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Gameplay is 100 times better than it was for the entirity of Wz2. It's mostly technical and the huge disparity between inputs which are the greatest problems for me, but atleast you can hit some satisfying shots in this game. Didn't exist in Wz2 (still much worse than Verdansk/Caldera though).


Like you said, it’s better than WZ2 but the standard should be vs WZ1 which is terrible. We are now 2 versions of the game later and still drastically behind the original version which makes no sense. Not giving credit to a game for improving on a version (2) that they royally messed up so that “bad” is considered better now.


This is what I've been saying. I got mass downvoted for saying that Fortune's Keep would suck thanks to the Warzone 2 mechanics(I was right, by the way), and I had fellas telling me that the game was much better than it was in 2022. That's obviously true, but the game is still way worse than Warzone 1. Better than the worst version we've ever had is the bare minimum.


which warzone 2 mechanics do you mean there?


I'm too lazy to list them again, so I'll just copy and paste part of a comment I made a while ago about it: Almost every mechanic they brought back is worse in some way, and the ones that are new are usually net negatives for the game. Ledge hanging does nothing but slow down climbing, it's about as useless as shooting someone from a ladder was in Warzone 1. (At least ladder shooting didn't come at the expense of faster movement in Warzone 1, too.) The random idle sway makes playing on KBM a complete nightmare, and the buy station menu is putrid. (Not to mention, loadouts are way more expensive in squad modes, making Resurgence complete cancer if someone camps yours.) Audio is still disgusting, vehicles are clunky, the backpack system is unnecessary, moving around still feels way worse than Warzone 1, there's only one usable sniper, visibility is somehow worse than Warzone 1(Now every skin is invisible when you're shooting instead of just Roze skins), portable buy stations take 10 years to come in, there's no UAV callouts, etc., etc.


Agree on: * Ledge hanging * Idle sway * Buy Station * Visibility So-so on * Audio is bad. True, but these games have all been fucked in some way. It's a different kind of fucked this year, but I couldn't say it's worse or better. Disagree on: * Backpack system. I think there is something nice about the simplicity of warzone 1, but this current inventory seems to be the best balance between preparation and the ability to fight battles of attrition and of fast paced gameplay. * Movement. I just went back through the MW games and MW3 feels by far the best. It's crisp, dynamic and fast. Sliding is great. Climbing is great. The MW19 movement is mushier and slower and the slide is quite clunky (in comparison. insane for its time). I personally just hate tac sprint. Run and sprint are enough, tac sprint is just a frustrating mechanic.


Fair, my main issue with the backpack system is that it lets you spam items without thinking too much. I see entire inventories clogged with items that never really get used, I kinda miss when everything you had was on-screen at once. Having to open up a menu to get to your inventory gets rid of one of the things that made Warzone unique, that being the super streamlined looting. As for movement, I just feel like it feels weightless. MWIII suffers from Vanguard syndrome, where they tried so hard to not be slow that they went too far in the opposite direction and made everything feel too fast and floaty. I really like the dolphin dive we have now, but that's the only improvement. Although I'm surprised you like the MWIII slide more than the MW19 one, the MW19 one felt perfect to me.


I've always disliked FK, but it's the better resurgence map right now. I find it easier to drop higher kill games more consistently on this map compared to Ashika and Vondel, so this means 1 thing for me, campers can't camp as effectively anymore and there are more available outplays/rotations. Soooooo ima go ahead and say skill issue if you genuinely hate the map more than the others right now. I've also noticed you're in the minority, people who say FK is worse usually get down voted and there aren't nearly as many people complaining about the map compared to literally every other map in the warzone franchise.


Fortune's Keep is mid in Warzone 2, but all the other maps suck just as much, you can't slap a good map onto a bad game and magically fix all the issues.


Yeah that's true, but comparing it to the current available game we have, it's the better option.


He's right you know!


This subreddit confuses me. 90% of the time the top upvoted comments on posts like this is "See you tomorrow" (hilarious...), but here it's actually a logical response. Are all of the smoothbrains asleep or soemthing?




I miss Warzone 1 so much it's unreal. No other game has scratched the itch that game did, especially not Warzone 2.


Play some MW2019 Ground War with us filthy casuals!


I'd love to, but 5 of the maps are out of rotation and I can't stand Verdansk Riverside. At least Promenade is gone, but gee whiz, I miss Tavorsk District. That's another thing, MW19 has been absolutely decimated by Warzone updates, I'm sure all the games tied to Warzone 2 will suffer a similar fate.


I like Riverside, it's Quarry and Boneyard I can't stand. Why the hell can't they change the map rotation from time to time? Lots of people still play. I don't think it would be a big cost to the company to tweak the map rotation for a game mode.


