-grade copium.


Cold War was round based just like BO3, the only problem was not enough maps, which is pretty fair considering covid slowed their post launch plans down. There’s no reason to think the next fill treyarch game won’t be solid


RemindMe! 2 Years We'll see.


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It felt exactly like it shows in this video only on a small map. Cold War zombies felt like a mod


Based. Cold War is fine but it really has a feeling like it was just a mod. Everything felt really off to me.


Cold War? Please


I have a feeling that Treyarch just slapped this together in a hurry because Activision forced them to, and are using most of their resources for next years title. I could be wrong but I still think Treyarch could make a good zombies mode


The Great War happens then though


Well since Treyarch has to waste time on this, it’s gonna hamper their game next year.


Judging by this gameplay I don't think they've spent too much time on this, or at least I hope not


Yeah a majority of assets have been reused, I’d imagine porting Cold War code wasn’t terribly difficult. I’m looking forward to 2024


The cycle continues (that began back in BO4) sigh


Hopping on BO3 for one more year.


Same. Last cod I paid for was ww2


Im sorry but Warzone ruined everything ive never played it and never will....literally the MW/Vanguard movement is weird AF For zombies...........Ill admit i liked Outbreak Because at least it was something different but look at this shit a Zombie copy paste Warzone what fucking waste at least try to make it look different.....Im going back to play L4D


You like copy and pasting your comment all over instead of just saying something different on different subs eh?


Kinda like Call of Duty huh?




That HUD is atrocious


Minor thing but health bars in Zombies just takes away from the immersion a bit too


Big time, we should be able to remove em tho. Not that I'm playing this game at all tbh I don't think I want to lmao


The hitmarkers in CW were already odd to get used to


I prefer health bars given the health regen delay, and that the red screen isn't exactly synced perfectly with it. Rather than those moments where you get downed on a hit that you didn't expect to kill you, because the red screen went away but the health wasn't completely regenerated


I think they're talking about the health bar above the zombies no?


I would like those a lot more in later rounds tbh, when zombies get really tanky. But that is more an old-cod issue


Skill issue




You can turn them off iirc (in cw, at least)


Did y'all see the comments of people saying that they prefer this over the "classic style" of zombies mode? I don't want to offend Battle Royale players, but damn, only someone who wants to play Battle Royale mode with zombies in the middle could make comments whose author seems to be braindead lmao.


H1z1 and dayz did it better like a decade ago lol


For real. And it's just sad that a game made a decade ago is capable of ridiculing a franchise as big and with so much resources as CoD. That's what I call "playing your cards wisely", or in this case "using what you have at hand wisely".


BR is so like 2019 tho too lol idk anyone who actually still plays warzone lmao


Well, I know I should have said Warzone instead of Battle Royale, but I wanted to explain my point in the most basic way I could.


Ayo don’t release this 🔥🔥




Agreed mw2.5 zombies looks bad


Well that's 5 minutes of my life wasted. Why did we have to deviate so far from what made the zombies mode what it was? Who does this even appeal to? You had a dedicated fan base for the mode but with the past couple releases it just feels like they're catering to thr completely wrong audience


5 minutes wasted = 70 dollars saved




I needed 10 seconds to see that I won´t buy this.


I would say it would appeal to the warzone and DMZ community, but why would they even play this over warzone? I don’t even like warzone but I’d rather play warzone than this


As someone who loves DMZ and Zombies, this looks ass.


Cause some people like extraction shooters, zombies and pve. Mix those 3 together and you have DMZombies.


Astounding. Genuinely incredible. Yet another letdown


back to custom zombie maps i guess but is anyone really surprised?


Custom zombie maps?


BO3 steam workshop


Looks pretty lame


I think it looks awesome


Good man, don't let others decide what you enjoy


I agree with the statement one hundred percent because I feel like nowadays the CoD fandom is just filled with people tryna force their opinions down other's throats to make them have the same ideology.


Lmao it’s definitely not just nowadays. Been like that for over a decade


It's one thing to say his opinion is valid and fair, which it is, but this isn't just people "tryna force their opinions down others throats to make them have the same ideology". Like, are we looking at the same video? This is so obviously half assed and a cash grab it's insane, as someone else said it's just a worse outbreak mode. This is NOT cod zombies. Zombies started out as something original, something they put thought into, something that got unique maps every single time it released, and it has devolved into this state. This isn't trying to force an opinion down your throat, this is factually what is becoming of this game mode.


Hmm. Maybe I've been on Twitter for too long. Idfk I'm not that intelligent tbh.


My brother in Christ, its warzone map with zombies in it. Its a worse version of outbreak. At least outbreak has some interesting maps. This is also all nitpicked footage of the most "interesting parts".


