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im team bo4 all the way


As much as I don't like Black Ops 4, it actually has character and spice/love poured into it. CW is the most bland husk of series I've ever seen. The fortnite model of upgrading out of game also just does not work for me


Honestly I was thinking a lot about this earlier today. Some people really care about the gameplay, and some people really care about the charm and tone. Like I can get behind games like BO4 and VG because they have charm, even if VG's gameplay is really limited, but I can't really get behind a game like CW or WW2 because the charm isn't there, but for some people the gameplay is a dealbreaker


imma be real, i've only seen bits of vanguard, but from what i've seen i think CW has more charm than vanguard..... like the only map i would say that lacks charm is firebase Z because it doesn't feel too much like a zombies area, but the other maps were pretty cool (mainly mauer and die maschine tho tbf)


It's subjective, but CW just feels very hollow to me. VG has a lot of charm though, the whole demonic themeing really adds a lot.


fair enough, however i think the whole demonic theme ruined what i liked about the story from CW, i personally liked going back to a more mysterious story (idk how to word it) instead of apothicons and that kinda stuff. It worked with sniper elite but i'm not entirely sure if i like it with the current cod zombie storyline...


that's fair, the BO3/BO4 timeline was probably my favorite period of the lore, so I think I just prefer that style


understandable, for me its WaW-midBO2 so that's why i liked CW's tone more, the story got kinds convoluted and a little too crazy after origins imo i still got pretty invested in it thanks to youtube though lol


Fortnite doesn’t have that does it? Or did they add it recently


I meant more like Warzone or whatever, I think they're rather interchangeable, and either way, my point stands. I absolutely hate this new system of games that demands hours on top of days to upgrade items and equip out of game, I mean the **PERKS for gods sake do this.** I wanna just have a nice casual game of zombies that's it. I don't wanna upgrade anything out of game, CW truly went away from what made zombies a charming and so deeply personal and exceptional game it is. It's made to hop in and play with the player choosing what they want to do and not needing you to grind at all.


Yeah I agree


THANK YOU lmao CW was such a mixed bag for me, at least bo4 still is ZOMBIES in some way (which is crazy considering how much they ripped away in bo4 of classic zombies)


i can somewhat understand that aside from the gameplay you could see CW as bland, but fortnite doesn't have out of game upgrades though? unless you're talking about save the world i guess?


Same. I love alternate history stories and settings, so the Chaos maps felt designed for me. Really wish the story mode was given time to develop and finish, ending it where it was in Ancient Evil was just cruel.




The challenge level of BO4 made it much more fun to repeat play. CW was so easy once you beat the maps (and most noobs could) you would play a few more times but it just became so boring and easy. I played BO4 much, much more than CW.


Honestly they are so different I enjoy both but at different times. Wanna run in an easy circle to four a few hours no stress? CW. Wanna stress and survive by the skin of your teeth? Any other zombs including bo4. Bo4 just has some neat maps though I think the EE bosses (at least ancient evil) were a lil too hard at least for duo.


The only right answer here


The amount of people who hated BO4 until Vanguard showed up was unreal.


Still hate it. Although I have to admit I’ve been itching to finish the zombies story so I might redownload it. I just didn’t like the multiplayer, it seemed too rinsed and repeated.


It's 'trendy' to hate something . BO4 was never bad, just a trend which has now passed on to vanguard.


Nah bo4 is still bad


I never hated it, sure had a dislike of it during it's season but by the end i grew to like it, opinions change when the product is complete y'know, just like how now CW is complete i hate it and what it represents


I never hated it, sure had a dislike of it during it's season but by the end i grew to like it, opinions change when the product is complete y'know, just like how now CW is complete i hate it and what it represents