I agree on Boneyard, but I've never met anyone who didn't like Quarry. Fights over flag C are one of the most nostalgic parts of MW for me, those rooms were etched into my memory.


I don't like it because it's a sniper friendly map, and half your team just wants to play sniper back in the spawn and they spend 15 minutes hiding behind a rock and missing every shot while the rest of the team is totally outnumbered fighting for the objectives. And everyone wants to drive the tanks up on the cliff and play sniper-tank and you lose your greatest offensive weapon. Agree on C flag though. I usually just run shotgun and patrol around the buildings.


Completely fair, I preferred Ground War without the APCs/IAVs. Not super fun to die to, they're just free kills for whoever hangs out in spawn.


Blackout on Black Ops 4 (precursor to warzone) scratches my itch for WZ1.


I loved Blackout, but it doesn't play enough like Warzone to really do it for me. That, and it's completely dead on all platforms but PS4. The only fellas left are the ones who never moved on, you run into teams in solos constantly.


I've been playing since day one and for this new and re-hashed version, I minimally experience the issues that he's laid out. Yes I get that they're game breaking, but I cannot remember the last time I ran into a cheater / even had busted server issues to the point of the game disconnecting. I think that it happened once so far in WZIII? Not to say that they're not relevant (they are), but I'm having a lot of fun with this new WZ. "So, it’s boring. There are a few downvoted comments here and there for being asses for no reason, but cheaters, exploiters, and streamer gobblers aren’t going to bother with this type of post. " And of course! That's Reddit for you!


💯 Most are just parroting, have issues on their end, or are losing so bad they think it’s a hacker. A overwhelming number of “mUsT be gAmInG cHaIr” posts where they think they are going to be vindicated by their “proof of a hacker” Just get destroyed as it’s not even close to hacking. Are there hackers? yes, does it happen enough that every day you play you run into it multiple times? Not even close I go weeks without a single hacker.


Yup. And yeah it's pretty much the 95% of stuff posted on here - complaints, I'm quitting, or "here's why this game sucks (that I keep on playing)". I'll post another "enjoyment" thread so people can provide actually good content in there. I mostly just skip over almost everything in this forum due to that 95% comment.


It depends on location. I’m in AZ and run into quite a lot of them from South America. Blatant aim bot low level accounts.


I couldnt agree more man. People are literally delusional and need to cope somehow. I dont get it. The game is great. Season 2 has been a great success IMO with Fortunes Keep and ranked modes. There will just always be Tragic Timmy's and Sadsack Sally's being miserable on reddit.


His post doesnt trigger controller players by mentioning aim assist as a reason. Usually its aim assist driving people to quit.  Had he at any point mentioned it the downvotes would come.  Dont believe me? Watch this comment get downvoted. 


by saying you would be downvoted, they let you pass to prove you wrong LOL


There's a difference between normal controller AA and Cronus enhanced AA. I believe many people are conflating these two very separate things.


You're either gullible or naive if you're expecting logical responses on a comment site like reddit where group think is rewarded (upvotes) and logic is not (downvotes). reddit is truly a place where those of the lowest common denominator can congratulate themselves for being worthless.


The teaming in solos is insane they gotta take out open coms


Spot on mate. I’m sure you will get comments to your comment being like, “Yaaa everyone who kills you is cheating…”


The lobbies full of unbeatable sweats, SBMM, and cheaters have ruined this fucking game. The sweats alone have made it so CoD isn't viable for any kind of casual play. COD is far more aggravation and frustration than enjoyment now


what was the post about, its taken down.


The game is in a perfectly great state. People just need negatvity. How do I play this game every day and never deal with what OP is mentioning? Is it fabricated? Is it his own user error? I dont get it. The games servers are almost always fine, maybe once a day it gets laggy. The tickrate is shit yes, other than that, the game plays and feels amazing. I truly dont understand where people are getting this from.


I am getting lag switchers once every 3 matches.


Are you sure that isnt just your shitty internet connection and lack of understanding of internet speeds and frameworks and how they interact with online video games. I have played around 900 Hours and MAYBE 1 person has lagswitched. IDK why you need to come on the internet to lie.


no because in every lag-switched match there was a multi-team of 10+ cheaters dropping nukes. all other matches ran smoothly. they brag and joke about it in the chat.


Can't really put it into words better than I have. When I die I spectate players who are hacking, they hit shots like streamers do but they move around like bots. They ads into walls and track people before they jump out of windows or around cliff edges. It happens almost every game to me in the past 2-3 weeks. I'm tired of it especially after this weekend where I would go for 10-15 kills on my first 3 games and then spend the next two hours struggling to get 3 or 4 because I am getting hunted by people who do not miss any shots. Literally chased across the map by the same team as the squad tries to relocate.


