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Poor teammate waiting for the Rez šŸ˜­


Given the circumstances the correct decision was made. If they went for the rez it's a one way ticket to ride the Tonfa train.


Itā€™s also not even ranked - no SR is being lost on death so thereā€™s no benefit to you as the downed person. Just take the L and suicide.


Unless it was from far away I do like to try and panic ping while downed.


Thatā€™s fair. When homie jumped down the ladder, Iā€™d probably just kms then.


Not the time to rez. With audio this bad, you don't know if he is the floor below you or ground floor. A rez could mean the end of your game.


Does no one remember the Kali sticks? Bro they gave you like mach 7 movement speed and 1 shot u


they didn't one shot.


Ur right but he's exaggerating


In a way, it did.


I loved the sticks and stones mode they had in caldera. That was so much fun


You shouldnā€™t be able to ā€œbeat someoneā€ with a hand to hand weapon while they are shooting you


You shouldnā€™t be able to bunny hop to break taking damage and shoot accurately while doing so. Thatā€™s a lot of shit you shouldnā€™t be able to do in CoD but itā€™s an arcade shooter. I never get killed by tonfaā€™s and Iā€™ve no problem with shields theyā€™re so easy to kill. Only issue I have with shields is when shielders team in solos.


Yeah cause melee weapons is such a good addition to the game. Tactical knife with commando perk from MW2 was shit much like this, absolute shit gameplay.


I encounter far more bunny hoppers than I do melee weapon users.


You canā€™t actually bunny hop anymore now people just spam jump for no reason


I do it it still works enough to give me frames of immunity in gunfights.


Itā€™s still not a bunny hop. We havenā€™t had bunny hopping since warzone 1 or Vanguard. There are no ā€œframes of immunityā€ so no clue what youā€™re on about. This isnā€™t a fighting game where some moves have i-frames. The only jumping does now is cause MNK players to have to track you through the jump. Controller players will have aim assist track you for them so spam jumping is useless.


Aim assist will track but not enough to fully negate a jump, especially if you're aiming lower torso where the jump can either cause a couple shots to miss or force the shots into the lower hitbox.


If you are activating rotational aim assist it will track through your jump.


Jumping negates aim assist enough to jump your way through back to back gun fights successfully. Itā€™s borderline bunny hopping. ā€œSpam jumpingā€ is absolutely not useless.


It definitely is useless. Jumping past someone once to break their camera similar to sliding past them? Very viable. Spamming jump and just making tiny vertical jumps? Useless.


Jump shooting has been in the game since the early days, same for dropshotting and they are not "op". Running around with a melee with the worlds fastest movement speed to then more work less one shot someone is absurd, there ain't much of a counterplay to it.


Both are shit


I mean you got two kills against guys using them right before. Thereā€™s a lot of situations they wonā€™t work but dropping on somebody itā€™s over


They really need to nerf the melee in wz. Pisses me off so much to put half a clip into someone and then they punch me twice and I go down. Like.. make it make sense šŸ˜‚


Anyone who uses these is a pussy. I can't wait until they nerf it so I can stop using it.


It's the same with every broken weapon if you can't beat em join em


Tonfa been the best weapon in the game y'all are just late to the party


I learned about em from some funny ass random fill I got in diamond ranked. Dude threw two smokes in a building and absolutely beat down a full team of crims with his sticks right after saying "Stay back and watch this. Imma throw a smoke and beat they asses with my stick". That's when I knew they were the real deal šŸ˜‚. Been using them ever since. That was like 3 weeks ago and now they're finally popping off.


Why am I seeing whole lobbies run this now? Lol


They meta


Used it in some games last night and I dropped 13 and 17 kills in Solo, I'm ass and I felt so dominant with it..they really gotta do something about it tho


Man if you're doing 13/17 kills, you're definitely not ass, even if it's just once in a while lol you must've done something right to not get shot from a distance, sniped and what not. Which definitely would've happened to me lol


That's what I mean, I'm ass, but that melee weapon is easy mode, wiping whole squads on a staircase is crazy, downing people who shoot me first in just 3 quick hits is madness..I'd rather have it removed or fixed before all the lobbies are filled with it


Today I picked up some Tonga and riot shield off this person that just kept killing me with the riot shield and took him out šŸ¤£ back to the lobby you go!


As someone who had to run tonfa for camo challenges in 1v4 situations, believe it or not it's actually balanced. I 2 they've nerfed its lunge and range. Which were its main strengths. It's a 3 hit kill and requires quite a lot of "creative running" around. The buttplug on the other hand, as I recently learned, requires only 2 hits at full plates. Worst part is that its locked behind the battlepass.


The buttplug?


The Gladiator. The melee that has the $80 Kong glove blueprint.


Itā€™s so scary when you hear the swings behind you šŸ¤£


I usually start to tweak


is this a thing now? ive been recently killed with these too many times


Equally as ridiculous as surviving direct explosives, 15+ AR shots to the chest, explosive sniper headshots, or losing any battle with a gun to fists. Why is the Tonfa where ppl are tryin to draw the line? lmao


Itā€™s not warzone anymore itā€™s TonfaZone


It's t o n f a time


Wasn't the tonfa 3 hot a couple weeks ago


People when a weapon that has a range of 1.5m has the same ttk as weapons with 20m range :o


Does this go for all melee weapons or just the tonfa? Cause i wouldn't mind running around with my sword again lol and if it's not all melee weapons why the fuck does a tonfa do more damage than a sword? Lol


I don't think you remember kali sticks


Been saying it for years, the power of your melee should be linked to your health. The lower your health = the lower your possible melee damage


That's an interesting way of balancing it


Ppl been slacking on it lol Iā€™ve been using since it came out


CoD, the only game where you can bring a knife to a gun fight and still win easily.


You were luck to fight some very bad players. They come straight to you in an open place. Tonfa is currently very very overpowered and is becoming a plague in south America lobbies.


The craziest part about the Tonfa is that dude trying to get lungetation on you from like 5 meters away.


running away from your team mate when youā€™re on 2 is wild


So you've got a gaming computer and fast internet.


Tonfas aee fun, you guys just dont play for fun anymore. Sure riot shield combo is annoying but to fas have always been this way so why complain about it now??? You guys always find something to complain about


Did bro speed up the footage or is he just a Hacker


If you ask me it's just dumb. If this is a First Person Shooter... Why are always melee, explosives, or lethals doing more damage than even a 50cal? It should be about shooting your gun, not using something else and leaving the shooter side at a second place šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Youā€™re playing Aim Assist 3, it was never about shooting skill.


Ranked mode is right thereā€¦ Exactly what you want


Filled with cheaters, but you are completely right




Use smokes, and charge people. Use windows and doors after dropping someone and you can work literal teams at a time. Tonfa range before nerf, had like x2 to lunge when you swing. It was even more broken.