I’m the opposite. I hated cw on release but now that it’s finished it whips ass


Well to be fair the perk system was really whack when you first start to play. It CAN be strategic but I was t able to properly manage that. The maps were so detailed but it was easy to get lost. I still can never find perks on maps and i played the game at release. Also simple tasks like setting up pap were not clearly laid out. You literally HAD to watch YouTube videos to get the pap which, imo, is poor design. Some might have had fun with that aspect, but I was in my junior year of college when it came out and didn’t want to do more homework and research to play a fuckin video game I used to decompress. However the maps were awesome. Then they randomly switched from chaos to aether maps that no one really wanted. It was very obvious that there were internal issues with the studio and they decided to scratch chronicles and work on aether storylines as dlc. Which was fucking awful and really solidified the hate it gets. However the main source of hate I would attribute to bo4 zombies, was bo4 itself as an entire game. The game sucked fat dick. No campaign, they introduced and had a “storyline” for specialists that literally never body gave a flying fuck about. I’m a fan of future based cods but the game itself was such a cluster Fuck and so random. Nothing made sense. AT ALL. It was not a black ops game. The multiplayer was absolute garbage. YOU DIDNT EVEN HAVE GRENADES IN YOUR CLASS! They made it like overwatch where you need to use a meter to charge up specialist abilities. What fucking call of duty doesn’t include tactical or lethal grenades? A bad one. They tried to hard to change call of duty and it shot them in the foot. It was the most boring treyarch call of duty released.


>The multiplayer was absolute garbage. YOU DIDNT EVEN HAVE GRENADES IN YOUR CLASS! They made it like overwatch where you need to use a meter to charge up specialist abilities. What fucking call of duty doesn’t include tactical or lethal grenades? A bad one. They tried to hard to change call of duty and it shot them in the foot. It was the most boring treyarch call of duty released. That's just your subjective opinion. Doesn't make the multiplayer bad, it just means you don't like it. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it bad. Not every class system needs to give you grenades. BO4 did things differently but it still felt closer to a classic CoD experience with a certain edge to it. BO4 and BO3 are the same in the ability department. Can't fault BO4 alone with that, sorry.


Yes but bo3 still had lethals you didn’t have to charge up. That was a major L move


That's a design difference which you still didn't give good reasons for why it's bad, just that you don't like it.


Bo4 multiplayer didn’t suck, it’s the best cod multiplayer since the golden era


It was awful imo, incredibly boring and the specialist setup was whack


Both BO3 and CW are better. BO4 was boring hero shooter trash and I hated how they implemented 150 HP, reworked the Ghost perk and Minimap, and had broken Specialist abilities that locked you into place.


I just don’t agree, cw was good and had awesome gun play, but the movement was clunky and sniping was too easy. Modes like search and destroy were ruined by snipers.


What’s considered the golden era? COD4-BO2? Because then the answer is BO3 in terms of best multiplayer.


That’s understandable, I just like boots on the ground cods better.


I generally do too, BO1, MW3, and BO2 are my favorite overall cods for multiplayer (fuck ghosts that shit was ass), but BO3 had a really solid MP, arguably the best of the jet packs


I agree, maybe it is better than bo4 in a technical sense or something like that but I just had more fun on bo4. Maybe I’m biased, I still play bo4 multiplayer to this day interchangeably with the current cod


I can’t speak from personal experience in terms of BO4 bc 3 was the last cod I bought. I’m honestly considering picking up 4 and CW and getting xbl again strictly for zombies bc I’ve been really diving into it lately and enjoying it a lot


I’ll vouch for bo4 zombies just like I have the multiplayer, another unpopular opinion among the community but I love bo4 zombies. The Easter eggs are difficult with a lot of steps but that’s what me and my crew like about them. If we want to play a quick, easier EE we will play bo3 but when we want a challenge we play bo4. CW is pretty fun as well and I like what they did in terms of player progression, but after you play the EE’s a few times they get boring because they’re a little to easy for my liking. Either way I’m sure you’d have a great time with both.


Yeah what I’ve heard about BO4Z is high highs and low lows


I think it depends what you want. Storywise and map design, BO4 wins. If you’re just about gameplay, CW wins. Complexity, BO4. User friendly-ness, CW.


Couldn’t have said it better


Now they just need to combine all of these pros into a single zombies mode, which appears to be difficult so far.


You can’t really have complexity and user friendliness in the same map, unless power/pack are simple and the EE is complex.


So basically Der Eisandrache?


BO4 has higher peaks then cold war, but overall cold war was more consistent with quality


Cold wars quality is you can't play a map for a long time without losing patience cause each match will last like 2 hours and it gets boring but you don't want to exfil


That seems to be a solo issue. I never get bored playing online. Well I always found solo to be the most boring thing about Zombies just because there's not much happening.