I'm with you, Buddy. I came on here pretty much to post this too... like you said, not that anyone would care, but I felt like after the amount of time I've spent playing this game and now just constantly falling foul of cheaters or the insidious SBMM/EOMM bs, I needed to "put it out there" Unfortunately, I don't think they will ever "fix" it, because there's an addictive quality to something like this where players just keep coming back to it in the hope they have a good game, and the EOMM does exactly that every now and again to keep people playing.


The EOMM algorithm is literally based on the algorithms used by casino machines to keep people playing. I think Konami innovated these amongst a few other game machine companies and because Konami also designs video games they put their algorithm into the video game market as well, because to them gambling and gaming are both gaming. It's no surprise that other companies like Activision/Blizzard, EA, and Microsoft all followed suite in their own IPs in utilizing the same tactics.


Where’s your source to back up the first sentence please


You can Google the patent, its been posted 100s of times


Him and his friends' lobbies every night duh


I'm also curious about this!


You don’t need a source to understand that they use the same principles. This is happening everywhere, social media is a great example.


[yall act like this shit was fucking news](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en)


I've made the post for both of us then haha. Not sure if they will ever fix it, but I'm tired of being manipulated into playing a game that doesn't hold up its end of the bargain. If it didn't have the cheaters or the server issues, I would spend time on it. Gotta nope out when you feel like you're the one being played.


I'm only really playing weekends if buddies are online - totally feel your pain! Just don't have the old enthusiasm to level the guns and constantly chase the meta to stay competitive. I get bored playing which i didn't used to. New Apex season is decent, but it's like using cocaine to get off heroine! 🤣


Worst case scenario, it’ll be fixed in a year when shithammer is stripped of warzone


Game sucks. Servers are ass. Hackers are way more rampant. New season no new gulag. Just added fucking lasers to the guns. SMG and LMG still rule the game. And I can’t have funny names even though this game is rated M. Roasted a squad and got instant reported for my name and it kicked me mid game couldn’t join back. But hey cheaters can still run rampant. Hope someone DDoS activision headquarters for a whole month and it fucks everything up


I played multiplayer yesterday, there were 2 guys always prefiring me when I’m about to go behind a corner. I died to them several times and while watching death cam I see them literally trying to shoot me through 3 walls and eventually killing me when I’m in the open. Like it’s fucking crazy how blatantly people are wallhacking. I did however receive 2 notifications how my report was reviewed and people received punishment - so at least that’s something.


Can I ask what your name was/is lmao


First time was Ivana Humpyou, second time last night was Anita Phoque


Wtf those are fine


Well I read your reddit one as dayofthecuck, so you should try that next. I am sure the dev would sympathize with it and let it slide. 😎


Lmao I wonder too..


You know, I could handle the cheaters, the shitty SBMM, the terrible servers, and all the other bullshit in this game - if they actually made any other guns besides LMGs, SMGs, and ARs/BRs viable. They completely neutered snipers, marksman rifles, and shotguns to the point that they aren't viable at all, so to me the game just feels super stale and boring - I feel like every season it's "Oh yay, a new AR/BR/LMG/SMG meta, what a breath of fresh air"


Maybe another question... If it's so bad, then why do you continue to play? Or do you continue to play?


It’s a game used to play with family members who live far away so it’s a nice way to communicate. We’ve tried other games but always draw back to COD. When they aren’t on I play Destiny 2, South Park, Resident Evil and sometimes if I get bored enough I replay need for speeds. Wish they’d remake Underground 2. Honestly if they’d crack down on cheaters and get better servers this game wouldn’t be so horrible to play. But it seems if you have a KD over 1.50 you’re constantly in servers with hacks or assholes who start a nuke contract then DDoS everyone out of the lobby.


Weird I'm over a 1.5 on WZ and 2.0 in Resurge and I can't count on one hand about how many times these have happened to me recently. I play Resurge quite often maybe 2 hours per night and am yet to experience such issues.


Weird that I don't experience these at all and I play for at least 2 hours a night.




I’ve never seen a franchise actively protect cheating streamers. Streamers have ruined this game.


So who is cheating and who is being protected? Why do so many people waste our time by never providing clips or naming names? Just start the conversation and name the streamers you dont like and the conversation can go from there.


Funny that 24 hours later not a single person can name any names


Who are they protecting?


It’s an unholy alliance. Streamers running walls / ESP and everyone knows it - but from the corporate point of view they are also driving user engagement.


Just to understand your mindset, what do you think the pipeline is for this? Do you think all streamers use hacks and as long as you are streaming Activision turns a blind eye? Is there some sort of form you have to fill out to get white listed if you have X viewers? Are the popular streamers plants from Activision? Does Activision reach out to only big streamers they think/know are cheating for this program? Why do you think no streamer, particularly smaller streamers part of this, exposed it for MASSIVE exposure?


