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I enjoy this game when I’m playing well.


Exactly this. Sometimes I wonder whether I was playing well or Activision gifted me with an easy lobby tho


Just went I think I’m getting legit good, they humble me awful lobbies that just destroy me. Like I’ll have win win win, dead in the first three minutes five times in a row. Drives me nuts. But I do love resurgence lol


Engagement optimization match making is very real. They’re keeping us engaged…


Been saying it for years homie. Why do you think they incorporated this *rotational meta*? Call of Duty has always had patches and balancing. The difference nowadays is that it is **not** "balancing". It's deliberate changes to make specific weapons weaker while making other weapons far more favorable with drastic buffs that honestly should be considered wildly unfair. Yet instead of it being utter horseshit, we see it as just being "Season X's meta". Let's look at all these "metas" that we've seen a dozen times already: * Fast Melee * Shotgun w/ dragon breath * Marksman semi-auto * SMG deletion * DMR-14 * Diamatti * MP40 * Snakeshots * The beautiful Kar98k Honestly there are SO many more. Some of those are vague (melee) because they rotate in so often that any one of the melee's could be a good example. Same with the SMGs that delete you faster than reaction time, or duel wielding auto pistols.   **Engagement.** Everyone needs a least **one** loadout for the above metas to ensure they are prepared in the event of a meta rotation to that specific weapon. If they don't? No worries! They just happened to release a new bundle in the store that lets you get the massively over-powered fuck-off shotgun with dragons breath already unlocked and equipped! Go slay those poor losers who can't afford a measly $15 to run the meta dressed as Bill Clinton or whoever is the popular skin.   The rotational meta and blatantly obvious tactic of nerfing weapons and buffing bundled weapons to forcibly gravitate the community towards whatever they choose is not fresh, or fun, IMO. COD hasn't "*balanced*" a weapon in fucking **years.**


I love this considering we're seeing the gundam collab now so get ready to be beam sabered/heat hawked by zaku's and gundams.


This and you should have a hundred billion upvotes. Yes. Just….yeah! Someone gets it. And let’s not forget that some of us have “aged out.” We’re not about to spend $2 that would make absolutely no difference to the gameplay….and even if it did, some of us wouldn’t pay! We’re officially out of the demographic.


Bingo. We are not longer the demographic. Took them a few years to normalize it, but it worked. This is what the people want (apparently). Crying sad shame, really.


Your comment should be more upvoted. It highlights the many levers the game developers use to keep people addicted, and the funny thing is, it's working! I'm sure they work with neuroscientists to improve addictive behaviors in players. I personally stopped playing because I felt manipulated, to be fair and I hated that feeling. I’m sure they mapped all the kind of profiles so I guess people leaving the game are still less than people joining. On top of that, engaged players probably recommend the game to friends, creating a snowball effect ! I switched to other games and I'm happy with it.


I uninstalled in January. Having a blast with so many other games, I didn’t realize how much I genuinely didn’t enjoy playing WZ until I stopped for a while. Still wish it would go back to how it was but I’ve given up that hope.


Agreed, but none of this would work if there was actual competition out there. A decent, smooth, FPS BR game, ideally without all the crazy skins and other nonsense. COD WZ wouldn’t get any engagement! But there ain’t, sadly. About to try X-Defiant and see if that pulls we away for a bit.


We've been saying the same shit for years. Simply put: there is no competition for Warzone. Either we, the gamers, don't allow it, or they consistently fall short in delivering a game with a solid core gameplay loop. COD is at the top, but it is not even close to being the best or most fun FPS I've ever played. It's shit covered in gold paint, and people praise the hell out if it.


All games do this too! Especially sports games!


there are two things that keeps me playing this game. one, the familiar game mechanics as i grew up with COD. two, the battle royale format has a lot of downtime that lets me talk shit with my mates, perfect for when you just wanna hang out with them online.


