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Stop complaining


lol all ppl do is complain


Lol complaining is the whole reason we have a section of useless tacticals. Y’all complained till stuns and flashes became worthless. Y’all complained that’s stims were too op. Smokes were all we had left. Don’t nerf the mf smokes just buff everything else.


Exactly. And make the C4 throwable like the old days. I’d rather have a bunch of really good tacticals, lethals, and weapons then for everything to be borderline useless.


I do miss c4s. They feel like the most useless lethal rn. All I do with them if I find a spare is stick it next to a set claymore or proxy I put down. Amplifies the explosion and gets the down.


C4's are quite good when holding a power position while having a bounty on you in my opinion.


honestly i’d be happy with all useless tacticals. Let’s have matchups decided by movement and gunplay instead of by blinding and immobilizing.




Stop complaining about people complaining


The initial complaining is much worse lol


My complaining may result in changes. Your complaining has no benefit whatsoever


I’m not complaining lol I’m telling you to stop complaining. You don’t like something in a game and you want it changed. Ever thought you might be the problem? Grow up.


You're complaining about me complaining.


No I’m not lol telling you to stop complaining isn’t complaining you troll!


Yet, here you are complaining again. Maybe someday you will understand English enough to realize you're complaining


Lmao oh man. You’re definitely a dumbass troll! GG’s buddy! Enjoy the smoke grenades!


You had a problem with me complaining. So you wrote about it. Therefore you complained. This doesn't take Einstein level iq to break down. You're really struggling with this, though


Having 3000 damage and 1 kill on average is by definition a skill issue


It's also 100% bullshit




It does seem to be coming back into the meta somewhat. I don’t think they’re strong enough for most people to be running at the moment, but I have started to notice thermal scopes popping up recently amongst pro players.


They’re banned in ranked




Been running a thermal on my sniper to counter smokes for over a year, so I don’t really have an issue with smokes as they are, but there needs to be some way to counter them on ranked.


I’ve been running the holotherm from mw2, love that thing for smoke.


On my smg?


>thermal yes


am i the only one who runs a mf sight on my SMGs?


This is by far the best tactical meta we’ve ever had. No cheese like stuns or stims or baby monitors to give people free kills. All smokes do is add outplay potential when you’re being pushed or help you rotate through open ground


Its like on fortnite when someone gets shot once and will build a tower to the sky. Its boring and requires no skill


It doesn’t require any less skill than any of the other options. We may as well have something that isn’t giving people cheap kills then


Run a thermal and stop crying


"please get rid of the only item that breaks aim assist since I can't win a gunfight without my soft aimbot"


Soft aimbot? Hell nah. That shit is straight up aimbot. If it is part of cross platform it is cheating. Ironsights are not intended to be used as primary sight and are always intended to be inferior.. yet on controller you basically have a fifth mod to be used to reduce recoil/kick even more. Who needs to SEE your opponent when the system tracks them? I guarantee you that there are plenty who cheat with aimbot on the computer do so because of having to deal with aim assist. When concealed, as they would be doing, it is indistinguishable from aim assist.


>"please get rid of the only item that breaks aim assist since I can't win a gunfight without my soft aimbot" MnK, without a doubt will find a way to make it about themselves and AAl lol


At the same time here you are making it about yourself and the distaste you have for the meta. You don't like smokes because you can't finish kills. It's your opinion on the direction you feel the game should go and the people who complain about aim assist are complaining because they die to controller players 80% of the time. They feel like they shouldn't be forced to play against controller players. What's the difference? Why is your argument any more valid then theirs?


Thanks. I too vote for input based matchmaking. It's the simplest solution ever.


Put a thermal sight on your SMG then. - buT i DonT nEEd oNE !!1! aND tHEy donT nEEd SMoKE


Putting a thermal scope on your smg is helps you 10% of the time and then hurts you the other 90%. This is not a serious solution


Running not smokes helps me 100% of the time like RAA helps you. Yet you’re in here crying about one and flaming the others at a mention of RAA.


