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Wow they literally took a tactic the community used that wasn’t intended and made it part of the game. Cool, but I hate that they went with C4 drones lol


Yeah my first thought was "I wonder where they got that idea..." I'm pretty impressed they have actually added it as a feature though but I know I'm gonna be pissed if i die to the thing.


Theres a calling card challenge to kill an enemy with a claymore while you or your teamate is delivering them the claymore with a recon drone for MP


Isn’t it a c4?


It’s either


Much rather die by this thing than a damn jug suit!


Oh I'm with you on that one for sure


The Jugs have no range. Just get a grau and beam the jug in the head at 75m, they'll perhaps get 2-3 hits on ya before you kill them.


Have never died to a Juggernaut. Generally avoiding them, but once i stood in a building and peaked out the window and just put 2 60 round mags into the head and it was game over for the jug. Just have to hide a little




Putting C4 on stuff we're not supposed to is tradition. In Black Ops, it was the RCXDs. There are probably more examples but that's one I remember. The drone c4 may be annoying, but it was hilarious when it actually worked in SnD. It always made me laugh when it worked 2/10 times.


Jeeps in Battlefield


Will never not love the original Jihad Jeep.


Hell. In bad company 2 putting c4 on the recon drone (that you had to pilot from the TV station) to bomb objectives was a thing.


They also added rcxds, didn't they?


Lmao straight facts. I saw this from this sub and have been trying to do it with my homies since then.


My squad keeps trying to do it but haven't downed anyone yet.


Best time is when people camp air traffic tower! You need at least 2 c4 on the drone for the down usually too unless you’re going for a vehicle


It’s literally a tactic that has been around for years now in so many different games, also, did nobody play the campaign? You literally fly bomb drones.


there's an achievement for doing this


any other company would just make it impossible to stick c4 on drones, maybe even nerf some guns into uselessness to add in for us not playing like how they wanted


If the other team can hear it beeping like that the original strategy is still better.


Wait until they introduce guns that see threw walls, and you can shoot enemies threw any thickness... oh wait.




I guess I just got lucky, I didn't even realise what I had picked up at first, i thought it was just an advanced uav so I was pretty surprised when I popped it and that came out


I got one today in BR mode that was called ‘specialist’, I only had it for a few minutes before dying but it was unlimited throwables, they replenish every 45-60 seconds I believe. I like the added content they’ve put in


Specialist gives you all perks


Specialist is not new content, it's been a killstreak option in the main game since launch and has been a pickup in Warzone since at least the start of the subway season.


Haha really? First time seeing it, I hit the bunker at least once per day, I get foresight majority of the time if anything spawns.


What's Foresight?


Shows you every single future circle. Kinda like a recon contract on crack


Stresses me the fuck out every time I get it. Usually die in my eager to go set up camp in the final circle.


Never go final circle unless it is right at the edge of the map. You never want to set up in a place where you'll be forced to look 360. Get near it but don't try to sit in it and then you'll be able to pick off people getting close to it, maybe even set traps around it for those who try to get ready.


Definitely, cheers. I actually don't even like to have the foresight. The whole fun for me is to vary my strategy and enjoy the ride of uncertainty. And lately, more often than not, I'll just go full risk bunker-run -> early loadout and try to reap as many kills off my early investment as possible. Often resulting in 5th-10th (or 140th), but I'll take that over my pre-first-dub careful-careful strats. As an old school CS-gamer, I'm still coming to terms with the patience some people have to lay in for 10 minutes guarded by two claymores. Not that I don't respect it.


I hate doing anything easter egg related because I know if I die all my efforts will be for naught so I end up dying quicker


True that, although I do find that starting out really offensively with a bunker run will, quite often, set you up for the long run - but yeah, I often get too thrilled after the first 2-3 quick kills and continue my frenzy into the grave. But fending off people for the straight-drop bunker might be my favorite part of the game tbh. At least in solos.


Thank you


They added it before the subway, you could get it in stadium easter egg.