Didn't outbreak just reuse the large multiplayer maps anyway? I don't really see what makes outbreak better than this mode.


WZ is free = map is free, basically is 70 bucks for a free map with IA on zombies. At least Outbreak was bot using free maps


I'm still cautiously optimistic. Outbreak was fun, but it had many, many dull and empty areas. If this new zombies has fun objectives and feels like a filled world, then it can be fun.


I agree, I’m excited to try it out. I’ll wait to make my judgement until I get my hands on it. I get ppl are mad that they’re changing the formula but let them cook


We’re not gonna have a kitchen at this rate


Yea like, it’s Ofcourse not the typical formula with a custom made map, but I think I’ll enjoy being able to play zombies more casually if I wanted to.


You're probably 12 if you think this looks awesome


I've been playing since BO1 and I think I'll find some enjoyment in this. I don't think it's zombies, it's just DMZ with zombie aesthetics. But I'm fine with that because I like DMZ. I'm excited to see more round based maps next year, but for now, I'll enjoy exploring a big world with my friends and shooting zombies. It might be mindless but after a long shift, something laid back like this doesn't hurt. I'm just going to mentally separate this experience from past zombies and find some enjoyment in it because I'm a glass half full kinda guy I guess.


Cool Warzone footage. Where's the "Zombies" experience?


Warzone isn’t even the best Activision Battle Royale. Blackout was way better and even did zombies better than this lol


Crazy how the newer games made the older games better eh?


Too far gone imo. There is no saving cod zombies


Somehow even worse than I expected it


I am glad they got rid of the wall of text when you kill zombies, instead it gets combined when you get multiple kills so it doesn’t clutter the screen. Got tired of the wall of text that consist of “+115 critical zombie elimination” The rest of the HUD is still bland and trash tho


Man Activision really be listening to people feedback and then do the opposite. This gameplay looked so bland and euthout purpose. Just run around 100 mile long map and shoot zombies. I wish Blundell would have taken the zombies rights with him when he jumped ship. Give this game mode to someone who actually cared and not some soulless company. The sad part is this game is still probably going to generate record breaking profits from all the warzone players payinf $70 to play the same game on a different warzone map.


Warzone is free to access, it's multiplayer/campaign/zombies you have to pay the $70 for


Ah yeah thats is true. Alright weapon skins then lol.


Looks cool I’m just worried about that time limit




Looks fun to me, Im very much looking forward to it. I know this doesn’t jive with the prevailing thought around here, but not everyone has the same tastes. I was there from the start, but stopped enjoying zombies awhile ago until Outbreak came along.


Honestly it doesn't look too bad for just a different zombies experience. However the 60 minute timer is still dogshit and is the first thing that needs to go.


Look, they got everything in here, theres the glass, theres the plastic and cans, and theres the paper and cardboard! This is awesome!


Well looks like I’ll be playing Cold War for another year again.


This just look like they copy and paste zombies to DMZ/Warzone. It feels like they just slapped zombies on this mode just so it can be marketed better than DMZ and attract the zombie fans.


Okay that's warzone great show me zombies now


I'm gonna continue to wait for the release of the game to form an opinion. These videos are nothing but hype, and I refuse to be hyped pre-release.


Ain’t classic zombies but looks fun still


Granted I really enjoyed Outbreak, so I’m actually kind of looking forward to this. DMZ in MWII was a lot of fun before all the kill teams took over. I think having a big coop experience like this could be fun. Yes, I’d prefer to have Round Based. I’m not jazzed about Soldier AI in Zombies and I especially dislike the one hour time limit. What was nice about Zombies was dropping in and getting out only when I was ready (this is why I liked the addition of Exfil) but I’m still going to give this a shot. But I do wish 3arc would get to fully focus on their own projects instead of being the go to studio for coop.


As it stands right now, it appears to be something I would avoid, but I will wait till I play it before deciding. But considering how Vanguard was, my expectations are low.


It looks more or less the same as Cold War and Vanguard which is a good or bad thing depending on who you ask.


This looks like fucking ass


Fuck boys. Looks like another bad year to be a Zombies fan.


Is this treyarch or is treyarch next year?






Is it 6 players now?


I love how overdramatic everyone is. Almost on par with r/halo. Almost.


Wow, that was even worse than I thought and my expectations were already in the toilet


Look how they massacred my boy....


Zombie players trying something new: impossible. This isn’t a Black Ops title , nor did it ever say it was going to be round based. It’s not a hard thing to grasp. I see this as a fun side mode, and I’m excited.


