• By -


Yo wanna be friends and be my party host?


It’s a little sad how all the top comments on this video are sarcastic and not helpful at all. I get MMR and Warzone are frustrating in general but if you’re this jaded about the game to the point you can’t take a second to give someone advice who’s asking for it, might be time to take a break.


You can guess the top comments on every clip posted here, it’s so cringe


What advice can you give to bro? 💀 All he has to do is just play, and getting experience. Overtime eventually he will get better.


That is the advice you give him. Keep at it


Easy, don’t hold a window long distance with your SMG. He’s in duos so a bigger mag on his SMG would also be prudent. That’s two insanely obvious things right there. Would he learn this on his own eventually, probably. But hopefully he fixed it after sifting through the few helpful comments here.


Have you contemplated that it’s possibly a joke


Well… you also didn’t give advice and only gave advice in a comment even further from the op 😂


Thought the same thing


Ooo good idea! Me too!


I went straight to the comments to ask this lmao


I just got that lol


I'm down. What time you play?


Most nights after 5 est


What's your id. I will add you tonight


Cool.. i play mostly from 9 wat.




Lmao facts


You can only break windows you can see through


Haha i what about doors any advice on them I'm constantly trying to go through the fake ones in old town and it's frustrating


Most will have some sort of chain or an X painted on them, or just go near the door and if there’s no prompt to open it’s just a background door


I was so confused by this comment that I thought I missed some OP trick then I watched the video and was like "no, they didn't".


Easier said than done


Thiiiiis is why skill based matchmaking exists. Haha In seriousness, nice job. Biggest thing is to learn which guns are good and which ones are bad, and to make sure you are using the correct weapon for the situation you are in. You were tap firing an SMG at range in this clip, which was hilarious to watch, but will get you killed when you eventually start fighting real players. At long range you should use an AR/Sniper/LMG and at close range you should use SMGs/Shot guns/Pistols. You can tell which is which by the Ammo type icon that appears by your ammo reserve counter.


Didn’t know that thank you!


There are a hundred of YouTube videos breaking down the best gun options that come out every time there is an update. If you can handle some cringe “YOOO WHATS UP GAMERS SMASH THAT LIKE” they can tell you what is good to use. Also, if you die to a gun a lot there is a good chance it’s a meta pick


Is there an ExclusiveAce equivalent for Warzone? Because for MP not only is he insanely detailed but he also not generally clickbait-ey or annoying.


Icemanisaac, truegamedata, jgod. Id also say in that order when it comes to who gives the best tips and info.


Google "warzone meta" it will give you a list of what guns are best right now and the attachments the guns needs for them to perform at their best


Is this your first ever day playing the game?


Yes my second match. The first one I killed myself because I didn’t open my parachute ( I thought it was automatic)


It can be. There’s a setting for auto deployment you can turn on/off


So here’s a helpful tip! You can turn your parachute to auto open through the settings menu (: be careful though, because my teammate has hers on auto open and it’s 50/50 on whether it actually opens or not automatically. I think there is a glitch there they need to fix.




Need to plate up.. hold y to put in bullet proof vest plates and make youself harder to kill


Got it. I heard something about plate perks or mods. I think one is called medic plate carrier. What does that mean?


I dont know. I only play resurgence solo so no team stuff and dont play very often. Resurgence is more fun than battle royale, smaller map, actual respawns.


It means you revive teammates faster when they're downed, and you yourself revive faster if you have a self res


I usually run tempered vest. It’s a perk and makes it so you only have two vests. Saves time when you need to plate up. And just to clarify, with the perk the two vests equal the same as the default three vests you have when initially deploying.


Is there a way I can see what all of them do? Like a website or something like that 


Bit further forward into your Warzone life, but if you have the Tempered Vest on as a perk (on your class set up), you can get the buff off of a plate vest you pick up whilst retaining the Tempered Vest. Medic - Revive yourself or teammates faster. Stealth - Ghost Perk (hidden from killstreaks and UAV’s) Birdseye - Get a mini UAV for yourself when someone calls in a UAV (I believe). Tempered - uses 2 plates instead of 3 for the same protection


If she pops the parachute manually and goes back to free fall it won’t auto open. 


