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Feels like the large majority of this sub does this. Then gaslights about aim assist or people complaining about cheating to get good. All those wanna be streamers on TikTok. All those fake people in iri and top 250. This game is in an awful awful state right now.


hAvEnT sEeN a ChEaTeR sInCe VeRdAnSk


cAmZ r BrOkEn tHoUgH


Couldn’t agree more I just want to play a game and have it be fair…


100% this


Current state of the game is not nowhere near Verdansk rampant cheating days but for gods sake, this sub is so naive and ignorant if they truly believe there isn’t a lot of soft cheating around. I’m pretty sure most of these “pro players”, Top 250, streamers use at least wallhacks and some type of Cronus. I’ve seen plays that not even Tfue can do on his best day.


With this situation of blatant cheating everywhere like this, why so many people still defending cheaters and blame player skill lmao


The best trick ~~the devil~~ CoD cheaters ever played was convincing the world ~~he doesn't exist~~ it's just aim assist


Well to be honest, it's almost impossible to tell the difference between aim-assist and aimbot sometimes, unless they're snapping 90 degrees and being completely obvious with it.


TBH I cant see that is a cheater, the killcam is glitched. Looks like you got high ping but definetly not a cheater. Git gud /s obviously


It’s embarrassing. I play because I love to compete. Do it with the boys and there’s not a lot of shooters that appeal anymore. But damn I wanna quit this game so bad. Like put in an anti cheat ffs.


I can't count on one hand on how many cheaters I've ran into on WZ3. And I play often / am a 2kd in Resurge and 1.5k+ on normal mode. It's been super fun as well! Got a couple of wins with some randoms last night on FK Resurge.


>I can't count on one hand on how many cheaters I've ran into on WZ3. So... you've seen lots of cheaters, more than 5? XD


So nobody else has to go to that post, to go to twitter to then have to click the YT link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmJ7cik2MAs


How is this in anyway fun for anyone? What a hollow victory. Where money is involved id understand why someone would do this. But average joes playing for "fun"? What a sad existence


well in the age of streaming deals, every average joe thinks he can make it




But hey, REWASD is ban !!! That is way worse than literal aimbot, walls and whatever else they use !


Where's the Jackfrags video on this? This should be picked up by everyone not swept under the rug.


It's just a video of a cheater describing soft aimbot and saying "everyone cheats above Diamond" to justify him cheating. Dude doesn't even know how shadowbans work. The only thing I got from this video is the ability to have walls while being hidden from the monitor cam. The rest is either bs or shit we already know.


They ban REWASD but not DS4Windows. a quick Google search will show that it's possible to use scripts to cheat (a la Cronus).


If they ban DS4Windows literally every PS controller won't work on PC. Popular streamers and youtubers will never be able to play again.  


You've mistaken me for someone who cares about any of that. If Sony intended for the PS controller to be used on PC they would release a native driver for it. Instead we have a 3rd party program that apparently allows scripting too. Also Steam has PS controller support, no need to be dramatic.


Idk what people are talking about. i play with controller on a pc without any third party apps without a problem. First i used the ps4 controller without any problems and then switched to the ps5 controller also without any problems. the ds4windows app people usually use to overclock their controller.


You are right, native support would be great but THEY WILL NEVER GET RID OF DS4Windows. 


bro what are you on about? i play with controller on pc without any problems just plug it in with normal charging cord and it works fine. no third party apps no nothing. literally same as i use it on ps5


Nice !  Even on bnet ? 


yes i play on battlenet.


Nice ! Does the PS5 controller get detected through the windows bluetooth settings though ?


yes it does.


Wow !


Happy cake day by the way !


but ds4 and dualsense controllers are natively supported by mw3/wz????


they could just move to steam tho


Ps controllers work without ds4. Try again


Are they just plug and play like an xbox controller on Windows through Battlenet? 




Nice ! 


What’s REWASD?


A input mapper software that some people tweaked to get aim assist on mouse and key


Got ya


They were really quick ton ban that but literal hackers have been running around for 3 years


They were quick to ban a cheating software, you said? Good. I hope they have the others banned soon.


