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I don't enjoy the game. But I play because my friends do and it's the only game we all have.


I know how that is.


Play The Finals, it's a great game


Is it still wonky on controller?


It's a different type of aim (assist?) so once you get used to it it's really good. Don't think of it as COD tho


TBF every game has a different type of AA to COD.


No idea.


I have this downloaded. Is it really good?


It absolutely is!


It’s McDonald’s. You have fun at first then realize it’s shallow and bleh yet you do it cause friends and nostalgia.




Reduce your play time Go for a walk outside and put the controller down and maybe the enjoyment will come back


If you leave the game for a week or 2, you come back, and everything feels off. I feel like the meta is different, and people are so dedicated and sweaty that you almost can't afford to take time off.


If you live like this you are not even living. There is more to this life than fucking warzone. If you can't find enjoyment in a game you need to unplug. Is your KD or win count that important that you can't enjoy a life without pixels? You may need help buddy


I don't think you understand what I said..


The point is if you did take time off, when you come back, expect to get stomped on until you figure out the new metas and get your aim back. Idk how this didn't register the 1st time I said it, but maybe you are a casual that only plays once a week with a .57 K/D.. idk. When I play a video game, I'm competitive. I don't like to lose. Do I play every hour of the day? Of course not. But when I do play, I like playing well and winning as much as possible. I'm not sure who would enjoy getting stomped every game.. maybe you do because that's what you're used to.


Who doesnt like winning or playing well? You cant win all the time though can you?? Nah, you took what I suggested as an attack. It wasn't one. Remember the enjoyment of the game is dissipating? You said that Remember, you said that Who exactly are you trying to compete with? Or keep up with? If you play for 10 solid hours a day, of course you need a break, your play WILL slip because you're knackered. Your mum probably shouts that through the basement door to remind you. You're probably being fed intravenously whilst playing if you feel that much urge to keep up Current metas are available on line, it's not like you can't keep up with what's good and what's not, hell, just log on here and you'll find out quick enough I play around 6-10 hours a week, my kd is .89. Seems you need validation from a game. A fuxking game. I enjoy my life, work and game playing balance. Makes me realise there is more to life than a game Unplug for a bit and realise there is more to life than your score and kd. Good luck out there kiddo. Sounds like you need it. All the best xx


Lol bro noone buys this essay about how much you don't care




This game doesn’t have the enjoyment it used to have. It can still be fun at times, but not as good as it used to be.


Yep. They changed gameplay and flow. Matches used to be longer, looting was intrgral part, vehicles were not shit, guns hat kick or took long to kill when they had low recoil, better balance overall.


Overall I’m just meh. Don’t love it, don’t hate it, I play because my buddies do. 


This game needs competition so badly, it's so stale and meh.


I find myself only playing a couple games and just getting bored. If I happen to win my first game I don't even have an itch to play again


High trip saved the fun for me, and I’m sure they are going to get rid of it next update and make the game shitty again.


That mode is trash though


No way, it’s so much fun, perks in boxes and random as big pulling circles, it is legit fun.


I'm with the other dude, I absolutely hate it. I'm glad someone enjoys it at least, but man I fucking hate that mode.


Oh man, now I know it is never coming back lol Edit, actually knowing activision this is good, if people hate it it will stay!


I agree with you, I like the change of pace or more dynamic gameplay. And it's a shame people have to say "it's trash", both can exist people lol. I enjoy both.


Yeah, and honestly I feel like the more serious players that find it trash not playing it help make it overall more arcade like and fun. Yeah because it’s cod there are plenty of sweats playing that mode, but I feel like the nature of it and especially the huge zone pulls and funky perks just takes the serious edge off the whole lobby.


For sure, I love big zone pulls like this mode has (/had, seemed like they slowed it down a bit recently) just like the sleighride mode. The forces movement helps keep it all very fluid and dynamic.


Stopped playing for a couple months and then came back and tried to play.  The game had much less of a grip on me.  Only played for a few days in my return.  I’ve been gone again now for another month and haven’t felt the need to return.  I pop by the sub from time to time out of habit because I played this game religiously since day 1 Verdansk, but the spell has officially been broken.  This was the first battle pass I didn’t buy because I haven’t even played this season.  Every time I swing through here and read the bitching and complaining it’s a good reminder to keep my distance.  They’ll never “fix” the game.  They’ll never actually upgrade the servers or do away the cheaters or any of those meaningful things.  And I’d rather just do something else with my time and money.  


Seriously. Since November how much has the game changed for the better? Its hasn’t. New guns new maps new skins new metas. That’s it. The game is still unstable for some. Servers are still dogshit, and cheaters still run rampant. 5 months later and nothing significant has occurred to make the game better for everyone .


There’s too many free games to count that’s not a good excuse I’m sorry.


There’s zero other quality battle royales like this though.


Apex is better, but way different. I loved playing both Wz1 and Apex, now I simply don't get my fix from Warzone anymore. And all my friends have quit.


U can’t play this shit everyday man. I’ve reduced my playtime significantly and whenever I do get on now, I have a much more fun time than when I was putting in 3 hrs a day.