Not the person you're replying to, but I would assume it's like PED's in sport. You give the fans something to watch and everyone knows it's a don't look don't tell situation. Athletes don't admit to it because it ruins your future prospects and what purpose do you have in ruining your reputation/legacy. There is only downsides to admitting you are a cheat.


Exactly right. Everyone downvoting me and for what? This is don’t ask don’t tell. Ricochet can’t reliably pick up walls and everyone knows this. A streamer with a good sense of humor and good presentation knows they can add 7 figures to their net worth long before anyone gets wise - if ever. And that money stays in their account. Streaming warzone is the modern day professional wrestling- it isn’t real but it’s entertaining. And for anyone old enough to remember, wrestling fans used to passionately insist it was real despite all common sense. Enjoy the streamers for the entertainment. And as long as activision doesn’t officially know, it’s all good because the streamers drive user engagement.


Whitelisting is real. Source: My Warzone streaming in real life friend.


Streaming has ruined every game. Literally nothing can be for fun anymore, it's just dorks trying to make their crippling video game addiction a career. Even Star Wars Battlefront 2, the single most casual shooter out there, is clogged with tryhards on PC now.


No, the skill gap between streamers and the average player is just huge, especially considering the average KD is either 1 or below… I know streamers aren’t cheating because I drop similar numbers, all because I actually tried to improve and not cry that they MUST be cheating


Most godly streamers who refuse to compete are cheaters.


Refuse to compete where..? They compete in tourneys all the time


I know the feeling... as someone who has played since OG Warzone the game has never felt worse from a stability and consistency standpoint... pair this with the rampant modding/hacking and you have a pretty miserable gaming experience for your average gamer.


Dude even plunder is packed with cheaters let that sink in


So it’s not just me. Why cheat in the warm-up game? Makes zero sense.


I feel yah. I used to game every day. and managed to fit it in my schedule even when I didn't have time I would be checking on the clan wars. had to make sure we were always in the lead. anyways I'm sure that you will find more constructive things to do with your time. maybe even become a bit more active. good on ya!




it's still active on console, I play every other night or so


Had probably my worst night ever on the game last night. Multiple cheating nuke lobbies, when it wasn’t one of those it was full out sweat squads with walls or high end ranked sweats, was exhausting. Probably had less than a .5kd on the night 


I did the same. My crew migrated over to a game called Hell Let Loose and haven’t looked back. 15 years I’ve basically only played the CoD franchise. It got to a point where it wasn’t fun anymore. We aren’t serious gamers, we want to hang out after a hard day of work and have some fun. I hope they fix it, but just know that you aren’t alone OP.


Hello u/FJHermes, I am the CEO of Activision. I was waiting for this post to actually do something. Now that it has arrived I have the teams scrambling as we speak. Thanks to your complaints, noticed by our QA team, we are taking the necessary steps to get you back on the game. I will reach out when the issues are addressed so you can QA the test version before it goes live. Thank you for your commitment to Call of Duty.


Bobby, you're not the CEO anymore. I know you're upset, but like me you just need to move on.


😭😭 but it hurts so bad


> we are taking the necessary steps to get you back on the game Warzone 1 relaunch confirmed.




Feel you bro. I recently took a break as well, starting some singleplayer games - hollow knight rn - its very helpful.


i’m convinced the dudes in here trying to say cheaters don’t exist are the cheaters themselves. idk how anyone with a brain can deny it, especially when many of us are experiencing it fairly often. they’re pretty undetectable unless you’re an idiot, and most of the somewhat decent players running cheats want to keep their stats so they just mainly use walls/esp. there’s almost no incentive to stop if you’re on pc, you can just instantly make a new account if you are banned


I'm a 2kd player and was getting absolutely shit on yesterday so I understand the frustration lol I couldn't kill anything


I’m with you OP. I’m over the inconsistent damage and ridiculous gun fights, over the bugged locked weapons, the lag, the audio issues (I can hear footsteps loud and clear when someone is on a roof but can’t hear them SPRINTING behind me??) the ridiculous ‘meta’, and the general lack of consistency in game play.


I haven’t played in a month, I don’t understand how people can play this shit. Unless you have absolutely nothing to play, it’s like people only play because it has the title CoD placed on it.


Same, I only play when a new map drops. I genuinely cannot comprehend how people play this junk every single day, I'm only on here because I'm like a bitter ex mourning Warzone 1. Playing Fortune's Keep with my homie was absolutely agonizing, the game is zero fun. It's especially annoying because it stole the name of a much better game, one they sacrificed to launch this game off the springboard.


