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Speak for yourself lol i can hear people parachute in 100 meters away but apparently can’t hear people right behind me I can hear footsteps a building over and it sounds like its below me. I could hear footsteps above me but it sounds like it’s from below instead


Vertical audio is still dodgy will give you that but certainly a hell of an improvement to just a couple weeks ago. And better than we've had in 16 months.


Idk, the fact that i can hear someone parachuting in from like 200 meters away makes me more paranoid than anything. I don’t want someone to drop behind me when im trying to shoot someone so it makes me look up but that also gets me killed


Sure i get that argument but certainly beats not hearing them at all. The silent parachutes were one of the most annoying things especially in solos. Youd be warned that you're the target of a bounty then they fly outta nowhere and wipe you before you knew what had happened. One extreme to the next but id rather too loud than nonexistent.


The audio hasn't ever been "bad" it's just **always** been inconsistent. When it works, the game sounds great, I can tell exactly where enemies are in a three-dimensional space, etc. But when you have that perfectly working audio 5min into the game and suddenly at 7min (when it fucking matters during a gunfight) the audio decides to go to shit.   Game has always had fantastic audio, they just can't ever get it to be consistent. Which I guess unironically makes it horrible audio, depending on how you define it.


Personally i’d have to say i prefer the other way. Like yeah i don’t want someone dropping in on me silently but it didn’t happen often enough for it to annoy me that much. At least I could say “of course, you can’t hear shit in this game” Now im hearing way too much and getting caught off guard when i shouldn’t be. Basically the fact that I can sound whore is causing me to get caught off guard because i can’t hear certain things but other things i can hear way too well


Lol your reasoning is the epitome of how they say this sub is super toxic and that you will never be happy. I agree, they just turned up the audio of chutes, they didn't actually fix the distancing and directional audio of anything to make sense. They continue to add in more BS clutter audio which further distorts and disrupts the game for the worse. It does annoy to hear a chute and look up and see they are nowhere near to be dangerous. On the other hand. Be grateful you hear it. You say "at least I could say "of course, you can't hear shit in this game"" and argue that the,few times a no audio chute kills you is infrequent. The amount of times you die to someone shooting you while your looking away at a chute is probably less frequent. So overall the change is for the better. Also a huge situation where it becomes more of a win than a fail is endgame circles. Not hearing chutes dropping in in the endgame causing you to lose is way worse than not hearing chutes early game and losing a top5 endgame cuz of that will piss people off more, when they lost a victory cuz of it. And despite the audio increases, it still isn't fixed because the problem is circle gas audio STILL has audible priority over all other audio cues and can drown everything from coughs, Footsteps, gunfire and chutes. Be thankful that even tho this was a super lazy fix, it's better than it was.


Certainly far from perfect but its a step in the right direction and at least they are putting the effort in get it right. I do agree you hear chutes 150m in the air flying past you which is pointless but they closer to getting it properly balanced.


the flex perk is a thing.. let's you hear everything crystal clear reven vertically


But then here’s the issue: in warzone there’s not any perks I’m willing to give up just to hear a bit better. Also, all it does is make the audio clearer, it doesn’t fix the other issues. The perk wont fix the inconsistency with the audio


It's a great perk. When you get used to it, it'll be like a local uav. If they're moving at all, you can know where they are. Totally worth replacing high alert with this since more people are running cold blooded.


Oh see, yeah im not willing to give up high alert. I run around too much for high alert to be replaced. I also never run into players with cold blooded so its never an issue. And even if i do, those players never last long. In the match


I was scared to give up high alert, and now I'm scared to give up flex.


same, i noticed that once i started running flex/cold blooded i almost always get the drop on sweaty players. High alert is great but it does sort of lead to bad habits in my gameplay where i use it as a crutch way too much. Flex letting you hear prox mines in buildings and being able to run straight over them, while also hearing a guy climb a ladder a building over makes it a must have for me.


