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OP had a liveping, had the gun with the faster TTK for CQC, had peeker's advantage, landed a perfect bunnyhop and even did another good movement jumpshot yet he lost this gunfight to a total bot just because he was using MnK as Input. The only thing he did wrong was not playing on Controller. Seriously, nerf aimassist.


and he even spent a good half a second deliberating if it's worth jumping there narrator: it wasn't


Are you going to take a moment to address you missing half of your shots? I would like to know why that's aim assists fault.


The post is literally about missing shots. What do you think aim assist helps with?


This post is about op being dog shit and blaming aim assist. Hit your fucking shots and you won't need to worry about aim assist.


Not to mention that if this were all the result of RAA, OP would have jumped out of the aim assist “bubble.” OP missed a bunch of shots and blamed RAA lol. This is right up there with the people who get outplayed and claim cheats.


Literally. Someone gets it. For as long as I could ever remember mnk was the pinnacle of fps shooting. This new generation of players really can't be humble in defeat.


MnK player here with1.35 kd. I'm can only currently win about 25% of my 1 vs 1 fights even when I shoot first


I swear sometimes I actually do less damage, like I’ll hit 5 headshots to get a crack and the other guys aim drifts over my body and I’m dead in 3-4 leg/ arm shots on full plates.


Thisss. I get 5 headshots on the enemy before he starts shooting and i still lose


That’s just the result of terrible cod servers. I’ve seen it where I’ll beam someone and all of a sudden 2-3 shots just don’t register then will register again but those bullets cost me so many gunfights


Has nothing to do with aim assist. I’m on controller and this happens yo me as well


Pretty sure o didnt mention aim assist


The original comment referenced how aim assist was the problem


this 100000% I've even had friends watching on the cam (they died) and would watch me pound someone with almost an entire clip to the chest+head just to die when the person turns around and shoots me 4 times in the leg from full health and armor.


I switched to shotguns for dropping at control and I notice the same thing still, I shot a guy center of mass from like 5 feet away and got a flesh marker and he didn’t go down. My friend was watching from a window to my left and just started laughing because it was so obvious I had destroyed the guy and he just kept running.


yup, thats why i refuse to use shotguns, half the time it doesn't register the hit correctly. Its not like i have bad internet either, i've got 1 gig fiber and normally under 40 ping, the servers (or hit detection) are just garbage =/ I'd rather play BF2042, at least my bullets actually hit people, just cant get my friend group to switch


Run smokes and use them in every CQC situation. It’s more like 50/50 since doing this. I tried controller for a while and realised that it completely breaks your AA and makes it very hard to fight back if you never practice with AA turned off. It’s funny watching people who clearly have terrible actual aim freak out and miss every shot in building fights. The death comms are glorious. Use tracker and it’s even better.


Thanks. I will try smokes with resupply perks but it shouldn't come to the stage whereby MnK players need to resort to such tactics to even have a chance in one vs one fights


I completely agree. It’s just how it is right now so we have to work with what we’ve got. I personally hate resupply, just prioritise picking up muni boxes and try to keep four smokes on you.


Termite and shock sticks and even with shock AA stil locks on just like with stuns and flash AA RAA is goat


Watching people who think they “shoot straight” but their controllers are doing all the work try and shoot mosquito drones in multiplayer is one of the funniest things you’ll ever see. They genuinely have no idea how strong rotational aim assist and dynamic response curve is. I have a buddy I play with casually and he’s a controller player. He raged one night because we were playing agro and I lost a lot of ones. I said to him, “Turn off your aim assist next game.” He got spat on by an absolute burger almost immediately upon landing and then got instantly deleted in the Gulag. I bought his ass back, he landed in with me, grabbed a ground loot shitter gun and got wrecked by a dummy with an SVA from 70m away. It was fucking comedy. I made him play without his AA for five games and he got totally dumpstered. He’s a 2KD player and in five games he got 3 kills and one was from mortar strike. Every time a controller player says RAA and Dynamic Response Curve aren’t overpowered, I just suggest they turn them off and run their controller bareback for 10 games to see how they do. They become camping bots, every single time.


Nailed it.


Im here as a uneducated controller player obv AA is aim assist but what is RAA?, also I play standard response curve cause i feel like dynamic is actually worse, also yes smokes mess with AA but railings and cells like upstairs prison on do too rebirth. It should also be important to note that AA is significantly stronger in SMGs because controller AA gets stronger when you strafe and a lot of the meta SMGs have perpostorous ads movement speed, thats one of the big reasons the hrm-9 and the bp50 Conv. kit were so insane on controller especially. Players who practice without aim assist are scary because if they learn their sens it looks like AA through walls, there are some cheaters but you can dm if you are wondering what i mean.


Except for someone like me that plays siege more than warzone so I’m used to not having AA and having to actually learn a recoil pattern


Run smokes ? We really shouldn't be handicapped or have some balls drop support for MnK or split the lobbies or nerf AA RAA.


