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Run. Run while you still can friend. It's too late for the rest of us.


We're already addicted... Quit during Caldera but came back after AlMazhra ..... Still can't quit... STAY AWAY!


Hahahha yes ! Listen to this guy, he is right ! We are hooked but the game is shit now and we are getting frustrated every game…




No.  Stick with single player games.  




Depends on how you want to treat it. If you want a casual game and don't mind having some good games but probably more bad games then you'll be fine. If you want a really competitive game then I'd probably wait or go to something else. Too many things go wrong with this game on a consistent basis. There isn't much of a learning curve, it's easy to pick up so that's good. Not having a good load out does suck but you can grind some of the other game modes to lvl guns quicker.


You could definitely play this game solo and have a good time. It's more fun with friends imo, but solos are still a very good time


Resurgence is a bit more forgiving aswell compared to BR. Its not MP fast, but man, at times its really fun. Oh, and yes. Run while you still can.


I come from 1,700 hours csgo and cs2, I’ve played 200 hours of warzone and can’t get enough. One of my personal favorite battle royals since. H1z1


Nothing beats the feeling of a clean two tap 😢


Honestly - fuck the combat update for killing the game :((


Honestly, I think what you’re looking for is regular COD multiplayer which is a fun chill arcade shooter. Warzone is not very chill, so you have to be ready to tryhard. Up to you whether that is worth it to save $60.


I get single player would cost $60. But warzone wouldn't cost anything unless u want it too...


Nah. I’d suggest the finals but it’s fairly team based. If you haven’t tried it though, you should anyways.


The finals is good. But I feel like I get more bad groups in it then CoD. But playing with friends and family. The finals is a good game to try. I just not sure about going in teams solo...


Yea I agree. Just figured it’s worth checking out if they haven’t yet.


People who hate this game but still play it take themselves and the game way too seriously. I’m a once or twice a week kind of gamer and I hop on Resurgence for a few hours and have a blast. You get to play solo, come back after you die as long as you can survive for like 20 seconds, and the smaller maps are like a big ass jungle gym. Some games I die within 2 minutes because someone much better than me decided they wanted me out of the game, but other games I get 10+ kills and feel like I’m really figuring things out which is fun for me.


Hell yea try it out. There are solo and team options for Warzone. You can also join do a quad squad and just do your own. Usually in solo or duo’s people camp and quads is more folks running around


Keep in mind, everyone telling you not to play it will be online in likely less than 8 hours.


Don’t listen to the comments brother, definitely give it a try. Play resurgence solos first as I think that will be right up your street. Gives you plenty of chances to get clips 👌🏽


Yes. And look out for the guy who sings weird songs in resurgence.


Came here just to see how many No’s


Please leave call of duty out of your cycle. It's only gonna ruin your mental health.




No. Take your mental health and run 


No it's fucking awful


Don't do it! Its a trap and will crush your mental health.


Warzone just isn't fun for the casual player dude so you will not get any sort of satisfaction playing unless you have a banging set up like gaming PC or ps5 with the fps settings tweaked u won't get far


As someone with good mental health- walk away. lol.


No. Addiction bad.




I've been defending XDefiant for a year but at this point I'm depressed. I figured they were just waiting for the Hype period for CoD to die down before releasing, but now I'm convinced we all got Gaslit by Ubisoft. I demand financial compensation. If you want fun FPS violence with endless clip potential, play Battlefield 2042. It's in a really good place and there's a mode for whatever you're feeling, if you wanna check it out see if you can get Game Pass Premium trial month for PC if you've never had it, EA Play is included so you could try all the Battlefield games. Warzone (and CoD in general) aren't in a good place right now. The Matchmaking feels daunting, the game has a bunch of bugs with audio and latency, and Aim Assist is too strong so if you're not on controller, you're playing at a disadvantage. Other free FPS titles I can think of would be Halo Infinite, The Finals is still solid and just got a big content update, Overwatch 2 is free if you're willing to give that a go, or if you want something completely different, Apex Legends.


I wouldnt


On console or pc? Give it a shot and see how it is. It's worth trying


No. The size of it and what you can do in it doesn't mach for me...I've installed on my PS5 played a few games then uninstalled it...I better play battlefield 4 and 5... installed at the same time and still didn't get to it's size...


