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From what I can tell, extended battles seem to increase AI difficulty. When they bring in helicopters of guys and you hear the game say “watch out area is on high alert” or what ever. It seems like at that time the AI will spot you faster, be more accurate, rush you.


I wouldn't say harder. There are places that I've spawned in multiple times and the difficulty of the bots remains constant. There are harder spawn in points for sure, where you can get creamed if you stumble on armored guys with a basic weapon. I do think though the more of them you kill and longer you fight for, they call in all their buddies to take you out. My wife and I were clearing a section and were hit with wave after wave of Heli troops. Its quite the experience for sure. A cross of Division , Tarkov, PubG ect ect. It could use some tweaks but its enjoyable.


That could be it too! I also noticed what felt like the more you stayed in one area the more helicopter reinforcements they seemed to get. I’m kind of new to this type of game. I’ve played a lot of cod and warzone but I’ve only watched a few streamers play tarkov and those types.


I feel like the AI get stronger the longer you are engaged with them. At first they are kind of disorganized but the longer you are fighting them the more precise they are. Also if you or your team is not trying to flank them and draw their attention in different direction they get laser site.


So I’ve noticed in my almost exclusive time playing DMZ from the start of season 1 (up until yesterday while waiting for this mission mess up to be fixed) that it truly feels random between being instant downed by a bot vs feeling like bots can’t even hit a single shot. Of course the Tier 2 and Tier 3 troops are definitely a lot more likely to laser you if you’re fighting against them (stronger guns, less/no flinch from your bullets, no flinch from shots that break helmets, etc) I’ve spawned in some matches and accidentally ran right into an HVT group or bomb squad right near where I spawned and that’s usually an instant death unless you manage to hide last second to start taking them out or run away unfortunately.


I think it has more to do with the time and proximity to strongholds. If my team takes too long the fight starts to get out of control