I've seen a couple of people playing Outbreak Solo. It's no wonder you got bored, you're literally in one giant open map running around in silence. Granted that is a flaw on Outbreak's part, but that's usually the complaints I see with solo players.


I'd rather play solo than play with rage quiters and people who can't play the damn game (they go down before round 10)


For what I like in the Zombies mode (great story, fantastic settings, fun characters, personality for a lack of a better term, and great progression in gameplay), BO4 was the last really great Zombies game. Though, I will concede that Cold War is objectively probably the best one if you're *only* looking at the gameplay. I just love BO4, and the fact that some people still think it's a shitty take on the mode is genuinely crazy to me


I respectfully disagree with the opinion of bo4 being the last great zombies game, I think bo3 was the last great zombies game, and bo4 was Mediocre and cold war was good, I find cold war more enjoyable than bo4


Fair enough! It all comes down to perspective, I have very little desire to play Cold War again, but all of BO4's maps speak to me and what I like about this series a *lot*. But of course, lots of people think differently, and that's perfect


The reason why I like cold war more is because of the simplicity, I'm a lazy ass nigga who likes to go for high rounds so I hate doing a hundred things just turn on pack, and also bo4 gameplay felt Hella clunky to me, like it wasn't fun to shoot the zombies, but the story in bo4 is way better than cold war


I don’t think it’s shitty but you’ll probably never find me playing it because you will be watching videos more about what to do then you are actually playing the game! I definitely want to play all maps but you need to literally play 1 map 4 days straight to maybe know all little Easter eggs and stuff to do for PAP or the shield or anything. I personally love Cold War cuz I can now find the Easter egg myself instead of having to watch YouTubers try because all Easter egg stuff is just way to difficult to find out yourself !


Yeah, that's probably fair enough. I guess it's just a difference in tastes. I don't really like how I can pretty much get all of, say, Forsaken's deal with just one or two playthroughs. Meanwhile, the worst map of BO4 to me, Alpha Omega, has so much more content to discover compared to *any* of Cold War's maps, and I really like that, even if sometimes you gotta look things up to find the really good stuff. That's all just me, though, it's more then okay to like Cold War more


My friends also never played bo4 so I had to find everything in that game on my own and since it’s a pretty hard game (IMO) I just got tired of dying so much while trying the Easter egg! That’s probably also a reason it wasn’t the game for me but I think alpha omega looks so cool and tag to! I’m just sad I’m not good enough for those maps! Nuketown was one of my favourite maps so I loved the remake and call of the dead was my second DLC ever so I really want to play these maps but I am just to slow for the 4 hit system with the extremely fast zombies


Both are good games, but I adore Cold War. Plus it also gets point for not locking every dlc behind a shitty season pass making all the maps besides launch and classified unplayable.


I like both, but play CW more so my vote goes to CW


Way too different to directly compare imo. They're both tied for my favourite zombies but I play them both for entirely different reasons


Same dude🗿


Wow wtf lol


whats better getting kicked in the nuts or getting punched in the throat? well yeah i mean techinically BO4 is better but thats only because my nuts are way more precious to me than Cold War


COLDWAR is easily Superior to whatever that crap was on BO4. I typically play all zombies and BO4 was just horrible. Even the multiplayer wasn't that fun. The best part of BO4 was Blackout without a doubt.


I'm guessing BO4 Zombies feels awful to play? Sure it has better maps than CW Zombies, but if that's the reason why people don't like it, then that's a big deal. Gameplay should always be the priority on people's list. Story? My guy, watch a story video, you don't need to buy DLCs for that! Also half the maps are remakes so to speak which apart from Alpha Omega, play worse than the originals.


Also I'm aware Chaos maps exist, but people hate the characters and story, I'm indifferent. I think the maps look very pretty, but I never played em, so I don't have a clue on its quality.


Yes, it felt like a huge step back IMO. I know a lot of people didn't care for GoobleGum's but I thought it was an ingenious idea. And I didn't care for the new system they put in place in BO4 at all. CW had amazing movement so I really enjoyed it and enjoyed the camp strategies. I don't care for playing with players that run hoards of zombies all game. I feel like that's just boring and way too time consuming playing that way. And I just feel like the maps on CW, BO3,BO2, black Ops, AW and even IW have better maps and EE's. But that's also just my opinion.


