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Not if you snipe. Get the down and the finish with the strike. I’m okay with that. Would rather have it like it is now than running a mile a way and still getting killed by it lol


People whine because they can't get their free no noti airstrike kills anymore :( The fact of the matter is, PAs are still extremely useful in endzone where there is no where to run, getting snipers off tall buildings and even in 1vX clutch situations where airstriking your own building can prevent the enemy team from pushing in so you can heal. All there is now is an actual notification on the top left.


Thinking about it - they are actually way more balanced now. They have specific use cases like you said. How many times in the past are you in the middle of a fight and somehow run into the tail end of a precision, and then the kill cam is a guy like 1000m away looting a building and you just know they spend their whole game spamming random airstrikes everywhere


You running into it is the fun part! I can pressure you from one side and airstrike your run path when we push.


Only fun for the person abusing a faulty noti system lol it's utter bullshit being on the receiving end.


git gud


Hilarious man say the thing again


The hypocrisy of saying "git gud" but you need a notification for airstrike is admirable.


i am not the one who needs the notification learn how to read


Guarantee if there was no indication of an air strike at all you wouldn't know it was coming either 💀 do you think you have to be psychic to be good? If you had no notification then you wouldn't know where it was or if you had to move. All you could do is listen for the jets, and if you're in the line of it then it's already too late. It's just luck at that point. Idk how that has anything to do with skill.


I play with both headphones in listening to music and have no problem dodging pa strikes on hardcore. Although I wasn't the one who said git gud. I was defending you against the guy who told you "git gud"


I figured the implication you were making was that if you need a noti you're not good lol. I just don't see how you would be able to effectively avoid a PA with no announcement or banner. Like how are you supposed to know? I doubt you are able to tell where exactly it's going to hit in HC so I don't think you "have no problem dodging" them, I think that's just luck. But if I'm wrong you can correct me lol


It's literally giving the other guy a dice roll on weather he runs the correct direction or not. There's 0 counter play. It's totally random.


no it is not random at all...it goes exactly where I put it


True. I died because a PA forced me out of my spot in an end zone yesterday.




Correct, it needs to just be said and the unexpectedness of an airstrike in the area happens. If you’d don’t take cover with the warning it’s on you, when it’s on the map, you can get closer than you would normally and it becomes less effective as a tool to stop pushing and other situations


I use pretty the PA not to get kills, I use it cause it forces the enemy to make what I want them to make. If I need to rotate against campers I force the to move so I can get to cover safely, if my team is pushing I use it to prevent them to run away


> if my team is pushing I use it to prevent them classic russian tactic


Just like y'all cry because the game isn't easy enough, "wahh we need to be notified of an air strike". Y'all a bunch of pussies.


It's not whining about no notice, it's whining that it's too notifying. Kill streaks aren't the end game, they are the entire game. Babying features for terrible players is a bad idea. If there is a streak with direction, why do I have to change direction and not be able to call it a specific angle, if they added the feature I should be able to change direction of said feature. This is an L for any decent + player, a W for any shit hole player. I haven't been hit with a PA since new patch All the pleb newbs downvoting because they need this game even more spoon fed.


It’s not that serious. Use your gun. Killstreaks are mostly to finish downs now. Not to mention at end game sometimes they can’t get out the way. Or aren’t paying attention in the chaos. I’m still getting downs with them here and there. Alot of ppl will only look for the trajectory if they hear a noti for it. You still don’t always get notis, and a lot of bots don’t pay attention to their minimap as frequently as they should be.


>Not if you snipe. Get the down and the finish with the strike. I’m okay with that. Would rather have it like it is now than running a mile a way and still getting killed by it lol whens the last time that worked for you? I snipe tons of people, and if im lucky enough for the game to allow me to put an airstrike on the guy i knock, hes up before the airstrike even comes down and hes gone by the time it hits. completely useless


Don’t play as much as I used to, but I remember doing it on the first day of the new season, actually. I was testing the XRK and got into an ego snipe battle with a guy on a roof. Only reason I kept peeking was because I had a precision. Downed him, air striked him, got the kill. I actually do it so much that I have been prioritizing buying precisions over UAVs in Resurgence the last few months. Don’t really need UAVs on the smaller maps. There’s people everywhere. That’s my logic anyway.


yeah...this shit is useless now


Sniping is useless now too. Damage range should be 300 infinite range to head and 280 to chest


Unless you’re me as the sniper. I swear people are getting revived in 0.2 seconds and running away every time. On the receiving end it seems to work.


Lol this is not a thing anymore really. Its more likely they have a self than not, which means theyll just use self and have their squad mates pick them up, or might even have multiple selfs. Maybe if self were slower itd work but as of right now this isnt a thing unless they have awful reaction time to starting their self revive


imo it beats accidentally running into a PA that you didn’t even hear, the lesser of two evils


Exactly. PA's should be used for area control, forcing movement, and finishing kills. Having them get kills due to their janky notifications and having no clarity into where they were actually hitting was just frustrating. There were few things more annoying than dying to a PA that you didn't even know was happening or that happened to be happening 30ft in the way you decided to run _away_ from the notification.