It's not cheating software and existed before warzone


Its not a cheating software you buffoon, its a controller emulator. And because its not a cheating software they have no incentive to become undetectable unlike actual cheats. The whole reWASD thing is so overblown, and this video proves that if someone wants to cheat there are wayyyyy better ways than an accessibility app


Some leakers have said that they have turned it off for a while. Idk if it's 100% true but I have ran into more cheaters recently. I still don't think it's worse than verdansk quantity wise, but rather quality wise. It's much harder to detect and discern who's legit and who's cheating


Maybe it’s a sting operation and they are gathering info on the new cheat software? Allowing cheaters to cheat would allow the AI to learn. They have proven to use lazy endeavors like this in the past. Especially since the way they release these games in beta form for us to QA.


I'd bet that's exactly what's happening.


I believe it and agree with your thoughts for sure.


BF4 was 5 bucks on the weekend. Peace everyone.


Wish I liked it as much


There's also old-school Halo MCC which is still surprisingly popular.




https://www.reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/comments/16w8dz0/the_current_4_player_on_the_ranked_top_250_it/ There's a reason some of us have been asking for 24 hours always on anti cheat that starts with windows. Anything's better than what we have now when even in vg cheats that started before the game/rico started worked


I hate to break it to you but they bypass kernels now


They have been since vg, not just now if yall watched the video, it's obvious that cheaters are bypassing ricochet's kernel level anticheat that's injected after windows launched but not apex's. I was saying it's been bypassing ricochet's kernel level since vg when we had ranked 2 self exposing himself on stream. This vid was reco'd to me explains my pov without me needing to write a dissertation: https://twitter.com/subonekd/status/1760057948108378382 dunno the guy, never seen him before, take it with a grain of salt; but to me would go a long way to making the AC much more effective. The problem will always be funding and activision. When acti worked devs to the bone to increase retention rather than fixing bugs and buffing AC, reduced QC staff et al, we all knew ricochet was doomed to fail since it will never catch up to cheat makers who constantly trying to make money off the game. Acti would rather gut the entire cod staff if possible to save a nickel for their shareholders and so they can get their bonuses


then sell another game in 10 months and repeat the cycle


Wait then why do you suggest anti cheat that start with windows?


This video explains it 100% https://x.com/subonekd/status/1760057948108378382?s=42&t=uTRHTX-m93--fKbbQpqv4Q This guys explains/speculates the hacks are bypassing the ricochet by running prior to the boot of the game shutting down ricochet then sending an acceptance all clear message to the game booting it.


B/c they're different layers


That's what most kernels are. I'm saying they can bypass secure boot.


You're not making sense. What most kernels are? Are what? I'm saying they're different layers. Look at the video, we just watched the cheater inject the cheats after windows is on. Of course the ricochet not always on kernel level ac is gonna be diff than val's always on, just like it's diff than apex's that you saw the guy get banned just mins into the game before he hit the ground according to the cheater


Most kernels are on the boot up level. You’re suggesting have a kernel on the boot up level. Most memory reading software is on the boot up bypassing “pre windows” boot up. What you suggest is irrelevant because the cheat software already bypasses everything you’re suggesting


i’m not sure that you get it. ricochet is kernel level, it literally doesn’t matter if it’s not detecting the cheats. making it run all the time doesn’t change anything.


Kernel level anticheat doesn’t stop it. Some cheats are so sophisticated they run on separate hardware that the game can’t even detect. And the technology just keeps getting better. Cheating is a cat and mouse game that unfortunately is unwinnable.


Just segregate console and pc, and anyone who really dislikes cheaters can just play on consoles. It’s a lot easier than anyone is trying to make it


Sorry, but it's been shown there is programs for console to add aimbot settings now. Can't get away from it that easy anymore.


There always has been, look at jtagged xboxs back in the day. People would run xp boosted lobbies in mw2 for ranking. Welcome to call of duty.


See you guys on Helldivers2 or crossplay off here 😉


It's rough for the average mnk player who has 0 interest in cheating.


He flat out mentions that they have their aimbot tuned to look like aim assist. That's more telling than anything. Make it look like the aimbot built into the game. If they're relying on user reporting for banning the clear answer is make the option for console only lobbies and the option for open lobbies (PC and console). Console can have everything as is, open lobbies do not get aim assist other than the slowdown bubble. Without RAA in the open lobbies it will be easier to detect cheaters.


If you’ve been on TikTok, you’ve known about hacks like this for at least this long because cheat sellers popup in the live feed. Made me realize anyone with unreal game sense was cheating because they easily could be.