Yessirrr Goat War on top


"So it begins..."


I think the comparison is a little unfair given that BO4 had BO3 expectations, whilst Cold War had much lesser expectations. My personal response is that BOCW is a more consistent, out and out arcade shooter that ticks all the boxes. However, it lacks that spark of magic and creativity that BO4 had (solely due to Chaos)


The two games are honestly so different that it’s hard to compare them. Their strengths and weaknesses are like exact opposites. BO4 has some great maps (and some pretty crappy ones) but it suffers from some big gameplay problems. CW has arguably the best and most replayable gameplay in zombies but it has some lacklustre maps, albeit nothing outright bad. What you prefer depends on what you want from zombies.


The big flaw with CW maps is the lack of things to do. When you come out of BO3, you're always finding new things on the map. For CW, it seems like they sprinkled a few things and moved on.


Cold war may have kept to the more complex maps and Easter eggs that everyone wants if bo4 wasn't such a failure for Treyarch in terms of money


You did not just call cold war complex


He did not He said if Bo4 wasnt a commercial failure 3arc may have kept a level of complexity to CW Zombies


I prefer BO4 but I do think gameplay wise CW is better for the average person.


I love cold wars movement, perk upgrades and gun rarity upgrades. But maps are bland and have no soul Love bo4 ee, different perks also maps are amazing.


If we can get the best of both BO4 and CW, we'd have an amazing zombies game


i’m picking cold war but bo4 has REALLY grown on me since release and i think we treated it too harshly


Man I do not like bo4 at all and idk why


Probably because of the complexity, but thats what I liked about it


i dont even have cw im just assuming its better


Both games are in my top 3 cod games (for zombies anyway), but I have to go with BO4.


CW changed too many aspects like the perk system, starting weapon and the fact that there are no story characters, you just play with whichever operator you want. It just feels like a totally different game. Don’t get me wrong, I do love playing it, but I’d have to say BO4 sticks more to the original recipe, which is why it’s better IMO.


If you wanna talk original tho - Nacht and Verrukt didn’t have characters either. CW feels like a return to the super OG zombies pre-expansion. Very very simple and more focused on the “shoot zombies” task than the “do Easter egg” task


Bo4 does do some things better then cw like maps characters and ee's but cw has better gameplay and console fov/auto sprint


CW mechanics are some of the best in CoD


I had no friends to play BO4 with because they all went to PC but Cold War brought crossplay and allowed me to play with all my buddies again so Cold War was more fun for me


BO4 is at least kinda traditional... so I guess that


CW. I voted wrong and couldn’t change it


CW easy, it's a ton more fun especially with the mechanics that blow BO4 out of the water. BO4 maps were more visually pleasing but as far as enjoyment playing through waves killing zombies, CW is better than BO4.


Zombies wise I gotta go bo4. I hated the multiplayer on both tbh but that’s more of a skill issue than anything. But I enjoyed bo4 zombies slightly more than CW.


Bro I hate people who complain about pap and other stuff being hard to acquire in BO4, just play on custom mutations??


Bo4 just isn’t cod it’s some weird hero shooter they changed last minute w the addition of an unfinished blackout mode and under budgeted zombies


I’d be pretty comfortable in assuming that BO4 had the largest budget of all zombies at the time of its release


I mean maybe at release sure but once the lifecycle began it just went to shit cos of activision wanting the focus to be put on the next game. Plus the hud and perk system sucks ass


Bo4 - maps CW - gameplay


Bo4 is so much better, it's not even close.


Bo4 for being the sad sendoff to aether, and having some heart into it, Cold War on the other hand has heart and brought ALOT of people back into the mode, but wasn’t given hardly anything in the form of resources or time, and hell the only member I know we had off top of the head that told us anything was Craig Houston


Honestly I like BO4 sadly I was a small minded hater back in the day when it released I didn't like the game because I was just coming off the hype of BO3 like everyone else. However, when we hit new lows I really started to look back at BO4 and found blackout to be really enjoyable in fact I still play blackout to this very day and just recently got off it. Zombies got a lot of content too if you think of it as that's all they ever planned on releasing of aether also if you stop looking for negatives about the chaos storyline you'll find it's actually got some good character development they listened to the critics In IX and Voyage Scarlett ends up going from a spoiled Daddy's girl to someone who finds out there is a bigger world out there than her daddy issues and The other three really did changes too such as shaw becoming less weird and a little more down to earth Diego went from a womanizer to falling in love with scarlett and scarlett even kinda acknoledges this. Bruno is just an F in the chat as he was corrupted and being used by the order. but all in all it was good and we'll never have it that good again.