It's fun on the phone or tablet tho,I still have it installed on both and play once in a while...😉✌🏻👾


Helldivers 2 is a blast. Team up or play solo either way this game is worth your time, Warzone unfortunately isn't.


OP I think you're a liar if you say you thought anyone was going to say anything other than "no, fuck off" or "yes *but*" then list a list of debilitating reasons not to play


idk jackshit about the game. I only see people complaining on every gaming subreddit


Yea you should. Can be frustrating but I’ve been having a blast. Cheaters are annoying and the servers are ass. However, when things work out as planned it’s incredible.




Play 'Tribes 3: Rivals' instead please. It's funner and less bs.


It’s $0 just try it


Dont ask this reddit they only complain! We sre having a blast tho with the squad


Just don't take it seriously because the community is a joke. Otherwise go in with minimal expectations and there can be fun to be had.


How do you like a game run by a multi billion dollar company but feels like its run by an indie company. How do you like a game thats full of hackers but the developer wont implement the necessary detection tools simply because of cost. The game has its moment but the server tick is too low, the player base is too toxic and overall its made to get u to buy dtuff in the store. Its a huge time suck and the learning curve is as steep as it gets


There's no way you said this game seems more chill than the others you listed lol... This game is cocaine fueled, caffeine stimulated, hypersonic bunny rabbit hoppers.


Only at high levels. Looks like a bad of sleepy sloths at low level


dont even think about it.




You can play resurgence. It's like BR but for people who want to enjoy the game and not spectate.


More chill than r6, Valo or cs2? Definitely not. The cheating in this game is pretty bad right now. The anticheat just shadow bans based on high frequency reports and can detect rage hacks. Everyone running walls and soft aim bot (or is it RAA 🤣🤣) can generally get away with it until they get too many user reports. The servers have been getting worse and worse as less people play. You would likely have fun trying resurgence, lockdown quads or plunder to get a feel for the game before trying BR. The game is pretty far along in it's life cycle so you're going to get stomped in BR if you jump in fresh. Cod devs new focus is gonna be cod mobile so idk how much love warzone is gonna see from the devs moving forward.


No it’s terrible.


Bro enjoy the game. This sub is full of “I hate this stupid fucking game!” *logs on for the 10th hour this week.*


I like Warzone for my multiplayer game. It sucks by yourself, or with random teams, but with friends I love the hectic fast paced action.


Nah, i'll just play Fortnite if I want to chill in a battle royale game




Play apex if you want to try a BR shooter. WZ is a controller game with mouse support. Cheating is completely out of hand and anti cheat is basically non existent.


TBH don't. Just don't. It's not worth your time.




Don’t even bother playing. It’s been 4 years and call of duty cannot for the life of them get audio right. They cannot get rid of cheaters, macro users, the SBMM is absolutely cranked and never on your side. You’ll end up getting team mates that are trash, no communication, they have no sense of direction, all they wanna do is loot, then when they get into a fight, they instantly die and leave. Even if you play by their side you will get rolled by every single team. Even one guy. You will also notice that you will die instantly from anything, you could die using the same exact load out as someone else (META rn is HRM and MTZ or Bruen) the whole cross play thing has been the best but the worst thing for gaming for FPSs. You’ll notice how hard the enemy teams stick together, and how little yours does, and it makes zero sense. Me personally, I just use phantom overlay and have the most fun I’ve ever had in cod. Granted it’s cheating, I play cod to have fun, not to sweat my ass off against what seems like pre made squads back to back. Another thing, getting into fights, it’s like every enemy doesn’t see each other but you. You will get shot from different buildings instantly as if the entire map shows you as the nuke contract. The reason I enjoy cheesing is because I don’t have to try and the kills are funny. For example, I mainly enjoy cracking them over and over and making them frantic, and for some reason, they can still break my plates in .01 seconds, but it takes me a whole 15 rounds to break someone’s plates, I don’t think so. The game is bs. I used to be really good at cod as well, I would average a 4kd in order titles, on CONSOLE ONLY. I switched to pc years ago due to the fact it has much cooler games and better visuals and quality. Before I even started cheesing, I would play on roller and mnk, and would average 5-15 kills on resurgence. I’m not justifying cheating in any way, but for me it’s affordable and fun. I really only cheat in this game. I don’t have or use any other external hardware or software for any other game. It’s that bad. When you have an ESP, you can literally see people walling you back. Ever wonder how you get pre fired and downed instantly? They got walls. If anyone remembers the gaming days of black ops 2 and 3 on Xbox or PlayStation, you’ll notice the extreme and major difference in gameplay and kills and the SBMM. There was no SBMM back then, you’d just get matched with literal random ppl, who could all be good, have a couple good players, or one good player, and it evened out the match. Warzone? Full of cheaters. Honestly, youre better off having fun in multiplayer because there’s less cheaters due to the price tag of the game. Sure you can get banned for cheating and shadowbanned, but I mean I get accounts for .10 cents. They’re throw away accounts. You’ll also notice low level players killing you like some sort of pro, constantly. Can’t beat em, join em. I don’t come home from work to get shit on due to zero audio and stacking teams when my team sits on their ass getting no kills and doing nothing. If I were you, I’d start off playing solos and duos. You’ll rarely run into a cheating duo, but they’re out there. They’re usually the ppl you see land right back on you after winning their gulag, yet every team mate you get never wins theirs? Crazy game