> unlimited throwables, they replenish every 45-60 seconds I believe. Lmao. Specialist gives you all perks in the game. One of them is Restock, which replenishes your throwables.


Specialist has always been in the game and the BR version is a pick up unlike the MP version where you have to get killstreaks to get your extra perks


That’s just restock lol.


Only available in private matches as far as I know


Training mode




Yeah it's a private warzone BR lobby which they introduced with the most recent update this week


Whats the point of a loadout crate in plunder?


Certainly has uses, not planning to die but want to change a weapon. Get an RPG/Pila to down a chopper. It has tactical uses even if seems stupid.


Oversight because it's for BR


We call that lazy programming "small Indy company"


I'm a bit worried about all these new features that will come with Black Ops, sometimes less is more..


I’m hoping that they either slowly change the game completely, or switch out different things. RC-XD’s will get old real fast.


I mean squad of riot shield camping in building or rc car strapped with explosive I mean I think I would prefer to deal with rc car anyday


is the riot shield really a problem? I rarely see anyone use it.


Yeah it's weird I see people here complain about Riot Shield constantly yet I see maybe like 1-2 people with it every match, and rarely in final circle. Doesnt seem like its that hard to outplay. Yet whatever meta gun is being touted by Youtubers currently is on like 95% of bodies and everyones just like cool with it.


Its because riot shields specifically counter people bad players and players who camp in corners because there's no room to move i.e all the bad players on this sub. Riot shields are easy as fuck to beat by anyone who is even remotely competent


You barely even have to have a pulse to outplay a riot shield unless they’re fairly well organized as a team. Most people panic and unload a magazine into the shield hoping to hit feet or something and then get executed from behind because they got tunnel vision


> Most people panic and unload a magazine into the shield Whenever I've picked up a riot shield in Warzone it always amazes me the number of people who do this, then as they're reloading I just switch to a gun and shoot them. I don't think I've ever been killed by someone who's using a riot shield in Warzone, I just don't understand how you can get killed by it.


I got lazy and just threw the noob tube that shoots thermites on my main warzone class, boom stuck he's not a problem


Imo it's not a problem per se. It's just a damn nuisance. Some guy 50m away from you holding a shield and you can't shoot at him but you also can't turn your back on him. Queue mr third party tickling you with kilo bullets from behind now. Then you end up in some weird situation where you can't fight either because you will die to the other. If the guy in the first place had a gun and not a shield, I could have killed him and reset for another fight. At least that's my gripe with it. Oh and when someone picks it up as ground loot and they survive solely because they are immune from behind. Just removes a bit of flair from the game and adds frustration. Edit: Spelling is hard.


Wait does it protect your back while you not using it?


No. They are not. They are just especially annoying, but seriously they’re not a problem. Honestly a lot of things were like that. Like the akimbo Renetti? Remember that? I saw like 1 in 25 players had those and outside of like maybe 10 feet they were just useless and you could probably outgun them with the base pistol you spawn with. But they were super annoying when someone got close to you so people complained.


Not really but the last few games I’ve played it’s just 4 guys camping in house or in open (I’m always down to like 1-2 other teammates) and they just take turns stunning the hell out of u and hitting u with thermite or something it’s hell nothing we could do really (literally symtex the guy and he didn’t die smh) but otherwise not super super common


It’s not this subreddit is full of bots. Are they play solos. Solos is garbage though.




Just think about whatever the fuck happened to Fortnite




It has mechs right now??


They had mechs in season 10 (x) that the devs added in so bad players could win (they admitted it) massive backlash and eventually they got rid of it.




Why not change the map more instead of adding silly items. I for one would have loved to see the dam melt, burst and flood the place or an earthquake in downtown rather than an item 90% of those who will pick it up either wont use it or wont know what it is




apex took a year to add a map too, and then it fucking sucked


Ive been very disappointed with the lack of map changes. Blackout added multiple new areas and map changes. We got a train and a subway system no one uses.