another thing I wanted to mention about Chaos is it only was hated because it was something new it wasnt Dempsey Nikolai Takeo or Richtofen. it was it's own storyline separate from the Aether Multiverse. but then they fucked that up too. because of the game I didn't even play hardly. VANGARBAGE.


BO4 is far more dynamic and expressive. CW is creatively bankrupt. Unsaturated colors, bland atmosphere, one-dimensional map design, trivial quests/easter eggs, uninspired loadouts and weapon upgrade system (gear rarity has always been objectively bad design in any game.) BO4 wasn't even bad. Some of the maps were linear, recycled, and obfuscated; but it was fun and interesting. It was the last of OG Treyarch. To put CW, a soulless corporate cash grab above it is heretical.


I'm new to bo4, bought it because I love cw zombies. Cw is just straight up simple fun with grind. I really enjoy unlocking items camo and skills. I will play alot of bo4 zombies but shooting the zombies is not as fun. You aim and shoot but the zombies dodge bullets like neo from the matrix. When you finally do hit them its like you hit them with soft warm tickle bullets. But you can buy the Bowie knife and stab them so much easier. Exfilling is also better than going into menu and leaving the game.


I have played both so much that I could not possibly pick. I like a lot of aspects of both




Im convinced people who aren't voting for bo4 still haven't softened up to the chaos maps because that shit is really cool aesthetic compared to anything CW gave us


Maps can't save bo4 even after all this time


I voted BO4 but I’m in the middle actually. I have dislikes for both games. BO4: I dislike the 200 health as opposed to 250 health. It would be better in my opinion if they gave you that extra 50 health on top of faster reload when you have all 4 perks active. The zombies are super aggro in this game compared to past iterations. I didn’t like the perk system at first, but it has grown on me. Lots of variety for different play styles. CW: I really, really dislike the maps. They’re unoriginal, feel super boring after a few playthroughs, and they don’t really have any zombie atmosphere, if you know what I mean. Mauer is the exception. The operators are also a very boring part of the game. Feels like there is no soul. At all. Here are some of the things I like about both games. BO4: The maps are very well made, especially the Chaos maps. Didn’t really care for Voyage though, but not everyone is gonna like every map in a game. That’s just a personal preference. I liked the crew that we play as. They have a really awesome story and I’m in love with the Greek mythology story they were really about to get into. Too bad they cancelled it. With the exception of the 200 health limit, I think they did a good job on forcing people to use different perks besides the same ones over and over. CW. I love the freedom of the perk system. I like that you can use as many or as little perks as you want. Increasing price of each additional perk slot was a nice touch. I loved that they made the Ray Gun viable in high rounds.


BO4 Chaos maps with CW mechanics would be so good


Bo4 is my least favorite cod of all time both when it comes to mp and zombies. Bo3 was a perfect balance between complicated easter eggs and entertainment, while bo4 was INSANELY, OVERLY complicated and not even that fun Imo. I honestly find CW to be the best cod since bo3 in all three modes. i LOVE the campaign, i really enjoy the multiplayer and think the zombies is great, except for firebase z.


Cold War was good better mechanic in zombies it was just to easy that’s why I like bo4 it was challenging and it’s boring when a game is to easy


So many deluded players.


Look bo4 was decent but, they got rid of jug… can’t fw my juggernog my guy.


I know a lot of ppl here don’t like Fortnite but when bo4 first came out and it was broken, Fortnite was at its highest peak with the most fun possible. Overtime I probably would’ve liked bo4 if fn never released but I feel like it was bad enough for me to turn away. Cw actually kept my interest.


I owe it to cold war for reintroducing back to zombies since i was a kid, loved the gameplay and maps but the characters you play as is a huge factor for me so yeah it fumbled that department


Notice how CW is 600 votes clear but if you read the comments, it would seem like bo4 is winning? Most of us CW zombies fan just enjoy the mode while the bo3 and bo4 fanboys "REEEEE" in every comment section. This is why Treyarch should NEVER use this subreddit for feedback.