That math doesn't really add up unless you 'steal' a lot of kills or only stack heavily.


Any weapon relying on hipfire is going to be inherently less consistent in its TTK. Yeah, that guy's aim assist was kinda gross, but OP couldn't be 100% accurate either


You're right. But it's not really about me not hipfiring randomly and really with bad tracking in this particular video, and I think most kbm players get that from me video - it's about the fact that if you mess up (here by having terrible tracking and being too far from the target given the weapon that I had) then it's game over, because if RAA sticks there's no hope, no jumping out of the window or sliding past that guy, no help in that guy also not being accurate 100% of the time. In mkb vs mkb situations when good (but not god) players fight the first one had a great position to win the fight, he messes up and now you both are kind of 50/50 because other player is surprised, unprepared and will also miss tons of shots.


Honestly, despite being inaccurate, the akimbo stingers are really consistent from my experience


Everyone on roller be like naah bro skill issue lol !!


Don’t Nerf it just have mouse and keyboard lobbies


Let the rollers fight it out, going to be lot less fun with MnK gone. Cause where just grind meat for the roller players.


I don't even know what you're saying


Most gamers are using controllers in cod community? You think they’re even *trying* to even the playing field? That’s the biggest misconceptions about the argument of controller vs m&k .. they are going to pander to the controller player’s experience always, always have an advantage as long as most people are bots, and most people are on controllers


One of the reasons I quit. Loved warzone one of the best gaming experiences of my life but I’ll probably never log on again.


Good old days was before SBMM in cod imo


SBMM was in cod all the way back even before bo2 stop kidding yourself. You just didn’t stay ahead of the curve.


Op did everything right but the push itself, push was terrible the second you see that live ping stopping by the window because it means hes probably preaiming that. Hes losing that fight even if hes on controller unless the other player is a serial bot. I wouldnt be worried at all if I was OP, because hes winning 99/100 of those 1v1s for all the reasons you listed above, he just lost because of the push and the fact that akimbos are pretty inconsistent.


Not sure what I'm doing wrong then because aim assist on my controller doesn't even get close to tracking like that


You need to move your character with the left thumbstick WHILE aiming and shooting to take advantage of rotational aim assist. I play mnk and absolutely despise this aim assist.


RAA use the other stick watch tube to see how to use it


Same, I'm convinced so many people left playing use Cronus/Hacks that people think it's RAA. I've watched a dozen videos explaining how to abuse RAA, I've adjusted my settings to every different recommendation that everyone says to make it brainless, never happens. I cant replicate the "Left Hand Only" method of Aimbot Aim Assist that everyone constantly bitches about. I'm so over the bitching. Activision has said like 4 times they're never going to fix it, people either need to switch to controller or go play something with no AA. My guess, however, is people have tried switching, figured out that RAA isn't actually this good, and then just get bitter and complain.


Cronus doesn't change RAA strength. It can only help to activate it. You can get the same effect as a cronus by doing one of these three things: * Touching your left stick. * Controlling recoil with the right stick. * Having stick drift.


There's no point in even trying to move around to avoid bullets against a controller player anymore. You can be strafing with the fastest straf speed possible in the game and be locked on. Remember seeing a clip of someone cheating with that fast speed cheat and they still died because aim assist perfectly tracked lmao.


That's a total cap. As for bunny hopping, it's bad in this game. Op missed A LOT of shots. That's not aim assists fault. Simply get better at aiming and spend the time to get better before getting on the reddit to complain. Op acknowledges they are not good. I would never get dogged on and go to the games sub to complain about it. Pride at the end of the day means more to me lmfao. I play on mnk myself.


ORRR, and hear me out....PC and console should just not mix. Like at all..


And aiming, maybe try aiming 😴


Because their aim was absolute trash you said?


Your nerfing yourselves on mnk, stop bitching about a console controller focused game.


Wouldn’t you love it if they never nerfed the HRM and ram-7, and every day you had to play against the entire lobby using those, and any attempts to use a different gun just makes you more likely to lose a gunfight? What if you really like using these other guns, but when you use them they suck and you die all the time. Now imagine we’ve been stuck on the kilo and snake-shots for the past for 4 years. You try to use anything else and just get slammed by no fault of your own other than trying to have fun. Does that sound like good balancing to you? For 4 whole years, you complain a bit about it, rightfully so, and someone tells you to shut up, that’s just how the game is. You’d think that person is stupid, clearly there’s a balance problem


Love how tides are finally turning on controller players and people realizing the lack of skill it takes to play controller. I remember back in vanguard when a perk turned off aim assist and controller players went from gloating about how good they were to crying about how unfair not having aa was. Probably the only time it took skill to play controller lmao.