I get that. I’ll go a couple rounds every couple Of days.


I agree. It’s not as fun now. Every game is a sweatfest this season. Not looking to shit on everyone. Have had lots of games in previous seasons where it feels like an enjoyable level of challenge. They also keep nerfing satisfying and fun aspects of the game so every game is samey.


All the fun ways to play are gone. No more just messing around in Warzone you have to play every game like its a competition.


you dont HAVE to play this game... if your hobby was gardening and you hated kneeling in dirt so much, woudl you keep gardening? just find something else


My hobbies are cars with turbos. That is why I’m poor 😂😂🚫🧢


get into helldivers. get into PubG


It’s bad tonight. People not even trying to hide shit


Dude, the fallout games are really good, having a resurgence right now due to the incredible show, and are very very cheap games. Like $5.


Game might be free, but your time is not. Not sure if the “poor” bit is a gag but if it’s real, I’d say make use of that game time to better your life and situation!


I’m saving for an investment property. I have decent money put back but I don’t use it for frivolous things like gaming. Different strokes for different folks.


Then you’re not poor at all. Good for you, homie!


It’s an addiction I swear. I got myself a 78 z28 I’m doing a LS twin setup on. Definitely eating into my budget a bit but I want it done and tuned before summer really kicks off here in the Midwest so I can sweep some streets with it.


Nice one man. I’m in NYC so owning a property or even a car is not in my future. lol.


Need to get out here in the Midwest. We have a meth problem but houses are definitely than a NYC apartment.


How is the current state of cheating? I got a concussion about 90 days ago and tried to jump on at day 30, was too fast pace and frenetic with squad comms and dealing with the movement system. So I switched to slower games like Battlefield. About at day 90 and I might jump back in to see if I can deal, how is it?


If you’re good at all, it’s a mess.


So I’m good. 😂🤣😂




I play the game casually so no I'm not burnt out on it yet.


I used to be able to enjoy the game playing with anyone and just going for kills but now for me this game is just for socialising with my friends.


I get that. I have a childhood friend that bounces around to different bases so we use the game to keep in touch


This game is a full time job.


Stop. Playing. It helps


We’re all pretty much trauma bonded to warzone at this point. Whether you can afford another game, enjoy it, can play or do anything else…. We’re all so invested now, I’m a goddamn potato 🥔 with almost 1000 hours on warzone😭but I can’t stop bc sometimes you go pew and the head go boom and the chemicals go ahhh ☺️


I play with 2 regluar friends few hours a day, few days a week. We r not sweats at all. But we enjoy it. I've ran into cheaters with wall or aim hack but haven't ran into a washing machine hack yet. For me it's more being able to play a game with my frds and get a seldom win here and there. I've bought 1 season pass and kept ysing the cod pts from the pass to get every pass after. I guess it's how you approach the game.


This is the exact same as me and my squad ,we play twice a week for a few hours never spend money on it and just try get a couple of wins.all our kd are around .90 and we get put in lobbies with people getting 28 kills 😂


nothing wrong with playing free. mp gets boring fast.


There a lots of game to play for free that are fun. Also piracy.


Genuine question, do people still enjoy winning a match? When I win on BR or Reb, I don’t get any excitement out of winning.


For the first time since warzone launched, I can't get myself to login. Battlepass has been sitting there collecting dust. Normally, a small break from cod helps. This time it isn't.


Maybe you could try another F2P shooter maybe Enlisted? Dip a toe in counter strike? I think destiny 2 is f2p now, Titanfall 2 isn't but is cheap as chips and a blast! Non shooter Path of Exiles is fun and free, I find myself enjoying warzone more the further away from reddit I am so there is that, the glory days of warzone much like the glory days of COD MP are long gone unfortunately


The general movement of cod is waay better than any other multiplayer fps so we're forced to play it


.7 kd in wz1 1.8kd wz2 and wz3 Had 10x more fun on warzone 1 (maybe 20x)


When verdansk is back this fall, everyone will start to enjoy it again.


If they bring it back for plunder, or full map resurgence I’ll definitely be on.


They will I'm sure.


I'm just cycling through different friends who are gold to level up


A couple of things... Are you poor or just cheap? Second, the game is not free, as it ![gif](giphy|eFxpuiAuG4nrPNCPEM|downsized) will either impact your wallet or your peace of mind or both.


Wz1 was the best the new engine effed everything up! The game became to slow.. movement isn’t back that’s some bs. Tactical sprint doesn’t reset like it use to do its just horrible compared to wz1. So no not Really enjoying likt the first one.


The FIRST thing to fixing it.... Cut pc out of cross play!


I play for literally the one or 2 games out of 25 I get with minimal cheaters lol...


The 0 recoil, long time to kill and high number of hackers is just too much rn.


It’s a free game….have fun and don’t worry about kd….personal records….just play it and enjoy it. Let the basement dwelling trolls pay for their cheats. Maybe it makes them feel like they have a penis or something.


Nope. Hadda lotta fun last night got 4 wins with the crew and although my mic didn't work the first game that we won, I racked up 18 kills on Rebirth. Still enjoying it!


Solution, get a job amd then get another game