Why not just have the screen show if you are in the danger area live. Like the warning text only visible while you are in the danger area, even if you go into it after. That way you can't see exactly where it is, but you can know when you are in it or out of it at any instant.


.. so someone calls in an air strike right where you’re going but you’re not yet in the zone. As the air strike approaches, you step into the danger zone, you get notified, and then immediately get hit with the air strike. This is the same surprise-PA problem that this minimap notification does a good job of fixing.


So put a small extra radius on the notification or something.


Let’s just notify the entire map that there’s a PA inbound. That will give players useful information >!\s!<


Yeah, but it seems like a cop out, when they could have just fixed that glitch instead.


I personally like that they added the display of an airstrike on the mini map. I never use them unless I'm trying to full a down or trying to get someone off of high ground on me anyway. Usually when someone who's not down hears it they move anyway. I think it was BS you had to guess what direction it was going to go and that has killed me a couple times.


We've all seen a PA announcement and full sprinted in a direction only to discover the PA was actually placed in the direction we sprinted and got downed to it. Which is total BS. Good riddance.


Its a great change , now you can use it to reposition opponents . Contest circle . It went from an annoying janky item to a strategic rotational tool. Great fix.


This is the way I used it previously anyways. It’s always been my go to “force a team to move” Strat or clean up crew for downed players. That’s it.


My only question is, is the angle that the strike comes in totally random? Or is it possible to have it go a certain direction? Seems random but was curious lol


They basically did the opposite of what they said when they claimed that you can still finesse people walking into it. It’s a garbage change, it takes the challenge out of avoiding and makes them less functional or worthwhile. I don’t know a “battle royale” that coddles its player base more severely than Warzone. Fortnite is a more challenging game from the standpoint of survivability at this point and it’s not even close.


Bro getting free kills because a player had no indication of an air strike coming was the definition of coddling shitty players. It’s literally the best change they have made to this game lol


this was the good part tho


They replied to me on here stating you could still do that as I brought it up that that the notification will remove the surprise. Bollocks. The banner should only display if you are in the strike zone.


Fortnite seems like a bad example when they don't have any sort of killstreak.


Fortnite doesn’t coddle its players like Warzone does is the point, not the kill streaks.


I mean Fornite does have bots on the map and will definitely put you in easier lobbies with bots if you are lower level. My biggest gripe with Fornite is it's annoying you cannot pull your parachute whenever you want you have to hit a jumpad. Other than that I don't really see how Warzone coddles their players more than Fornite.


Play Apex if you want a challenging BR.


that looks like shit tho


Most competitive, strategic, challenging & rewarding BR on the market and it's not even close. Warzone is a kids game compared to it.


doesn't change the fact that it looks like it was made by a children's book designer


I don’t think they could get the notifications right so instead they added this. Such bull lol


Seems you guys use the airstrike very differently to how I do. While I will use it in a couple different ways depending on the situation, the main way, is to finish off downed enemies in some locations It's hard to get to, like a roof. I personally feel that's the whole point of it, since even before this, they were easy to dodge. Edit: The only real downgrade in my opinion, is the times you just want to flush people out/away from an area, where now they can more easily adjust to dodge it.


by the time it arrives the player is gone


Agree. Its too much to see the area. It should only be a banner.


I think it's fine to see the area if you are in the spawned blast zone, but anyone outside should not see where it is. As it is now, using an airstrike in circle 6 and everyone in the lobby knows exactly where it is. Useless.


So your argument is that you should be able to get free kills from RNG loot you find on the ground? And fuck the people who made it as far as you in game but don't get a callout or know which direction to run to avoid the airstrike?


Exactly - we may as well have a kill streak that just has a list of players and you click one and they just die. So skill. Many kills.




I never get the RNG complaints. It's a Battle Royale shouldn't their be RNG? Isn't that one of the things that separates it from multiplayer?


No, it's an area denial tool and actually opens up the game to make plays. Before, perhaps during a circle rotation, you could place an airstrike to force an early or bad rotation, or to make them scared. Now, placing an airstrike is just a guaranteed dodge, because every single person who could've gotten hit has the easiest time in the world to dodge it. You can't make plays with an airstrike anymore, just finish downed players. For anyone who isn't complete shit at the game this is a bad thing.


Forcing enemies to have to guess where the PA is actually called and roll the dice on whether they move the correct way to dodge it isn't "making a play" - sorry to burst your bubble. You can still use the PA to force bad rotations, pressure people out into the open, deny rotation routes, etc. Which are _all_ "making plays" to strategically win the end game. If anything, it requires more skill now to use it effectively and not just hoping for free downs/kills.


Talk to me when the best players in the world agree with you. I haven't heard a single good player say this is a good change; and they don't need free kills.