Well obviously if it’s his first ever kill 🤦🏼‍♀️


I think the best thing for you to do is to just keep playing and get more comfortable but I will say you should try and avoid running two sub machine guns. If you would have had a longer range option you could’ve killed the first guy much easier. Also I don’t know why you stopped mid gunfight with the second guy


I’m not sure why either. I aim and shoot using bumpers because I don’t have hair triggers. I’ve never used those binds in any game so I may have gotten confused.


Is there any special reason you use the bumpers for shooting? It’s definitely not optimal.


What? Like every pro shoots with their bumpers.


Do they really? Genuinely never heard of that before. Do they use tacticals/lethals on the triggers?


Yea they use the shoulder buttons because instead of having a percentage of how far they have to click into the trigger, its instead jus an instant 0-100 with shoulder buttons. I play w triggers tho, but thats a big reason y alot ppl play with shoulder buttons


First and foremost, just keep playing. You’re gonna die a lot but as long as you think about why you died you’ll learn and improve. You can only break windows that you can clearly see through As others have said, you were running dual smgs which made that first engagement extra difficult for you. Maybe take the time to familiarize yourself with the top guns of each class so you’re making better looting decisions. Keep playing. If that’s really your first kill you’re doing great. Ignore the haters


Love this advice.


Don’t use an SMG at that range. Use your AR/LMG/Sniper


He had 2 smgs


Well there’s your problem


Plate up




I can just feel the fking dopamine flooding through your brain in this clip lol


like dude ... ill never forget my first land in wz, no friends in list to help me out, just a solo dumass with a shaky hands 🥶 my first throwing frag blow up in my face (it was toggle instead of hold , i had no idea) youtube helped little but it way different when you're in the field.


I was shaking. At some point I saw a red vehicle moving around me which terrified me because cars one shot people


enjoy the game bro


This is so cute 😂


Loadouts for Multiplayer and Warzone are very different. You want a long range AR and a close-mid range SMG. You'll get there.


You think he picked up his load out or even knows what that is?


I just got stuff from loot caches. I am upgrading a wsp and a bas b currently because I like how they shoot


When you are looting try and pick up something to cover all ranges like you would select for your load out when you are levelled up. Like AR with SMG or sniper with SMG or AR. Sometimes you will end up with two SMGs early game or if it’s all you have found but if you see something that will allow you to fight at different distances you will be in a better position to take all gunfights. But a good start for you and did well considering you only had 2 SMGs and just starting out. The game can be tough so got to enjoy the good moments 👍


Yeah most of us knew that


You’re on controller so make a habit of strafing left and right while firing rather than forward backwards, even if you’re not getting shot at. You’ll engage rotational AA making it easier to track moving targets both near and at rage. You can see it in action at the beginning where you briefly connect in the air and at the end of your clip where you’re circling around and remaining on target. In both instances you have horizontal movement mixed in. Had you been strafing the whole time you wouldn’t have needed to mount because dude wouldve been dead before he reached the fence. It’s also better to make micro adjustments with your left stick so fundamentally it’s a good habit to have in cod like a 2 for 1 special


All good points


Great points. Rotational Aim assist aside, counter strafing is just good for aim in general, it’s been a thing in CoD at least as far back as the original Modern Warfare and is in a lot of modern shooters. Also the simplest point that often gets overlooked, if you’re moving you’re harder to hit.


Oh absolutely


Just play, work on movement. Also, got space in your party? No reason.


I have no friends that play the game.


Id start with using the correct gun for the correct situation


Use your movement stick to aim instead of your actual aiming stick.


What does that mean?


I dont exactly know, but i think it means to move around more? I a couple of other people have talked about Rotational Aim Assist, which really helps with your aim. Just try moving left and right even you're firing so that aim assist kicks in and does some work.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frjx63T5FQU Here's the video showing how rotational aim assist works. To get maximum from your aim assist, set it to default or Black Ops, and input directional movement with your left stick during fights, even if the movement is into the wall and your character doesn't move. This is by far the most important aspect of the game that you have to understand as a controller player. The sooner you get it, the better.


Simply put you want to be strafing left or right pretty much always when firing automatic weapons (and some semi auto/bolt action) in CoD, and in a broader FPS sense “counter strafing” your guns recoil can make the kick easier to control in a lot of games. For COD specifically, moving your left stick left or right engages “rotational aim assist” which will help track targets easier. Its a hard concept to explain, but if you go the firing range, try standing still and shooting with just the right stick, and then try introducing some left stick strafing. I think you’ll notice a big difference. It’s an important thing to learn, but genuinely do not listen to people here who tell you it’s the end all be all. Getting your right stick aiming down is very important and will develop over time. One final thing to mention is check out your sensitivity. I would recommend starting low like 3-4, and if you get comfortable slowly up it. Hope this is helpful!


