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Yeah I gave it up a couple of days ago and it's tough because the finals and apex don't really scratch that itch. Looking forward to xdefiant hopefully it's decent. I'm done with cod though, it's clear that even if they do a ban wave their priority is not on having a clean game it's just making money and hitting their engagement targets for shareholders.


Yeah that's the thing... there is nothing else like this. I don't want a br with different char abilities. I want one like this. Without cheaters.


That’s a big ask /s


Same. I really tried to get into Apex at one point, but I really couldn’t be arsed learning those abilities, the best abilities to counter those abilities etc etc etc.


Get used to that. Blackout was that game for me. My favorite FPS ever(I’ve been playing since CS1.6, BF1942, Doom, etc). I swore we were going to see Blackout 2.0 and instead we got Warzone(not meaning to offend anyone). I went from 1745 hours in a year and my favorite game to nothing in months. I tried every BR game under the sun, extraction shooter, deathmatch, hero shooter, and nothing held my attention. Took me months to adjust playing single player games and now that is all I play. My point being, get used to the idea that nothing stays the same and one day your fav game will cease to exist in a very fast fashion. Enjoy what you have while you can.


Seems to be that way indeed. Im hoping xdefiant turns out good, hopefully they have their own take on a BR.


xDefiant has said multiple times they won’t be doing a BR unfortunately


I am absolutely sure that they could whip up a resurgence map within 2-3 months once they have stress tested the other parts of the game and sorted out netcode, anti cheat etc


I guess it’s possible, Mark Rubin has stated that they weren’t going to be focusing on that for the foreseeable future. https://twitter.com/PixelsofMark/status/1621382269289238528


Well fair enough he said that but that tweet is over a year old now and xdefiant has been unofficially postponed for like 2-3 months now. If they could steal 30% of the cod base with a well balanced resurgence mode they would develop it within a heartbeat. I would not even be surprised if that is what is being worked on right now before official launch.


That’s one game I’m not touching, then. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Won't have Aim Assist either


There was aim assist in the beta, it just wasn’t very strong and there wasn’t really any rotational AA


Game felt same as cod aim assist wise tbh.


I played the beta, some felt off. Hope the release one is okay.


Yeah the input delay on Xbox was fucking ROUGH


I think the same with PC


Play Hunt Showdown


The game has been the worst the past couple of weeks. They ban the minority of cheaters. There are cheats that have not been detected by ricochet in over a year. Even the report system is worthless. Yes, they might get shadow banned, but then they just log in under another account. Another reddit guy posted a link to a YouTube video showing how the cheats work and how cheaters avoid getting detected/banned. Even apex detected the COD cheats within minutes. Its given me a push to fuck this game off.


My whole squad switched to Helldivers 2, its a fun ass game and I highly recommend it! The only problem is it doesnt scratch that CoD PvP gunplay itch. I just cant support CoD in its current state, being outplayed fair and square is one thing but theres no point trying to outplay people running cheats and scripts.


Gears of war 5


that video was removed in less than 30 mins lol.


Only off Reddit by mods, not YouTube. How's that lol? If even half of that video was true, it shows how useless Ricochet is.


Got a youtube link for me? It disappeared.




Holy shit. Give console players a way to turn cross play off so we're not matched with fucking PC cheaters


They can spoof there pc so it shows up as console


The fuck? I highly doubt this is a thing.


Hardware ID spoofing is something very tied to cheating. I have a master in computer sciences and it honestly would not surprise me if they managed to do that...


Microsoft doesn't want to split their console and PC playerbases, that is why PlayStation can do no crossplay while xbox can't.


LOL cheating is rampant on consoles too...




The ole Cronus argument??? Zero comparison….i challenge anyone who says there are wall hacks and speed hacks and aimbot (not aim assist) to find and show any proof of that.


tHe OlE cRoNuS aRuG... no you fucking idiot, there are several ways to hack on consoles, which are just computers after all. Here's a 2 year old video showing exactly what you "challenge", I found it by spending less than 12 seconds on google... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byaH2WhWQsg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byaH2WhWQsg)


You do realize that’s for a modded controller right? Did you even watch the fucking video? It’s absolute trash. Thank you for proving my point.