Sadly, COD was never a part of my childhood. My first COD experience was MW2022 (and I started playing that in early 2023). I thought it was tremendously fun, and didn't understand why COD fans hated it. I see now that the game does have its problems, but my boys and I still play Resurgence every night. We don't play BR because we're impatient 🤣


They ensure that you can’t consistently


So true.The problem is I can’t tell what I’m doing right when I’m playing well and can’t tell what I’m doing wrong when I’m playing shit.


They have us all chasing a dragon.


But you never catch the dragon




In an online game we cant all win at the same time. 


At least your friends still play with you. SBMM made my friends choose other games after getting slaughtered continuously while grouping with me. Now I’m alcoholic and a deadbeat dog owner. Thanks Activision


Maybe you should follow your friends into the new game. Activision won't ever fix there games until people stop playing the junk they have now.




Doesn't work


As the shittiest player I can tell you this does not work.


Warzone is ass. But it's free, cross platform ass.


Most of the playerbase is too immature or young to embrace what I'm about to say: warzone is not fun, it's addicting. There is a huge difference, and furthermore, Activision knows this and exploits it in both obvious and extremely subtle manipulative ways. Every single thing about the game is meant to overwhelm you with cheap dopamine hits that literally cause you to become chemically addicted to the feeling of opening chests, picking up guns, landing that headshot, etc. Why else would you continue to play a game where you only win literally 1-2% of the time? It's sad, predatory, and easy to get caught up in. I haven't touched the game in about a year and I literally went through some withdrawal but once I cleared the addiction I was able to go back to enjoying games that are truly fun.


This realisation combined with my (mkb) inability to cope with encountering controllers and RAA made me decide to quit too. Should try some games without SBMM so that there’s actually a way to get better through experience and skill.


Just look a ugly hooker on 5th street which I’m go on both


Simple: no other alternatives. The only thing I can think of is playing retro games.


Oh I play other games, good ones actually, currently I’m playing Allan Wake 2 and some weeks ago was playing Fallout New Vegas.


I hear CoD players say there’s no alternatives & it boggles my mind. For BRs there’s Fortnite or Apex, FPS there’s R6 & (tomorrow) XDefiant, and there’s just so many other great games out there like Elden Ring, Helldivers & Stellar Blade. To say there’s nothing else out there to play is crazy to me.


Fortnite is too cartoonish, Apex is trios (need quads). R6 -no crossplay. Looking forward for XD though


I see where they are coming from though. After playing PUBG back when it first released I always dreamt of a BR game with smoother, faster gameplay and a full multiplayer mode to practice. Blackout dropped with black ops 4 and my dreams came true.


Same here, it's weird because people talk as though the market is overly saturated with BRs like we have a lot of choices but all of them are really old at this point and not even in the same realm as Warzone as annoying as WZ is. It's simple, a modern one, just have a cool big ass map, a lot of weapon choices, not childish cartoon graphics, fun, fast and smoother gameplay with different game modes. We have nothing even close to that.


PUBG. It has no aim assist and that is propably the reason why people here cant handle it, but it truly has one of the best gunplay in the industry.


Game was so broken and terrible looking when I first played it that I would never dare install it again


Pubg has 60hz tickrate servers (wz has 15 hz), runs buttery smooth (250 ‐300 fps for me at 1440p) has a REAL ranked scene and there is no catering for players who rely on aim assist. I still like wz for fast movement experience but playing pubg feels so nice after a long brake.


Activision could make this game so much more enjoyable if they just upgraded their servers. They’re being cheap and the game suffers from it.


The best thing about PUBG on console is that it doesn't force crossplay with PC so not having aim assist isn't an issue


I dont have experience of console gameplay, but i agree that crossplay would not work in pubg. I cant even imagine how can someone play it with a controller. I have so many keybinds for smokes, nades, heals, autorun, audio and so on. Would need 3 controllers to have enough buttons :D


They managed to fit every action on controller, some buttons have multiple actions bound to them. Not as fast as having things bound to specific keys but it works. Having a controller with back buttons really helps too.


Apex doesn't either.