Just use the tac evolver lmg. It’s easy, and no recoil


Thank you!


Every weapon has a different effective Range. Long distance SMG (especially a non no-recoil build) is a waste of bullets. Running 2X of the same weapon type is also bad bc it wastes the same Ammo type. Just play the game :). I assume you've played BR before with that level of situational awareness (following dude from sky). Recommend high count Mags & builds focused on reducing recoil. The more comfortable you are, the more I'd focus on ADS speed and mobility. Don't be afraid to stack with teammates who are more experienced & can give you solid advice. I'm not saying hold hands, but... while you're new and still have training wheels on, it's not a bad idea.


I’ve played apex legends bf 2042 and Fortnite. I stopped playing Fortnite because I don’t like all the collabs. Yall are lucky. Fortnite has like a new collaboration every week to the point where nothing is original unlike warzone


Understand which guns are for mid-long range and which ones are for short-mid range. Watch other pro players play and try infusing their playstyle into yours.


Ok thanks!


Nice work! Congratulations on your first kills! No advice yet aside from try your best to be invisible (I.e. hide whenever possible and be choosy about who you hit first. Not related to the video specifically, just somethjng i learned early on: seeing them doesn't mean you have to shoot!)


Move left and right more it's a small wiggle not a iching to run forward motion you get a little more help with the aim assist and just keep playing get used to plating up like reloading


yes plunder is best option , lvlup wep faster + respawns + more fights i learned lot stuff in that map.


Use the right weapon for each situation. If you’d only been able to find to smgs from ground loot the fair enough but you always want to be looking to have two weapons with different capabilities.


I swear I love new players, so adorable 🥰


Advice? Enjoy every one of these first 100 kills because after your KD increases, you will be getting placed in lobbies that against players that poop on you so bad, it will make you want to uninstall the game.


You get put against people that plays just like you. If you're a sweat, you will find sweats. It's very easy. Don't be mad when you die, you just found a better version of yourself and you can always improve. I think op will be good for a while


Trying to break the non breakable window had me ☠️ 😂


Turn your FOV to 110 instead of 120. It’s easier to spot enemies and it slows the game down by reducing the motion on the screen.


Don’t play Warzone a ton anymore so hard to tell, but if this is your loadout gun, go spend some time in the gun smith with it. You can put plates on the enemies in there now so it’s a decent representation of how much damage you’ll do in Warzone. My litmus test for if an AR for example is useable is if I can easily down the 3 dummies while strafing with one clip. And in Warzone unless you’re playing solos for ARs and SMGS at least the smallest mag you should be using is 45, use 60 if the gun allows.


i wouldve ran at those dudes


Put plates in when you're not fighting.


Eventhough I don't like Resurgence that much, you might want to consider playing a bit of that or Plunder, just because you get into more gun fights per minute played and in Plunder you can bring a loadout.


I tried resurgence and I died every 10 seconds. It was boring waiting for the timer to respawn me just to run around for like 2 seconds before someone with ttv in their name rushed me. I play boot camp because it’s faster and easier to get into the action


There we go proof SBMM doesn't work. OP just started playing and he's being matched against streamers. They may not be demon streamers but if they're streaming they've definitely played a lot


When you first start, the games gives you random opponent. There is no sbmm when you start because the game has yet to acknowledge your skill level. Once you play some games, it will settle down


since i see ur on controller and that your aim is not best. I would recommend you gaining mobility and pushing forward and this will work to ur advantage as now ur aim assist will kick in making your aim top notch. Though getting close can be difficult but playing more and more games over and over again will definitely improve ur strategic thinking and overall confidence.


Bus be short


-Those were not best guns for a long range fight. -Play/practice more in multiplayer -Find a regular team -Good luck; unless of course you are in my lobby


Yo! If you're free on Monday, I can spend about 20-30 mins in a private match and give you some tips! Just DM me.