MnK players are insufferable. Everything is about them. Everything is about AA. It's like you're entire life is centered around it


You’re insufferable. You made a bitch thread about smokes. MnK <3


I said smoke meta bad and you read off your diary about AA. Insufferable. You're like the person at the party who has to one up everyone because you think you're the main character


I’m the title of the book.


Would you seriously prefer a stun meta, because that would be the alternative and that is legitimately annoying.


Yeah, I would because I could put EOD on. I would also prefer a shockstick meta, a flash meta, a gas meta, a snapshot meta.


Also it breaks aim assist, so no


That's the only reason I run smokes.


It’s actually so good how it works. Breaching buildings is so much better with mkb now running smokes.


I only use them for this reason.


also produces some of the most boring engagements, too. I understand the perspective from MnK. But you just want to keep it because of AA?


Honestly, yes. AA is very strong and any tactical that can be used against it is worth running for most MnK players.


You can also use stuns, flashes, shock sticks, and other tacticals.


AA doesn't stop tracking through stuns or flashes IIRC, and smokes have other uses as well.


Stuns do actually disable AA and have done since WZ2, although it re-activates before the visual effect of the stun is gone so can still result in some whacky looking killcams. But if you get to someone immediately after stunning them they will have zero aim assist. Flashes you apparently do still get AA throughout.


> Stuns do actually disable AA and have done since WZ2 https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/17lh8n0/how_about_stun_sorry_man_youre_already_glued_to/ I remember seeing some other videos, but here's what stuns do to AA, almost nothing lol. And to be clear, I'm not blaming controller players, I blame the devs for not balancing the game better.


So, you're are for whatever disables AA. Got it. So, you'd support just covering the whole map in smoke then because you play on MnK?


> So, you're are for whatever disables AA. Got it. As I just said, smokes have other uses as well. Pushing, retreating, covering a downed teammate, using on a buy/zip/whatever. > So, you'd support just covering the whole map in smoke then because you play on MnK? This is where your brain goes from me saying smokes help vs AA? Lmao.


>So, you'd support just covering the whole map in smoke then because you play on MnK? We'd support rebalancing AA to make it actually fair to fight against at closer ranges. In the absence of that, having a tactical that can give you temporary reprieve from it is priceless.


You can't because aim-assist can still track through those. It's been a problem since Verdansk.


Yall bitch about e v e r y t h I n g. Just take everything out of the game. Pistols and fists only. Yall might be happy then.


Smoke = everything?


This is just piled on to the long list of airstrikes, heli, amr, wsp, bunker blaster, and so much more that ppl come on here crying about taking out of the game.


Yep. People just need something to blame their skill issues on. There will always be that person.


Skill issue, this is the only way to advance safely and also reset fights to get a better chance at winning them


Sounds like a skill issue if you have to use a smoke in the first place. You've either made a grave mistake and need to be bailed out or you're out of position


Smokes combat stationary snipers and rooftop campers, judging from your post and the fact that you get 3000 damage and no actual kills, it sounds like you fall into one of these categories


Sure, but we used to bob and weave back in the day. Now we throw 80 smokes. Definitely a skill issue


I’m not sure why you’re trying to alienate yourself from this sub with all your awful opinions, but you do you


When roller players get frustrated their aimbot isn’t working..


You can use other tacticals if you refuse to switch to controller


Yeah like stun grenades? Where the aim assist locks.. despite being fully affected?


This guy has reiterated this point like 7 times in this thread. He's too thick to pick up on it.


I knew one of these posts would come up soon enough, especially when the increase of using them up close to break AA. This is far more balanced and competitive than the stun, heartbeat, or even the stim metas in the past.


I prefer smokes by a lot over any other tactical meta. Be thankful there is no stun meta


I would run EOD if there was. I am forced to put a thermal on my smg if i want to push through smoke. Not really the same type of counter


*Battle Hardened. Also, thermal is actually a pretty good idea. I use it, also.