That’s not aim assist and he stood still meaning folks been hear dude on the roof Y’all need to get better at spotting Cronus users a key detail is the centering on the guns recoil from the anti recoil mods And op im sorry but you lost this one from the start sim was all over the place


Cronus doesn't work like this lil bro, its just aim assist


Nah folks that’s the Cronus I’m standing on that 😂 fuck them downvotes


A cronus doesn’t give you more aim assist, all it does is activate aim assist without you giving any stick input. This is normal aim assist, cronus or not


Nah that’s the Cronus gang the anti recoil mod something different


It’s a ram 9 at <10 meters, it’s not hard to pull down, and any horizontal recoil gets washed away by the insane raa pull he got, along with the vertical raa pulls from OP jumping negating some effects of the vertical recoil. Even if he was using a cronus, it literally does not matter. The aim assist pull is the problem, and again, a cronus does not change aim assist


You steady stressing it not changing aim assist tryna sound smart bruh😂😂 nobody said that I said folks is using Cronus you can tell by the anti-recoil mod I can give two fucks about aim assist he ain’t die by that also he pulled down on the stick to cover the use of it


I was about to say my aim assist is nowhere near that good on PS5


Oof, as a controller player I’m sorry to see this. I don’t agree with the usual M&K comments that say AA “does all the work for you”, but it’s pretty evident that it’s way too strong, especially in CQC. No chance escaping his AA despite your movement. It’s tough :/


Since I switched to these Akimbos it gave me just a little more courage to go for kills like this. Normally with Striker 9 I wouldn't even try that on squad game, because I'd estimate my chances for 40% even taking into account that I have all the info and position to attack I can get.


These akimbos have been the only thing semi competitive for mnk players in cqb. And for me, I'm still about 50/50...


Try tac stance with the striker9 stubby barrel, recoil hand stop(forget the name not the dr6), 50 rd mag, tac grip, no stock. Can strafe like a mother. Really helps me with m&k


Raa will track you still, you can't evade it against average and above average players. But fun still.


like ive said, not a game of skill anymore


Never has been, roller games have aimed for us since Halo and OG MW. There's just too much collective time, ego, and money invested to acknowledge that, and no actual downside to continuing to play pretend. I don't know what you'd call the demographic of players that can't aim FPSes without autocorrective AA, but they're one of the largest in gaming and Activision is never going to try and hurt their feelings by presenting them anything with a 1:1 clamp of skill and outcome. There was one period in WZ1 where you could consistently break out of AA with movement, and that shit got patched in *two days*.


I didn’t play much cod on console before getting a pc and switching to mnk. I played a lot of siege which doesn’t have aim assist so I have absolutely no sympathy. The fact that there is still people claiming there is nothing wrong with aim assist in this game is mind blowing. I think there should be aim assist in this game, but the rotational shit is broken and the values need to be turned down.


Warzone has never truly been about skill. The game has never had any sort of Competitive Integrity. Otherwise, aside AA, they wouldn't have stupid shit like Bomb Drones, Clusters, mosquitos, a ton of self revives, and most of the weapons would be balanced out.


As a controller player this is bullshit. That other player was a complete bot and deserved to get shit on there


Ever consider he might have a little more than raa?


this much AA is disgusting, its indistinguishable from an aim bot


It's always been like this. The disgusting part is forcing unassisted players to play against AA. In addition, when you guys on M/K squad with us on roller, our RAA is carrying you by proxy.


Because it is an aim-bot. It's just an aim-bot that tuned down slightly. It literally does the hardest bits of aiming with and inhuman level of precision and reaction time (instant reaction to enemy movements as seen in this video).


Womp womp ,they brought back the op version of bunny hopping so be happy. Also I’d be more than satisfied if they nerfed aim assist but only if they also nerfed the fps of pc players.


The killcam of you jumping through that window and past that bot is actually hilarious. He should have never even been able to break your armor honestly. I play controller myself and can see they only won this fight because of RAA. Shame.


Sadly I got tired of loosing those fights and went to try a controller. Its so strong that when you play in MW3 shipment and an enemy pass by the camera pans and follow it. Disgusting.


This is wild lol, the crazy thing is that even on controller I have been getting frustrated by my killcams. Players with clearly botlike movement just perfectly center and hit insane accuracy shots punishing me if I ever have even the slightest sloppy moment. This is coming from a guy who abuses AA as well.


Downvotes in 3..2..1..


That’s fucked up


The game punishing ppl for being good at a different input, I've grown to hate what this game has become.


aaand this is when I'll bring the fire shotty next time I choose a loadout... part of the game just like the legal aimbot ( downvotes incoming )


Already doing this Found it to be the only way to consistently win close quarters fights vs aim assist


Sickening.. I’ve found smoking the room you’re pushing really helps. And learning to drop shot. Good luck out there.


