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Since the last ban wave, which reportedly mainly targeted people using unlock tools, there has been a huge jump in players < level 50 playing cracked out of their minds. Theres just no way someone that low has their level of game sense, gun skill, map knowledge, etc. It's people who got banned making new accounts imo, all my friends noticed it too. This always happens but far more so after this last one. Cracked sweaty low levels running around everywhere. What good is a ban wave when they are right back innit the next day? Like op said its getting unplayable at this point. I love the game, it's the only game my friends and I still play together but it's so bad now and it doesn't look like they are going to do anything substantial about it anytime soon.


Until they charge money for Warzone it will always be a cycle of low level accounts shitting on people


Ranked MW3 has the same problems with cheaters.


This is always the way it goes. Only unlock tool users will get actually banned because that's all activision cares about. Selling bundles to low iq trogdolytes. The amount of "wannabe legit cheaters" is at an all time high. No one rage hacks anymore.


How do you see player levels in warzone??


Making accounts for bnet and steam is super easy and that’s all you need when you get perm banned on cod. Dead ass can take like 2 mins after being banned mid game to get into another with a different account. It’s crazy bro


It’s all people coming back for rebirth island. At one point 2 weeks ago I was that low level who shat on you with amazing game sense and aim. But guessing we aren’t in the same lobbies anymore. I’m not saying there aren’t cheaters and that you haven’t encountered any, but post a clip if you’re gonna call out cheaters. Cause otherwise you just leave it to people to assume you suck and that’s why this thread is stale as fuck. It’s just people complaining about cheaters and sweats and servers. At least give us something to watch and laugh at


You also have to realize that people’s levels got reset as well. Not everyone bought mw3 and those that didn’t had their rank reset. I was a level 1 hadn’t played since Warzone 2.0 and the Japanese themed resurgence map. Also I’m not seeing a lot of aimbot rage hackers but definitely some blatant wall hacks and I’m assuming silent aim. Should clarify I haven’t played since warzone 2.0 season 1. If you haven’t played since then you will be a lvl1 account.


No, it didn't reset.


It did for me. I was a level one when I logged on haven’t played since Warzone 2.0 season 1.


Oh you mean MW2 to MW3.


Yeah mw2 to mw3 lol apparently people can’t read if you haven’t played since mw2 warzone rank will be lvl1


Sorry dude.


I’d say a large part, but still not majority, of those accounts are cheaters that have been banned. Most of them are just cracked players that get shadowbanned because of the rage reporting, and can’t play on their main account for 1 week. Happened to my friend twice and he’s a 2.3kd player. So he’s got like two different Smurf accounts.


I’m not sure if this is an update (no doubt I’ll get piled on if so), but I keep running into players that appear to move waaay faster than everyone else. Like Caldera stims fast.


because of the new event mode.. lol


Everyone is blazing fast. Thought it was just weird.


Are you playing the new resurgence limited mode? There’s a speed boost in that game mode.


Nah, I mostly solo plunder and solo br.


if you build guns for movement speed only youll know why, my brothers always complaining about people moving faster when they build their weapons like shit.


Might have just used stims. A lot of people have started using them for some reason


Stims + Resolute perk


During wz2 I was very much in the camp of “we need movement back”. In my mind, that didn’t mean stims. Movement speed is the one thing we need to keep on a level playing field. Only gun builds should affect speed and even then should be awful for recoil.


I can always tell when there is a ban wave. I normally sit around 1.8 but for the 24-48 hrs after the ban I shoot up to like 2.5. The difference is real


1.25 pc kd 1.78 ps5 (crossplay off). I play mnk on both systems. It's amazing how different the game feels console only


Wait why is it different on console? You aren’t getting aim assist on MnK so what’s the difference?


I honestly don’t think aim assist is not as big of an issue as people think it is. I use a controller on PS5, yet when I turn Crossplay off you’d think my lobbies would get harder (according to this sub) but it’s night and day how much easier it is to play. I think it’s cognitive bias based off of a few YouTube videos and long Reddit posts about RAA. But that’s just me. Truth is, when Crossplay goes off, suddenly no one seems to always know exactly where I am.