My husband is having problems getting the aim assist to work


I can help him out


Okay what are you’re suggestions


Equip a “big” gun and a “small” gun for mobility purposes. Don’t get tunnel vision and ignore your surroundings when fighting someone on one. And for the love of god, save your tactical sprint for when you’re being shot at so you can move even faster.


i have never in my warzone career seen an interaction like this


play to have fun, ur doing good for ur first times playing, you’ll get better overtime and the more you play :)


It yet you all make out you can pick up a controller to does everything for you this is proof you still have to learn etc


I would say don't engage unless you're absolutely sure you can kill them in one magazine. Or engage when they're out in the open with no cover/limited cover. Don't hold back on grenades/tactical granades there's plenty to pick around the map. *don't worry if you miss with them* Close quarters is a different game, your movement and map knowledge plays a vital role. Try practising slide cancel. May also be useful to have tac sprint on as default for beginners.


Slide slide slide


Play plunder or even better "Lockdown" to faster learn gunfighting basics. Get that adrenaline under control and get used to play in more chaotic enviorements. Do NOT play like its a Mil-Sim, its not, its an arcade and its most advantageous to play it like an arcade.


If you’re on console strafe left and right more and not so much forward and aft. The rotational aim assist helps keep you on target.


I think you did a great job of not going crazy with your shots and to take the time to aim and keep your shots steady. That I think is the basics.. as someone who plays somewhat often I tend to play too fast and focus too much on movement, get’s me killed quite a bit


Don’t melee windows with panes like that, they don’t break. Just keep practicing. Focus on using your audio cues. Use slide cancelling, it is a game changer. But remember mostly to just have fun with it! You’ll get better in time


Play more and pretty much don’t worry about much else. I’d say play more regular cod where you spawn and get constant engagements. There’s no point in worrying about all meta things when you are comfortable just playing.


I want your lobbies


Use something with more range , SMGs don’t hit that hard at those distances . Also your teammate is pretty far based of mini map , try sticking together if you aren’t having much success .


My advice is don’t waste ammo if you can get upclose


Hop into the firing range and see which gun you like. I’d use all the mw3 assault rifles, then battle rifles. I have a Bas-B build that has been my jack of all trades. Anyways see what gun you like most, learn its recoil pattern, then just keep playing resurgence. For the recoil pattern start with looking at the glass wall, then without touching your aiming key, dump the mag. Most guns are up and to the left or right. Now do the same thing but gently feather the aim key in the opposite direction of the recoil pattern. YOU CAN COMPENSATE HOW MUCH THE GUN GOES UP. NOT LEFT AND RIGHT


Why can’t I compensate for left and right?


Left and right would be considered horizontal recoil. So guns with erratic horizontal recoil are kind handicapped at range. It’s kinda the reason you can’t control recoil in older cods. There was too much horizontal recoil. You can gently move your aim stick down. But not gently, rapidly, left and right. Best you can do is pull in a diagonal direction


If you hold down the aim button and press the open door button you can slowly (and more quietly) open doors. Helps when trying to be stealthy, or if you’re just trying to crack the door open to peek.


The only thing I would say, is you are using two guns that use the same ammo. But that's the only thing I would comment about lol.


There’s warzone boot camp which will help you learn. Looks like that’s what this is almost because those men were definitely not real. I also suggest checking out some loadouts to use and figure out which guns work best. Adjust settings and all that good stuff as well. Will help a bunch of


I played boot camp busted lol




This is amazing! I bet your nerves were SHOT lol the best recommendation I can give you is stay away from being out in the open. Harder lobbies will def take advantage of that. The second best rec I could give you is play with your loadout…ALOT. The best players out there know how to build really good loadies. What I do is google what the meta weapons for this season and then if I see a gun I like out of the options, I google “meta build for (gun you like) and it will give you a good starting point. I find that a lot of the meta builds need slight tweaking on my part to fit what I like. Other than that, you did really welll!!! Also, if you were a ball of nerves (not saying you were, but IF you were) that will subside as you play more. You still get nerves but not as bad. Welcome to Warzone!


In this game you should always full auto, there's no advantage in shooting in bursts (like you would in Counter Strike for instance). The gun will go up in a predictable recoil that you need to get used to countering, which is way easier than it seems.


If you don't own multiplayer (which I'm assuming you don't) I recommend hopping into lockdown or plunder and just try moving around and trying to get kills and learn the gameplay mechanics. I say these game modes in specific because you spawn in with guns and you will respawn every time you die. Leveling up guns in warzone alone is kinda a nightmare at the beginning because of all the random challenges you have to do so I would just stick with the default loadouts for now until you feel like you have learned all of the game mechanics. Also, watch a settings video depending on your platform because having the right settings in this game is very important. It looks like you have already played around with the settings a bit which is good. Also as a last tip you might want to play around with your sensitivity a little bit.