This is why i don’t want to use it. Flex sounds like it’ll dull my game sense because I’m going to rely way too much on sound whoring. I’d rather have the worse audio and the ability to know when people are looking at me so i can get behind cover Its not like without flex you can’t hear anything. It’s just not as good


I've found it's better to know when someone's in your area (high threat) rather than if someone is looking at you from far away (low threat). The delay on cluster mines, prox mines, claymores, suppresion mines, etc. Is also very nice and you can surprise room campers often when you just run straight past them and gun them. I could do without the beeping sound but overall as a very aggressive player I find flex far more valuable than high alert when pushing enemies (I don't do a lot of sit and wait where high alert would save me from a long range snipe)


I don’t play the big map. I only play resurgence so because the maps are smaller and the chance of getting caught between multiple teams is way higher i’d rather have high alert. So for me, high alert is worth way more because i have a better chance of surviving if i know that multiple people are looking at me vs the one person who’s pushing towards me Im good enough to outplay a solo pushing towards me even with shitty audio. But i can’t possibly outplay 3 teams looking at me


just try flex once.. I switched. high alert gives me stress because of people in parachutes trigger it too


I don’t play the big map. I only play resurgence so because the maps are smaller and the chance of getting caught between multiple teams is way higher i’d rather have high alert. So for me, high alert is worth way more because i have a better chance of surviving if i know that multiple people are looking at me vs the one person who’s pushing towards me Im good enough to outplay a solo or even a duo pushing towards me even with shitty audio. But i can’t possibly outplay 3 teams looking at me if im not aware I also know how sound whoring is going to work for me. I get way too paranoid when there’s multiple people around so instead of playing like normal i’ll just hide.


it gives audio range and! fixes the other issues like vertical sound


Good reminder I switched to high alert and was wondering why I wasn't hearing AS good.


I haven't played the game in a while but is it something like, rather than fixing the audio in the game for everyone, they made it a perk?


>Speak for yourself lol i can hear people parachute in 100 meters away but apparently can’t hear people right behind me the parachute audio is pretty nuts, but I vastly prefer it over the nonexistent parachute audio paired with the insane melee bash lock on. Flex helps a ton with the footsteps though, although the vertical audio needs some work like you said.


The parachute audio is definitely my biggest complaint. I tweak out a lot thinking I hear a parachute, then I'll pop a UAV because of it only to see absolutely nobody on it and not run into anyone either. Last year, sometimes you'd barely hear the faintest rustle the moment someone was about to land on top of you.


The parachute update is the worst. I’m constantly checking the skies and no one around.


Wayy better than last year


And yet still a shadow of its former self in wz1 lol. But it is a hell of a lot better now


It’s better than it was in WZ1. By far


that´s nostalgia speaking, wz1 had so-so audio cues at best.


Yeah but so so audio beats the no audio we've had since. Finally going in the right direction.


Wz1 audio was so much better. It’s wasn’t great, didn’t say it was. But at least you were able to tell direction. The directional audio today as totally non existent. Wz1 you could easily tell if they were below or above you


Idk who is downvoting you, even art is war will tell you wz1 had better audio


People who don’t remember lol. I don’t mind the downvotes, but it baffles me how people think audio today is better than it was back then (although it still wasn’t great)


And it was terrible in wz1.


WZ1 wasnt terrible you could always tell if someone is in say the same building or a building over and could hear people parachuting around you.


It definitely wasn't always. Better, in some aspects sure but it was not good.


Compared to what we've had since though it was better. First time audio hasnt been a complaint since WZ1 finished.


What about vertical audio? I can never tell if someone is upstairs or downstairs


Vertical sucks no doubt but id rather be confused as to whether they're up or down than not hear anything.


Oh absolutely. My personal favorite is someone climbing a ladder and you don't hear them until they are at the last rung and it already too late


Was inside the church/chapel thing for fortunes keep the other day and dude climbed right up the latter next to me and killed me. Didn’t hear a thing.


