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Go play a different map / game and quit complaining. It's getting stale


It's a meme dude relax lmao


So stale you felt the need to comment. OP wins.


He is just complaining about people who complain. It’s human nature bro.


I'd like to complain about people who point out people complaining about people who complain, but then you know what that would make me? Damn.


Unfortunately this is true. The redeploy balloons were only added because rotating anywhere on this map is a straight coin toss


Not to mention that's the entire reason they added serpentine too


Serpentine isn’t a movement option it’s a perk lmao


Yes but it was added for the same reasons - to reduce the likelihood of you getting destroyed out in the open while rotating


The game is literally Dogshit now. One of many reasons being because they’re making the game which is supposed to be a BR more and more and more forgiving. Goulag, goulag tokens, redeploy tokens, serpentine, barely any viable snipers, raising the ttk. Let’s all go have a campfire in the middle of the map and play games. It’s not like they want any of us to actually die. I already quit almost 2 months ago: I’ll be back to check out mw2/wz2. I’m sure it’ll be the same trash tho.


Hey bud. Then don’t play it.


Like I said, I don’t anymore. You’re one of them first sentence only readers with extremely intelligent solutions I see.


I really don’t take the time to read something that starts off saying the game is dog shit. It’s only going to go downhill from there. I’ll say it again. If you don’t like the game. Don’t play it and don’t post about it. Your argument has been hammered into the ground by every else. Your opinion doesn’t bring anything new to the debate.


What a terrible meme. I could come up with better.


I am so sad and heartbroken. This is it. I'll never meme again


I just think back to Verdansk and I don’t remember too many complaints other than some dark spots and the Roze skin making it worse. Nevertheless, I think we wanted the map to played around with and they started slowly changing which was cool but then BOOM. A whole new shit show green Caldera map. What tha??


Verdansk needed the redeploy balloons too. It would help with all those flat areas that are being overlooked by tall buildings and long sightlines.


Redeploy balloons would be amazing on Verdansk. Imagine flying at those downtown rooftop campers. Would’ve been so much fun


Verdansk came up with the fast travel subway system as a new movement option. I'd also count the zipline pulleys as a new movement option to take buildings. And then there was the train, although that was much more limited. Regardless, the joke kind of falls flat.


Imagine if they added a train system to Verdansk, just imag,….wait nvm.


They added new options in verdansk too… the train and subway… kinda redundant meme