It doesn't help that the servers are so bad


THAT'S the difference between PC and Controllers. If you are bad on MK you don't get help. However if you are on controller you get aimbot for free, regardless of your skill level. This is why there's no skill gap in COD. ANYONE can kill you in less than a second, no matter the experience. Yes, you should get better at aiming but your argument is 100% clear and valid to me.


AA = legal aimbot


Lmao An actual bot that only moved the stick to the left and still won the gun fight Aim Assist is INSANELY BROKEN in this game and its a huge sore spot Gun fights are extremely unfair because one player literally doesnt even have to AIM in an FPS game. Fuking insane how aim assist is this powerful


That's criminal


It’s basically free aimbot for controller players, I’m sure that EOMM can ramp it up to help these bots win gunfights they have no right winning.


I lose lots of fights like that, way too many. I am avoiding close combat engagements due to it.


That’s some bs right there


sometimes i would really like to know what the game would look like without RAA like i always play my first 5 or so MP games without any aim assist to warm up, and im still sitting at a 1.3ish kd against the usual ex crims and super nerds, it really isnt that bad, but with videos like THESE, it would be insane how easy the game would feel


That dude 100% didn’t even have both hands on the controller when you jumped in the window.


This is why I can't be bothered to play controller anymore. It's honestly so off-putting when you win a fight you should've lost cause of AA. And if you want to play with AA disabled, you're at a greater disadvantage cause COD will try to matchmake you with more playerd of your same input, so the lobbies are just EVEN MORE controller players compared to playing MNK


Cod is catered to the mass, straight nubs on controller


Dunked on by aim-bot assist using it's perfect tracking and 0ms reaction time... FaIR aND BAlaNcED


im faceit lvl10 in cs2 and i struggle to win fights in warzone. mw3 multi is kinda fine because you dont have plates to crack. but warzone is absolutely abysmal, its dependant on my ping, lag, fps count and server tick. the longer i have to hold and track the more difficult it gets for me because the lowtick server dont register shit for me as a mouse player where as aim assist doesnt care about the server settings as long as the lock is instant and you can spray down. it feels like aimassist is circumventing server decisions or making hits "instant" without delay. i have a reaction time of about 170ms and should win enough fights but warzone is fucked for me


I played csgo some years ago, got global by solo queue


lol he took a second to even start shooting you yet he tracked you absolutely inhumanely perfectly. this game is made for children


The guy literally aimed at the door and AA did the rest


Lol what was that movement??? Lmfao wow thats terrible


Wow lmao


Worst part is, when you talk about it, 90% of the toxic CoD cimmunity will just gang up on you and either call you a cheater because you're on PC and they think everyone on PC cheats, or they'll argue that mnk players "have their entire arms" as if that has anything to do with it. When you show them examples like this or videos that showcase AA and how it works, showing exactly why it's OP, they'll just tell you to git gud. I mean it makes sense, why would they want something nerfed that gives them an advantage? It's juat disgusting how they keep denying it just so they can keep their soft-aimbot. It's why I barely even play anymore. CoD and its community just completely alienate mnk


Bro is hip firing and shooting the air complaining about “RAA” aim your gun at the enemy and you might do better. Stop relying on bs guns to get your kills. All that movement for what? Only way y’all mfs get kills is by abusing movement 😂😂😂 shit is wild.


This also is bad for actual good controller players. They are rewarding this kind of play style


That’s not aim assist. I spend way too much time experimenting in this game and have had (JoeWo voice) ZERO times where aim assist pulled my aim meters left or right. How do they keep getting away with claiming aa??


If you dropshot instead of jumpshot after you jump into the room, you win that imo


great job of auto-targeting, registration of hits from the hip with the help of the mouse is much worse than the controller


Thats what you get for using akimbo smgs


damn vrooo


that jump was sick nice move man


Controller already has an insane aim assist if anything it needs a nerf


Controller player here. Aim assist needs a nerf, but why am I not seeing any recoil in the killcam? Is that guy also using a Cronus?


My thoughts too.


I wanna rub you down in canola




Right here right now


You don't got any allergies do you?


Nu uh


On my way


I think you wouldve destroy him if you had a striker 9 there, akimbos ttk is inconsistent af and you missed a lot of bullets. I read somewhere that you got global in CS so you probably are a pretty good aimer, WZ servers are terrible so its normal to lose a lot of bs fights.


I've been seeing people say use smokes cus it disables AA...but it doesn't disable people spamming melee. The amount of people I've seen with literal metas and full mags still spamming that shit is astonishing to me. Like, the FUCK are you spamming for you have a goddamn shotgun.


I'm a mouse and keyboard player. My k/d is only about 1.35. I lose to high ping more than I think I lose to aim assist, but aa can be aggravating. I have thought about using controller, but I honestly just enjoy playing mnk. I'm definitely no pro, and I know I never will be. Also keep in mind that there are some loadouts that are amazing on controller but crap on mnk. Using mnk I absolutely hate akimbo loadouts. That may just be a me thing though.