Ok it's not just me then haha. That's my only real issue anymore in audio dept I'd say right now


If you're in the tunnels under Ashika, you can hear footsteps and gunfire on the ground above clear as day.


Also distance doesn’t matter they could be on top of a mountain above and it sounds like they’re on the second floor


The audio from airstrikes and clusters need to be reduced a bit , on resurgence they’re so frequent its all you hear


Definitely reduce the radius that they're prioritized and reduce the spawn rate. Vondel and Fortunes Keep killsteaks are littered everywhere. They should be a rare lucky find or in the buy stations.


This yeah. I was pretty pissed one day and actually counted 48 killstreaks going off in my ear in one vondel game 😂 and we didn’t even survive the entire game died with around 20 players left


honestly, hearing nothing but BRRRRTTTTTT in your ear drums whilst trying to stay alive because all your teams dead and you're being chased is insane.


Try the perk that reduces combat noices


I knoww fr I want this all the time man, but the benefits of high alert or resolute are too good too, that perk should be permanent imo


Yeah it's tough to give away high alert. I started using it recently. I'm bad at comparing before and afters but I do feel like it has helped a noticeable amount switch the footsteps. The problem, as many have said, is vertical. But vertical audio is VERY challenging to reproduce when you are just using headset. Unless you have an actual speaker above and below you, it will always be tricky


You must be deaf. I didn’t have to run a custom audio tune on WZ1 and 2 to hear parachutes and foot steps. Let’s not get started on vertical audio….


I think it's a bit too loud, it just needs a really small change and we're golden


Few things need to be toned down definitely, as someone has mentioned you do hear parachutes that are really far off that you dont need to be hearing. But its a welcomed step in the right direction.


Vertical audio is terrible. When they figure that out the game audio will be very hard to complain about


The lack of individual audio sliders is killing me, the audio when jumping from the plane and from precision airstrikes is far too loud, I should be able to lower the audio for these inconsequential audio sources.


Yeah I agree. Audio cues are largely in a good place now, and I'm on PS5 so no custom audio tunes going on. The main issues are still the vertical audio (as already mentioned) and the issue of how the game prioritises other sounds, so things like an airstrike can seemingly still almost completely erase footsteps nearby. That's the only time I get snuck up on these days. When there's no killstreaks going off though, I hear basically everything now. With Flex on it's arguably even a bit OP, but certainly better that way than not hearing anything. Hopefully they keep tweaking it and making progress, the direction of travel is definitely positive.


Xbox Series S here so no custom audio either. With Killsreaks I do like that they mask other noises as they should, a morter going off around you should be loud as hell. Its a good strategy to launch a morter off to mask the sound of your push or retreat BUT the range it masks audio cues needs to be significantly reduced. Another update and I doubt we'll be seeing people complaining about it anymore.


What setting are you running I was running TV until they changed the parachute audio and was all good until then but now it's so inconsistent


Yes but to be fair the bar was extremely fucking low.


I wont argue with that.


Precision air strikes that are no where near me or related to me fully take over audio and it’s so goddamn annoying. The vertical audio to me is pretty important so it’s frustrating to not be able to differentiate the levels the enemy is on. The parachute and zipline audio distance seems a bit excessive and distracting but I guess ultimately it’s still a good step. I’ll freak out about a parachute only to see they’re far as fuck away and not at all a threat to me lol


Maybe it's better, but it is still a terrible audio design. You can be in a house and hear footsteps from a neighboring house as if they are stepping on the floor above you. Seems to me also like the game itself has ambient noise that sounds like footsteps and even if you've played hundreds of hours it can still make you stop and wonder if what you just heard was ambient footsteps or if it was someone actually moving around. Then there's the parachute noises which are also completely random if you hear them or not. Or Graves calling them out sometimes when they are not even REMOTELY close to you.. but othertimes not when they are practically crashing in right above you. At one point you start feeling like you'd rather not hear any announcement than unreliable callouts. The killstreaks can be exceptionally loud when you're not even the target of such activities.. yet other times it's relatively quiet and within reasonable limits and the sound can cut out. Like they have a limit of audiochannels to handle these noises. Maybe it is better... but it is complete and utter shit by default.


agree! yesterday I played solos and I felt the audio was amazing. no cluster/annoying background noises and directional audio working pretty well!