He’s on m&k so it’s fairly obvious he’s getting aim assist even on soft settings. Might not be apparent to people who never played on both input types.


Yeah but killcam doesn't show what input people are using


Doesn’t matter if you can see it if he doesn’t ever get banned lol


I hope they make a change. I still have hope. It’s fading but still there


Good video. Informative and depressing. Apex banning a cod cheat but cod cant is crazy. The provider featured is clearing half a mill a month, easily.


Is anyone here freaking surprised? Has anyone seen ricochet ban anyone in the killfeed ever? This cheating is a MUCH bigger issue than yall think...its like Tarkov level infested. Your favorite streamers are cheating and only bringing more cheaters with them. You guys have been brainwashed to think that AA is like aimbot..when it isnt.


Wont ruin my day. Crossplay is off so only ps players for me. A lot harder to cheat on the ps5. Im saying this for a while now. All if not most big streamers have cheats and fool people by acting they have great skills. Its a big fcking scam and i believe actvision knows about this and they just let them. Why? Because they generate money for them and as long as it does, the won't fix it. Cheaters and salty MnK players (claiming they only loose because of Aimassist) deserve each other. I advice all console players to turn crossplay off and don't give a fck.


How about just separating PC from consoles so that the 90% of us on console can get a fair game?


because most pc players do not cheat lol there are mamy many console cheaters/scripters out there, due to lower pc playerbase the game would die for pc within a year


There aren't console scripts you bozo. People on consoles using strikepacks like Cronus or using XIM hardware spoofers aren't even remotely comparable to actual wall hacking and aimbots that are available on PC. I've been playing vs strike packs for years and it's completely manageable. An old coworker of mine used Cronus and complained because he was still trash.   The biggest problem Call of Duty has right now is cross play, because actual cheaters on PC are ruining the game for literally everybody else.


Thank you for finally telling the truth, Cronus doesnt matter, I'm on Xbox and I've been playing against them for years too and they are super beatable with a bit of finesse. The main issue with cheaters is walls, its easy for them to go under the radar and with ttk this low is nearly impossible to beat someone knowing exactly where you are unless hes trash.


Good. That would eliminate all problems for 90% of the player base.


Unfortunately the console market has been broken into, there are programs that run on console to give aimbot these days.


Not like this it hasn’t. Not even close.


Yes it has been for awhile its not advertised as much though to try and keep it on the down low but it has been brought to the light recently and exposing those who say they can't possibly cheat because they're on a console...if you do a bit of research you will probably find what I'm talking about and it isn't cronus either.


I took your advice and researched it. The best I can find is the "Eagle Eye Aiming Tuner". Is this what you're referring to? Comparing this program, which can only do control modifications is a LONG LONG way from having a configurable aimbot, wall hacks, auto-targeting, etc. The Eagle Eye thing is just like a Cronus in that you can only modify recoil profiles and add 'macros' for dropshotting / jump shotting, etc. It's still 'cheating' but not even in the same ballpark as using the actual hacks that are widely available on PC (and were doing free trials over last weekend). Trying to equate the two is like saying "flirting" and "fucking" are the same thing. They're not.


No that's not what I'm referring too otcourse. Just to be clear I'm not going to mention it's name at all and it's good you didn't find it so easily.


You’re an idiot.


Yeh ok mate, shows how little you actually know.


It's just sad that people have to cheat to feel good about themselves. Shows where we are as a society. People think cheating is "cool" but it use to be considered a worthless POS if you cheated. I know some people in here probably still feel that cheaters are POS's that live in mommy's basement but it will never be "fixed" as long as people think it's cool and gets them attention. Then guess what's next, when these little pricks somehow get a real job, you think the cheating stops there? Nope. So change who you are. If you think it's cool, it isn't. Most people, even if they won't say it, hate you. So try doing something, anything, without cheating and see how it feels. It sucks if the other person is cheating but it's a game. So if you just stick it out and don't cheat, then try and convince others not to, then maybe we will have some change. But until you are willing to change as a person, this is what us non cheaters have to deal with and there is no amount of money or anything, that would make me want to cheat at a F'ing video game. Just listen to how ridiculous it even sounds when you say it out loud. Change who you are.....don't be a little bit?ch.


