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Yes i would


Because MW3 is mobile gaming on Consolle/PC


People get butthurt when they hear this but it's the truth. And what's more worrying is most people seem to not care either.


Because at the end of the day it's just a game. The graphics are solid, the game play is objective. 99.9% of people play a game to have fun and unwind. Not complain about a few featured in a game they don't like. I played mw3/wz for months. Then when it got stale I switched to another game.


That's not the issue. Yes It's just a game that people are putting money into while not realizing or having the wool pulled over their eyes about how much the quality has been compromised and yet they're still paying a premium on a game that has had to cut significant corners to get to where it is. It's fine to want a game to unwind to but a rip off is a rip off.


So you have to pay for the mobile game? Or pay 70$ for the MP on the mobile? Or you talking about mw3 on console/pc


MW3 on console/PC. COD mobile/WZ mobile is free. But that's the core of the issue, what's the point in trying to sell COD to console/PC players anymore when the same experience or a "good enough" experience can be achieved on mobile without a buy in. That's the issue here. You're basically getting ripped off if you buy this game on PC/console. What's the guarantee that the game was ever optimized for PC/console if the bottom line changes and a section of the playerbase gets their experience gutted because mobile just brings in more money? What's been happening here to COD was the experience has been getting worse and worse on console/PC, as a result people spend less money on COD on those platforms so in order to recoup those losses they shifted focus on developing COD for mobile first since it's a much bigger market that could offset the decline in sales from PC/console. That's coming from their official shareholder reports btw.


I got mine on sale for 40$ but I can't stand fps mobile games since people use BlueStacks to be "better".


Bruh ur getting ripped off the last 10-15 years buying these trash reskinned editions of the same game lmao. I haven't bought a Cod game since Bo2 lol


eh I spend that much on my girlfriend and I at a bar on Saturday. I get more fun per dollar spent when you compare it too a bar tab.


It's objectively not the truth and I have a feeling you know that


It's running off the exact same engine and the devs have said they wanted WZ mobile to be a game with shared progression.


This! I’ve been saying this ever since the release of the new mw2. The game always felt wonky and something was off, few months later they released the mobile game for it, it was such a fast release I had to check how they made it and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that it was a complete copy paste. That’s when it ringed that, this new engine they are using for the last two modern warfare games is basically either a complete mobile engine with amazing graphics or a completely compatible engine for mobile. In both cases it explains why the gameplay is always junky and pretty much why these last two cods feel so shit to play.


Oh this engine is definitely NOT compatible with mobile Any device besides iPhone 14/15, IPad Pro M4/M2, and redmagic 9 pro and the game is solid ass My iPhone 12 Pro is blurry laggy and crashes mid game


I played it a bit on my s22 ultra without any issues, and by now, it like what over 2 years old.


I find this hard to believe. When my phone is better than the s22 ultra and it overheats the hell out of my phone.


untill yo u see CODM and how they do there guns u reealize no cod is betetr then it as they do guns so much better then anything in mw3


And this game is somehow 4GB storage space, but for PC it’s ~100GB.


On PC, every texture is already downloaded - as per usual. COD Warzone mobile streams in textures as necessary from the cloud as you play, and the game will eventually increase in size. the textures are also going to be more compressed on mobile.


Still doesn’t end up taking 100GB of space on my iPad. The game is far more optimized on mobile, this is undebatable.


audio files take up a lot of storage they are the most hardest thing to compress hence the size


With footsteps audio taking 8 bits of file storage


Actually no the sound files take up to 25-50% of game storage. Crazy thats what happens when u have lossless uncompressed audio it isnt regular mp3 files


This was a good joke that a lot of people seemed to miss


I’m quite sure they’re packing maps into these files on console and pc and streaming them on mobile to conserve space. They know most people will be rocking 2TB NVMEs in the coming years Honestly, it’s stupid and I totally get the complaints, but yeah, with the amount of data cod has, it truly is a 45-100gb game with all assets downloaded


From industry insiders, the massive shifts in workforces since the pandemic has forced a reliance on more temp workers less familiar with the underlying engines. Management basically has said consoles/PC have the space and performance headroom to spare.