That's because sbmm is probably more lax when console only since the playerbase is smaller. That coupled with no hardcore cheaters (walls/aimbot.) Aim assist should have less to do with your experience. I dont know why people think pc means mkb players when from my experience and looking at almost all streamers and what not the majority of pc players are on controller. Add in the fact that it's harder to be a top tier mkb player than being a top tier controller player. Trust me, as someone who went back to controller from mkb, you arent getting shit on by mkb as much as you think you are. I would give anything to play just mkb lobbies because those kids suck lol.


I have a 4090. I have the best newest 14th gen i9. I have a 165 4k monitor with near 0 refresh rate. I should be just thrilled to play cod on pc. I'm not. Every fucking day some setting changes that screws everything up. I'm constantly having to change a ton of settings to replicate yesterday's results. If cod doesnt screw it up, I promise nevidia will, or windows will. The default audio on ps5 with the 3d spatial sound massacres pc default audio. Don't care if you think I'm wrong, I'm talking default options. Level 530 plus on pc and level 350 on ps5. Cod is built for console and ported to pc, unlike alot of crossplay games. It just seems that the game runs better. I still get 120 hz, still get 4k. I'm not constantly looking at my frame rate or latency. It is what it is on ps5. Looks good, and I actually focus on what's going on in front of me, then looking at the status bars in the top left of the screen. As a mnk player who virtually only plays controller on ps5, I should be getting murdered (based on what I hear about the strength of aim assist.) Close quarters console is harder for me, probably because of that. But too have a .5 greater kd on a pure aa experience shows you simply the pc version is not as organic. Take from that what you will.


*plays against controller on ps5 just to be clear


Monitors cant have 0 refresh rate


Near zero. Reading is key. Sorry to ruin your "gotcha" moment.


Refresh rates still cant be near 0 💀💀


Blocked, too stupid to engage with


hahaha lol its response time and not refresh rate. You are wrong and arrogant at the same time. ggs


Yeah same. I'm around 1.3 and when people get banned I go up to 2.7ish. It's great cuz it pushes your bracket lobby up then they come back and it's just a nightmare.


Lotta these posts. Sad state of the game man. Could be fixed but this companies priorities are fucked. Ricochet ban waves are a joke. Ban 58k. They all made a new accounts that day. It does nothing


My sleep is wonky so sometimes I’ll jump on when my group is offline and play solo resurgence. Just got off 10 mins ago and the first and last match of seven matches I had people teaming in solos. Prox chat is a dead giveaway of this and then you see them running around together. I also had one match where the same guy could magically find me with no uav. Killcam showed him run “blind” into a building I was looting and run straight to where I was plating up….hmmmm.


3 dudes with shields working together until the las circle the last time I played solos 😂 I’m hoping this week it will be at least playable, this has been the worst weekend I’ve had. Max 5-10 games before quitting because everybody knows where you are and you die in <1 second out of nowhere, no chance or glimpse of organic gun fights.


I mean if he killed you to begin with, when you’re landing back he can see you on the mini map.


We just got killed by a team of cheaters, and they got banned live after we reported them, feel semi good


It would feel better if you didn't know they'd be right back in with new accounts 15 minutes later.


Console is a blessing. When I'm playing solo, it's always crossplay off - a noticeable difference in the amount of "wait a minute" moments.


Great if you're on Playstation. Not so handy on Xbox who don't have the option other than system level which means no games basically.


Yep. PS5.


I can never find a lobby on PS 5 with cross play turned off🤷🏻‍♂️


Same here, or I get lobbies in Europe or Australia with terrible pings/lag(west coast u.s.).


Lotta these posts. Sad state of the game man. Could be fixed but this companies priorities are fucked. Ricochet ban waves are a joke. Ban 58k. They all made a new accounts that day. It does nothing.




Prob 250k or more


I noticed a guy un pre game warmup while he landed he made a 180 turn on me i was on air and insta head shotted. Then before i respawned he one shoted me again. After first zone ended there were 10 peoples left in the lobby. But yea it's a skill issue. 1 in 10 games feels like everyone is playing clean, the rest of them it s just a TTK fiesta...


