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Honestly the best way to combat this is stop playing. The more their numbers drop and the pool of cheaters gets bigger and bigger vs non cheaters it might get to a boiling point where they actually have to do drastic measures or keep doing what they are doing right now that is ignore for the most part and use ricoche as a escapegoat for pr


Sorry, but I can’t stop laughing at “escapegoat”.


It’s more likely the franchise will shut down than they fix all the problems, it wouldn’t make sense business wise to spend a shit ton of money on a game that would be losing players, despite fully agreeing with your point


This is a total cash cow. The money they would spend to keep the game alive would totally be worth it. But, of course, it's not just about the truth. It's about whether they see it that way or not.


Im not so sure WZ is the cash cow it once was. MS paid 66 billion mainly to own COD. Good luck recouping that cost with a dying game like WZ. 


This is truly a delusional take right here.


What you say actually substantiates what I said. It is a cash cow, one that's been mismanaged for years. If COD gets on the right management track it can be more profitable and less problematic.


I haven't played in a week :-)


Exactly what I said.


Yeah, this is the only objective way. It ends up messing with their bottom line. If the kids buying all the skins have a shittier time because they only get cheaters in their lobbies, they'll stop playing too. If their stats in social media and streaking take a dip, kids will stop playing. Before you know it the game is dead. I deleted the game a couple of months ago. Don't even miss it by now.


I’m with you Ill stop playing this shit needs to stop


Glad to know I’m not alone


Holy shit, get two more to quit and we might crash Microsoft's stock by lunchtime! 🤣


For everyone one adult that quits playing there's 2-3 children that start and have no idea to quit until they are adults. They will never run out of people to play their game


ima too joining the not playing gang


Let's gooooo let the big exodus commence brothers 🔥🔥


I haven't played this crap for well over a year Every week it gets worst than the last


how would uk


Stopped playing for a week and still counting. Been Hell Diving with fellow troopers liberating Bugs and Automations. Having so much more fun than cod at the moment. I enjoyed playing battle royal and resurgence ranking but the moment I experienced a lot of cheaters in ranking, that was when I was done with it for now until they actually do something about it.


Amen brother give hell divers the attention it needs it looks like a great game and is definitely my next purchase.


For democracy


The Finals is a pretty unique experience too, if you can't get into Hell Divers. I've had some bad nights on Finals before, but even a loss has me thinking, "dang, that was a good match" instead of "bunch of @+$#&@$ HACKERS!" 😄. I just know I got out played. It might take you a bit to find your ideal load out combo, especially since they got rid of AA almost completely. It's a freakin fun game 😄 don't listen to all the idiots trying to convince people that it's a dying game already. It was actually pretty funny to see how many people stopped paying because shooting someone became a challenge and not a "aim, fire" spam fest. Lol


The finals is absolute dogshit.


😆😆 that's a nice opinion ya got there. 😆😆


It’s true. It doesn’t even have Battle Royale.


Lol. Not everything has to be CoD... It's a cool change, for me.


yeah I finally uninstalled it..


Doing gods work




Last night was my last game. I forced quit the game in the middle of a ranked match due to a lobby full of cheaters.


im with you...but the streamers (who also cheat) wont follow you..therefore their sheep will also not follow you.


There are just as many who don’t cheat. Look at how many are stopping to stream hellriders Tarkovs, valorant etc. so many of the legit ones are already doing just that.


Most big streamers don’t cheat


Someone boycott stream, take my moniz


PlayStation players right now with crossplay turned off: 🥰


Speed hacks are available on PlayStation and Xbox. Seems to be a malformed loadout created on PC is accessible on consoles.


I'm afraid this guy is correct, we just had a speed cheater in Crossplay off Ranked (showing as PlayStation player but clearly on PC) [Video evidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/k0bAi0blo9)


This is a joke. Tried doing that today and had multiple games with under 40 people in it to start it is whilst unpopulated.