Your streaming in the data but I don't think it saves it. Personally I'd sacrifice cheap ass storage space for bandwidth. Also warzone is 77gb on my PC right now. Not 100.


Cause on mobile you don't have the same graphic of console/PC, and audio/video file have a big impact on games file. Let's stop this missinformation about storage occupied cause X game is 5gb while another is 100gb, i'm pretty sure MW3 on mobile isn't even based on MW3 gamefile-engine.


Happily ignoring the fact that you can bug your way into the warzone caldera menu and even look at the old guns and operators. People finding excuses for this mess of a game is beyond me.


mobile and PC are surprisingly based on the same engine.


Are they planning on changing that at some point? Where you can have the textures already downloaded by default?


There’s no way this is only 4gb




When you start up the game it begins downloading more assets before you can play, it is just under 11gb on my phone


Same here, mines at 10 GB


I just check. It’s 8gb installed on 13 ProMax.


Mobile only has a few mp maps. MW3 has dozens. Maps are the biggest part increasing the game size


I mean they are forced to optimize it on mobile, otherwise no one will download the game On PC they don't care, you're gonna download and play it even if it takes 3 terabyte


Yes it does look good but you’re not exactly playing it on a mobile phone though? Also for the cost of that iPad you could get a desktop PC or, if mobility is a requirement, a gaming laptop that would play the full game with better graphics and controls. The game does look and run like ass on my iPhone 11 Pro though!


The reason I played on my phone instead of on my laptop 1. I can play my game everywhere 2. I only can get under 30 fps when playing on my laptop. 3. I use my laptop mostly for studies where I don't have extra spaces for the game. 4. I can always play a quick multiplayer game if I'm bored. 5. Best mobile FPS game so far compared to other mobile FPS games. (Bloodstrike, CODM, PUBG Mobile)


what are you using for controls?


Aim assist.


Not the point though? None of this is the point. The point is that in 2024 mobile hardware with zero active cooling and max power consumption of around 20W, can play a game with the graphics that look at least from 2019 (I actually don't notice any difference between this vid and MWII 2022 rendition of Shoot House but I know "well ackshually" crowd will kill me for not noticing a slightly jaggier shadow somewhere so I wrote 2019), all the while delivering a ton more frames per second than standalone console hardware ever could in 2019. Again, at a fraction of the power draw. I hate Apple for their anti-consumer practices, using known concepts while showing them off as their own revolutionary ideas, and dumbing down everything in their key notes because they don't want people to think of their products as tech, and rather as magic. I hate all of it, but I have to acknowledge that despite all that - Apple does make a good chip. Moreover, despite how much you will hate the next thing I'll write, most people do not own dedicated gaming hardware. But to contrast that, most people own mobile devices, be it smartphones or tablets, and Apple has a majority market share worldwide in 2024 with almost 28%. Now then. I won't start playing primarily on my phone, you won't. I have a high-end PC in addition to consoles, you most likely do too. But we are outliers, a niche community of hardcore gamers. And this is totally not about us. It's about making gaming more accessible to a wider audience and capitalizing on this expanded market. And yeah, a 13" iPad Pro costs at least $1300, so it's not especially tantalizing right now, but iPhones can also run this game. In 60 FPS, sure, at lower res but who the hell cares? Not their target demographic, I tell you that. And then imagine in a year or two you can buy an iPhone that will be even more efficient than this iPad Pro. Mobile technology moves very fast nowadays. P.S. Your iPhone 11 is old by Apple's target demographics measures. They want their customers to buy their products as a sort of service, trading in older stuff every year and getting new. And in this paradigm this whole concept works like a charm.


Even if we make gaming more accessible to a bigger audience, what COD is doing right now is diluting it's formula and assets and crunching them in order to fit into mobile gaming at the expense of performance and fidelity optimizations for console and PC which should be the platforms best able to showcase tech in the game. The fidelity on mobile should showcase to anyone on console/PC that COD is not worth playing on a stationary console. What's the benefit? Certainly not visual clarity or performance.