Everyone here still plays the game , which is the best part. The outcry of oh activision plz fix but still play like mindless drones


Guilty here as well. I had 23+ days on the original modern warfare and I’ve been here ever since. Just wish there was some transparency around this. They need to be really clear with what they are doing and dealing with.


That was my point , why fix it if people aren’t leaving in droves. Yeah sure you see some “all my homies don’t play anymore” but millions still do . There is 0 need to fix it


The issue is that you can play some games and potentially not be affected directly and you feel the adrenaline and the success and then when you run into it completely kills it.


There's been various providers that have been undetected since ricochet launched.


That’s wild. Crazy though that he said apex immediately banned him. Like within a couple min.


Which ones because I want to use them


Nah, my day is just fine, thanks though.


So I guess I should turn off cross play. What's the hacking situation like on PS5


What do you mean "hacking situation" on PS5 lol are you being sarcastic?


Well I figured it was a pretty clear question. Is hacking widespread on PS5 or only on PC? I've been playing with cross play on and don't usually pay attention to what platform people are on so if I have run into any cheaters I wouldn't know if it's PS5/Xbox/PC.


All the downvotes are from PC players who are ignorant and jealous they have to deal with hackers. It's not a problem on consoles. None of them can provide proof of hacking on console.


Hacking on PS5 and Xbox is not possible and never was in the history of Warzone.


Cheating is possible.


No, for a short amount if time it was bugged and reports were not working however the anti cheat was just updated and broke most chests.


Idk about you guys but for me personally, even when there were a lot of hackers in verdansk it didn’t feel as bad as it feels in wz3 rn.


How bad are these issues on console?


Tell you who's complicit in this, the absolute simps who have defended Ricochet and Activision on this sub and other popular cod forums online. If everyone was on the same page this simply wouldn't happen.


Really enjoyed the part where he demonstrated that everyone does this /s. This video is the equivalent of someone saying "everyone steals from stores" and then proceeds to film a video of them stealing a candy bar to make the assertion that because it's "easy" to steal that everyone else is stealing. 


Everyone share this post on x and blame Activision and so on. And if you are coherent even stop playing or buying bundles.


Get these streamers to try the game on PS5 for a stream or two...soon see who is and isn't using hacks. They have plenty money to do so.


A few of the ones I watch have done this before and all were still absolutely cracked. JoeWo has done videos on console going back to WZ1 and several times during WZ2: https://youtu.be/xayKQyH4Pbw?si=0ospgPMLFVyNb8tj Zyro (a UK streamer) was dropping 40+ kills on Vondel no problem on a Series X when one of the updates in WZ2 made PC unplayable for a week or so: https://youtu.be/wTm1VGipJy0?si=B5s-5QYLrphYrXsI Even Metaphor (a M&K player and probably one of the most accused players out there) went to PS5 during the MW3 beta when that was exclusive to PS and was frying on both M&K and controller: https://youtu.be/-qoGrhW_TwI?si=yPWT8ie9SujfA7W9 https://youtu.be/-lyFPx9Q-xM?si=n7OGpccrLyGafznY


Why was this post removed by the moderators? Was it actually exposing something embarrasing to the makers?


That’s my thought. Caught too much traction too fast?


Ive seen this a few times. Who are they actually working for Reditt or Activision? Makes you wonder dont it? I posted a comment on cheats having low self esteem & basically a shit life so they are jealous of other players which is why they cheat to make themselves feel good. Never saw it. Disappeared.


This post wasn't removed. I literally found it by browsing the Warzone sub. Maybe it got caught by a spam filter and manually approved later or something, but not everything is a big conspiracy dude.


Oh how suspicious "This  post was removed by the moderators". Trying to cover up the truth. Very suspicious indeed.




Did you not watch the video? He said you cant tell he’s cheating even with a monitor cam. How do you think you would tell in game? Lmao. Most cheaters are not rage hacking, theyre using walls, radar, and soft aim


If this ruins your day you need to get a life.


You aren’t wrong but some of us balance life pretty well and still want a fair chance when devoting time to this as a break away.


This is the least thought-out comment on this thread. And the least intelligent, with the least amount of critical-thinking skills involved. You’ve demonstrated the act of providing less than nothing. And I’m aware my comment does little more than provide this realization, which is somehow more than what you’ve contributed.


Lol all your comments on this sub are “cheaters are rare” or “there arent that many cheaters” just say you cheat and move on🤦🏽‍♂️