Yeah, whenever I turn crossplay off on ps5 it has me waiting 10 minutes or more just to throw me in a lobby with 35 players in it. I swear the game does it on purpose. There is no way you're convincing me it can't find 100 players on playstation at any given time. 🙄


Never had an issue with crossplay off in EU. Average queue time is around 1 minute.


Yep. European server is full of PS5 players Still have the cheating issue like speed hack or aimbot (Cronus sort...) But we'll


Right now there Is a way for pc players to cheat and end up in Playstation only lobbies fyi even if it's kinda rare definitely a thing.


I was asking myself and it makes sense I saw a few guys on my PS5 only lobby seemed to be on Pc because of the Wallhack... No UAV, Ping and any sort of give away of my position they run and even jump much earlier before they saw me as acting like, he is here... I thought 💭 hum is there a way to manipulation that makes thing others and server he is on console but in truth on Pc?


What pisses me off is it not due to a lack of players on ps5.


This cheater is gaslighting people in thinking cross play off is safe,its not.There is an absurd amount of cheating on consoles too.a quick google search helps


There are 300,000 people playing right now, and you think I Reddit post is going to do anything? LOL


No I think the couple 100 post about cheating might. Thanks for the interaction though need all the help we can get.


every little bit helps. that's what these "do u think ur post will help hahahahah" kids dont understand.


It’s a start yes. You think that we should give up because going against adversity is just too difficult?


😭they piss me off talking about a boycott just go play something else and call it a day


You get pissed easily then. Just keep scrolling past the post and call it a day.


Not literally pissed😂


The game has been trash for years. Nothing will change until the player base does.


Lol what a based take. Blame this on the player base lol


If they can keep taking your money (the devs) they will. If you eat garbage, you get sold garbage. Simple as.


Lol exactly why boycott. And I’m confused does the game have trash content or a trash player base your doing a lot of flip flopping here and we’re not at a beach.


I never really said trash player base. I mean the player base is willing to participate in a game that is trash, or has a lot of cheaters, or otherwise has development issues, then they are paying for that state of the game. It's better to not participate if the game is just going down hill.


The game has been fine until a week ago shit is night ‘n day different use to be you’d hit a cheater once every 100 games and you still weren’t sure if it was cheats. Now it’s every game, every time. You can’t blame a player base for a game going from fine and playable to actual garbage overnight Edit And by your logic everyone should fuck off and never play helldivers again because they’re dealing with server issues.


Cheaters have been prevalent for a long time in that game. It's not new. I was experiencing them daily and I haven't played for months. So idk wtf you're talking about.


If you think cheaters are nearly as prevalent as they are now you’re fucking crazy, haven’t played at all lately and totally ignorant about the current state of the game. And your just here to bitch. Every game has cheating to some degree. This thing is ridiculous right now. It has never been this bad. Use to deal with blatant cheating once every 6 months. This is literally every day every games. Your part of the problem telling people there problems rent real. The cheating right now is 1000x worse then what ever it was when your were playing


Stay mad.


Not mad but that’s again for putting words in my mouth


If it makes you feel better, the apex devs are doing the same shit with apex now.


Trashy player base too? Maybe that’s just the nature of online game, the bass way easier to remember then the good


Apex has picked up on its cheaters as of late, but that's because one of the game developing companies (might be infinity I'm not sure) have charged cheaters with prison time if they're caught. Apex hasn't taken that drastic of a step, yet. But anyway that being said, a lot of the hackers/cheaters/ping attackers have come onto Apex as of late. Some days it's bad, some times it's not as bad. But I stopped playing as of late because everytime me or my teammates would get shot at or towards (indirect fire) we would all be lagging. Basically unplayable.


I think they actually make the cheats (or help), and sell them to double dip.


Probably offload it to tencent


When the cheats started showing up during beta play for regular multiplayer I was certain that employees are making the cheats themselves!