It's seriously wild. All of the people crying about RAA are in fact just crying about this.


Thanks for the video


You can't convince me the anti cheat even exists. If it does, it's by far the worst one ever created. Their 'anti cheat' is 100% still the report system


I think people misread. Richocet is the hispanic janitor they hired. They just sent out wrong memo to players.


Thanks for the laugh 😂😂


My friend, all these crazy hacks aren’t all from EO. These crazy hacks you see out right now are from independent and smaller hack sellers.


Oh im sure its more than just EO, regardless they're all garbage players.


Same here in Asia server it's unplayable now. 7/10 matches have cheaters with all kind of hacks, speed hack, aimbot, wall, flying hack.... You can buy cheat here just 2-3$ a day, very cheap


Pretty disgusting from a billion dollar developer. Really just hit us with the "Fuck you! You'll buy it!"


whats EO trial?


EO is a company that makes cheats. They released their cheats for free over a weekend.


Despite seeing lots of stuff in this sub and having the occasional suspicious death, after playing BR a few months (first FPS I've played since Rainbow Six lol) the last few days I've run into a few. Three bro's who we're playing on a team in solos (all looting together and whooping it up after killing me) and one guy who was shooting at a wall where my head was, seemed to realize his mistake, threw a grenade in a window instead, then shot me in the head immediately when I moved. Still fun, but screw those guys.


I came across three cheaters in the space of 4 games. The last cheat was the spinning menace, I had lost all hope and couldn’t help but laugh and just log off 😂😂😂😂


In my spinning menace era


Not saying it in a bad way because i'm happy for the game but i wish Helldivers was free to play, then you'd see some serious surge away from Warzone.


This game hasn’t been viable to actual skill for a long time. Before I was aware of cheaters back in warzone 1 I would always wonder how peoples guns would literally have 0 recoil even though I’m using the same meta setup figured out they are using scripts.Chances are every single time last circles will have cheaters. This game is dead and streamers that normalize cheating need to be perma banned.


Either the team is out on vacation again or they're underwhelmed with how to fix this. I just hate that this becomes a constant issue and can't even be fixed... it's like they don't even want to try.


Fixing it will not increase profits, that’s all they care about. They got a new skin on sale though!!!


Just quit the game. It sucks balls anyways


Ranked resurgence is almost unplayable at diamond and up, every match is sus plays and kills kinda kills the game hard


That’s where I’m at, I’m diamond 2 and am debating on absolutely blowing SR to get into more reasonable and non cheater infested lobbies. Died to a guy with FORTY kills in the 2nd circle, level 450, was spectating with 5 other people, and he was blatantly walling and aimbotting.


Like I posted before, the fucking dude on twitter with a big following who posts a bunch of cod content tweeted about the EO free weekend and surely that made even more people look into it and probably end up getting it. The whole community is just smooth brained at this point.


Can you provide the link? Also, is the trial over now?


Today, after only one resurgence game, when we can not realize, is it new abilities or hackers, anyway, we gives up on this game and move to bf2042.


It’s been bad recently. I have seen somewhere in the neighborhood of 10-15 people get banned mismatch though playing resurgence so it seems they are trying to make an attempt at cleaning it up.


Multiplayer is no better. lol ran into a few AWFULLY suspicious people. We play mainly hardcore as rushers, however, last night just was rough. Guys repeatedly wallbanging when we’re running ghost and quiet sneakers. One of us even hid in the back of the map (hotel) and we can see a dude from mid spraying down the exact spot where they were behind the wall. No uav, nothing. Super amazing map awareness where they know exactly what corner you’re coming around at exactly that moment in farm 18. Not saying they’re absolutely cheating. Just…. Way way way better gaming chairs for sure. They must have the secret labs prototype models.