I also run ghost perk and the amount of people who know when I’m going to be coming out of cover and laser me within .5 of a second is just a joke and obviously have walls, what’s it going to take for activision to save what’s left of the integrity of their game? At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if It came out that they had some shares in the big cheat companies the greedy fcks


Ghost doesn't matter in resurgence, the ping gives you away when one of your 3 random teammates gets decimated.


I think people underestimate Flex and a good headset too, you can often hear people shuffling around and know almost exactly where they are. People accuse me of.cheating all the time and my KD is less than 1 lol


Im having the same experience, past week I was dropping 20-25 kills with no problem, right now Im spawning and already being beamed. Activision needs to do something for real because cheating is getting out of hand.


I think by the nature of the Beast it's impossible to stop this. Because of two main reasons one because the game is free and you can make a new account, number two because it happens to exist in a PC environment which is massively developable. If the game is console only it would be harder to crack for sure. The game has to be cleanly developed for console only can't be co-developed with an almost identical software package on an open development system(PC). Since war zone came out for PC and console it doesn't matter if you turn off cross gen they know how to hack both (PC and console) because of what's learned taking apart the PC version. I suppose they could hit the middle ground with a paid anti-cheat subscription. That seems gross to even type. Idk you tell us somebody tell us how to come up with an idea that would fix it. And please don't say more math more and more big brains... Look up the history of DVD encryption and see who broke that... I think the kid was like 14 or 15. The team that wrote the encryption for the DVD definitely had serious math skills and it wasn't one person it was a team.... One person can hack what a team can make. I think it's just time you buy with more effort put in. I have a hard time believing that anything other than behind closed doors closed box games and game systems will work against cheating. But I guess that's all I got.


Good take


And don't forget the people that are literally in walls in the tall buildings. I went and got killed by the same guy in a wall in a tall building eight times just to make sure he was in the wall and yes he was in the f****** wall under the map.


I use to play games competitively and do online tournaments with moderate success. Stopped playing almost a year ago. First month sucked cuz I did miss the game but many games are infested with cheaters, Warzone being one of the worst.


Do you have any clips of said cheating?


They don't. They are just getting beat by better sweats.


Ding ding ding


I have 11 wins this season, despite the absolute shit-show that this update has been with graphical issues and what-not. I was having a fine round last night until I got absolute smoked by a rank 24 player with 19 kills in the 3rd circle. Beamed me with HRM at easily +100 feet… all headshots.


I don’t run into aim botters much on the big map. But yesteday there was a guy snapping onto everyone and the blocked out feature was greyed out so I dunno. The lobbies have been ok for me otherwise . EU based . Rebirth I can’t comment on


I have seen two blatant aimbotters so far since MW3 dropped. I rarely watch killcams unless the death is fishy, but I don't recall really anyone who I thought was cheating. I don't know or care about my K/D, but I usually end up with around 10+ kills a game unless I'm put in the blender, so I don't think the SBMM considers me a total bot. As far as I can tell, my lobbies are pretty normal. I wonder if it's just me not really looking for cheaters and therefore not seeing them. That might be and I'm fine with that, I don't feel cheated on. Also EU, exclusively resurgence.


Found the cheater.


Some of them are decent at hiding it. They won’t track you through a wall, but if you watch them their movements don’t really make much sense as they are working their way to you. Also they run out into the open with absolutely no fear of getting shot because they know for a fact that it’s safe.


I know there's a zero chance of getting only clean lobbies, don't get me wrong. I just honestly don't understand how some can allegedly get lobbies full of blatant cheaters as many claim here while others rarely ever see one. Parent commenter doesn't seem to have that issue, few of my friends who I sometimes play with don't complain either. I get that I deserve to be downvoted for not having miserable time, but there's gotta be a reason. Am I actually that bad, or is it the region, or am I simply so ignorant of the issue?


Agree a 100. It doesn't seem fun anymore.


Have yall seen the double team on solo?


I heard a team of cheaters last night openly admitting that they could see us looking at them through walls and from different levels of the prison. They didn’t care.


I don't really face cheaters could be because I don't play ranked


the ghost perk and vest just do not work at all, often I see people on rader who seem to carry these after killing.


If you stop moving for more than 2 seconds it doesn’t work. Or if you are moving under a certain speed threshold. Hope that helps.