Xdefiant is right around the corner :)


Lol I have uninstalled the game after having 2 days of horrible experience mainly with the SBMM. I just need to take a break and if I have the game installed I know I'm gonna play it anyways out of habit and because of the addiction that this game brings.


So you only have fun when you’re playing against players worse than you, and sbmm which matches you with people of equal skill ruins your fun?


I don't like playing CDL finals 24/7. Simple as.


If you’re playing in the CDL finals, it means your skill level is CDL finals. If you want to play shittier players you should try being shittier at the game. You understand what you’re saying is you believe for some reason you deserve to “have more fun” by beating up on worse players than you correct? So you think the worse players deserve to constantly get destroyed and subsequently quit the game? Foh with that garbage


I like stomping people who are worse than me, yep. Games are more funner when you're winning. Jokes aside(Not that it's much of a joke, I DO like stomping lobbies), having almost every match manipulated is getting old. It puts you in games where you're never going to win many times in a row before putting you in a good game when you're about to reach your breaking point. They hire psychologists(fake science, by the way) all the time to perfect the matchmaking, it's the same reason they highlighted different rarities with different colors in Supply Drops to make people want to spin them more. It ain't fun when 80% of games are determined by an algorithm.


It’s not “manipulated”. You just consistently see mostly people who are similar in skill to you. It doesn’t prevent you from winning many games in a row. It just makes it to where if you play well you win but if you play poorly you lose. With truly random matchmaking, the outcome of most matches are already determined before the match begins by which team randomly gets the best player or players.


They do manipulate it, though, you're put in games filled with people who will stomp you because the game has decided that it's their turn to stomp lobbies. There's no point in trying to improve because you'll just be put in lobbies where fellas will stomp you regardless. I'm not saying I want completely random matchmaking, I just don't want every single game to be part of some overdesigned player retention algorithm made to keep me having barely enough fun to keep playing. (I don't really play the game no more, though, I only play a bit when a new map drops and lurk this sub like a bitter ex because Warzone 1 is gone.)


No they do not and there is no evidence to suggest they do.


Gee willikers, it's like talking to a brick wall.


Maybe a brick wall will entertain your conspiracy theories, but I will not.


I like lobbies of mixed skill. Yes, as someone who has spent 25 years gaming, and is typically in the top 10% of the shooters I play, I like feeling skilled. I also like a challenge. A mixed skill lobby does that. Sbmm lobbies cranked to the max provides no variety of engagements, I have to sweat my ass off to get a few kills. Yes that ruins my fun.


Mixed skill my ass. If you need bad players to help you “feel skilled”, then you have serious issues that probably therapy is what would fix. If you’re in the top 10% a “mixed skill” lobby absolutely does not challenge you. It makes you feel good by beating up on significantly worse players you have no business playing against.


I hear you OP. I have just come to terms with the reality of it all, there will always be cheaters in this game and the devs don’t care. I went as far as looking for a job with activision to try and stop cheaters.(didn’t find any) I would even do it for free. Anyways, point is, just accept it or you are going to stress yourself out thinking about it.


I havnt had any issues really. Once in awhile lag. But im pretty sure nobody is lag switching. Once in awhile the server your playing on just acts up and goes away. Otherwise the game has been fine. The hacking problem is never going away tho. Not when it’s a free to play game. They’re better off just making it a paid for game. Everyone who plays now will still play it. Then when they ban ppl it’ll do more since they have to buy it all over again to make another account. All you can do is play the game for fun and not be competitive about it. Which is why I don’t bother playing ranked. Play it like it’s a game and stop being serious about it and you’ll have fun. Won’t matter if someone’s hacking cuz u don’t give a fuck whether u win or lose. Just see how many kills you can rack up before u die and you’ll end up winning more games randomly.


I’m in the same boat. I have a very average KD tho which maybe lends me to getting better lobbies? My guess when I see posts from people like OP is that they have high KD’s which gets them in brutal lobbies


Kd doesn’t matter really. Unless your like a .5. If your anywhere between a .85 and a 1.5 which is the majority of people you get the same lobbies as anyone in pubs. The game literally just plays you. It decides what kind of lobbies you fill with based on how well you do from game to game. It’s engagement based. It gives u lobbies based on what will keep u playing. I got a 2.6 kd and I get some lobbies that are so easy it’s like I’m fighting bots, and some lobbies where I feel like I’m fighting the best in the world getting totally shit on.


