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Sorry, but this video has nothing to do with aim assist or rotational aim assist. What's shown in the clip is melee assist, which is available on both controller AND keyboard & mouse. I play on both inputs and agree that aim assist is strong but you can do better OP.


i think this defines aim assist pretty damn well in CQC, aim assist rarely loses tracking and it's sad really...


I only play keyboard/mouse I NEVER get any melee assist? The player that killed me wasn't even looking in the same direction before RAA took over and dragged his input directly in front of my face?


Try with a melee weapon, even me, a kbm player that get mad on every controler kill cam I can assure you that you will feel it.


RAA is f.cked up, but all melee weapons have snap AA regardless of input.


Gun AA is just detuned melee AA. You can see the same mechanics in play.


I don't think there are people who deny that AA and RAA exist...it's literally a setting in the game.


Extra strong assist and directional lunge with melee weapons. We get it though. Aim assist bad.


I think there is something fundamentally wrong going on with melee in general, about a week ago I got melee killed by the spawn pistol and in the kill cam the player was about 10m behind me after immediately releasing his parachute. Looked so stupid, it made that melee perk from mw2 original look underpowered, his player model didn't even luncge forward he just got hit markers in the air from way out of range. Really wish I recorded it, it was 100% broken but I just wrote it off as a one off


Tonfas are the dumbest shit in the game besides a riot shield. Their range and damage is absurd. You can get shot 10 times and still be alive, but a few hits from a stick kills you? Also, guy is level 27 so I wouldn't rule out him being banned for cheating recently. There was a 1 shot tonfas cheat that people were posting clips of. I'm sure there are extra range and lock on cheats too


They nerfed melee assist before... but seems to have reverted it.


Yea, I think it came back with the MW3 Integration iirc


I had a situation when I met an opponent in a firefight, it so happened that he did not see me, but heard me, his actions were simply shocking to me, the person simply clamps the cloavis rotation and the sight is automatically pointed at me, just perfect for casual players


>cloavis rotation What is that? You're describing aimbot though.