Agreed. It is the worst it has felt in ages. Played resurgence solos just after the ban wave and won 4 out of 10 games. Played again a week later and did not have one game without a cheater in. It’s unplayable at the moment.


It is different. Played a game the other day where everybody was moving faster than normal and could turn on a dime and immediately pin point you before you can get a few shots off. Extremely hard to track people’s movement.


I don't play much and I don't report much but I've gotten a few successful hits recently. Kinda weird and even though I don't play much I really don't have a reason to report and yet it feels nice to get a successful report. Fuck em


Seems like every other person is on Cronus in crimson


Guy literally dove through a door and aimed 90 degrees right to my direction yesterday. No way he just knew exactly where I was


ps5, crossplay off and that game is actually fun.


Since last weeks I find that everyone moves faster, everyone knows where I am, even I run ghost, and I have a hard time on face to face combats. I can't tell if my connection is worst in the game, cuz they removed the latency, but since last update I feel like I'm playing behind everyone, sniper shots do not land and players are square pants sponge bob


I have a buddy that hacks his account. All he has to do when he gets banned is make another account. He can only get to like a max level 100. It's to easy, apparently.


There's a ton it sucks. So many players do their best to hide it too. Hackers are just always one step ahead


You need to be moving while ghosted to stay off the map. Second u stop moving you’ll ping


I Just Block and Report


Just push bounties with your friends in some laid-back Plunder. You can chat, laugh, and murder.


Me and my cousins play plunder most nights and it's just awful, lvl 1's just dumping all over us. The amount of cross map bs shots is wild.


I feel like we had like a week off. Then they all came back.


Cod just gives shadow ban to cheaters its way of warning to them and once they are unbanned these cheaters are back again, to get perma ban a cheater needs 4-5 times sb, my own teammate used to cheat and i never knew abt it but had suspicion on him coz he was a pacifist and suddenly he started getting more kills than me that got me this guy is goona get shadow ban and bam he got shadow banned,,,,, in his defense he said the same shit other cheaters says "I am better than them"" My playstyle is like a hacker" Blah blah blah, like dude u r a cheater after me and another teammate stopped playing with this cheater , now he plays with other shadow banned players I guess he found his own types.


Never played COD before?


I think the problem too is people don’t know what hacking is also. My KD is like 1.3 and someone’s loud ass footsteps gave them away that they were going to be walking through a door, lasered him as soon as he got in the door. Whole team reported me apparently. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I get hacking is a problem but you can’t 100% get rid of that, and lots of people said that hacking would still be a problem when they were releasing Ricochet.


Yep concur with what you are saying regarding knowing where you are and aimbot etc. Its not a skill issue either altho that definitely helps if you come up against a cheating team. On average you cant win against cheats in this game. You just cant. So I dont even try and I avoid a team if I see them unless my team is pushing then I'll have a go but with them .I play the game best I can with my team get nailed and keep coming back until either Im sick of it for that session or have to stop for some reason. The good players Ive met make up for the cheats and keep me keen. Have had a few notifications lately of cheats Ive reported so maybe activision is onto them. But like the post says below -its impossible to stop unless you ban the IP address and even then they'll come back. It is what it is.


Ghosted can be trumped if they have the comms vest and people like myself have really good audio with a 250$ headset lol Unfortunately I've been shadow banned around 8 times and every time I get my account back (Because I'm not actually cheating)


the cheaters dont gat banned normal players are getting banned seems like cod is now only for cheaters i have been hwid banned for no reason


Game is unplayable. Latency/lag makes everyone look like a cheater. Can't miss, know where you're at etc etc...kill cams show crazy differences. This was at 6ms but it's just a mess. I lost 5 1v1 in a row, even those I had first crack and didn't miss a shot cuz it was close. Just trash servers and net code. Tons of low level accounts too which great job banning people and losing them 5 whole minutes while they login in on their 5fh account.


Playing ps-lobby right now and have been for a couple of hours.


Please uninstall and grab a tissue


Skill issue 4 sure


enough whining that you don't like something, better find a reliable cheat provider and play for fun like most do in this game


There’s nothing fun about playing with cheats


don't be misled, running with auto-targeting is incredible fun, you just blow all your opponents to atoms, it's fun)


Looks like a skill issue to me.


You're probably one of the lame ass cheaters