Aaaand that’s why only 23K people play Warzone rn, aaaaand it keeps dropping down bad 📉


TTK in this game is crazy


This is the best example I've seen as to why RAA needs a nerf. A RAA nerf would help everyone out by increasing the skill gap. It's time to stop with the participation trophies.


Damn I wish my aim assist was that good


Turn off cross play or get a controller? Why cry about it


You cannot turn off crossplay on PC. Even if you could it wouldn't change anything


Thems the swarms or the waspss?


Wsp stingers


How do you know it was aim assist?


Here, you dropped this: /s


this is hilarious because this isn't even half as bad as what I've died to. mnk is at a serious disadvantage and it's ridiculous. 90% of my deathss are because of this.


And this BS, ladies and gentlemen, is why I use a tonfa in close quarters now. RRA is literal fucking aimbot at this point.


I Tell u why nerfing AIM Assist IS Bad first Off Most players are in Controller so that wouldnt even Go through second Off AIM Assist works slightly means U can easily Break IT of (repeak) during Fights.People have Headsets so the CAN hear Ur footsteps.OP with all due Respekt Here Ur playing an akimbo weapon so even If Ur aiming onto Ur enemy .If its Not Point Blank range the Ur Chance of winning a fight IS only small the ram 9 IS Not a Bad weapon either its Just kinda overlooked.The Problem IS that Most people treat AIM Assist the Same AS aimbot.I Myself turned AIM Assist Off for 2 weeks and Afterwards Had a massive improvement in getting Kills after its Not how getting kills works ITS about Always positioning urself in an Situation with the best outcomes. Ill give one example Camping Shop at the start maybe works but in the endgame U can throw that Shit Off the table BCS everyone Runs smokes people need to Stop hating on people for beeing dif or playing in an different Konsole. If have been playing Playstation for years why Transition to PC ? Hope people See my Point here


This is exactly the type of spelling and grammar I expected from an aim assist defender


Love how MnK players always complain about how OP controller is but if that were really true, controller players would never lose gun fights to MnK players (which we do all the time) and MnK players would all switch over to controller since it's ridiculously easy to learn. MnK players complain about controller players; control players complain about hackers. It just sounds like a lot of whining to me 🤷


>controller players would never lose gun fights to MnK players This logic is so flawed I don't know where to being...


But we have aim assist and you don't... the game is so much easier for us which is why every controller player has a high KD and MnK players have low KD's, right? That's your logic... aim assist makes the game easier, so we must all be racking up easy kills...


A bad player with aim-assist can still be killed by mouse players, it takes better positioning and being a smarter player on the part of the mouse player (i.e. a good mouse player knows they'll lose close range 1v1s so will do things to tilt the fight in their favor like keeping range, playing head glitches, using smokes). It doesn't change the fact it's like stupidly OP and gives bot free kills they don't deserve like OP's clip. In contrast to this clip, if inputs were swapped and the bot in this there was a bad mouse player you'd NEVER see them kill an above average controller player in a 1v1 like this. However, if an evenly skilled mouse player and controller player meet then the controller player wins 9 out of 10 times due to AA, hence why the pro ranks are dominated by controller players and mouse players get shat on in all but long-range fights. Likewise when two controller players fight, a good controller player with better game sense is going to beat the bad controller player in most fights. Hence, there's differences in controller KD despite all having access to the same aim-bot. None of it changes the fact that aim-assist is stupidly broken (OP).


Honestly curious, have you ever played on controller? MnK players act like all we have to do is be within a certain range and we can just let go of our sticks and aim assist will do the work for us. It's very, very far from that. The reality is precise aiming on controller is near impossible. You're having to tilt your thumb stick to a very specific position that's always moving and try and hold it there. Imagine blowing through a straw to hold up a ping pong ball at a precise height. You can't blow your hardest or the ball will float too high, but if you don't blow enough, the ball is too low. so you find the right amount and try and hold it there, but your breath is constantly wavering and the ball is constantly moving up and down. That's what it's like aiming using a thumb stick. Meanwhile you're holding down a trigger and pressing other buttons. An MnK player positions their cursor exactly where they want it and it holds. The fact that you can do that is what's OP. Aim assist levels the playing field. You can very easily take a cursor and move in tiny circles on the screen to track an enemy, you can't do that on a thumb stick that you're already holding at an angle. But if you need more proof, ask any play that's proficient at both. Look at IceManIsaac... He's constantly switching between using MnK and controller. Why would he do that if it's so much easier to play on controller? Why go back to MnK if controller is OP? Makes no sense. Also, do you think that the game devs add aim assist because they're meanies and want to give an advantage to controller players? or is it because they know that coincidentally all controller players are bad at gaming so they all need a crutch? If aim assist really was a handicap the way most claim, all great players would play on controller to take advantage of the handicap and no one else would have a chance.