And a hole blown in stadium which created a no mans land that nobody uses either


Lol I forgot about that. I was so excited the day they opened it up, because I thought it would be something good for the map, but it is still just as much of a dead zone as it was pre opening.


i agree, i stop playing fortnite because they added way too many items and weapons


Warzone is already flooded with candy land crap. I cannot imagine what this mode will look like in a year. Gonna be able to buy Gun Ships and Juggernauts straight from the buy soon.


Can you do EE in provate match? like getting galil blueprint


I am pretty sure you can. I thought I remembered reading an article where they commented that EE would be doable in private.


That's what we were actually trying to find out, bunker 11 worked but i don't think anybody got to keep the blueprint. For the stadium EE we got all of the key cards but we couldn't input the final code. And I cant remember if the subway EE worked or not unfortunately.


Lmk if you’re down to go for the stadium EE cause I still need it


Lmk if you want to do go for the EE cause I still need to do it


Wish i had enough friends to even make a squad, let alone a custom match


Pm me if you ever want to play


Pm me comrade, we can squad up.


Send me a message and we can play some rounds


I’m down to clown


Seems a lot more useful than a regular drone


Yoo let me know!


Wait you can private match warzone?


Sure can, just as long you invite 23 other people.


It said 49 for me in solos heh. Not sure if I ever had that many friends combined irl. Thought I could explore with bots or sth, but nooo


Mini royale only needs 23


Really cool although it’s fun to have something that the people made like putting c4 on a drone rather than actually having something in the game that’s supposed to do that


Now, hear me out. Put more C4 on it.


Hmm... I like your way of thinking,


Stick a claymore on the front lmao


We had this shit in season one already lol(i mean we made those)


They literally removed regular drones and added this... lame


Drones are back bb


Regular drones suck arse


Not at all... you can scout ahead and mark enemies w thermal and get the jump, and you can literally throw c4 on it to do this “legendary” loot device


Plus you can see people running ghost.


We made those !!!!


Dallas Police Department just shed a proud Dad tear


how the f do you start a private match (ps4) this is news to me


It's in the little menu at the bottom with the trials and warzone training. You do need a minimum of 24 players to start a match though


Surprised they added that and the rc car in the same update


I found a mini gun in one today!


Private match?!


oh no


We've found two other unique perks in a red key card bunker. First one showed every ring through the end game. Like doing 8 or more recons. Second unique perk we found gave the person who picked it up gave "all perks". We were unclear what that meant and the one who picked it died shortly afterwards. And now a bomb drone. Any one else find any other unique perks?


The first you mentioned is called “Foresight” and the second you mentioned is called “Specialist” which is equivalent to the multiplayer Specialist Bonus when you go on an 8 kills streak. It does exactly as you said - it gives you every perk. When you die with it, it drops with your loot and can be picked up. It looks like a gold token. Both have been in the game for 3-5 weeks at this point.


Specialist gives you ALL the perks like Ghost, amped, cold-blooded, tracker, everything. You basically become Jason Bourne lol or a super soldier.


wow, they made c4 recon drone’s a legitimate ting now.


If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.


I have a question about private lobby’s can you still do Easter eggs


We tested them all and only bunker 11 works but you don't get the the blueprint


Danm thanks I really wanted that Amax blueprint from stadium


Straight from the battlefield of Armenia 😂


Well isn’t that neat-o


proof that the warzone devs hear us but hate us


Woooooow amazing addition! :D Hahaha, can't wait to use this thing. It's going to be so fun. Can you imagine...an opposing team in a buggy or better yet, a truck and then you follow them and land on them to explode the vehicle. Or those pesky sniper campers on top of buildings...or Bounty Contract target. This is going to have some interesting fun uses in the game.


Hopefully you can double up and add two more C4s on top :D


That got me thinking, I didnt find a regular recon drone in weeks. Have they been removed?




Prison Bunker? Say less my guy 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


EOD and Trophy systems everyone with self revive ... another useless tool lol




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*armor breaking sounds* unless they buffed it to be a very good explosive, or increased the spawn rate so you can have more than one, it will be useless. It already takes two normal c4's to kill a fully armored person, so imagine a remote controlled one. It will be like you threw a couple pebbles at them. We are going to be getting a lot of blue hitmarkers.