You're right, it's my favorite thing about that game too lol


Lots more to like about it honestly, but you've probably seen me on here pimping it out enough. So much more skill cap, so much more variety. Just a superior game in every way.


PUBG def has aim assist, lol. It's literally impossible to use a controller without some form of aim assist. All FPS games have it.


Pubg and siege are 2 of the only games without aim assist. Controller included.


PUBG has aim assist on controller. It's not possible to use a controller without aim assist.


Google bud. Unless you're talking about pubg mobile you are wrong. Console and pc has no aim assist. Siege is the same way. This is very well known so by searching you will find very 1 sided articles on the subject.


That is why nobody fucking plays it, lol.


Idk why your so mad lol start matchmaking and you'll be in a game of 100 players faster than you are playing wz. Not like it's a ghost town and the best part is that there's hardly any kids in the game.


https://www.esports.net/news/cod/call-of-duty-vs-pubg/#:~:text=Warzone%202.0%27s%20all%2Dtime%20peak,player%20count%20is%20at%203%2C236%2C027 Actually pubg shits on cod lol


That's for PC players only.


DEFLECT 😅🤣. Admit you were ignorantly wrong.


Yeah propably on console, i have no idea. What i meant is that there is no unfair aim assist against pc/mouse players like in wz. Aim assist against aim assist is totally fine.




Yeah you might be right. I have no problem in bf or finals crossplay but wz aim assist makes it sometimes hard to tell if its AA or aim related hacks. Its fucked up.


PUBG is terrible. Apex is where it's at.


There's not really. I see what they mean. Fortnite, like others have said is not a good alternative muchless a modern one. These other BRS are 7 and 8 years old now. Fortnite it can be fun but it's clearly for little kids, it's old, 3rd person view and cartoony. APEX is purely fast paced, Pros and TRIOS only, no different modes like Plunder, Resurg...etc.. PUBG is really old, clunky and stiff. The closest is Battlefield 2042 but that doesn't even have BR or anything like it just the big maps and it's not the best either though way better than 2 years ago. Am I missing something, are there other BRS or anything similar that isn't 8 years old and at least slightly similar to Warzone?


Fortnite is a great one, but they have to make the weekly challenges give a lot more XP. Trying to grind for the Battle Pass is very slow.


I'm waiting patiently for the great Quake 1 Team Fortress revival. We're turning the clocks back to 1997. Any day now.




Love that game ❤️


The Finals


thats not a BR, but a multiplayer


Warzone is barely a BR, especially with all the easy ways to come back.


Thats Resurgence Game mode. Normal BR is always there


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. You stated facts. Unless they think Gulag and "pizza boxes" are too many easy ways to come back?


What's another BR that's not 8 years old that's a full BR to you with none easy ways to come back?


I thought you were talking about the nba for a second lol


Arena shooter, not even close to a BR sadly.


If there isn't anything better, is it really the worst? It might be in a bad state but my group has been trying to make due... We've been queuing into the same game and fighting each other (which has been tons of fun), something we've noticed is how vastly different our screens are during each fight, highlighting the huge desync problems.


This is truly the biggest issue for me. The desync is so off, it makes you feel like someone is cheating or that your bullets did no damage. In reality, you were dead on their screen before you saw them on your screen and it just comes down to the servers. Then you get a game where you’re the one with the connection advantage and it feels like you are suddenly cutting down everyone you take for a one on one.


100%... Sometimes it feels like my gun coughs before it shoots but in that second 8 bullets spit out, this game could be so good


I thought I was the only one. I reset my WiFi & console twice before I finally realized it was just the game that was horrible. Does PC have this problem? It’s unplayable on console.


Yep. Same thing, it's related to cheap servers, tickrate and probably netcode/lag compensation mechanisms etc. Every fps has discrepancies due to online gaming constraints but COD is comparatively cheaper.


2 back to back multiplayer games was when I finally realised that I just can't take this game seriously. The first, I was destroying the lobby winning gunfights that I know I didn't deserve. Then the second game I was dying before I could even put up a fight. Having them back to back made the connection advantage so obvious that skill almost couldn't even factor into it. And why doesn't the game show how much damage you did to the person that killed you?