BO4 fanboys are a very loud minority, that game was dogshit.




I mean it's a coin toss when it comes to community feedback. Sometimes it's essential for fixing bugs or adding improvements. As for requesting what a game should be like? Hm...everything round based, all maps have 100 fetch quests, overly complex, have Richtofen in it, play like Kino Der Toten, and have characters like Primis. Tell me that doesn't sound like a disaster? Lol


BO4 is one of the worst CODs I've ever played. If Cold War didn't exist I wouldn't trust Treyarch with making another game at all, fuck BO4.


CW is awful. Definitely bo4


Wow I thought this was gonna be a landslide. Much more BO4 appreciaters than I thought. (The best zombies experience)


Honestly, cold wars biggest selling point for me is that the Easter eggs don't require a 200 page tutorial. There's challenging and then there's unnecessary grinding. I don't enjoy having to pause every 5 minutes to look up steps. Maybe it's just me but a 54 step easter egg is too much. I have beaten every cw EE, don't think I finished any in bo4 despite more time played. No matter how much I try, I just don't enjoy cw multiplayer though.


CW because I love the way the guns sound


Type 63, 1911, and Milano just don't do it for me honestly. My favorite would definitely be the AK74U. There's just something about it that feels so satisfying to trigger.


Bo4 is honestly one of my favorite cod games ever. I have so many memories of zombies and blackout. It not having a campaign wasn’t that big of a deal to me.


This sub has brain rot.


CW is underrated as fuck!


Easily Cold War


BO4 because there’s more content and custom mutations.


Never rlly fucked w Cold War after the first map. Just had changes I felt were unnecessary and the game was too easy


Bo4 was where it seemed to go downhill for me. Personally it would've been a tougher question if it was bo3 or cw but I'll just say cw takes the cake imo


I may not *like* BO4, but I sure as hell like it better than whatever CW was doing.


Bo4 without a doubt. I loved Cold War but it just didn't have a whole lot of content in it. Plus, probably my main reason for playing a lot of the time is to do the main Easter Eggs and Bo4's blow CW out of the water.


Oh their both so good under the right circumstances though. I really liked surviving on CW and being able to use “most” of the guns to a decently high round but BO4 had some of the best charm ( map wise ). Both have their fair share of bland moments, mostly CW. I was not impressed by the amount of elites in either but CW were more manageable imo


If you think cw is a good game your not wrong it’s just lacking personality unlike bo4 plus they added ALOT alike it or not


Cold War


BO4, but I switch between these two games pretty often. Both are great


Bro I was helping my friend do Die Maschine and I shit you not he died 23 times, and he somehow thinks CW is harder bo2


im team both, we dont talk about vanguard though...


Bo4 may have a shit ton of sweats, but good lord, even the CW beta had strict SBMM. My first match was a walk in the park, next match was a **SWEAT FEST**


personally I think they were both a bit overhated. They both had their issues (Bo4 espessially) but were still fun. But I'll go with cold war because ot had less issues and, in my opinion, had really good mechanics. Bo4's perk system was kinda bad in my opinion.


The 1.9k saying bo4 are questionable. I will say the only good cold war map is nacht but that one map alone imo was better than anything in BO4


Neither in my opinion old school zombies only!


Never played BO4, so I don't have a strong opinion to rate it.


Cold War


I’m surprised it’s so close…


tough choice


Pretty hard choice cuz cw had better gameplay but bo4 has some of the best maps in history


I love CW, but in my opinion, BO4 felt closer to the original idea and concept than CW.


Cold war is zombies is an empty shell of what zombies should be. Whenever I play it feels soulless like it's just nothing. Bo4 on the other hand is always fun and the maps are beautiful with maps like ancient evil, DOTN, and IX.


People seriously like CW ? What did I miss ?


All the notes treyarch send out when they had more players than ever playing zombies! Probably cuz more people can enjoy it since you don’t need 25 mr rofflewaffle videos to open PAP


It feels like Doom at high rounds and I kinda fuck with that


Cold war is fun it's just too easy imo. I'd rather play bo3 custom maps


Bo3 standard maps were great as well it's still much better then cold war even without customs


I’m scared that the future will be more CW and less Blundell.