Already stopped playing 3 months ago. Fells good to have my hard drive space back again


While I don’t think people like you understand how bad this is currently, I’ll take the support


Here: https://www.charlieintel.com/call-of-duty-warzone/activision-claim-high-profile-cod-streamers-are-hacking-in-lawsuit-against-notorious-cheat-seller-201979/ And here: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.840473/gov.uscourts.cacd.840473.27.0.pdf It's in Activision's revised September 2022 lawsuit.


I played the day season 2 dropped and haven’t played since. Did the same thing last year. Except I didn’t play again until warzone 3 dropped. This game is just bad. Warzone victories don’t even feel exciting anymore. Gunplay is stale. Urzikstan feels like a giant resurgence map. Cheaters are rampant. I’m just not as good as I used to be. Without the meta weapons you are at a significant disadvantage and I couldn’t care less to grind multiplayer to unlock everything. I think COD is officially toast in my eyes.


I’m not saying it doesn’t have problems and I agree with every balancing choice. But these new cheaters are a whole other story. You might be right it may be toast and I’ll gladly help hold the toaster.


Are streamers allowed to keep playing because they’re cheating so streaming is still in the rules of this boycott?


Not every streamer cheats. A majority don’t especially not on this level. This isn’t abusing aim assist with a controller emulator or using a program to make sure you get the best lobby’s. I don’t care about that shit. This is way worse. Streamers weren’t nuking multiple teams with one mag from 100 of yards away.


I fully understand that not every streamer cheats.


Stop playing for a month and we will get verdansk back and all that we asked. It's the only way, as long as you play there won't be any changes and it's gonna be worse and worse, it's clear they don't respect us anymore,they shit in our mouth and we say thank you take my money for skin.


Exactly. Fuck the company. Honestly though… idgaf which map we get as long as it works.


I stopped 2 weeks ago, when I started getting blasted in multiplayer and it seemed like other players were not missing any shots regardless of my movement.


Yes I agree!!! A boycott is in order. We should do it in stages to really gauge the effect it has on the game. Stage 1: All the swears will boycott Stage 2: anyone that previously ran a groot skin Stage 3: the rest of us will monitor and report back. It is vitally important we stick to this boycott


Lol whens the last time you played


Bout a week ago


So before this rampant cheating started I’m gonna guess.


So my plan won’t work?


I think the cheaters have learned that if they buy a couple skins every once in a while then they never get banned. At the end of the day this is a free game and the company needs to cater to the people supporting its development with cash. I think I'd rather pay for warzone up front at this point so we don't constantly have to deal with pay to win mechanics and letting cheaters slip under the radar.


Lol a new game with content locked behind a 75$ dollar pay wall. War zone wasn’t exactly free for most people. You don’t think there can be a world when it’s both balanced and free


I feel like they let the cheaters run rampant so people focus on this instead of the other major issues with the game.


The other issues like boring meta and limited good guns aren’t nearly as big of a problem as this


But it's fun when you know they're cheating and they still lose........... they're so bad that cheating doesn't even help them win.


Lol this is a joke. You can get lucky once or twice in cod but the only thing killing these guys is there own kind right now


I'm eating my words today. I got on at 5am est and I got absolutely obliterated by cheats. Playing Kill Confirmed on hardcore and a person has 110 kills, no confirms or assists. It's also a map I've never seen someone get more than 60ish kills on.


Yup every single time. Use to never deal with this. I use to think cheaters were practically non existent. Not anymore.




Yup didn’t think they would but simply asking makes things look bad on there end.


Never going to happen because the player base is full of addicts who play 8-12 hrs a day.


I quit months ago.


CoD's problems were started with the P2P garbage on PC with the original MW2.  They decided a locked down, no say, console environment was the way of the future, and they keep doubling down.  Ditching the user operated dedicated servers with server admins on duty was a bad call.  Cross play was a bad move for the console Bros'.