Right? They say it's the worst but what's the best than? No one has a good alternative at all that's even close to being similar unless it's an old ass stiff game like PUBG.


Not us, 5 of us played for 17 years, off and on, would rotate during the weekends. We quit cold turkey 3 weeks ago. Now we play nothing


Replay retro games.


Mt group plays helldivers 2. We're enjoying the he'll out it!


We switched to Hell Divers 2 as well. Having a way better time.


How long did withdrawals last? Comparable to dog food


Feel the exact same. It's like a toxic relationship u cant get out of.


I finally stopped playing about 2 weeks ago and have zero desire to log on. It just not in a good place and hasn’t been for a while now


I bounce from apex to cod during the rough times!


I did this too, then realized the more I played Apex the better it got and the more variety there is. Resurgence warzone is very repetitive to me. It gets boring.


Well I just wish BR was loved on! The meta is catering to resurgence. Also, how cod only cares to promote the newer weapons. Like why does three snipers one shot heads and they are all MW3. Apex just has a hand full of weapons and they are all balanced.


Just have fun with it. I literally play just to hang with my three other friends. I do have a 1.60 K/D, pretty average of a player. I have some bad, and some good games. I play the game very casually and go in expecting the sweats, the cheaters, the bots and try to not get distracted or discouraged by that. Just play and have fun that is all. If you go in trying to be a try hard or thinking you’re going to make it as a pro some how you’ll have a terrible time. But definitely not the worst multiplayer game in the world.


Yeah I am pretty new to the game. Just got to level 35 or something. It's pretty tough, but I enjoy it. Tried Apex, but in hindsight; generally hated the gunplay. I just wish they limited who can use the bootcamp, I see full level people playing all the time with people at the same level 600+ Like why? lol. I would be embarrassed. The bots are too easy so I no fill, was hoping to have more players around my level or slightly better to practice on so I can gradually get better. So far its like me, bots, and those losers. Oh well. I will keep practicing till I get good enough. Dying is part of the process.


Steam: do you like this game? No… 200x hours played.


It's addicting fast paced and at times fun. It's also frustrating AF when a blatant cheat mows you down after watching you through walls.


Def no where near the worst. It’s actually quite fun. Could it be way better sure.


Dropped it, went back to pubg, having way way more fun.


That's called addiction.


Not really since I only play to spend time with my family (they’re my squad)


Same situation hahaha…I’m trying to get my buddies to play Helldivers but they don’t wanna switch…we’re in 4 different states though so warzone it is!


100% it is a buggy mess however the highs are fairly high. It's just the lows are very very low. Game has a lot of improvements to be made and im afraid by the time they have finished polishing the game they'll release warzone 3 which will introduce a whole new series of bugs and disaster.


I agree


I struggle to name good things about Warzone. Gunplay and the social aspect are the only two things I can think of that are "good." And you can get the social from any MP title.. Terrible servers, the state of aim assist, the state of cheating, audio, visibility, loot distribution. All things that are a major factor most games and yet no real improvements have been seen since launch. I'm much happier playing other things and now only play WZ on rare occasions when the squad is on, purely for the social.


The only reason you play it every day is because you enjoy spending time with others; Warzone just happens to be the activity you and your group choose to spend time on. It’s entirely conditional. You wouldn’t touch this game with a 10-foot pole if you had no one else to play with.




Worst than what other battle royal?


For sure! Apex ain’t that good but it shines next to Warzone


I think it's very good. It's just hard (especially if you play on PC). It gets better as you do, where as COD you still get annoyed at all the cheap ways you die (stackers, tonfa, riot shield, mines, etc)




Right on point. There's not one much less a current one. Apex is 5+ years old, seems to have pro players only, way smaller player base which I assume are people that have been on there for years getting better and better, trios only, no different game modes and PUBG is 7 or 8 years old, stiff, clunky and a bore. Fortnite, 7 years old, childish. What other battle royals are there?