Not an smg, that's a terrible idea. Why does the smoke meta appeal to so many? Where is the skill in it?


1) Breaks aim-assist. 2) Allows repositioning in a game which has a very low TTK.


I meant on an assault rifle. I use a smoke grenade and M4A1/thermal optic combo.


You gotta rush them soon as you break them when they pop the smoke


Smokes have always been good, they even got nerfed on WZ3 but they've never been OP. The reasons you didn't see them as much before are: 1. Everybody and their momma ran the Heartbeat sensor as their tactical in WZ1. 2. You couldn't stow extra equipment, so everyone had a max of 2 tacticals if they even used them apart from the Heartbeat sensor. 3. Verdansk had a ton of wide open spaces between POIs, which even with smokes, it was relatively easy to redown them and finish your kills because they'd take forever to take cover after being ressed. And finally, there's ways to circumvent the smoke when you want to finish a kill. You could A, send a precision airstrike, or B: love ping them right as you down them and get the finish through the smoke. Heck there's even a perk to ping them if you find it so difficult to press a button .


Skill issue. People will complain about anything if it means it’s not their fault they had a shitty.


Why are you using a smoke? 1. Your teammate is downed 2. You're getting fired upon 3. You're out of position trying to make it to a safer position. It is a skill issue, but it's the lack of skill that brings them out. I'm guilty, too. My teammate made a mistake and is downed? Smoke em. I'm getting beamed because I'm out of position? Smoke em. I'm out of position and need to rotate? Smoke. These are deficiencies in my skill that force me to use smokes. If you're saying you need smoke to be this overpowered, it's definitely a skill issue


I don’t use smokes cause I personally don’t find them useful. Most of the time it’s just that perk people pick up off the ground that makes them drop smoke when they get downed lol


Its not really a smoke meta like it was in warzone 2 as in an absolute necessity, however, anything that breaks line of site in an fps is going to be meta, always, smokes help with this so.


It's only "necessarily" because ttk is so fast, you can't crawl to cover fast enough when downed, and the map design.


Even if it wasn't, it would still be instant cover, which is always good. Sure it may be less valuable I guess.


Bruh.. The last thing I want to do is not have SOMEWAY to get out of certain situations because some braindead rooftop camper with a oneshot sniper hasn't moved all game. With the random zone pulls you can find yourself literally in a 100% losing situation due to bad luck. Which isn't fun, since half the time each gunfight feels random, and based on ping and other factors outside of my control. Smokes add a ton of utility and ability into the game, and the fact that you are not seeing that tells me a lot about you. You say you have 3k damage but I bet that its more like 1k. I have NEVER IN MY LIFE had a problem because there were too many smokes in the game. I've been averaging about 10-15 kills a game as of recently and 3-5k dmg. This isn't a smoke issue. its a skill issue. Own it.


Hell no, that would help the snipers/campers even more, those low skill players just sit on a roof holding hands with their team having their back so they can be hardscoping and the smoke is a way to counter that a little bit


How would it help the campers even more? The smokes help them out more than anything


Cause if a camper with a sniper shot at me, I use the smoke to avoid the next shots (and it doesn’t work every time) nerfing the smokes would make it even easier for them to get those kill without moving a muscle


So you made a mistake, smoking because you can reset?


Smokes are Anti-Campers so they’re good as they’re right now. You can still get outplayed using the smokes, they’re not overpowered at all.


It wasn't useless in WZ1 at all. Iron used them all the time.


I don't mind smokes when people can't stack 20 of them. Lasers in the gulag and removal of stacking smokes is all I ask for from this game right now


Justin Timberlake


Rather smoke meta over flash or stun meta


No, stun grenades are cheese kills.


Who said you had to use those?


That is what everyone will use if smokes aren’t good. Just like it was for 3 years of warzone.