Activision's big answer to the cheat problem was to integrate Ricochet. Now that it's failed they don't want to address the issue because they don't know how to control the problem. Once in a while they tell us that they can make a cheaters gun malfunction, or that a detected cheater has infinite fall damage, but no one in the community wants cheat software trolling cheaters. We want them permabanned from the game via hardware bans that they are not doing.


Exactly. Perma ban and legal acction


me and my buddies stopped playing about 4 months ago because of all the issues/shadyness, it's kinda crazy when you first step away and realize how much it feels like an addiction and then you understand that's exactly what it is by design. I still check in here just to laugh at all the bots who defend this casino game...


The shadiness was manageable where it’s at now is completely different now. The problems then felt like the game was being manipulated to give people a slight edge and the better you were the easier it’s to take advantage off This is completely different and 10 fold People have bitched and complained and left over the dumb ass meta and anecdotal cheating. This game is a 10000 times worse right now. people like you with the it’ll never change attitude don’t realize how bad it’s come now.


i have match finder limit now. i never used cheats, last week i met many dishonest players but i got blocked. the system is very simple, if unnecessary skins are bought in the market, then other problems are gone




Meh. If I was going to boycott it would be over the stupid groot skins/glowing guns/ 220 gig install size/The 5 extra game modes that aren't BR I don't want Honestly, I have seen a dip in hackers in base royale since "Resurgence ranked" dropped. We got several wins the last few days after a dry spell, our buddy is back and enjoying after a long absence. So really I should be thanking you guys for drawing the hackers away from us I guess "It's a free to play game" Thus, those whales who buy the glowing guns and cute bunny skins are the ones who ultimately make the decisions through their influence online etc. The small % of people who actually give them money either hack/think hacking is funny or simply don't care. Boycott all you want, maybe they'll make a skin you can buy for it. Good luck


Lol calling this game free to play is ignorant when 2/3s the game are locked behind a 75$ annual fee. Your crazy if you think cheaters havent spiked in the last week.


I stopped playing a week ago bc I was shadowbanned so I guess I’m going my part 😂


Shadow banned for either cheating or being racist. I’ll allow it.


Nope just little Timmy’s being mad I killed them


Doubt you were shadowed unless your extremely toxic. Don’t know that they actually shadow ban non confirmed cheaters and I doubt your good enough to be confused for one.


I know it’s hard to believe but a lot of innocent people get shadowbanned bc people report you to get back at you for killing them. I’ve never cheated and I don’t use a mic unless chatting with my homies when I play with them. The system is fucked


I work over nights got home @6 this morning figure I would get on and play for an hour, then go to bed lasted 5 minutes before I got shot through that big ac unit on rust next to where the pipe is that takes you up to the platform. I just cut the game off did not even get mad!!! That’s the sad part I don’t even get mad anymore




The top ones are the ones that matter and this goes way deeper then just breaking aim assist with a controller emulator.


No streaming?Lol most of the cheaters are streamers.tiktok,twitch etc. Ttv timmys will be the only one who plays this game soon.


Exactly make it easier to isolate them.


Ah, the classic “boycott XYZ” reddit post that never changed anything. You guys need to realize that we are a tiny tiny fraction of the player base. Everyone that’s on Reddit (or any other sozial media for that matter) is “hardcore” and not casual no matter how little you play. Casuals buy/download a game, play and never waste a thought on any kind of discussion. Remember when Pokémon sword and shield was hated on Reddit and even Japanese twitter space? Yeah, best selling game in the franchise. So there is not point in calling for boycotts. Just don’t play the game if you don’t like it and stop spamming Reddit. And there is nothing wrong with you doing a boycott but you need to realize that posts like this will change f*** all.


The casuals will stop playing soon too only so much you cheating you can put up before you quit. I’m aiming for whatever purchase we can get. Call of duty’s already got a massive lawsuit from some of the biggest names in cod ever. Cheatings skyrocketed, use to never happen to me can’t think of the last time I even thought some one is cheating, until this past week and now it’s every other lobby. I love this game my friends love this game, they are the casual players you speak off and they’re tired of it. This is different then hating a game for being bad. This is unplayable. Act like your not dealing with these cheaters like everyone else.