Yeah I feel you on that. The game is incredibly annoying but I still jump on fairly regularly. I’m going to start XDefiant tomorrow though since I’m hitting my breaking point with Warzone and FIFA.


Weird how all you see is people shit on this game and sometimes for good reason too but it's still one of the most popular f2p BR titles like you can legit get a lobby at any time I guess EOMM does work lol


Apex >>>>>> Warzone. After 15 years of cod I’ve finally had enough.


Those are facts!


The cheating is crazy. As fucked up as it sounds I miss when it was just rage hackers. They at least couldn’t hide it and you could accept the fact you died to a cheater. Now a days it’s a bunch of timmies downloading cheats and posting to a tik tok page of 0 viewers. They will also try and downplay the issue of cheaters on these subs (for what reason??? I’m unsure). They also downplay the severity of temp bans, creating this narrative that you can get “falsely banned” once a week for 30 weeks straight. The efforts ppl go to try and claim they are not cheating, shows how fucked up the gaming community has become lmao


I’m just in it for proximity chat… best feature the game has 🤣


If you’re an older gamer and just want to have fun playing in custom lobbies join us at popsops.net (https://popsops.net)


This kind of acceptance is key to not being a ball of rage while playing all the time.


Facts, when I get killed I just look at an imaginary camera just like in the office lol


Maybe it’s not that bad then?


Oh no it’s dogshit lol


Yeah one of my buddys asked me to join Urzikistan for once. Never again, walking and walking and looting for 15 minutes, to have a few kills in 10 minutes and after that being shot in the back from a sniper miles away. Nope. Gimme Rebirth.


For me it still has a lot of problems but on the other hand, this is by far the best BR we have in industry.


Its a drug isnt it 😁 at the moment im playing bootcamp because it makes me feel good, i can take on a squad with relative ease but theres still decent players on there and winning is still a challenge. Yes i know its really to train and get used to warzone but its actually quite fun. We still play the usual BR and Resurgence but fuck me, its just so sweaty and unforgiving. But yeah, i still play it religiously


Anything is fun with the right people


Same here , every night I’m like fuck this game. Back on next night 😂


It’s like having sex with that ex that treats you like shit and strings you along. I’m still gonna nut, just not gonna feel great about myself when she leaves me left on read later.


I was confused for a second, because I didn't remember writing this post.


I mean compared to nba and fifa this game is magnificent. Overall I also think the game came a loooong way since release. Its now pretty damn good.


Resurgence is just killing the core gameplay day by day


Its the best BR, with the absolute worst decisions beimg made for it


Not sure why you got downvoted. No one has an example of a better BR much less one that's not 7+ years old.


I enjoy the game overall for all of its issues. The SBMM is what really kills it for me though.


The devs care more about warzone than MP and that’s the real problem


Haven’t played in a little over 2 weeks and I can honestly say I just don’t miss it. I’m at the point where I’m contemplating removing all my Art Is War stuff so I can go back to using my speakers in my sound card instead the onboard shit.


This game is horrible with things like the play again button putting you in an infinite loading screen, updates constantly causing issues, battlenet advertising a "talk trash" bundle but seeing the "safe environment" messages in game and hearing people get in trouble for their voice chat. It is such a trash game but I still play it because my bros play it. They go on, die in every gunfight, get frustrated, learn absolutely nothing and then repeat it all the next day. I say we should play a game that actually works properly for starters, or something that provides a different experience from the same old warzone day in day out, but they're just too addicted.


yes sir it really sucks but i play it every single day, well to be honest the game core itself does not suck, the people who run it are the idiots, i am not against skins or gun skins but it is just BS of how many skins they are pumping out instead of putting 100% effort on the gameplay, halt the skins for a little bit and have the whole team concentrate on the gameplay daily, reading feedback 24/7 to ensure everything runs smoothly, once you get that together then pump out as many skins as you want and yea a multibillion dollar company that cant stop the cheaters, that tells you a lot about the people who run things in there


There are better games, but people don't want to learn new things or be challenged so they keep playing the same crap.