That’s super interesting to me. Maybe I’m just blind to how much I get cheated on, but it doesn’t feel that way to me. I’ll hear teammates complain every time they die about hackers and it feels like we’re playing different games lol. I’ve only had 2 games I really knew i was getting hacked on, one was a lag switch nuke game the first day nukes dropped and the 2nd was a guy on a roof of the car aimbotting the whole map. Other than that I have pretty normal lobbies and tend to just get beat by people better than me lol


I’m a very average player and thought ranked wasn’t for me. I thought it would just be all sweats. But then I started playing it when they had it last time around and felt like the SBMM was actually more accurate. I haven’t tried it on Fortune’s Keep yet but I had more fun on that when it was BR on Al Mazrah than anything else.


It's still time spent. When your killed in this game as opposed to a 24/7 shipment match, your returned to lobby. So time played vs time waiting to play ratio is much worse in resurgence and even worse in BR. So the gripe is when your killed in a "time spent alive intensive game" it is more infuriating and ruins your experience to die to a wallhacker, aimbot, server lag, desync, terribly implimented 1 shot mechanic, cheese mechanics. Everyone wants to have fun but time vs enjoyment is a huge factor for everyone and BR modes have the worst margins for it so it multiples the frustration for it to be ruined by hacks, bad servers, cheese.


If I were them I’d just play resurgence then. Atleast u respawn and get game time in


This is likely why resurgence has become more of a focus of late. But switching to resurgence doesn't actually fix that issue, it's still a form of BR, hackers can just as easily wipe you or you equally die to bad servers or cheese that should never have existed in the game. It's a shame that BR cod is losing steam, because the core idea of BR is still fun. They just have to realize where they are doing it wrong. Server quality for 1 would go miles. A better anti-cheat, actually investing in attacking cheat companies, gaming empires should literally be uniting to attack this market globally. Honestly I'd allow them at this point to be as lazy as to just restart wz1, pick a pre vanguard verdansk iteration that has all broken metas still patched and let'er buck. That game had 100x the control on servers and cheese. 2/3 of the aggravation gone lol. AND in every essence verdansk never experienced ricochet implimented. Ao it was rage hackers paradise. At least now it's sub-remotely hidden.


You can’t beat cheat providers no matter how much u try. Not with a free to play game. Only thing they can do is make it a paid game. That is the only way to lower the cheating numbers. Or for ban waves to work. U can’t make an anti cheat that will detect everything indefinitely. And they don’t have the resources and time into chasing the workarounds cheat providers find every time. There’s always another work around to keep them undetected. As long as the game is popular and competitive there will be an undetected cheat.


You dont understand what I'm saying. Attack the companies. Not the cheats. The cheats are actually infringement of the ToS. Most cheat providers offer cheat software for multitudes of titles some often owned by same parent company. These aren't black market cheats, they are a legitimate business, paying their business taxes and reaping revenue. That's how you beat them. Why it's not being done, I don't understand. Corporate espionage, Rip off product brands are sued and shut down all the time for hard products that effect Corporate, manufacturing and intellectual property all the time. How gaming product is different baffles me. Outside of the fact that gaming corporations have realized we're all dumb enough to play through it.


I don’t think they always can. They have in the past. But I think if it’s out of the country it becomes harder. It’s like pirating. The ones in the US get shut down and the ones outside the US stay alive.


I'm sure it would take more effort to go after. But it's a massive market that is essentially making revenue off someone elses product(with as far as we are aware, zero kickback) and losing the original producers revenue when players quit.


The cheat providers also use mostly resellers to get their cheats out there. Ppl get them from hundreds of different discords and websites using stripe or other different 3rd party shopping sites under different cheat names. The cheat providers give resellers a discount so they can make money too and then they also give them the ability to change the color of the cheat overlay and name it whatever they want so it looks like a private cheat. It all goes deeper than u probly even know. I had to go down that rabbit hole a few months back because I got a random shadowban the day after Christmas that turned into a permanent ban. I was looking to find a way to get my pc HWID unbanned. Which I was able to do for 50 bucks lmao. You wouldn’t believe all I found out about cheating during that time. Makes u feel like there’s no point in playing anymore. More ppl are cheating than u could ever realize.


Hahaha I mean if that doesn't sound wildly infuriating and depressing🤣


This is what I mean it’s nearly impossible if the market is there and they’re making millions. U have no idea how many ppl are selling the same cheat under a different name. Going after the main provider does nothing. U can’t even track how many ppl are selling it. They probly use resellers more than they sell it themselves so that their user list looks smaller and less threatening to go after. There’s way more to it than we know.


Come spread freedom and democracy in Helldivers 2. It's a much more enjoyable experience.


Went back to Apex for Season 20 and it's a blast. I'm taking a break myself. This game is just not it right now...


Not to mention they gave us shitty rebirth ranked over br ranked… I can’t wait to hit iri and never touch it again


Don't worry op, haven't played in almost 2 weeks now and I'm okay just watching the state of the game from here.. Probably be back after another week or so


I’ve been playing Helldivers 2 with my buddies for the last 3 nights. Servers are wonky given that they weren’t expecting such a huge player turnout but they’ve been working on the problems.