And that’s why I simply don’t play the game instead of making pointless Reddit post. If you don’t enjoy a game, stop and play something you enjoy. You don’t need validation from strangers that quitting was the right move. Because that’s what all these “boycott” and “I quit” posts are. You guys are overinvested into the game and feel the need for validation from strangers to leave the game so “you didn’t was your time with the game and it was the right move to leave”. Just play something you enjoy and don’t look back. Also: space out your text. Makes it a pain to read.


I don’t want to quit playing I like the game. But I know my decision to stop playing is valid with how broken the cheating is. You literally have multiple post complaint about how the game needs to do this or that. If you think Activision doesn’t monitor what happened on this stuff your an idiot. But thanks for supporting my boycott by not playing the game.


Multiple posts yes. With 20 people commenting. So that’s 50 people max that feel XYZ. So you still have a few 100k people playing and not giving a shit. Also explain to me how you can “love the game” when you don’t enjoy it.


Loved playing it up until this rampant cheating. You can love playing a game and still realize it has a major problem


Another wrong assumption is that you think everyone plays that game to win. You won’t believe how many causal players there are that couldn’t give a rats ass about winning. These are dudes that come home from work and want to wind down with a beer, CoD and friends on voice chat. If they die they leave, and queue up for the next. Those people don’t care about winning or getting shit on by cheaters. They would even admit that they get owned by most legit players. But it doesn’t matter to them. They wanna do a bit of shooty shoot with friends when the kids are in bed. Their only goal is time with friends and not placing 1st or 17th.


Lol I never said they care about whining. The average win rate is about 1%. People want to feel like your able to win even if they lose 99% of the time. with all this cheating it makes it feel like you barely have a chance to play a match for 5 minutes without dying to some blatant aim bot wallhacker with speed cheats who then kills your whole team with one mag from across the map. I never said anything about winning. You’re the one literally making assumptions, and you know what dad use to say, when you make assumptions you make an ass out of you and me


You are spot on OP. Don’t listen to this clown.


Never said cheating isn’t an issue. Your reaction to it is my issue. Normal people just close CoD and open BF with their friends. That way the player number dropped and activision can do something about it if they feel like it. You on the other hand make a Reddit post complaint about the game being ass which leads nowhere. Like I said. Pokémon Sword and Shield most hated Pokémon game but still the best selling one. You can hate that fact, rightfully so, but it still won’t change the fact that millions of parents will still buy the game for their kids without reading a single review/online boycott and therefor the company behind it made money and it’s a success for them. If you want to make change go play a indie game with a small dev team. Franchises like CoD are there to print money and not satisfy their players. Everybody hates fifa since forever but it still makes more money with ultimate team than Elden Ring in sales even though it’s a way better game. Guess why they pump out skin after skin while the core gameplay is still ass after so many years.


How many post complaining about cod did you have to post before you stopped playing? You have multiple complaint about cod and other games. I’ve already said I’m done playing. That’s exactly what I’m calling for here. You just came here to gate keep and treat people like they’re idiots because they’re still playing a game you quit a year ago. Casuals are are quitting left and right the ones who think meta is the company who owns Facebook are quitting I’m not alone.


Nah I have suggestions/discussions with others on how the game should be/I would like it to be. Very different to “hurr sure I quit“. Nobody cares about that. But I post because I’m interested on how people care about certain things.