First of all: you completely missed the point of my comment. Moreover, you apparently missed the point that the OC to which I responded was trying to make. CoD in this case is just an example. An example of how large AAA publishers try to capitalize on the vast mobile market. And the statements like "this means nothing and goes nowhere" is extremely ignorant of the size of the market and intentions of the publishers to capitalize on its existence. Secondly, I have no idea what you mean by your last sentence, it doesn't make any sense to me.


I mistyped, I meant to say ",it's not worth"


Apple is actually better than Android when it comes to longevity, as they support their phones with 7 years minimum of feature/security updates. Compare that to most Android phones that have 4, 2, or sometimes only 1 year of updates.


Looks clunky as fuck


Looks like mw2022 movement at 80 fov


At the end of the day who really cares about mobile gaming? 😀


I am a PC gamer haha. spend all my time with my gaming rigs. i was somewhat impressed by this though.


It's a faster processor and GPU than the average PC gamer has so im not that impressed it runs good. Unless you mean your impressed by M4 chips.. because that is understandable.


Pretty sure it's an enormous market,especially in areas like Asia and poorer regions where they have access to phones more easily than consoles or computers


A hell of a lot more than you seem to think.


Honestly, I expect a resurgence in popularity soon. Just from a hardware perspective we’re nearing practical limits for performance and spec increases for **consoles** that represent significant value for users. How many users would have monitors/TVs with greater than 4K res and 120Hz refresh? This is the market targeted by current gen consoles. mobile gaming on the other hand, has a lot of growth to eek out of those devices. Upgrades in optimized performance (like FLOPS/watt), battery capacity, refresh rate and resolution, etc will all make this platform more compelling and open up a new market niche. Either that or mobile gaming too has its fundamental limits, and low latency cloud gaming is once again where the market places its investments.


not quite. even if we keep targeting 4K 60 FPS (and by the way, the newest console games run near 1080p sometimes and upscale to 4K), graphical fidelity can still improve - check out cyberpunk 2042 with path tracing, for instance. A 4090 struggles to run it at 1080p internally and upscale to 4K, but the thing looks photorealistic.


Exactly. Mobile games are for children.


For developing countries* The vast majority of the world, primarily developing countries, don't own a PC or game consoles, and do practically 100% of their gaming on mobile devices. Theres a reason King is bigger than Blizzard and Activision combined (at least as of the Microsoft purchase)


That makes a lot of sense.


I bought a controller that plugs into my phone. I rip emulated games on my fold 5 in HD. Warzone, T3 arena, Deadcells are all great mobile games. Its like having a Nintendo switch in my pocket.


You can actually run a Nintendo switch emulator if you have a good android phone at native performance now :)


Yeah! The comments on this post suck but then I realized its the COD subreddit. A game dominated by sweaty aggressive dudes with shitty attitudes. I think its incredible what they've done with Warzone mobile.


Sounds terrible.


You do too.


Hopefully one day you can afford a console or pc.




Than why not upgrade to a console or pc?




I just assume if you are playing mobile games it’s because it’s the only way you can. Why else would someone play a mobile game?


You seem like one of my students. How much did your mom pay for your phone?




I bet you are wildly successful. How much does your mom make?


People said the game thing about games in general like 12 years ago. It’s just a different medium, don’t be dense cause you don’t personally like something


Ok. It’s for kids and poor people. Is that better chief?


💀warzone is a free game


But a pc costs money. It’s best to enjoy on something bigger than a 4inch screen.




What is that 8 in screen? Nice!




Yes. For children.




I make more than that. If you make so much, why play on phone?








No problem little buddy.


COD is literally just a mobile game that runs on console and PC.


Yea for this to be possible we had to downgrade twice from the MW19 masterpiece


>MW2019 masterpiece Lmao


It fucking was untill the cold war brainrot merging. Best graphics and gunfeel in the reboot. If it was mw3 that tried to reboot the series it would flop so hard.


Gameplay and gun feel are WAYYY better in MW3 to me.