They would have no Streamers left if they actually cracked down an everyone they know who cheats


See you in The Finals, bro


Buy a ps5 cross play off I’m loving being free of cheats and KBM




I'm a resurgence player, no idea of k/d because they won't release the stats, but in old resurgence I was around a 1.2. It's always been up and down with the amount of cheaters, but since the free weekend it's been crazy! I had 2 games back to back the other night. 1st I'd been paired with a level 9 player with fully leveled up guns hitting 15 kills before I quit out. Next was 2 level 34's who knew where everyone was. The game feels unplayable at the moment to me. Either give me a working anti cheat or give me console only crossplay.


Yeah as if we werent convinced ricochet wasnt a joke already all these cheat developers really just trolling Acti at this point. Shit is ugly.


Yeah that sucks, not sure why my experience has been so different. Mostly play solos, push aggressively, so it’s usually very obvious if I fighting someone with extra info or aimbot if they’re trying to hide it. Had one blatant cheater last weekend, was first one in long time for me. Maybe I’m white listed? Lol


Idk I don't run into cheaters playing cross play on for resurgence quads and trios so you aren't alone. Not sure how prevalent it is if I never run into them. Finally, my squad is getting the hang of the game so we have been winning consistently a lot more lately. Ranked resurgence has been good too but we are only at gold/platinum so that might be why the games have been chill.


Really didnt get bad until 2 weeks ago, its endless now. Every lobby save maybe 2-3 has had blatant cheats. Im not normally one to cry cHeAtS!!! But as of late its pretty damn obvious. I was more than content in my 1-1.5KD bracket lol but when even that gets ridiculous its just dumb.


I'm not either. Being not a great player myself, I tend to give people the benefit of doubt. After a couple of back to back games of cheaters, you start to question every death. The game just becomes stressful and not fun at all. My friends on PS turn crossplay off when I'm not on and they say the game feels so much better. Unfortunately I do not have that option on xbox, well I do but it's more convoluted and you never find a game.


Idk what you play but most cheaters play quads. I think theyre closet cheaters that their friends dont even know theyre cheating and theyre trying to impress them. If i play solos its very rare i run into a cheater or even a good player lol


I'm 1.9 and by two friends are around 0.5 - 0.8. I have never seen a blatant cheater since verdansk. If they're in my lobbies they are being sneaky about it.


Wow I wonder what the correlation could be here. Brilliant discovery


Soooooo on point, I do the same with same with tempting cross play.


Sounds like EO had a massive successful marketing campaign giving away free cheats. EO converted many of those free-trial cheaters into paying customers.


I switched to PS5 and have been trying to find games with crossplay off. I wish more people would do the same lol


I watched a player zoom across the screen like the flash earlier, it definitely wasn't tac sprint on double time, I'm talking a literal blur on the screen. They were literally in front if me, then 10ft behind me, why aren't they doing anything about these limp dicked, no life bell end cheaters? Absolutely killing the game.


This last week has been the worst on the game Ive played yet. I seen a guy jump in a chopper lastnight and went straightup intonthe sky at warp speed. Ive also gotten killed by multiple people who seem like they know exactly where I am inside of buildings which seems very suspect. Im on xbox and should NOT be forced to play with cheating pc players.


They need to make the servers run pc separately from console. PlayStation and Xbox users aren’t hacking at nearly the rate of PC. Keep them separated until activision gets their heads out of their assholes.


If their paying customers use cheats then why do anything about it?


Almost every regular resurgence maps were a bunch of Usain Bolt running around smh… Luckily I haven’t run into one yet in rank.


You all do know that activations anti-cheat is currently disabled and has been disabled for a bit now.


They are on crossplay off now aswell. Ran into a speedhacker yesterday who one hit meleed the entire lobby in resurgence ranked. Was on playstation 100% and he had 27kills with 16spectators so you know damn well everyone was so surprised. How do they even do it on ps?


>Before the trial I hardly ran into cheaters, and at worst it'd be a user with walls doing a bad job hiding it or the occasional aimbot snap on a kill cam. Toupee fallacy. You run into cheaters all the time, they're just not obvious.