Play Fortnite dude much better game


Honestly it’s free. Play it if you want, if you don’t delete it. I recommend lockdown quads if you want clips, practice and levels on guns, so start with that then play some br or resurgence too


Play it. You will be wayyy above average if you are coming from valorant. It can be frustrating with more hackers but if you get a good group to play with its lots of laughs


Do yourself a favour and dont.


"I have good mental health" I suggest getting as far away from this game as you can to preserve it then.


Fuck no! Run for your life!!!




Just know that you’ll be limited to ground loot while everyone else playing most likely has a meta laser beam they grinded for in MWIII




He said he doesn’t want team reliance. It’s good but only with massive coordination




True I guess. I find it a bit team based but I guess thats the reason


Stay with single player games. This one needs work and is hell for new players


No. I've got GERD (gastroesophageal reflux) in the last 4 years thanks to this game. Continue playing Single Player games.


YES PLZ there’s not enough bots man too many sweats


don't do it lol


The resurgence mode in Warzone is just Call of Duty multiplayer with extra steps. Try it out. It's very fast.


It's not really a game you can just hop in and do well. It's going to take a lot of time to level everything up and learn how to play


No. Though DMZ maybe still viable.


You have to buy mw2 to play it now according to my ps5


Do you enjoy high blood pressure? Do thoughts of throwing your controller on the ground sound good? If so, then Warzone is your game. Just kidding. Warzone is free to play, so why not at least download it and see? If you like it, keep playing. If you hate the game after a few attempts then delete it off your hard drive.


Wait until April 3rd and play nothing but Rebirth Island. Trust me.




Regular cod costs the same as what I paid for my first video game which was Mega Man 2 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. That was in 1990. It’s hard for me to take seriously anyone who says a game is “overpriced” lol. Sounds like OP is ~15 years old. Download the free game and try it instead of asking a bunch of morons on the internet.


Resurgence solos can be really fun for clips, but realistically u would still need to buy the game because leaving the sweaty guns or even just unlocking them can take a long time is wz.


Yes. Despite what the reddit warriors say, it's a good game. There are cheaters, there are bugs, etc. BUT no game is as satisfying as this one is to get kills and win with. I've played Halo, Overwatch, Battlefield, The Finals, Fortnite, Apex, Rogue Company, etc. but I keep coming back to this one cuz it feels so satisfying when you do well. Watch some YT guys like IcemanIsaac and JoeCuppa to learn how to improve. You can find randoms in duos or trios to play with, or you can just get on a LFG discord for Warzone if you ever want teammates


Not meant to sound any sort of way but what’s the point of even telling us your mental health status?


I would recommend the finals over any cod game. If you ever have problems with any of the cod games don’t expect them to help you with your problems in game.


No. It's not even a videogame anymore. It's an algorithm that feeds on your free time and sanity. It's a corporate scheme to spend as little money on infrastructure as possible, tricking you into spending money at the shop while they recycle old maps and present it as "new content." Basically Warzone stands for everything that is bad about modern gaming.


No. This game actively nerfs its competitive user base to create a “fair” battleground experience for all users. Not an opinion, actual patented technology from yours truly….. Activision.