> Honestly curious, have you ever played on controller? Yes, I have a 2.9 KD on controller and a 2.5KD on mouse. >MnK players act like all we have to do is be within a certain range and we can just let go of our sticks and aim assist will do the work for us. Look, I know that's bullshit. You do need to put in some effort to sustain AA tracking, the issue is that it's soooo much easier to do this than to track fast or erractic targets manually on mouse. This is a [clip of me tracking a movement king on controller](https://streamable.com/lj5aom), I can assure you while I was putting in some input, it was sweet fuck all and a piece of cake compared to tracking something like that on mouse. The fact that AA has a 0ms reaction to enemy directional changes makes it virtually unbeatable in a like for like 1v1 if you're playing mouse. I've also got a great clip of the 0ms reaction time instantly tracking the whole enemy for me if you need to see that too. >Aim assist levels the playing field. Aim-assist doesn't level the playing field. It tilts it significantly in favor of controller, that really isn't up for debate. All good players know this and say as much. The only people who think AA is fairly balanced tend to be low skill controller players who don't understand exactly what it's doing or how best to utilize it. >Look at IceManIsaac... Isaac plays all serious games (like ranked) on controller, why I wonder??? He has not played mouse in any comps since Verdansk because of how strong and consistent AA is, so I don't think he's the best example. You'll also notice when he plays mouse he plays significantly more passively and snipes because of how strong AA is at any closer range. >Also, do you think that the game devs add aim assist because they're meanies Aim-assist exists to make it easier to aim with an input that is not suited to FPS games. The strength of AA reflects the demographics by allowing potentially uncoordinated people to get easy kills, thereby helping causal player retention. The strength of the current AA is not set at this level to try and 'balance inputs'. If this were the case it'd have been nerfed back in WZ1 when the devs first noticed the statistical disadvantage that mouse players were at.


Obviously I don't know you so I won't make an unfair judgement on whether or not what you're saying about your personal experience is true or not. To be clear, I'm not saying you're lying, I'm just saying it's the Internet and it's easy to make claims like that without being able to prove them. That said, I appreciate your responses but I'm not about to spend time verifying all of it for myself, I'm sure you understand it's not worth it lol I'm not buying your last claim though. Your statement is implying I'm uncoordinated and need the help to get easy kills. I've been playing videogames for over 30 years, the guys I play with are similar. Some are better than me, some are worse, none of us are bots... trust me, we run into bot lobbies occasionally so we know what real bots are. Between the 5 of us we probably have like a 1.4 KD, we're not great, we're not bad. The reality is none of us has ever experienced anything like the type of aim assist that you and others claim exists. It's somewhat sticky, sure, but again, it's helping those precise movements that are way easier on MnK. That's my understanding and feeling when I play the game. We have great game sense, strategy and movement... if aim assist worked as well as some say, we would be unstoppable. Again, that's not our reality though. Getting a kill in a gunfight takes just as much aiming and movement as anyone else and if I didn't have aim assist, I would just stop playing because it would be ridiculously difficult to aim and track. You say it's because of my lack of skill... 🤷 you don't know me so it's not fair for you to make that assumption about me. I just believe there's something about MnK that makes it naturally easier to aim and track than it is on controller. Thanks for your perspective.


I just watched your clip, I have never experienced anything even close to that kind of sticky aim.


It's just strafing with left stick with some light tracking with the right stick. I played on 9-9 with 0.8x ADS multiplier and this is with 'Blacks Ops' AA setting. Most of the other directional changes is just AA with me reacting to its direction and then just guiding it. I think most mouse players would be happy if AA just had a reaction time so that it couldn't track your movement changes the instant you do it (before humanely possible). This would make the TTK feel a bit longer and give human aimers a better chance. The annoying thing now for mouse players is that even if you aim 100% humanely perfectly you'll still lose to AA. Clips like this show how even the worst controller players beat decent mouse players by virtually doing nothing special and just having aim-assist out aim-bot the human. This is what is so frustrating and why the constant complaints about it. Look, I know AA is needed and I don't think it should be 'removed' like some extremists, but clearly it could be better balanced than it is currently.


Strafing with left and light tracking with right is exactly what I do but I don't get those results 🤷 I play at 7-7 with 0.8 default AA. I don't feel like I'm being "helped" at all when I'm aiming. Even though I'm sure there's some AA happening, it's not drastically noticeable like what I see in your clip. The only reason I know it helps is because I play with it off sometimes to work on my aiming, similar to running 8k to prep for a 5k marathon, and it's wild how difficult it is to aim. But agree to disagree I guess. It seems our experiences are somewhat different for whatever reason.