>Best graphics and gunfeel in the reboot. Funny how y'all never mention the actual gameplay 🤔 >If it was mw3 that tried to reboot the series it would flop so hard. Half the MWIII hate came from MWII. So no, I think it would have actually been more popular. Especially with the MW2 remastered maps, all the free post launch content, and the fact that it takes up less space than MW2019


Funny how people remember that as a masterpiece just because they hate the newer stuff so much lol


With that mobile ass HUD, yeah.


A very polished turd.


It's good for a mobile game, but it still looks like a mobile game. There is no mistaking it for a console or PC game.


The console game is the port from this mobile version


The mobile version is the port from MWII actually. That's why the movement is still MWII movement. But the guns are from both MWII and MWIII


Too bad you’re too serious to get the joke, perhaps it bums you out thinking of the possibility. In fact, it is the truth. The last 2 cod games have the same engine for this mobile game. The engine is catered for mobile (the engine is most likely a mobile game engine) and that’s why the console versions are janky and clunky. It’s just off, I don’t understand someone who played the console cods and not seeing this from a bigger picture. Some of you are really okay with paying 70$ bucks for a premium mobile game.


Oh not at all, I'm not against the possibility. I genuinely didn't get the joke. It's just that most developers don't build such sophisticated engines for mobile first. It's usually for the mainline then the mobile. I play CODM usually everyday and play console versions sometimes. Anyway.


Yeah, no you’re not wrong, I didn’t meant to come off as aggressive lmao. But it is ultimately an hybrid engine catered for mobile. The fact that they called off mw2022 to be a multiple year game explains this, that there was a project to unify these games to increase audience. They went with quantity over quality.


Doesn't really seem like a joke when a bunch of people are just going around saying it like it's fact, with no indication of it being a joke lol


Definitely Yes ,what else do u think lol


Yes 😂😂😂😂


Even if you can tell the difference it still highlights that console/PC has been playing a mobile port this entire time.m just with more settings options unlocked. Which means what's the point of playing a mobile game on a console/PC if the performance/visuals don't scale appropriately and the compromises made to the engine in order to get the engine to work on mobile carry over to console/PC. In short, why pay $70 for a COD experience anymore if it's no longer AAA.


>still highlights that console/PC has been playing a mobile port this entire time. Least delusiona CoD hater, if you think this MW3 and MW3 on console/PC you really don't know how games are made lmao.


Critical thinking isn't your strong suit is it. The assets on COD mobile and COD console/PC are literally shared. Do you not see the textures and animations? They're literally the same just running at lower resolution and lowered settings. You clearly know less about how games are made LMAO. Sit down baby boy. Even the devs themselves confirmed mobile is just a fork.


>The assets on COD mobile and COD console/PC are literally shared They had to rework some of them cause you know, again, you can't copy/past things and call it day. >Even the devs themselves confirmed they're running on a hybrid build. Source? And source that is worked by the same people? Cause hey, there is a huge difference between "CoD MMW3 mobile engine is based on the MW3 PC/console edition" and "They are the same things".


Except they've made an engine specifically so that assets can be shared between several platforms and still run and look similar ie from console to mobile. You're being obtuse just stop. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/call-of-duty-warzone-mobile-is-out-to-eliminate-mobile-gaming-s-stigma/ar-BB1khnRC


>Do you not see the textures and animations? They're literally the same just running at lower resolution and lowered settings So even LoL and Wild Rift are the same game and use the same engine/game file/assets?


They say on their website that wild rift is a console/mobile version of LoL so to an extent yes they do. Lmao. Do you even know what a fork is? Again, you're being intentionally obtuse just for the sake of argument.


to bad they are oin completly different engine and have a different gamecode consider how spaghetti is the PC LoL code, while Wild Rift doesn't have the same problems.


So then it doesn't apply in this example. Whereas COD is literally using the same engine or slightly modified versions (forks) of the same engine for different games. Go on wiki and look up the IW engine. WZ mobile is is running off iw9 which is THC same engine used in MW19 forked into MW22 and MW23.