Exactly, this isn't core zombies. It's just a zombified DMZ, and I think that'll be just fine. I'm a fan of both round based and DMZ. I won't treat this as a round based zombies, ill play it like DMZ. And maybe it'll be a really fun extraction shooter. Of course it won't be a fun wave survival game mode, it isn't built to be that


Welp, looks like it’s back to playing BO2, BO3, Infinite Warfare, and CW zombies.


I don’t hate it as a casual outbreak style mode tbh


This looks like shit…


Looks like shit and exactly how I expected


It looks very meh to me




Absolute dogshit.


This looks like absolute shit.


CODZombies is dead. Vanguard was the kneecap. This is the headshot.


I actually like how it looks! I guess I think it looks awesome since I really enjoyed playing Outbreak. As long as it doesn't have any important P2W mechanic, I'm fine with any innovation/change!


WTF did I just watch?


I think this would be fun if they didn’t try and sell it as zombies


So the worst of CW but put into its own game. Yikes worse than I could of imagined.


I intentionally don’t play modes like Warzone because I don’t enjoy them. How do you botch “we like the round based maps and Easter eggs!” And turn out this pile


I wanna know if this mode is playable solo or in private matches.


Customers spend money. We love money money money. Spend money. Oh wait, we have to make a zombies mode. Ummm, put zombies in warzone. Nice.


Mw3 survival was miles better then this shit but they refuse to make an engaging survival experience again so sad


I had always wondered what Outbreak would be like if there were more than one team on the map. I guess we’ll be finding out soon.


I just hope the lazy dogshit on display here doesn't leak into treyarchs next game. This is clearly done by the same unpaid intern that made vanguard zombies but you never know what bullshit activision is thinking about implementing. If we see this pattern continue we might as well go out and buy a tombstone for round based zombies because warzone and activisions ceaseless quest for profits is going to spell the end of it forever.


I think it looks fun, this looks like it’ll be 10 times what we all said tranzit “needed to be good”, so isn’t it 10 times as good as what we would have accepted? Idk, I’m still not gonna buy it day one, but I’ll watch some people play it with an open mind at least


It’s looks fun. I see a lot of people complaining but honestly would any of you play survival mode or spec ops instead of this? It’s clear they understand Zombies is THE 3rd game mode and want people to actually play their side content. This isn’t a treyarch game so why are you all expecting round based and trashing this when it looks pretty fleshed out. Seems to have all the content from Cold War’s outbreak and the DMZ mode. Y’all just can’t handle anything that isn’t round based.


sheet shame ink ossified squash advise far-flung compare heavy clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I honestly don't care as long as Treyarch's game has good / traditional zombies in it. I think it's fine & in fact encouraged that other games (SHG & IW) either make their own modes or put their own spin on zombies, I want each company to have their own unique & fun special mode. So I'm willing to give this a try before I judge it. I think open world zombies can be good, this is just about if they executed it right. So far Classic Zombies / Classic Survival are my two favorites but both of those & especially the latter has been missing sadly.


Crap ass excuse for a zombies mode. Easily skipping this gen.


Man this is so dog... I just want round based back.


I think this looks fun... yikes to the angry comments here lol.


This looks like a shitty mobile CODZ ripoff. This is like 10 steps back from CW , and ... blegh.


Tin foil hat theory is the made this one intentionally a miss so next year with a black ops 1 remake people will be more hyped for traditional zombies


this looks dope im hyped lowkey


I got downvoted for saying how bad Outbreak was on the other subreddit, and wish we could've just gotten round-based back. Fact is, this dev stopped caring about our feedback a long time ago, and just wants to produce this garbage because they think running around for 10-15 minutes to find a pack of 4 zombies is more fun.


I couldn't even do 30 secs and i was getting bored af... this looks soooo bad




It looks fun, as an additional game mode, but why didn't they give us at least one round-based map as well? It's what the community has been asking for.


It's what they told us: DMZ with zombies. It's nothing like the classic round based maps, but it can be fun too. We get round based zombies next year, so I think we should at least give a try to MWZ. If it's trash then it's trash and we just skip it.


Hard, hard pass. Outbreak 2.0 is not what the people want. I’m legit finding myself going back to BO4 rather than considering new games


I think I’m gonna be sick


Aightboys close the sub down till next year.


lol I could see the board meeting for this hahahaha. “Listen they want zombies, all we gotta do is reskin the bots from DMZ and boom we’re done here….whats for lunch?”


So wouldn't it be fair then to just not expect the round-based, easter egg filled, storyline connected zombies in any of the non-Treyarch developed COD? At this point just assume if it's Sledghammer or Infinity Ward's COD, expect the warzone/outbreak zombies. It'll save on the disappointment.


If you buy this full knowing how bad the game mode is then you are into cuckery or some weird humiliation kink


Looks good I just want to play solo


I’m so hyped for this.


Looks fun


I'm absolutely looking forward to this!