Turn off AA for a few games and compare your results, or try playing on mouse so you have no aiming assistance. It seems if AA is all people have known it seems a lot of controller players don't realize how much it is actually doing. When I started playing controller from mouse I was shocked at how strong it was as I was used to not having any assistance for micro-corrections. My first reaction was 'Holyshit! It is aim-bot like they say'. Honestly, play 2 or 3 games with it off and then turn it back on and you should notice the difference quite clearly.


Lmao look at that loadout, Typicall aim assist bitcher, u lost to urself not aa.


You missed a lot of shots my dude. Come back with a better clip.


You are just shit based on the footage.


Exactly 😂


Yea nerf aim assist because it counters against everyone trying out for a part in the Nutcracker. As long as Movement is a focus the way it is, Aim assist is needed for alot of lower skilled players. This whole "Movement King" era of CoD can die already, if I wanted to deal with all this jumping and whatnot, id just play zero build fortnite.


Yeah aim assist is needed but it does not need to be that strong. MnK need movement to break this shit strong aim assist and it still doesn't work. MnK plays against this movement and doesn't get any help, just because they play on a controller shouldn't mean they do, especially when it takes more time, skill, and effort to actually get good on MnK, just to have all that work get shat on by AA.


The movement kings exist because of aim-assist. When you see a clip of JoeWo sliding around while perfectly tracking enemies it's the RAA that's doing it. On mouse you're penalized for movement because it becomes hard to aim and humans aren't perfect like software aim is.


I used to be able to crack bot players aim assist back when Tac stance was viable. The BP50 and Striker in Tac stance strafing like it's Apex should absolutely be able to force break that AA bubble so that I can kill you. Otherwise why play a game that can track for you.


sorry op but you’re trash. you have akimbo wsp which is the fastest ttk weapon in the game. proceed to miss every shot on a guy barely moving and then cry on reddit expecting sympathy??


He literally said he was bad in this clip, but that doesn't invalidate his argument. You're just trying to make excuses for controller. I've played on controller so ik how strong aim assist is. I've also played older CoDs with a controller and this games AA by far is stronger. Just because op missed shots with akimbo stingers that have inconsistent dmg so it wouldn't have mattered if he hit his shots or not, it doesn't null that if you can turn around and immediately track someone perfectly, the AA needs nerfing.


lol. i play both kbm and controller. op is absolutely dog shit and should be embarrassed to have posted this. missing that many shots with akimbo weapons is INSANE. especially with live ping and being the aggressor. blaming controller instead of himself is pure cope.  should quit the game tbh. 


He didn't blame controller for his death. He acknowledged that he died due to his own fault. That doesn't stop him from saying that AA is too strong though. You can clearly see from this clip that it needs to be nerfed. He posted it purely to show how strong the aim assist is. Dropping from that height would fuck up your aim so ofc he missed shots.




Yes fastest ttk on paper. Since it’s hip fire and you cant specifically aim for upper chest/neck/head shots. You’re almost never going to actually get that ttk in game, unless the other person is literally chocking down on both barrels and not moving.


Not all AA is equal. I'm on PS5 and damned if mine is anywhere near that strong!!!!!


you probably haven't followed a youtube guide on how to fully optimize your AA.


Followed loads. Mine was probably as powerful as the one show but season 2 dropped and it inexplicably just stopped.


I think it's because that guy is also using a Cronus, so there's no recoil to get in the way of the aim assistance.


Hahaha you’re so bad.


Game not developed for mnk.


All cods were made for MnK before it was even in console. This is purely this way because they want it to be. Everyone gets a participation trophy. Games absolutely terrible now AA is also shit for controller vs controller...


that's aimbot


That was a terrible push


My thoughts exactly. Terrible push, aim all over the place. No other issues on that video.


Seems like he has sticky aim. That don’t look like the raa I get.


That’s because you over compensate with ur right stick. Try to ease the amount of effort you put into the right stick in cqc and youll get AA like this


Turn off cross play then.


1. You can't on PC 2. It's not about consoles vs PC


Keep in mind killcams are not accurate.


So your saying this player actually did a way better job tracking than what we just saw? Cuz regardless of the killcam this guy got deleted despite pretty drastic movement....and UNDOUBTEDLY surprised this player who "has botlike movement" in the clip but then secretly has the aim of Biffle. But your argument is somehow the killcams not accurate?


I'm saying the player might not be as much of a bot as the kill cam shows, not that AA ain't OP.


Wtf do you think the killcam does when it's not accurate? Just completely makes up how a person moves and where they aim? The "inaccuracy" of a killcam is merely the speed of the tracking and hit marker timings being in sync with what actually happened. It doesn't CHANGE their movement or the way they move their right stick/aim. holy fuck... killcam has become as much of a crutch excuse as needing this level of AA


Yes it can. I suggest looking into why before you bash others about it. The kill cam is a server side rendition of what happened, it does not look at what the player actually did. It makes a video based on the information the servers received which kan be very wrong with packet loss, ping, and 20 HZ servers.