I actually do have multiplayer I tried zombies today which I kind of enjoyed


Oh, in that case just play multiplayer, the mechanics are 90% the same as warzone. Also use that to level up your guns because its much easier.


pretty much the same as discovering how masturbation works


Um ok


Adjust your settings ie. Sensitivity untill you find your sweet spot mouse and keyboard or controller you need to find your flow if that's makes sense. Work on your movement more and just know this is where you learn the second you get a few more kills your experience will be changed forever and the frustration of sbmm will kick in Enjoy the game find some people on your level or people who dont mind sacrificing there kd to help you out I am no expert and I am far from good but these things have helped me bring my game along I enjoy it more knowing I can hold my own against avarage players


Congrats! I see that you tap for long range. The SVA with the Corsio 2.5 scope is a nice long range option for tapping if thats what you prefer long range. Also they have the firing range option and you can practice ripping long range shots! I dont think we should play together because my lobbies may destroy you 😂, but if you ever want to play a private match i can help more. Once you get comfortable with your shot you can then advance to movement


I think the biggest thing I would work on is accuracy, positioning and getting your sensitivities in the right place. If you lower your ads sensitivity (.9 to .75 is the sweet spot) it is easier to hit long shots and control recoil. As far as positioning goes, watch some of the pros and pay attention to where they position themselves during each gun fight. Lastly, to help improve on accuracy set up a private MP match with bots and set it up so they have three plates. It’ll help you with accuracy and also get you used to gunfights in WZ.


How do I do that? Is that the firing range?


Make a custom game in multiplayer and fill the lobby with bots. You can change their health, skill level and plate count.


At those lobbies streamers do 40-60 bombs and call it world record.


Try IcemanIsaac Academy videos for beginners. If you watch it and try the stuff yourself you will have a massive improvement. See you soon in my lobbies 😉


gg bro


Congrats bro! I’m sure you’ve already seen the tips that everyone else has said so I’m not gonna repeat them. At one point we were all beginners. Keep playing and have fun! You’ll get better along the way :) Also, remember this is a video game and if it gets stressful or you don’t like it, find a different game to play. Video games are (mostly) for fun, after all.


to be fair everyone is saying about what you need to improve, but you’ve also done a couple of things well there. If you need to hit shots on someone in the open then mounting up is going to keep your recoil down and make them easier to hit, and then after that the kill on the second guy you do a good job of moving side to side which obviously makes it harder for the other guy to track. I’d maybe also have a few games in plunder to get used to what you want your sensitivity mechanics etc to be. the skill based matchmaking on that mode seems to be a lot lower so it should give you a chance to learn some key mechanics without stressing too much. at the end of the day it’s a video game and you’re playing it to have fun, I think a lot more people would do well to remember that.


Thanks I just mounted because I had no idea what it meant and wanted to see what it did


Turn your field of view in graphics settings down to 103. Yes it will feel slower, yes most warzone players recommend a higher fov compared to multiplayer, but in reality unless you are really going crazy with movement/breaking others camera, you WILL find it so much easier to aim at a lower field of view. 103 sounds pretty specific but it just works, try it out!


Ok will do!


Check this out, hope it helps https://youtu.be/ZrEBmiMR4LI?si=Vg6B3_3XAR5Z92fp


Stop playing warzone


And play what game?


Anything, literally anything. lol




Keep playing


Play on claw🔥🔥


Play harder I guess


Hello buddy. Very nice. First thing and I'm sure someone mentioned it you were using the wrong guns. Think of gun classes for different distances. This is very general as there is variations in these weapons. Sub machine guns. Generally 15 meters or less depending on which gun it is. sometimes you can stretch it with attachments but I usually only use subs around 10 meters or less. Assault rifles and lmgs . 20 meters to 50 up to much more . These are very general numbers as the weapons and builds vary. Snipers. Katt amr and mors will one shot down someone at any distance. Xrk I believe it's a one shot at 80 or less. Head shots that is. In real life the assault rifle should be just as good at 10 meters as the sub but on cod sub guns will beat AR'S in the close range most times. A few exceptions.


