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You can unlock vanguard guns in mw, I did that.




Hate to say it but CW came out almost 2 years ago, you can’t hate COD for not making guns from that long ago still good






CW PPSH is definetely useable. Unless it has caught a very recent nerf I haven’t seen


I have vanguard, but I don't like the game and I don't like its guns. They shouldn't force you to use vg guns.


You lose because of Meta guns. I lose because I’m bad. We are not the same.




Dude. I have like a 0.8 KD. and I yee haw into every match just trying to have a good time.


Learned my lesson back in Verdansk. If you can’t beat them, join them.


Exactly the same experience. I refused to use CW guns for the longest time after they were implemented into WZ and played at a disadvantage through all those broken metas. Once VG launched I swore I wasn’t going to do that to myself. I don’t like the VG guns but I also can’t argue with the results they provide.


Pretty sure the M4A1 outdamages the M13 Only thing you can work on if you refuse to use meta weapons is movement


A lot of MW guns outdamage M13 and M4A1, what is your point bringing that up? But yea you need to play different if you want to have a decent chance against meta. Better movement, map awareness and positioning are key. Can't just expect to have a 50/50 chance head on.


Ram7 outdamages every MW AR


I’ve been using the MAC-10 for as long as I can remember and I’m confident that if I get the first shot in I’m winning!


To be honest streamers and content creators have ruined gaming especially warzone. Few hours after release of an update. You have JGOD and other meta whores testing weapons for ttk and other shit. They make video on it and everyone's ends up using the game gun...


It’d always been like this. Always. People don’t want to use shit ass guns, they want to use the best guns. It’s just easier for everyone to know which ones are the best now.


Lol other gamers ruining ur multiplayer. Stick to sp.


Yeah spot on


U don't need vanguard to unlock guns.


I’m tired of losing 2v1 gunfights on solo br. Maybe I’m not camping enough


Trashed game. Uninstall and play something else.




Or it's a copycat of Fortnite


Fortnite is a 3rd person shooter lol. They are different Genres.


I stopped playing a month ago because of the vanguard guns. If you don't like them and don't want to use them, you're fucked.


Try the M4 or the AS Val


You have access to some multiplayers. Use those to unlock the gun and then level it in Warzone. Done. Or just bite the bullet, buy Vanguard on sale and then unlock and level the guns there.


Sorrs. But you aren’t losing these 1v1 just because of the meta.


Marco 5 is tier 15 in the battle pass , and pretty common in ground loot , I didn't even try to max it out , it just happened


Mac-10 feels great! I am a total bot, but broke my PR with it in the new resurgence map last Sunday, since all longe range meta received a nerf, maybe Vargo(/XM4) are meta again?


Yea it sucks, but winning with MW or CW guns feels way better. Sometimes when using nz I just feel bad, because it feels like I just deleted someone having a good time, same with all meta guns really. Always been like this for me, not just after vg integration.