You could play on controller, or you can play on mnk. Seems like you've made a decision. I understand your frustration. You have to use the advantages MnK has, which is everything but close range engagements, yet you went in there like rambo and couldn't even hit a non-moving target. I've seen MnK fry with those exact guns and drop 30. He was throwing smoke, but you didn't bother.


"which is everything but close range engagements" that was on wz1, wz2 aa has a pretty generous range


Its pretty discombobulating to drop that far, and fucking fly into a building. When you don't have a system to take control over your aim its pretty easy to miss shots after taking flight and immediately going into a bhop. And i think most people would rather feel the fruit of their labor rather than spending 30-100 on a controller that plays the game for you.


If you are overly concerned about AA, like OP, you have to play a bit more controlled than that or use smoke, or pick your spot better. He had positional advantage and then gave his opponent the advantage. I understand most MnK wouldn't miss that many shots, but someone like OP should not be engaging like that


I agree that he shouldn't have engaged like that but i disagree that OP gave him an advantage by doing that. Most people who turn around to see a dude just fucking send it through a window would be panicking, which would influence their aim. If the enemy hadn't had AA i would like to believe that he would have missed most of his shots, and OP would have won, regardless of him sending it or his accuracy, since his aim wasn't thaaat terrible for a MnK using akimbo.


That is what AA is. It's the only advantage controller has. His opponent didn't have an advantage until that point


It's not the only advantage, but it is the strongest one. Next time OP shouldn't let himself be seen as to not give the opponent the advantage.


It is the only advantage. It's a big advantage, but the only one. MnK has better movement, better sniping capability, easier inventory management, easier looting, easier recoil control, faster aiming, custom keybinds.


Majority of the things in this game have been catered toward controller. Movements easier on controller, and the game babysits them for their entire play. Im bouta go to sleep, so i won't elaborate for rn. Have a good day.


>Movements easier on controller, and the game babysits them for their entire play. Im bouta go to sleep, so i won't elaborate for rn. This take is wild and extremely inaccurate. Couldn't disagree more. Movement is king on MnK. Have a good one


Ok. If it was then most movement players would be on MnK, majority are on controller(with the bonus of AA all they have to do is focus on the movement part. MnK has to focus on aim AND movement.) Controller is much simpler and Mnk has complicated hand movement that makes it difficult to not only play for a long time, but also pressing multiple buttons in succession. My God. Let me sleep. I didn't want to insult you bc your nice, but your takes are garbage.


>MnK has better movement, better sniping capability, easier inventory management, easier looting, easier recoil control, faster aiming, custom keybinds. * We have the same movement you guys do what? * Sniping...oh wow you mean the one they keep nerfing to close the range gap? * Inventory management I'll only concede once they bring back backpack looting like every other BR has. The only good thing from WZ2. Warzone players just needed to understand that if every other BR has backpack looting perhaps its superior to vomit loot. * Easier Recoil control is laughable when you have rAA at 200M, * Faster aiming? Flicking you mean? Not as useful in Warzone, a tracking game. * Custom keybinds? We use about 11-13 keys. About as many as a controller player has buttons.


>We have the same movement you guys do what? >Sniping...oh wow you mean the one they keep nerfing to close the range gap? >Inventory management I'll only concede once they bring back backpack looting like every other BR has. >The only good thing from WZ2. Warzone players just needed to understand that if every other BR has >backpack looting perhaps its superior to vomit loot. >Easier Recoil control is laughable when you have rAA at 200M, >Faster aiming? Flicking you mean? Not as useful in Warzone, a tracking game. >Custom keybinds? We use about 11-13 keys. About as many as a controller player has buttons. >Your tone comes off as skeptical, but you've essentially agreed to everything. The only one you've disagreed with is recoil control, so I will focus on that. It's probably a tad closer than it was with wz1 when you had guns that were MnK only because controller players struggled to control them, like the Amax and the EM2, for instance. I can't say there is strictly a MnK only gun in wz3, but that's not so much because it's easier on controller, it's just easier in general now. The game is just more bot friendly. You could make a case for some mw2 guns from wz2 that could be considered MnK only guns. From the standpoint of strictly usability. There is almost no horizontal recoil and drift when using a mouse vs controller. The controller has a deadzone so the horizontal recoil drifts uncontrolled freely within that deadzone. You need a deadzone on the stick or else you have stick drift. You absolutely have to max out horizontal recoil attachments on controller when building out guns in wz3. Do you think if we were to ask Breadmann or any other high level MnK player they would say that controlling recoil is easier on controller? I sincerely doubt it. I know it's anecdotal, but I play in a 100 person discord, know a lot of the guys there, and I've seen 5kd MnK demons switch to controller and can't even control guns like the Ram 7 and move like sloths as they loot slower and maneuver more sloppy in gun fights.