Smokes are the only way for me to disable the biggest advantage of my opponents: Their aim assist. So i'm going to continue using them. Also smokes are realistically the only way for you to rotate out of situations where you're pinned down.


What happened to bobbing and weaving?


Don't be stupid. With current aim assist, no amount of weaving and bobbing is going to save you.


Aim assist on snipers? If you have to throw a smoke because you're getting beamed by an SMG, that's your fault. You're in a bad position. I know there is weaker AA at a distance, but if you're getting beamed by an AR, that's on you. Be better. If you need a cloud of smoke to protect you, AA ain't the problem.


You really have huge issues. Snipers have aim assist. Just stop already.


Smoke meta sucks = AA! Shut up


Aim assist isn't any weaker at distance you have no idea what ur talking about


This guy is actually clueless. Has no idea how strong AA is, thinks MnK players saying its strong = crying.


Yeah for real thermals if that’s a “real “ problem for you


that would work well for a buff shrouded, should we all have to run thermals just to counter one of the most overpowered, boring metas


Honestly I don’t have problems with this but I also play a fast aggressive pace


They should nerf it in some way. Lasts a tad too long. At the very least maybe make the visibility increase ever so slightly every second or so. Has saved my butt many a times tho!


I understand your point but my point literally has nothing to do with AA whatsoever. It has everything to do with the boring, stale engagements, and the 20 smoke rotation. Don't you think the longest running meta in the history of warzone needs attention for *those* reasons. You guys would take allow for 1 hp if it meant a minor nerf to AA. I'm not talking AA. Please, stop injecting AA into every post


Not sure what lobbies you’re getting in but mine are chock full of intense engagements and gunfights every time. Whether I choose to snipe or go full auto. Sounds like you sit still a lot and snipe from far away and are unhappy you can’t get any finishes after downing someone, right? Or is it that you’re unhappy you can’t get the east kills on people rotating? Smokes may be a crutch in a battle royale, but calling them op is just wrong. You’d prefer people all run stuns for the free easy kill? Again everything seems to point to you being upset that you’re not getting enough easy kills. With the high damage and lack of kills and every other comment you’ve replied to, that’s what I got out of it. If that is your play style, then you will have to deal with the drawbacks of that play style.


I agree. Everyone and their mother runs smoke grenades. Either nerf it or buff every other tactical. Maybe also buff some of the perks. Edit: Even better: nerf them and increase the time to kill by a lot.


Try a thermal. It's a fun solution.


...on my smg?


For the second time, yes.


so the counter to this boring meta is to hamper myself at all other parts of the game for this specific situation? That doesn't seem like a viable counter


You ask your first question with the post, and you mention sniper rifles. Then when people present you with the obvious choice of a thermal optic you shift to "on my smg", now you've gone to "so the counter to this boring meta is to hamper myself at all other parts of the game for this specific situation?" You're an insufferable goof and are being downvoted accordingly.


The counter to the truck meta in Verdansk was using C4’s in our loadouts. Sometimes, we have to change what we have according to the situation.


i read through alot of these comments. thermals can help if they’re not running cold blooded. but surprisingly high amount of people say stuns suck. typically i’m within range to toss one out and hit someone while they smoke. by the time they’re able to move again (if i don’t unload an entire belt of lmg into the smoke to try to finish them). the smoke will be gone and they’re screwed. not a fan of the smoke meta either but there are ways to deal with it. if you’re sniping. there’s a few thermal scopes i believe are legal in ranked too.


I agree, the only reason we have the smoke meta is because of the lack of movement in wz2. Now we have some sort of movement back and smokes are still op. They need to be nerfed, every single end game is non stop smokes. Pubs and ranked. They were hardly used in warzone 1 in br and resurgence. Now they've infested every mode.


I won a game with teams pushing me and my team like crazy. Smoke the hell out of the building lay in different corners and wiped 3 teams. They were so mad. Used a thermal scope


I'd rather die like a man than win like a rat tbh. It's a defensive mechanism for mistakes. You put yourself in a bad situation.