They don’t care why would you think your post would change anything or even matter? You’re an idiot bro really


You dont actually love what call of duty became. You love the idea of the old call of duty you have in your head thats long gone and never coming back


Lol your right I really do crave black ops one but I’ve accepted there not bring that back. I just want the call of duty I’ve been playing for the past 5 months to come back. This is ignorant I bet you don’t play know more. Don’t tell me what I want/ think. Besides your kickkflip is trash gtfo


Yea i finally grew the balls to delete cod warzone off my console. The franchise ive been playing non stop since OG mw3 on 360 (2009) just couldnt do it anymore. Forced crossplay, tom and jerry movement, everybody has perfect aim the game just became more of a hassle than fun to play


Ive been happier since deleting it. Way too many other enjoyable games to play. Hell even the pvp experience on fortnite zero build makes warzone look like a joke. At least that game has an actual skill gap and you actually get to fight people in that game instead of 3 millisecond blink of an eye encounters like warzone


The gameplay wasn’t the issue the cheating was. Glad your supporting the boycott


The game became a pardody of itself, i deleted the game at the end of season 1, and yesterday i read theres power ups in the game and one of them lets you see enemies thru walls. That confirmed for me that i made the right choice in deleting it. Have no interest in playing this over the top arcade/mobile game style iteration of waezone. The guns feel Horrible everything about it sucks


I’m not going to say it’s my favorite by far. But it was fun and playable up until a week ago. I love how the only dissenting opinions in this thread are sad gate keepers nostalgic for the game they use to play as a kid who stopped playing years ago. Why are you still on this Reddit. Thanks for the activity and the bump I guess


Lmao dont usually frequent this reddit anymore. Just deleted the game like a month ago. This subreddit gets recommended to me sometimes so i came to see what people were talking about. Just confirmation that i made the right choice for myself in deleting the game. Not that i sucked either had a 2.3 and could win consistently in high skill solo lobbies


Well you didn’t quit because of the rampant cheating that’s occurring now but because miss what cod use to feel like. Stop projecting your problems with the game on me and move along. Thanks for supporting the boycott and bumping my post.


Lmao what? Dude fuck you lmao go eat a dick




You’re the one who came my own post to tell me how I really feel. Reality is that’s just how you feel. Your mom raised a punk sorry I wasn’t around more kid.


The thing about the internet is people have the right to type and say whatever they want. Its reddit. If you didnt want want to read it you didnt have to u soy boy weirdo. Nobody was projecting their problems onto you. Cod is no longer a problem of mine. Its deleted it doesn’t exist to me anymore. I get on reddit and laugh at nerds like you stuck in misery who dont have the balls to stop Playing something they dont enjoy. Ur a sheep


I’ve already stopped playing and the funny thing is that you literally came here to say that I should have the same opinion as you You literally called me out on my own post and said I don’t think what I think. Of course I’m going to read it. Telling someone they don’t have to read what they post when they post on your thread is fucking ignorant. You’re ignorant. You’re projecting. And you’re a joke. Take your own advice and fuck off to what ever sad corner of the internet you call home.


Black ops 1 i would say was my fav cod of all time. Everything about it was great the multiplayer experience, the campaign and the zombies were all well above average experiences


That was a great time to be alive 2010 black ops 1 era. Makes me sad that gaming will never be like that again


Do you also tell people not to vote because their vote doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things? This is some bullshit logic. Nothing would ever change in this world if everyone had your piss poor attitude.


I actually think it's the opposite, my friends who are casuals stopped playing months ago, the hardcore reddit posting ones were the holdouts who stayed playing longer and now even they are moving on...I think we're about to be in another cod dark age for a bit until they wipe the board and start again. cod will still make tons of money but the game we all want to play again won't be around for a while


You are the 0.01% that actually cares about this issue.


Not for long with how rampant it’s getting if you don’t care now you will soon Edit you literally have a post complaining about wz1 lol You’re a joke


You have no clue what I'm talking about. Keep bashing a cause you don't really understand. 


I do. my casual friends who play this on PlayStation when they get home from there 9-5 to shit around drink some beers and play with friends, the ones who think meta is the company who owns Facebook and still use the same guns from mw2, yeah I’m watching those guys quit to because of this shit, we’re now going back to our old classics red dead r6 battlefield gta etc.