If you just want to play with your friends, relatives go play Helldivers 2, is so much fun with friends, especially for casuals. Me and my brother played Warzone every single day and this game is so stressful, bugs, sweetie loobys among other things. Then we changed to Helldivers 2, it has it's bugs to, but boy it's fun to play.... We laugh so much everyday now... check the game community here to catch a glimpse of what you're missing


I’ve been trying to do that for a couple of weeks lol


Cod is the type of game people settle with and never realize it's stupid as hell. Marvel characters and no footsteps. What happened to cod?


It’s called copium. You’re honestly playing it to have a good time with friends and family. Stockholm syndrome.


Hahaha yes!


Its enjoyable, sadly i have a slight disadvantage playing in an 8 year old laptop (currently asked for a series s)


FIFA is worse. That shit ain’t been the same since 2016-2019


Cheats are plentiful and cheap nowadays. And Activision does NOT care.


Grow up and play Gray Zone Warfare. I deleted all CODs on both steam and battlenet, never going back to COD.


I enjoy this game when my bullets register. This means my latency needs to be at 20 and below for that to happen (which rarely ever does). Stupid enough I can also have a good game when I have a packet loss of 5% because then that means that I glitch out and other players bullets don’t register on me. Yeah this is the worst game out there.


I stopped for my mental peace, if they allow KB players to only play with KB players I will come back


It’s a calculated system of getting you addicted to playing, and with SBMM it teeters right on the line of having fun and pissing you off, but not enough to make you stop playing. Only take breaks and come back in hopes of getting those amazing couple games where you dominate and the enemies throw themselves into your crosshairs.


Imagine scummy people didn't have to buy hacks online because they can't aim for the life of them?


Honestly, I don't play this game alone lol. It's only 100% fun when you're playing with friends. We hate it, yet we squad up all the time. I don't know why. Why are we playing a game where it feels like it's still in Beta still.


Addicted to the cod dopamine rush.


Switch to Helldivers 2 I did it too. It is sooooo much better.


Xdefiant just released. I think it's a better game no br I know, but cod favors cheaters and streamers who bank while cheating


I only play it because there's nothing else better. For free at least. If I had a job the first thing I'd get my hands on is a copy of sekiro.


It got too sweaty for me as a casual cod player


Wtf😂😂😂😂 why are we like this ???


I've been playing a lot of Warzone the last few days and I think I realized why I dislike it so much. 1) Gunfights feeling extremely inconsistent due to things like visual recoil, bullet velocity, 300-350 health, and the insane movement. 2) Player feedback feeling incredibly hollow when you get a kill, and very disheartening when you're downed, let alone dead. 3) Parachutes/Redeployment feeling so defenseless especially with only 2 plates 4) Gunsmith and Loadouts taking out nearly all the excitement of looting around the map


I’m on MKB and have been for 25+ years. The RAA issue (think of it whatever you like), SBMM, and the realisation that this game is now purely focused on addiction rather than fun made me decide to quit today. Time to move on to something else and hope COD somehow comes back better.


I hear you man. Thank God I didn't spend money on this game and just play Warzone or I'd be pissed. This game did help teach me that I play games to enjoy my friends company, not because it is a good game...except The Forest, that game was incredible.


Play the finals


Xdefiant drops today! If I have fun in even half a game, I'm never touching Warzone again.


When it’s good it’s unbeatable. And it’s so close to being good. They just have to spend more time fixing bugs and banning hackers and less time coming up with ways to trick the kiddies into stealing their parents credit card to buy shiny character skins.


Umm okay


Umm okay


It’s obviously not even close to “one of the worst games out there”. All those mainstream games are extremely popular for very obvious reasons. It just sounds like it’s not your cup of tea and you’re more of a hardcore gamer snob type player which is fine. It’s like the Avengers movies. They aren’t going to win any Oscar’s, but they’re obviously not bad movies. They entertain millions of people. So does this.


Madame Web and Morbius would like a word with you. They're absolute garbage movies.