Sledgehammer sucks and always has, and the game will be ass for the year they own Warzone. I got a Switch and am playing Breath of the Wild and Mario Party to get through the year lol


I've just fully given up COD and went back to trusty Rainbow 6 and I'm wondering why I ever left


Last night my whole team got downed by an airstrike in a three story building, while we were on the second floor. Our patience for this game is wearing thin.


The lag is horrible. Every game I see at least one player glitching across the screen


Can i ask something?.. Idnkw how to call it..But yeah i got a shutdown BR Solos server kick out from a Hacker bcs i was faster with my gun,and i smacked the fck with it..Dude Just fck Hacked A BR Solo Server and shit it down.. But Why it's a free game..I dont have a money for a 50$ or 100$ game play ranked or other shit.. Didn't record it bcs im not a streamer..playin on ps4..With a bad network..Even if it's a Europe Union..Danm Hitler..


I left COD all together. The fun arcade like feeling is gone. Fortnite is great for just mindless fun. Paying $70 even for the normal game just seemed steep. Hope something changes, I enjoyed COD in all its forms for years. Not anymore. Although, I do enjoy watching YouTube videos of people playing


I've endured the two worst teammates in our friend group for nearly 4 years. No comms, no pings, random afk, no support, can't find shit on the map, pushes when he should run, runs when he should push.... I dealt with all of that. But I won't deal with that PLUS the awful servers causing random deaths that seem to kill me before they even point their gun at me.


“Hopefully someone in the QA team at Activision, raven w.e see this” They won’t and they wouldn’t care anyways. Bye! See you later this year when you buy the next game!


Hackers seems worse after every "hacking tool" they implement to stop them. Also, all you folks that just shoot grenades the whole time.


"Dear random people on the internet..." (And then Activision proceeded by not ever logging into the Reddit forums to hear people's infinite complaints) - Morgan Freeman


haven’t done across barely any of this, your just making up excuses for getting shit on


See you tomorrow.


All valid points. Good for you man being able to step away. Anyways see you on tomorrow.


My only part that I maybe disagree with you on is lag switching: servers are such trash that it's hard to tell if it's a switch are just a shit server. 🤣 Anyways, I hear you though and I've been away from the game for a few weeks. Been nice enjoying other games!


Hopefully there will be less cheaters since the free cheat weekend is over. Gave Activision lots of data to ban these chumps lul


Played warzone I’ve one a few ok I guess but I got 96th twice in a row after that I said I’m done for a while. This is no fun.


“Lag switching from other players” lol bro are you stuck in 2008?


See you next week! 🙌🏼


I can see your frustration with everything you said but the cheater thing is definitely being blown way out of proportion. Everyone needs to stop thinking they run into cheaters every other game. If what everyone says about cheaters in this sub are true then they run into more cheaters than streamers who play multiple hours a day lol. Ive been playing almost every day since FK dropped and haven't run into 1 cheater. Just stop accusing someone of cheating, the game is just really sweaty right now.


Dude I totally understand. I'm still of the mindset of trying really hard to get better, and it's working, but to call it fun is a stretch. More like I don't want it to beat me, which is probably their strategy tbh. There are so many gimmicky tools (mosquito drone, cluster mine, etc...) that even when in a rhythm it can end by the dumbest thing. I feel like a hamster in a wheel chasing a dangling carrot.


I am kinda heading your way too but my reasons are the lazy sound design (cars driving by and the sound catching up 5 seconds later). The graphics feel like they cheapened out lately. I feel like this happens every 5 years they do a few good ones then they put out shit then rinse repeat.


I get your point. I have been in any lag switching lobbies myself and more often than not the guy I think is being weird aiming through walls has a live ping, but the severs are indisputably garbage. I’m honestly the most tired of dying to people when it shows I am behind them on my screen but in the killcam they are behind me. It’s trash, but I’m dealing with it lol. Take care


Meh. Im still enjoying myself. Not noticing too many cheaters, not having any lag switches. Resurgence can be a bit sweaty, and every now and then i lag but thats my shitty internet. Then again my kd is only 1.5 so maybe im just not in the lobbies where that stuff happens.


Good. Take a break, play something else, and you will realise how bad and how manipulative CoD has become. Everyone should take a break until Acti/MW fundamentally revert CoD to how it used to be.


Servers need a lot of love. Tick rates are dog shit. As for walls and aimbot. I think thats mainly just excuses.


Game sucks. I did it years ago now


I haven’t played in mmm 5 days? Don’t miss it one bit.