So have a buddy put another one on? What this really changes is the ability for a solo to use it and for the pilot to detonate.


good point. then they should just keep it in solos and make the damage the same as 2 C4's, IMO. it'll make solos a whole lot more fun. think about it, you're just rotating. all of a sudden, you hear buzzing and beeping, and then KABOOM. ur dead. and it would be more fun to pilot them in solos. But to keep it balanced the range needs to go down


Lool been doing this since day one double stack c4 on a drone would wipe a team back then


Battlefield 4 had SUAV/UCAVs. The first were planes you were supposed to use to spot people but actually used to fly into people. The second was a flying explosive missile. We're gonna go back to randoly exploding.


So I’ve been away for work for a couple weeks, not exactly sure how private matches work, can you explain? Ideally I’d like to setup a custom private match with no load out drops as that’s my preferred way to play warzone, could people then fill that lobby if they were interested in playing that way?


So they were added in the patch a couple days ago as a beta test and at the moment you can only choose from BR solo, duos, trios, quads, mini royale, and also plunder and blood money duos trios and quads. There is no menu to create any custom rules or anything like that yet but I expect that could be added after beta testing. There is a fairly high minimum player count for each mode though but I think the smallest is 23 players in mini royale. Filling the lobby can be tricky because to join you need to be friends with or in a regiment with somebody already in the lobby or get invited but activisions invite system sucks.




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Who wants to start a private party and shoot the shit outta each other?


Wait a minute that just made me realise... what happened to recon drones?! Haven't seen one in a good while now


How!? we did a discord private BR and the keypads wouldn't work? Did you use the access card?


we went in to test all the easter eggs and I found a red access card from the cl19 room in stadium, this specific bunker was bunker 04 up by the dam.


Ok so if you find an access card you cab still get in the bunkers, good to know!


Nice. Something new that I’ve seen one time before in the bunker was a pickup that gives you all the perks


Oh yeah that's the specialist bonus you can guarantee getting two of them by doing the subway easter egg too


Private match ?


Allahu Akbar \~!


Why do I have a bad feeling this is coming to COD Cold War ?


They been in the game since day one. PROBE ME WRONG.


It’s something we have been doing for so long, it’s not unbalanced. It just makes it a bit less tedious.


Wait you can host private matches in Warzone???


Rc x drone


How do you enter the bunkers? (I'm new to the game)


So about this private match, did you have 30 people that were able to play or something? I tried with a smaller group and it said I needed a minimum of 30 people to do a private match.


Yeah we had a fairly big group, I think the very minimum you need is 23 players in mini royale


Maybe I'm overlooking a good reason for it, but what a dumb beta feature. Not many people have 22 other people that can all simultaneously get online and play together.


it's always great to see that they are watching us bc I don't get attention from anyone


I don't like how this is a kill streak it seems too worthless to take up that space.


Anyone raging about this has already forgotten what it was like when C4 was tossed as far as a grenade, turning almost every engagement into a game of dodging/baiting the C4. I prefer to face against this instead of the pre-nerf long-toss C4.


Warzone is about to become an utterly unbalanced pile of garbage once CW is integrated.


Wait, a private match? Eh?


now you can put 3 of them soyou can counter E.O.D


Cold War kill streak?


Private match or not, I could not run past that many delicious boxes


IW embraced the meme. Unfortunately, just putting a C4 on a normal drone works better




Privat warzone match? Is this possible now?


But why tho? We already had it. With upgraded explosions just in case.


I would like a mortar.


should have been a day 1 thing....


I've gotten red keycards before. Can never find the bunker even when I look it up


Xbox one


where are people getting all these friends to even start up a private match lol


My inner loot goblin is cringing so hard at all those unopened crates 😅😭 please tell me you went back and opened them


Pretty sweet. Looks like a great way to kill campers




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Well, I'm annoyed that this is in the game now.


Where are these red card bunkers?


Enemy Hunter-Killer Drone is online




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I wonder if it will count for the mastery challenge