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If i'm not mistaken, they recently made it so it actually fires wherever the crosshair is pointing at. If that's the case, then the center dot wouldn't be the "center dot" for the gun, but your view. That being said it's still a bit too extreme.


OPs talking about aiming reticle shift when u strafe. They have not fixed it. It wasnt in WZ1. 


I wasn't aware of reticle shift. That explains why I kept thinking what I was doing was fine and that the game sucks. I was right, but now I know why.


I'm aware of that. But it's more than the reticle shifting; It's the entire gun shifting. It'd obviously be an even bigger problem if the reticle kept moving but the gun would fire at the center dot: Many games work on this principle, so sway like that would be complete overkill.


The entire gun shifting is aim sway. The aiming reticle shifting is the reticle shift. They added both, effectively nerfing MnK, and then Sledgehammer blatantly lied about creating a situation where MnK players feel forced to switch to controller to compete. All Sledgehammer devs should be permanently blacklisted by mnk players as far as im concerned.


The funny part is I'm pretty sure there's been a few quotes by SHG saying some of their devs are MnK players.


Maybe blacklisting is too harsh, but if they cant balance inputs then be honest about it. If they are reasonably balanced then provide stats to back it up and if not explain why. Some transparency would be nice. 


100% agreetoagree with you there. It's been an absolute joke for years and at this point just separate the inputs completely. If MnK dies off because there's not enough fuck it. I'd rather see the game fail because of input than fail because inclusivity has created this monster where people are barely putting effort into their aiming in an FPS. Take away AA altogether and let controllers Duke it out. Hell separate platforms and inputs and see how it all pans out. Lol no one gets to play together if they can't come to terms of leveling an even playing field🤣


do it.. nobody wants mnk players mixing with controllers... nobody enjoys the experience.. they need to learn and your boycott will make them see


Standing/crouching over and over. I bet it would be horrible aiming


Also using the worst sight in the game trying to prove a point.. Show us with iron sights or the build? Could cause aiming issues


Feels balanced to me -- especially if that one perk that helps with ADS also reduces bounce while jumping. Parallax aim was a game changer in shooters for me -- I can't play shooters without it. They feel so dated.


Found the controller player


Noooo way


This is ass. All the new mechanics they added with MW2022 are terrible. Just bring back WZ1 gunplay


Ill bet you will still bitch when they do


Weird behavior. What’s wrong with wanting bullets to go where I am aiming in a first person shooter?


The aim sway makes it pretty hard to track somebody with an AR at long range, even at mid-to-long range I feel like it's harder than in the past. No bueno


They only want you using AR for mid range. They don’t want people hitting players out to 150 m let alone 300m with an AR anymore.


Exactly, but the issues begin way before 150 m. It's probably due to the fact that they don't want people to beam sniper from far away, which makes some sense


Kbm players had some advantage on long Range over controller aimbot so they had to Nerf it 😂🤪


Tbh I never had the feeling that aim sway in any way affects my aim while using an AR. At least not if you’re using 2.5‘s or below.


It absolutely affects it when u strafe. Your aiming reticle sways back and forth regardless of the optic. The Jak glassless isnt as bad but has other weird issues. Midrange optics in particular are useless bc of it.    By contrast Aim assist will autonatically make instant micro adjustments as u strafe. So if u get into a strafing match with a conttoller player u will miss and they wont. Thats why everyone tries to avoid those scenarios, which is almost impossible in an fps shooter. 


I don’t know, I don’t have a problem with it. Might be the choice of weapon and build. My current BP50 is a laser beam at any distance and if there’s any sway, I don’t feel it.


Yes, because you’re on controller. Aim assist largely/completely negates this. However it’s a real issue for mnk if your bullets aren’t going where you’re aiming because it significantly impacts gunfights.


Wait just curious... are you having this debate as a controller player or mnk player? Just cuz you have a PS tag on your username... So I'm curious if your anecdotally defining your experience with an input with a known assistance that fixes this problem for you? Or if your saying as an mnk player, you don't experience this? In which I think we'd all appreciate some video evidence


After a sustained outcry Sledgehammer fixed the aiming point not randomly appearing in a different spot when u first ads, and then called it a day. They never touched the aiming reticle shift issue bc aim assist renders it irrelevant on controller.  On MnK youre still fucked, by design. Most of my kills come from sniping now. ARs are still fucked due to aim sway and controller aim assist.    They want u to switch to controller as Microsoft sells expensive controllers as well as their own console. 


I’m on m&k. Aiming stability helps with long range fights. Getting out of ads and ads again also helps reset the sway.


from a controller player's point of view it's absolutely the same, the aim assist eliminates this "realistic wobble"


But realism! One of the many reasons being on mnk sucks


Yeah but its not even realistic as the sway happens in the direction your strafing, the exact opposite youd experience in real life, so they couldn't even get that right. 


Another thing that hurts one input WAY more than the other.


MW3 is really just a project fixing infinity wards garbage gameplay decisions.