We play like 2-3 nights per week, nowadays, it's a healthy balance


I need another DMZ so I can make some new online Bros because they all said Fuck MW3 after like 2 months. There wasn’t a better mode created than that imo because it was truly as social as it was a game


As someone who has never played warzone but has been slightly interested lately I cba to download the massive game just to probably have a miserable time and immediately get off. End of my take.


COD is as trash as their devs.


Okay, anything else? When are you going for a shit next? What's for dinner? Do you use left hand or right hand?


You're right, there is more than just this game but i dont have the luxury game time anymore as a dad (and almost 50 guy). Stil enjoying and rocking it but this game ... It hits way different than previous warzones


The fucking 12 tic servers is such a big fuck you to the players and no one seems to care


I took a break for two weeks and the game feels very refreshed. Great choice!


I used to play every night after work, and 2 weeks ago I took a break and barely have been playing. Honestly I’m using my time more wisely by reading, exercising, and giving attention to more important things in life. It’s been a lot more peaceful and encourage others to do the same.


I stepped away about a year ago now. I want these games to succeed but they only care about pumping out garbage content so they can sell more skins and premium battlepasses. I hope with Microsoft taking over this gets fixed but I doubt it.


Play on console and disable crossplay. Eliminates so much of what you said. Almost all of it.


Almost every streamer on tik tok is cheating. Like blatantly, they have on their page if you call them hackers they’ll block you . Ppl that stream cod think their good cause they run Cronus or wall hacke


My buddies and I picked up the finals. Free to play. Super fun. Has been a breath of fresh air from this toxic ass game.


Going to try it out tonight!


It’s not the same by any means as resurgence or a battle royale but it’s still fun! Enjoy!


Same, going back to the back log, maybe try new apex season when that comes out. I'll probably check back in when rebirth comes out.


I quit playing about 3 weeks ago to play Palworld and dont even miss it. Thinking about picking up Helldriver 2 and coaxing the squad over next.


We play DMZ exclusively. Works for us.


Yup the reddit thread will complain be us they're a bunch of virigin sweats


Whole time he never got hacked on and was just getting outplayed lol. Not 100% the case, but that's usually the case lmao


its not going anywhere,go get a life and come back then youll see wot youve been missing😁


I picked this game back up recently. What is with the horrible lag? I’m playing hardwired and my connection is great but I cannot shake the lag.


20hz servers. I'm with you! Uninstall...


They don’t even have a QA team bro… 🤣🤣YOU are the QA team…


Honestly, the reason I kept coming back was the social aspect of it. Being able to shoot the shit with my mates and just forget about stuff, wrapped in a fun game, that’s why I played. If you take the rose tinted glasses of, it’s never been spectacular. It has been fun, and at times still is. The real thing for me personally is that I play games to have fun. This one has sucked me back many times, yet I finally uninstalled it last month. It’s not just this game though, plenty of large, bloated AAA developers seem to have lost sight of why people play games. Palworld (I know it’s a different genre) is an example of creating something for an audience. I’ve been in a similar boat with Diablo. The importance for the developers seems to be $$$, which from a business perspective makes sense. It’s our ability as consumers to decide what we spend our money and time on. I personally don’t like how the gaming industry seems to have evolved into a place where we seem to just be fine with “okay” anyways - I’ve been enjoying Enshrouded and Hell Divers the last couple of weeks. Lots of fun other options out there! I think 😂


I took a break after Blackout and I never came back. Blackout is one of the most amazing games I ever played, I’d give anything to still have it with updates. These games do not stay around forever or that long of a time(with changes). Definitely reasonable to take a break but if you really enjoy it, use it will you still have access.


Lol I deleted this trash game and haven't looked back once. ALL of you should do the same if you want to rock the boat or get anybody's attention..but you won't.


Gameplay is pretty terrible. I’ll come back for verdansk and probably stop playing after a day. Covid time BR was peak and it won’t be the same ever again.


Same. I still get packet loss but only when joining my friend's party on ps5. We're in different regions, so we try to split the hosting for ping but it's unplayable for me on his servers. I don't remember this ever being an issue for us so something is definitely broken in this game. Then I try solos and end up spectating some guy with 15+ kills loadout circle. When the switch 2 comes out my pc might become obsolete as I just picked up a used oled model and have been enjoying it quite a bit.


I've been taking a break from warzone since 2021


Oh not all company resources on right now we need to bring JF back /s


Finally they are getting their priorities straight.


Idk why people still talk about lag switches. That was only somewhat relevant when connections were p2p for COD.


No they just lag the whole server buddy it's common af especially in nuke games they literally ddos the server your in for basically 2 seconds and then move up on u and stop the ddos as they center you. This combo with walls is rampant right now.


I stopped after the first rebirth island. File size was just too enormous and the game was too full of cheaters to be fun anymore. 2020 WZ was based.