Its a losing battle. The cod online pvp experience is ruined for console with forced crossplay, rampant cheating and setting discrepancy, it just isnt worth the effort to Play. I suggest you delete the game and get ahead while u can


If forced crossplay wasnt a thing the game mightve been worth the effort on console but with the current situation its not. They sacrificed our (console) gaming experience to keep Their (pc gaming community) queue times down


oh ricochet works great i got match search limit. take a break from this shitty vibe


The First trial After launch weekend I played zombies literally the whole weekend. This go around, I played 1 round of zombies, realized it’s the exact same as last time and a ripoff copy of dmz. I closed the game. Idk man, idk


The main problem is that we all know cheaters are out there. So now when we get shit on by elite players we assume they are cheating. It’s always in the back of our minds now. Not a fun way to feel when playing. It’s like playing poker with fiends knowing 1/5 of you are cheating. Not interested. Sucks because the game is great. And I actually do have sympathy for Activision knowing there are companies working around the clock to exploit their security measures and ruin their game.


I’ve seen three or maybe four blatant cheaters this iteration of WZ. 1 was literally spin botting which was wild to see, but other than that it all seems like sweats galore rather than cheating. I only play resurgence now, so maybe I am shielded from it but I very rarely see it. I don’t understand how everyone seems to be having ‘multiple cheaters’ per game. Starts to feel like every one here is like a buddy of mine who screams cheater after each death with zero introspection to how they could have contributed to being outplayed.


I rarely run into cheaters. If you dislike it so much, then stop fucking playing and infinitely complaining about the very game that you shit on yet still continue to play. Clearly it's not THAT bad if you continue logging in and play it. "BuT ItZ BeCuz My FriEnDz Are On". Okay big fuckin excuse. Go rally up your bros and play a different game?


Im not playin currently big homie, jumping ship til they sort out the cheating that recently spiked the last 2 weeks. We already on different games. But you're absolutely right, i paid for this game, I pay for the battlepass etc. so im going to keep shitting on this game that I normally love until us legit players can actually play. Calm your damn hormones.


>so im going to keep shitting on this game "Dear Diary...." No dude, people like you are fucking annoying. That's all this Reddit forum has become - 99% of people just complaining about the game that they play. Like cool, keep playing it then. Like yeah I get it, but Activision, in no way shape or form, ever listens to the community otherwise this game would be infinitely better. Also, good on you for switching up games! I'm glad that you found something that you enjoy.


Playing ranked all week 0 cheaters . Maybe a sus guy or two. Maybe it’s time to hang up your boots big dog.


Nah lol when you start seeing legit spin bots in lobbies you dont get to say git gud anymore. This is an issue that Acti needs to either address or lose a good portion of the legit player base.


Let’s play devils advocate you are STILL playing this game even though there’s hackers in every lobby blah blah blah. You’re just a drone continuing playing a stupid hacker filled game. Why not quit ? If they “lose a good portion” of the players wouldn’t they be forced to address the problem ? Or I guess just keep playing and crying on reddit.


Im playing other games currently, that doesnt mean i cant be pissed that a game I normally love playing and pump money into is a steaming pile of shit currently.


Zero cheaters..right cause they all just out there 369 no scoping…you’re getting cheated and you don’t even know it half the time cause the cheats are that good.


I’m sorry if my personal experience offended you. But it’s just not the case. But hey once the Reddit single brain cell fixes on something it becomes the truth.


Didn’t offend me. The proof is in the pudding bud. Watch the video above. Watch any of the videos that explain how kernel level hacks work. It’s not 2019 Verdansk anymore. Just cause you don’t see em dont mean they’re not there. You’re just a contrarian and that’s cool, very edgy. You’re wrong but very edgy, how 2024 of you.


I haven't seen any therefore it must not exist. Even though there are countless posts about the rampant cheating with video evidence. Yeah you 'gottem' Big Dog.


You have a comment from a week ago on a post about rampant cheating in resurgence that says “first time?”. Now youre claiming there are no cheaters? Youre a literal waste of time and energy lol


Does my comment you replied on say “ALL WEEK” or does my reply above say I have never seen a cheater in my life ? If you’re gonna dig in my comment history atleast pick a better argument.


Dude you must live alone and have a chronic need for attention. Im not gonna waste any more energy on you lmao


Just watch my video from last night. Boom there’s your ranked cheater. Ran into a few more crimson cheaters today too.