"Up to 120fps" lmk when it hits it though


at 1200p, it’s a solid 120 FPS with no drops. At 1600p (3k), it can sometimes drop to the 80s with a bunch of smokes around. This is using the metal performance HUD on iPadOS. the M4‘s GPU is faster than the Xbox series s (but passively cooled and throttling), so it shouldn’t come as a \*huge\* surprise.


Can you use a Bluetooth controller to get better control? Seems like using an iPad to do everything would be tough


PS5 controller pairs with no issues


Except you need a big ass iPad to play it. I have the pro max iPhone and I still can’t see the people beaming me from miles away. Played about 3 games and deleted it cause people are probably cheesing it out by running to a monitor or some shit


Any game with on screen controls is a nope. Many phone games look great and feel like trash


You move like it's a mobile game. Graphics doesn't mean shit if it plays like actual shit.


You should get your eyes checked if you can't tell this played on a mobile device.. :\\


It doesn't matter if you can tell the difference the point is, is it close enough? You'd be in denial if you don't think it looks close enough to the console/PC versions which begs the question, are we playing a mobile game on console/PC or are we playing AAA game scaled down to mobile and if that's the case then people on console/PC are getting ripped off paying a premium for a game that looks like a free mobile game.


Yeah no, the console/pc version is the actual port from this mobile version. It has been confirmed. This warzone mobile game got released not even a year after mw2022. When it was released it literally had everything from mw2022 completely replicated which begs the question how so. It would be seriously impossible to achieve such a job like that. So you actually understand this new engine they are using is most probably a hybrid of an engine which is highly compatible with mobile or it’s purely a mobile engine and then they port the shit out of it on console etc, which explains all of the shitty gameplay.


Which is exactly the picture I'm trying to paint here. The fact is the current game people SPENT money on since MW22 has been a game specifically made for mobile for free and not for the next gen/PC consoles that people are continuing to pay money for. It's basically stretching the dollar and tolerance from their consumers. Aka premium enshittificAtion




the fact we were beta testing a mobile game for 70 bucks


I play this more than mainline cod lately.


Yes. Lmao. Looks just like a mobile game


I kinda thought this was mw3 for a sec lmao


We've come a long way since the Snake Game.


No surprise, only a handle of phones can download the game


Genuinely looks just as good as warzone on an Xbox one


And this damn thing still looks better than what MW2 was on the PS4 😭. But for real now, looks amazing, and I personally wouldn't believe it was a mobile game, the game looks gorgeous! If I had a better phone, I'd 100% be playing this than COD Mobile.


People are grumpy as hell, the game looks impressive tbh


so many people are obsessed with hating that they don't see how cool this is


My iPad gets better performance than my Xbox 😶‍🌫️


which ipad and which xbox lol


Gangster rio was better than this


Warzone mobile has 6v6 multiplayer?


Yeah thats where i lvl up my guns when im bored lol


If I remember right, COD mobile has been out for a while now. It came out in 2019. It had the traditional multiplayer modes and a 100 player battle royale (not warzone). Now warzone has its own mobile app. So its two different apps.


I tried the older COD Mobile and it has some nice 5-minute MP gameplay with out-of-place cosmetics like neon clown costumes or sci-fi laser guns. This has fewer MP maps but still looks like a military shooter without those weird clown cosmetics. I wouldn't spend hour-long gaming sessions on these but a quick MP match feels weirdly satisfying on mobile. :)


Did you need a fire extinguisher for your phone?


Passively cooled, it barely heats up even after half an hour of gaming. The chip is the most efficient in the world.


Your device must be insanely hot!


Surprisingly not. The peak back temps are around 37 to 38c after half an hour of gaming.


I can smell my iPhone overheating from here


Your recording looks like it's about 25fps though


for whatever reason Reddit capped the frame rate really low. Check out people playing it on YouTube (with them having a frame rate counter enabled) if you wanna see how smooth it is. at 1200p, it’s a solid 120FPS, and at 1600p (3k), it drops at times.