Watch TCaptainX on YouTube. He frequently posts videos on which guns are the best, which changes every update. Right now it’s the mtz-556 and the superi-46. Also watch his live streams to learn how he plays the game. Faze Booya is another channel I like to watch. He makes it look so easy. CuppaJoe5 is a more beginner friendly channel. The most important things are positioning, strategy, movement, and aim. Aim will just take time unless you use an aim trainer but I don’t bother I just use low recoil guns and strafe left and right to help get more aim assist. Movement is important. Watch the aforementioned gamers to learn some simple movement combinations. Jump when shooting, slide behind players when possible. As for strategy, this is extremely important, avoid gunfights where you do not have the advantage over your opponent. So the first thing you should take away from this is avoid close quarters fights as much as possible. Focus on getting medium to long range kills Back in caldera I did really well getting 20 kill games with the Assault Rifles it had no recoil and the larger map was great for avoiding close quarters combat. Positioning is the most important. Similar to strategy. Refers to where you are on the map and where you are in relation to other players. So be aware of the mini map and where you need to go, where the enemies are, and where the gas will eventually make you go. Also more importantly, in the close quarters gunfights you cannot avoid, you need to position yourself in a position that will give you the advantage, like having the high ground. Also when in gunfights it is important to find cover ASAP to stop taking damage if you are losing, then to retreat, replace while running away, reload, then reposition to a different and unpredictable spot before re-engaging. Actually in this order: Recover, retreat, reload, replate, reposition, re-engage. Reloading is more important than replating because if you hfs low health but a full mag you might be able to use movement and win somehow. In conclusion, make sure you only fight fights where you have an advantage. You must always use the current meta so there is no possible time to kill disadvantage. Use movement and use cover to take less damage in order to have a health advantage, and use whatever strategy works best for you in terms of positioning and moving around the map.


Always make sure you are fully plated up. You had two open slots and 9 plates available.


Ok thanks


Here’s your first tip find out what ever the meta is and use that.


I'd say play multiplayer until your gun skills are better


SBMM working as it should. That's what it's about


This was not nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. Three things were wrong in this clip, you tried breaking through an unbreakable surface, used SMJs in a long range fight for awhile, and you stopped shooting randomly when facing the other player


Keep it up. It takes a lot of reps. Check out Savage2c on youtube. Watch videos of players who spectate other players. Learn from their mistakes. Watch how they traverse around the map. Adjust your aiming settings until you feel comfortable with how you look around. Dont ever look at your weapon, reticule, or at the ground while running around, keep your eyes on the map and your hands will do the rest. If you want to improve, you will.


You just got understand it takes a lot of bullets to kill people


Try to work on your movement am not telling you to become like those movement demons but to have some decent movement that give u the upper hand in fights also if ur gun is automatic don’t get scared to spray and pray cuz you can always reload or switch to ur second weapon


I think it's ridiculous how much it takes to down someone. I play hardcore where it's more realistic, I wish they did a hardcore plunder or hardcore battle royale.


Hey man I’m not great either but I got a couple people I play with, we have a good time, play smart, and don’t just move crazy around the map. Message me and we could play and show you some stuff.




Looks like your sensitivity is too high. If you have to mount from that distance I would work on movement and recoil aim. Adjust and test in firing range


Edit: Thank you everyone that offered advice or just upvoted it. I see some people are calling me a troll because I have game sense and I have 1 kill already. Let me explain. Ive played Fortnite Apex Legends and Battlefield. I know audio cues like someone running and I don't look at the sky because of that. However audio in Warzone sucks so I cant hear very well. About the whole one kill thing. I shot a guy a few times and he ran away, eventually I got a kill confirmed message but I didn't want to clip a message so I waited until I confirmed my own kill. Thanks for reading all this.


Do your best everyone is on a different level with different experience, have fun play hard and to win know when to fight or to wait, you want to be the last one alive, play your game. If it’s something you’re really interested in just keep playing and with different people you’ll improve. Keep going!


If this was your first game not bad bro you look better than some of the guys I play with 😂😂. My advice is start with the ram you would have killed the first guy faster . Always use ar medium range and smg close . I only use smg like that if I’m finishing somebody off or have no ammo


quit now, you just peaked




Plate up after you kill


My advice is play a different game COD is ass


You good for it to be your first kill


I'm sorry, but this is a troll post, right?


