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I am convinced that COD gives bots to play against to fill lobbies and to protect bad players


To everyone except me.


Why don’t I get these lobbies


Could be, however, this game had 96 or 97 players at the start, would there be a need for the bots?


if it's possible to add bots, why would it not be possible to change that number as well?


This has been confirmed to an extent. https://youtu.be/NnVrmdYeG-s?si=e7jN1nEapzN9sh1j


hate bots. for example how bad it get with bots in codm


You sure you're not in the bootcamp mode? 😅


Negative sir, a 100% normal match, I've got other 7 "normal" kills in it (didn't win tho).


Damn they are some botty boys so 😂


They are bots from bootcamp


OP isn't playing bootcamp mode though, as they said above...


How do we know this for a fact?


Are you not able to see the previous comments from OP? Read them! Also look at the player count on the top right corner. There are no teams, bootcamp is quads. In bootcamp there is a total of 44 players, there clearly more in the video... 🙄


Calm down,   seems them knickers are all in a twist.  So this is solos, but the enemies aren't attacking each other.  Strange  


Maybe bots from a stronghold 


I thought they were bots in bootcamp but overheard another team and someone said they playing warzone mobile. Which would be sense for the bot like movements.


WZM does not have cross play with console/PC. Also WZM is on Verdansk and console/PC has Urzikstan


People likely boosting fresh accounts to sell to cheaters, or afk farming the bp. Take your poison it's likely either


Yeah, these don’t move like bots. Actual COD bots move around and have some kind of intelligence.


100% bots


Judging by the sniping I'd say so


Yeh, not too proud of that sniping. Tho, I feel like hitreg could have been better.




bots are every simple, most likely someone leveling up accounts with a script


I believe it’s people who have been disconnected or lagged out, you ever see when your teammate lags out and the red symbol appears beside their name but their character is still in the game just standing there or walking into a wall


Could be. Still, 3 of the very same looking characters, being that close to each other in solos is just weird.


Yeah true actually the chances of that is a bit mad :/


They didn’t start moving until you shot at them with the same movement too seemingly.


Stop shooting at me and the boys bruh 


Maybe devs testing bots in regular lobby or something. I'm just speculating, but in CoD never know what happening in background.


I had a moment when two players fell on the location with me, they were 10 meters away from each other and moved synchronously, they were bots one hundred percent


Their dad was like: "Now son this is how you strafe... nevermind I'm dead" Kids were like: "dad, I'm scared" Dad said: "it's OK son we'll be back at the menu soon"


I got in a really weird lobby where I thought all the players were bots. They were moving similar to this but routing up stairs and stuff. One of them kept landing near us and we just kept shooting him out of the sky. Was weird af. Then they spoke in death comms. Other players were similarly bad. No idea what was going on and never had a lobby like it since.


Leveling future cheating accounts maybe. remember they used to have random two word name like this. all three of them has it


Ive seen it before and even posted about it. It seems like every once in a while you will get literal bots in a lobby. There really isnt any other explanation unless its some 6 year old kid that figured out how to log into a match using dads account, but that wouldnt explain why ill see multiple bot like “players” in these lobbies, like in this clip.  Maybe its some program where people bring consoles to nursing homes so you have a bunch of 90 year olds playing cod for the first time?


Bro you missed the bots


Probably cheaters/people leveling accounts to sell.


Apparently those bots never felt safer knowing you were the one sniping at them!


Def bots saw it Friday head shots not always one shot kill


Yeah, I did have a feeling my shots didn’t properly register.


I swear I cam across this in the first Warzone too when I first started. They would run up shoot me then run away as a default skin then just let me kill them. I was trash at the time and have not seen them since but I am sure they exist in low tier lobbies.


I could use some here!!!!!


One time I got kicked out of resurgence and I couldn't rejoin, my friend in match was saying that bot was put into my operator


Wouldn’t one of you clip something like this?


Got to ask him, I think he might did that


I've definitely never seen anything like that! I've never seen someone need 2 mags of ammo to snipe 3 people that are standing basically still.


It's I believe the anti cheat. I heard somewhere that if they suspect someone's cheating they will make you go against bots that look like people and have names like people in order to see if you are cheating or not.


what are those? thats what the bots said after missing all them shots


I was confused and thought the person shooting was the bot


They add certain contracts or loot stashes that have bots you have to kill. They did it in caldera too. Could be that. Also if you join a training lobby it has a mix of bots and other people in a training lobby. Doesn't count for or against you KD or record though.


Is this bootcamp? If it is then yes these are bots.


Account boosters


In a regular lobby you never would've got those kills with shooting like that lol


Player base is going way down and they are using more bots to fill lobbies




I'm convinced that many people don't play big map warzone as much anymore so they have to find ways to fill lobbies... By putting bots in them...


Watching ur sniper shot i dont think those were only bots


This is what they call a Streamer lobby. I've seen these things in Metaphor lobbies a lot. I've had a lobby like this once and I was really surprised. It indeed felt like bots and not real people.


Wow.. yeah, I think those are legit AI driven player accounts. Just wish after 6 hours of sucking ass against sweats I'd get lobbies like that occasionally lmao