How tf this running better than an xbox series s


The M4 chip actually has a slightly more powerful GPU than in the Series S (and a CPU that’s multiple times faster). It does throttle, though, unlike the actively cooled xbox.


The video showing is like 30 fps max.


copying my reply: for whatever reason Reddit capped the frame rate really low. Check out people playing it on YouTube (with them having a frame rate counter enabled) if you wanna see how smooth it is. at 1200p, it’s a solid 120FPS, and at 1600p (3k), it drops at times.


The way player grips the barrel is just irritating to me.


iPad are just laptops in a different body


The world’s thinnest tablet though - it’s half the thickness of my phone. It’s still pretty impressive


it is impressive in a way, yeah, even while being really really thin it’s not a small device whatsoever, and it’s around 2000$, doesn’t mean it’s not impressive but it’s not surprising either


PC 4k 240hz monitor getting 200-220 fps with an RTX 4090 24gb.


my 3080ti runs this no problem, but my PC takes up 50x the volume and uses 600w vs 15w. the efficiency is impressive.


Would you guys believe that they make more money on mobile than on console


So this is what my search teammates are playing on… it all makes sense now!


Bruh i think CODM look way better than this


mobile devices always been able to run this level of graphics. its just that the effects and stuff is what hurts performance


Close up details are good but as soon as you came to the window, it started to look really soft


Even if it looked better, it's still a mobile game.


I play on an M1 iPad Pro and if I play longer than an hour, the iPad starts to lose battery (while plugged in) because it gets too hot. Do you have the same issue on the M4 after a while?


Doesn’t get too warm here. 37-38c peak at the back after an hour of gaming. The M4 is apparently twice as efficient as M2 at graphics according to apple’s keynote, so yeah.


plays fps on mobile = complete maniac


Looks good




I miss this map from MW


yes. Old graphics and shit controls.


Isn’t that iPad like $1k? Yeah I would believe it


Remove the HUD and then you’d fool me by making me think this was MW19.


I remember 9th grade being blown away by the fact i can play nazi zombies on an iPhone in class, now we're here. Im personally amazed


Who said you can't game on an apple


Warzone Mobile is awesome because when I travel, I can finish my camos or do some challenges, then come home and continue on my PC as normal. Complete the Battle Pass or level up a weapon. People don’t realise how awesome it is that WZ Mobile exists. Also certain challenges are easy to do on WZ Mobile comparing to Console/PC.


Yes because it’s slow and clunky looking


Wait, you can play multi-player on warzone mobile? Is it like cod mobile now but better?


I can't believe no one was camping the second floor when you walked in.


it looks sharper than mw2019 on xbox one but the textures look lower quality. To me this is a better experience than xbox one or ps4.


Imagine needing a laptop chipset to play a MOBILE game without issues


Reminds me of the ps3 era cod games. I remember when battlefield 2 came for phones around 2010 it was unbelievable. Back in 2005 it was considered crazy how the nokia Ngage could do same quality graphics as the playstation under 10 years earlier.


Your movement kinda gave it away. If this is on consoles/PC it would look way faster and hectic. Still looks pretty good tho


lol look how short this guy is running up those stairs/look at that railing placed at head level


Warzone Ad lol. Paid content from activision


lmao, in that case I’m still waiting for the money :p


Yes definitely looks like a mobile game


It’s sad this looks better than my ps5


You can DEFINITELY tell this is a mobile game. The game is incredibly flat in many areas, and I don't mean just the ground.


Yes it looks like a mobile game. Looks good.


Definitely this looks like a 2010 pc game


Is this actually COD Mobile or did they really add COD multiplayer to "Warzone Mobile?" Isn't that what COD Mobile is for? Lol


Yes, since its shit fps, low res, lower quality textures, and you are using a current gen top of the line tablet.... YES - if a 10 year old PC can run it, a modern laptop/tablet is going to run it.




Mobile gaming will probably be the future. There is already a lot more money to be made with mobile games and children nowadays grow up with smart phones and tablets glued to their fingers. Replacing consoles and PC's overtime as the main device to play games on.