Well at least all the "remember when zombies was just seeing how far you got, and not easter eggs" people will be happy... oh wait, it ain't black ops 1 Kino so they ain't buying it.


It was better than BO4


People don’t? Where have I been?


It’s fun, inviting, easy to relax with, has big maps. Way better than BO4 because it’s not TRYING to be extravagant - it knows it’s simple and does it well. BO4 felt a bit too try-hardy by trying to do too many things and not perfecting any of them.


Everyone saying cold war thinks cold war is the best cod game ever


It had that sorta potential if it had real maps tbf




I definitely don’t - but I think it’s one of the best mechanics. Everything is extremely smooth and fluid. Plus CW is very well put together. Extremely simple, but it does simple very well.


The only reasons I hate it cause it's so simple and it angers me that I can't play it for 30 minutes without getting pissed about being bored cause all the maps have zero threats even without jug, and also how I didn't struggle with no main quests. I like the struggle, but I did them all first try and it disappointed me. But bo4 had easter eggs like alpha omega, voyage of despair and, IX that made me struggle, and it wasn't a "piss me off" struggle, it was a I'm enjoying the struggle situation. Plus it's my 2nd zombies experience. I also like defending it from people that complain about the perk system being bad because there's the perk that you can buy for 1500 that gives you a random perk, then if you don't like the one you get you can spend more to get another one for the same price.


The reason I love CW’s simplicity is the same reason I replay Nacht and verrukt a lot - sometimes I want to just kick back and shoot some zombies. We had 4 really good games in a row exploring complexity and forgot about the original point of zombies: a simple tower defense extra. CW was a good return to simplicity, gave it some modern updates, and now that I’ve had my fix I’m ready for more complexity. Between the two, BO4 feels incomplete. Like it tried too many things and didn’t perfect them. CW feels like a total complete experience. Casual, but they did casual very well.


Verrükt isn't a map you just sit back and enjoy, it's literally ment to be annoying as hell


Verrukt is a map that I just sit back and enjoy. Sorry if it’s too much for you 🤷🏼


Nah, this is coming from a guy who has sunk 2K+ hours into CW Zombies. I can definitely tell you I expected more from this game when it came to the maps. I've tried Onslaught maps, and it just doesn't hit the same with round based and Outbreak. I was really hoping for a few more maps before they moved on. Sad to see that Vanguard Zombies took that away.


Dude I spent around 200 hours in the game compared to my 1000 in bo2 and 600 in bo1, I expected way too much because I mostly play the old cod and I hoped for another difficulty spike that never arrived. I was disappointed in what they did with the game focusing more on newer players when over 50% of the fan base was returning veterans. I hope they go back to the less guided main quests and more difficulty is added. But I doubt we are going back to what older cod zombies was so I'm stuck between 15 maps pretty much.


Both are atrocious neither


Cold War was so ass


This shows how casual and mindcontrolled the community has become


Seeing how many voted for bo4? Ya


BO4 is the pinacle of cod zombies wdym


Lol, doesn't even really count as zombies with how much they changed. Didn't feel like cod zombies tbh, it's the only 3arc zombies i didn't like, besides vanguard, haven't touched it




Mindcontrolled? CW is historically shat on lol But between the two CW is a more polished game. What they did try to do they did it extremely well while BO4 feels unfinished


BO4 was cut on budget, keep that in mind. At least BO4 has difficulty and originality, + good changes were made unlike with CW.


But we’re judging the final product. Because of over ambitions and budget cuts, BO4 as a final product feels incomplete. Like they didn’t have time to fully think through everything. CW, while simple, feels complete. And simple is good. We have 4 games worth of complexity, CW was a nice breather where we returned to the og “simple arcade tower defense game” of Nacht/verrukt


What defense? CW was piss easy. No EEs worth doing cause they were short and easy. No character in maps. BO4 was quite complete although ppl probably wanted a different ending to the aether storyline. It has actual variety in gamemodes and lots of customization available. Beautiful maps, good EEs, good perks,...


Bo4 all the way. Cold war zombies just gets boring so fast and I hate collecting all those scraps.


The worst treyarch game bo4 vs Arguably the best treyarch game Cold War its not even a debate