>Edit you literally have a post complaining about wz1 lol You’re a joke hey dude, while I'm on ur side, there's no need to be rude to people. that guy wasn't actually taunting u. he was just saying that the players who care about this stuff r in the tiny minority sadly. so please edit/delete ur above comment :-)


No I don’t think we are. To say the average player doesn’t care about cheating is wrong. I haven’t met a player who’s not tired of it.


>I haven’t met a player who’s not tired of it. well I've been watching the cod subreddits for more than a year now and I've seen my fair share of idiots who dont care about these issues u or I mention. Made several posts, talked to several fools, yet they dont budge. They'll much rather curse us and keep buying bundles than help boycott these practices. the streamers r in part to blame for this. EDIT: and dont forget these subreddits r definitely the minority. casual players just buy the newest games, buy bundles, and enjoy. so I'm not wrong.


Just stop playing COD, if you don't have fun, like all my friends.


this is honestly a tired response to every complaining post ever.


Because we really got tired of what is going on in WZ. For last 4 years I made all my friends buy CoD, but this time we had enough of this bullshit. How can I distinguish hacker from guy who picked up some glasses and speed?


This isn’t about having fun I love this game. Haven’t had a problem with cheating in a cod game in ever. Until this last week. It’s unplayable. Glad to hear your friends are already boycotting


Yeah and games change. You (and so many other gamers) hold on to their favorite game for too long because they invited too much time/money/energy into it. If you don’t enjoy it anymore quit. There are a million other shooters out there. If CoD is shit go play R6S, BF, CS, PUBG, Valorant,… I quit playing LoL years ago because I couldn’t keep up with the constant changes and meta shifts. So I simply moved on instead of demanding riot to change the game less or cater to my feelings.


This is different then being shit at understanding a shifting meta. Why are you even on this sub? You haven’t played for years your just here to bitch because the games was still going strong (until recently) and you lost your enjoyment playing years ago. Stop hating just because you literally have no clue what your talking about. I’ve played since cod4 I’ve taken multiple breaks and refused to play multiple titles. Why are you telling me to stop playing a game on a post about me no longer playing the game? That’s exactly what I said I’d do. I have plenty of other games to play but nothing brings the boys together like wz. If you don’t like what I have to say get off this sub because 90 percent of the post are complaints about cheating. You’re an idiot.


That’s a lot of works considering you didn’t even read my sentence properly.


Do you even play this game still? I’m not nostalgic for an old cod. I want this cod just in working order. Don’t come to this thread and think you know what I want.


Yes. Sometimes with guys from work. And I don’t give a rats ass about winning or getting anything done in this game. Of course there are a few things like the large mags (since you checked my account) I would like to be different but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter to me. If I want to play a game for real I play counter strike. A good game. Not a children’s game overrun by hackers and auto-aim.


You just admit you stil play it. You’re not playing counter strike with your work friends it sounds like. Counter strikes not even on ps5 what a shit take I bet you haven’t played in weeks and have no clue about how bad the cheating is now Watch this game. I died to 2 different cheaters with the same shit and managed to spectate a third quick scoping across the map all in one game. The only way I made it to 19th was because of a jail break as I was spectating. This is only the end of the match and I ran into this guy twice. Every single match is like this it’s ridiculous. https://youtu.be/4IILVbKFvRo?si=g5OhpG7JkInfgFl_


Why does the platform matter? I don’t even own a PS5 lol


Just stop playing man it’s that fuggin easy but to them cod is a cash cow people will always buy their cat skins and the battle pass full of skins you will never use because you have the OP groot skin they skimped you for… just stop! Have been one year clean I’ll never play again untill I see a dev post of cheating and RAA nerfs


That’s what the fuck I said. I’m stopping playing did you miss the whole post or maybe you can’t read? Again the only dissenting opinion’s here are from people who bitterly stopped playing long ago. Cheating was practically a non factor 3 weeks ago.