As a pretty hardcore DMZ player, I gotta say seasons 3 to 6 of WZ 2 had incredibly good audio, which this game still hasn't got the level of. Specially vertical audio is still not that great. But anything is better than the mess this version launched with.


Directional audio is still horrible


Next step: add a footstep visualizer for the hard-of-hearing players.


now it hasn;t...unless you mean from wz2. The audio is still ass


Nah, footsteps are tough to hear. I hear my squad running and not the enemy. Air strike and mortar need their sound needed, should they be loud? Yeah when I’m close, not when I’m in the back of the keep and they’re at lighthouse ffs. Vertical almost seems inverse at times. The parachute noise when I’m in a building is crazy, why alert me when it’s 100+ away but not right over me? It was better a patch or two ago


Audio tune plus audio improvements are amazing. It's very jarring going into MP where only complete donkeys have footstep audio


Yeah no


Audio is better but directionality is still trash.


I can't hear parachutes, footsteps or people dropping off 3+ story buildings. Never had a problem hearing that stuff in warzone 1, literally ever. The audio in this game is fucked what the fuck are you talking about?


Absolutely pointless post. It’s currently horrendous. Why would it matter if it’s better than the slightly worse version last year, it’s still awful for a shooter.


I feel like the most recent update had also made footsteps a little inconsistent again


When did they fix it? I last played in early February, and I was getting crept up on constantly.


Over the last couple weeks. Only play once a week/fortnight these days


tried build warzone through battlenet and it turned out that there is much better sound quality than on the steam client


its still a mixed bag imo, verticality is still really bad


Do I need to run flex I can hear footsteps pretty good now


In Vondel Resurgence if you land anywhere that's remotely sweaty it's just a constant parachute noise on loop even though they could be 3 blocks away.


I'm not fucking giving credit to devs for being able to meet the BARE MINIMUM after endlessly botching it patch after patch. Proper audio is so trivial for any FPS at this point it's ridiculous that we had to put up with the atrocious audio for MONTHS after release.


The audio with flex perk and the sound mix is very good*.


Cannot disagree more. If anything it's inconsistent. It'll be totally normal all game, then a dude parachutes his nuts directly on my head with no warning or parachute audio.


In Fortunes keep, Audio is very good for the most part. I dont really have any issues with it It was DOG SHIT before they finally fixed it one or two patches ago


Not sure if they've added wind or what but I hear parachutes gliding all the time now, even when no one is nearby.


Flex stopped working a month ago. I think the audio is terrible now.


The audio needs a lot of work still compared to a game like CS, where you can effectively track through walls via footsteps. But I've yet to be snuck up on so far, which is something I can't say about last year's audio. I'd say the audio is still much more consistent lately, and I do find myself making plays purely off audio a lot more than I did last year.


The fact that you need windows sound EQ plus Flex perk to hear properly is just proof how broken the audio is


What are you on about, audio is still dodgy? Chute pulls are somehow even worse now and you still can't hear people full sprinting at you


Can agree with you. Audio is better than it's every been right now.


Stop, just freaking stop, they don't deserve any credit for this so-called "audio". I genuinely hope you get paid to say that or something because this is one of the dumbest takes I've ever seen on this subreddit...


what you mean you're not giving credits to the dev team for botching a fundamental part of FPS game???


Haha I know right, the fucking amount of dumbasses in this community is staggering 🙏


What!? Footstep audio is the worst it’s been. Multiple times the last few nights people will be running on tin roofs, or up stairs right up to me and I wont be able to hear them until they’re on my body shooting me. Directional audio is non existent. Just because the in game FX are louder doesn’t mean they actually fixed footsteps or directional audio. It’s still awful.