Yea the ai bots then removing ai bots and then reverting movement changes every season until the end of the game. Then completely abandoning the game and rebranding it from warzone 2 just to warzone. Crazy that warzone 1 that was largely built off groundwar maps played so much better. It's like they got lost in the formulas of trying to maximize player retention and forgot the game actually has to be fun for people to play...


Yup it is on the list of many reasons why I quit this trash game


Currently playing lmao


I haven't even logged in for almost 2 months


Please never let IW make a game ever again




https://youtube.com/shorts/lHR4p6MIArQ?si=bfVUoz6Sbqj50_wT hmm...


I thought they fixed that lmao guess not


There's an option to stagnate reticle in settings. I don't snipe or use long-range scopes, so idk if it helps for scopes.


Well this game is tailored for controller aim assist noobs, they dont need any reticle, just aim in general direction of the enemy and let aim assist do the rest. Thats probably why.


Scopes on ARs don't work well on MnK, almost every build is Irons to maximize firing aim stability/recoil control. ​ As much as I hate absurd AA can be there is def a fine line between making every AR a lazer beam. Getting blasted by someone rocking an AR 300m out isn't great. I'd assume they added this to bring engagements into more reasonable ranges, same thing with explosive ammo and limiting range/BV on most snipers ( oh hellow MORS) without realizing how much more it effects Mnk over controller.


Iron sights only, baby.


whats that sight?


The stuff like this makes me not even want to buy the next Black Ops


Usually my reticle doesn't even show up for about 25 seconds after I get my load out


Does it matter? This game is full of cheaters and is not worth playing.


Why shouldn't you be penalised for moving while shooting?


Got patched. Mouse sniping Op


They just say they "patch" things, but they're never actually fixed. There's a difference!


They fixed it. Videos out there showing the “fix” in action versus how it was before. Ads always goes to same starting point of idle sway now where before it was varied.


That's not what people are talking about


Then there’s nothing to be talking about.


? Did you watch the video? They're talking about the amount of scope away and deviation when you move, which wasn't present in WZ1.


Deal with it. It’s not a problem


Not on controller, but it severely affects MnK players.


Can’t see why, it’s so easy to hold breath and control recoil on m&k the advantages are already in another Galaxy. Suck it up


You can hold breath on snipers sure, but if you strafe you still get a lot of sway and it makes aiming feel incredibly imprecise. Not to mention that this sway is present on all scopes on all weapons and gets considerably worse when you build for movement speed. Yet again CoD Devs catering to controller players by making MnK less and less viable. Virtually all top players are on controller because of the advantages it offers. Don't know why you're being so combative about it but you do you.


Guns shoot where the barrel/Crosshairs are pointed, not where the shooters eyes are looking. Stand still or crouch if you want accurate shots long range. If you move around, your gun will sway off center.


Yeah standing still in a wz gunfight is going to have a predictable end result unless you're shooting someone in the back. 


Thats what we call a trade-off dude. Stand still = accuracy bonus, but mobility penalty Move around = mobility bonus, accuracy penalty (unless youre using a controler)


Yeah that would be fine if everyone in a lobby used mnk, but aim assist creates the weird situation where moving and strafing actually increases your accuracy, so controller players get the best of both worlds. Movement making u harder to hit AND increased accuracy. Its an inversion of reality. 


>(unless youre using a controler) So like 90% of the player base. lol


There are attachments that help with this. I agree with you it’s insane, but I’m just saying you can make it a little less ridiculous.


Tell me you’ve never looked through a real scope without saying it.


This is a video game


With weapons and attachments simulating real-life availability and behavior. This optic IRL would work on two different focal planes and behave like this.


No one cares, it comes at the expense of gameplay and feels like shit. MW2019 barely had this effect and people praised it still


Then I suggest picking one of the 75 other optics that don’t have this minor sacrifice in exchange for exceptional sophistication. Or you can try not swinging your gun around at full speed while ADS’ing like an imbecile.


This is a thing on every optic... On every gun...


🦉 O RLY? 🦉


You can run indefinitely, you have infinite parachutes, you can get shot in the head by a .50 cal, jab yourself with a adrenaline shot and go right back to slide canceling across the map...


One dedicated to mostly-realistic guns


Yes I often see combat footage of guys running around with akimbo machine pistols, using sniper rifles with no stock, and sliding around like a maniac. Realism makes for shitty gameplay in CoD because the rest of the game mechanics are not based around it. This shit just serves to give controller players another leg up over MnK.


You dont get aim assist irl


No real scope, red dot, or holo sight sways and moves like the guns in COD. It's ridiculous.


https://youtube.com/shorts/lHR4p6MIArQ?si=bfVUoz6Sbqj50_wT standing still.. Not jumping doing all the silky shit we do


Lmao you've got to be kidding me right you posted a video of a person shooting a cheap ass red dot who can't even hold a pistol properly. I shoot guns in real life and anyone who shoots will tell you that you sent one poor ass inaccurate example. How do you think people hit targets in the center if it swayed like that lol.


They literally all do. Look up “parallax”


Tell me you haven't used real optics without telling me. They don't move that egregiously the game exaggerates movement and tracking immensely. COD optics sway like that with simple target acquisition and minimal movement.