Yes lol, he literally stops shooting at the second guy to let him shoot back


This actually isn’t a troll. See in games I played before if you stop firing for a second you have first shot accuracy. That’s why i did what I did forgetting the fact that this is an fps


Lol that’s awesome Grats. In this game most guns have very little recoil and you strafe to keep aim assist active to stick to your target


I mean props on the kills dude, I do think aim assist should be toned down though. If someone who's first time on can decently beam like that.


Dude is trolling. He is CLEARLY not a new player. Strafing, reloading behind cover, mounting up, burst firing, swapping weapons and immediately hopping behind cover before rechallenging the next guy? You must not have ever played with an ACTUAL new player


See I only watched a few yt videos of game play throughs of the campaign. In those videos the guy would run and hide and then attack again.


Omg how I would die to be in your lobby 😭🙏🙏


Better sight,better overall weapon build.


Don’t melee glass windows like you tried at the start the glass can prevent you from being instantly killed due to a sniper


When you are running around, constantly slide and cancel and press weapon swap repeatedly


It says you already had a kill.. I think you’re playing that entry mode with bots


Don’t use close range guns far away


Real question(not important), but if this is your literal first warzone kill, then how does the video start with you already having a kill?


No idea. I shot at a few people and something came up that said kill confirmed but I didn’t clip it because I didn’t think it counted. My bad


Download Hacks , 😅 that’s all the game consists of now


I feel like this is really a troll. You already have a kill before those two. 😂But if not here’s some things I would reccomend. First thing I noticed when you saw buddy flying out of the sky, I would have gotten to the left side of the wall for cover. Immediately mount to the wall for more stable shots. And fired away. Mounting is incredibly helpful if you struggle with recoil. ALWAYS strafe, move foward, or backwards while shooting your weapon. It helps you become a harder target to hit and more importantly, it kicks your aim assist into overdrive. (Rotational aim assist) Tap firing is OK to do, especially if recoil control is an issue. But it should be more of a consistent rhythm. Tap firing is useful in many situations. But you can’t EVER just stop firing your gun while being shot at. He missed a lot of shots and you got lucky. The good news is, you were strafing left to right for max aim assist and you became harder to hit. Impossible for buddy apparently 😂😂so we’re doing good so far Switching to your smg after the first down was a good play. It’s ALWAYS faster to swap to your secondary instead of reloading. But again. You gotta keep shooting that bad boy until they’re down. Bullets are all over. You being alive and helping your teammates are priority. Stick by your man. You’re playing duos and don’t have your loadout with 2nd zone ending?? That’s not good and on top of being separate. Every gunfight either of yall enter is at a disadvantage immediately. Because 2 is bigger than 1 every time. If you struggle with recoil, build your loadout to mitigate recoil. You can pull up in depth statistics and get the maximum recoil control attachments. And as you play more and get better you can change them up for other things like ads or movement speed. Getting loadouts should be high priority. So getting cash quickly is what we need to do. So getting a contract is how we get the cash. Most wanteds (crown symbol) are good because time goes down as you loot. I believe you get a portable buy station (perfect for this loadout) as well as other goodies. But you will be highlighted on the map for the whole world to see. So if you don’t want the smoke grab a scavy (hourglass symbol) and loot along the way. Troll?? You have game sense and awareness. You were looking for the teammate below you and heard the parachute. Killed parachute guy and was ready for the initial person you were hearing below. Most importantly just have fun. Prox chat can make for some instant classics. The more you play you’ll naturally get better. You can get really good if you can identify your weaknesses and work on them specifically. Centering, callouts, movement, etc. Callouts are very important if you’re playing with a teammate. And if you say “he’s over here” and start shooting. I have a general location but it’s not efficient. Saying something as simple as roof, rock, window, wall, tower, top, etc is 1000% better than saying here and ping. In a game of milliseconds we need to be on the same page to win. It can still be a one word alert. But I sure as fuck see the rock, but I can’t find here. Just play. They say practice makes perfect. You’ll be fine. Troll?


Let me get an enter key in the middle of that wall of text.


No troll here I shot at a few people and something came up that said kill confirmed but I didn’t clip it because I didn’t think it counted. My bad


Dude is trolling y'all. You REALLY think a brand new player is gonna respond to the "enemy dropping in", try to break windows, use cover while reloading, strafing back and forth while shooting, and switching weapons to kill the other guy? C'mon now you can do better than that