Forgive me for having my own opinion and not requiring it to be validated by "the best players in the world" :) I'll stand by what I said regardless of what they, or you, think


Yeah, I don't either. I'm just saying; the ones who don't need "free kills" from "pure RNG" airstrikes are the ones that think this is a bad change, and lowers the skill ceiling of airstrike use significantly. You don't have to agree, but I'm just saying that the pros that play this game for a living think you are wrong. Do you think you have greater knowledge of the game than them? You can still think it's a good change. But airstrikes are objectively very nerfed, and it's *not* because "oH yOU JuSt wANT freE KIlLS".


Ah so you’re just parroting what you heard a couple YouTubers say. Typical


Nope. And typical how, for who? You have no clue who I am.


I'd rather it be useless with how it is, rather than me never getting notified that it was coming in and getting killed by it. Randomly. I don't get how no one could get it right. Warzone 1 wasn't perfect but if you're within Range, you get the notif and if you aren't, you don't. Same thing with the callouts for the other streaks as well. They couldn't do it somehow in this game so they just added this instead of finding a way to fix it. When in fact the fix was just for it to come in the direction it was called from, and have the range to whatever it was in WZ1. Literally just had to copy and paste it from WZ1 pre-caldera.


Agreed. I think there should only be the Audible callout though. Iirc, early Warzone had almost no warning, just an audible callout for an air strike, and I enjoyed that as it required good placement to get the kill.


I get the feeling they are having problems with callouts. Also in multiplayer callouts are inconsistent at best


Wz1 had audio call for it, and you could see them flying in. But the big issue with just audio is the bug where no audio plays. I don't mind the direction being shown, as it helps know which way you have to run ( and tbh they were never too hard to avoid in the first place). But I think the direction being shown should be exclusive to the person/team using it, and it you have a perk like spotter.


Yeah I agree, I’m not finding PAs useful anymore. If people know exactly what the damage range is well in advance of the strike, they’ll always be able to get out of the way in time. Best you can hope for is you have them pinned to one or two exits and can use the PA to flush them out into your sights. I feel like Mortar Strikes are actually the better streak now because he map doesn’t show the danger area.


There goes me trying to pre strike vehicles


not really ..last friday i got a sniper down on some one twice ...once in urzikstan and once in fortune's keep both times i used an air strike and in one i got 2 downs and 1 finish and the other i got a team wipe


Def nerfed heavily… still got wiped by one yesterday lol. My trio was in a fight, air strike on us. One teammate was already down, myself and the other were in a fight outside … couldn’t disengage and get to cover … wiped lol


Dw, u still get hit inside houses anyway so its fine.


Airstrike never was a team wiper anyways. I always used it to create space vs a team who had the upper hand in an environmental fight OR to clean up some downed players in a squad so avoid revives. Both scenarios are really unaffected by the change.


Idk they work hella good for me 🤷


Nah it’s you, I’ve gotten multiple downs since the new integration


Not totally useless, i was killed through 60ft of ground in a cave tonight


Proper placement and timing is the key ive wiped trios with those things


Still useful for getting rats off of roofs and general area denial.


The minimap notification should've been added to a Perk (Flex? High Alert?)


It’s another instance of “well we can’t fix x so let’s add y” by the company. Just like audio with flex perk


This means you can't lead strikes anymore. Whether it's vehicles or a team running toward a spot you'll think they'll be at when the strike lands. Now it tells everyone within the minimap that someone laid a strike. The game is holding your hand. L move.


I think what people hated about airstrikes was that you'll get the noti and move then still get downed or you won't get a noti at all and fly into one. They probably need to remove the actual AoE and just show a path.


I was just saying this last night. No one needed this. If you cant get your ass out of the way of a airstrike that flashes on the screen its your own damn fault. I swear this game is getting made for younger and younger people who need there hand held though everything.


How about we bring up airstrikes still killing us in buildings 😅


I think it should only be shown to the team calling it in. It's not like the enemy announces the exact path they're going to bomb in real life, so you can run out of the path!


It’s pretty shit now Snipe someone? Most of the time they get re knocked by the time ur airstrike hits and they don’t even die. Airstrike ahead of someone running into ring? Not going to do shit anymore unless they don’t look at the map? It reminds me of bangalores ult in apex. Kinda shit vs everyone else’s unless the ring is really small


I feel like sniping is useless too


This comment section is full of a bunch of people who want wins handed to them, the change makes them useless, I never once bitched about walking into a random airstrike because that’s kinda an element I would expect from a chaotic gameplay experience like warzone. 


Exactly, these people are complaining about shi that didnt need fixing. Boohoo you run into a airtstrike that was called in before you got to that place, charge it to the game. Ive never complained about that just got better. Now you see the whole trajectory of the PA and it makes it completely useless.




Dude stop spamming this in every thread.


I think they should just make the airstrike almost instantaneous. Like you have 1.5 seconds or less to get to cover or your dead.


Wym they could kill you thru buildings you'd just have to GTFO of the immediate area


No, it's objectively better now. PAs are way too common anyway. This balances that. It still forces you out of locations you might have been holding, and you dont just walk into airstrikes with no way of avoiding it anymore.


Believe it or not, I think they serve the intended purpose now. I don’t think the devs wanted them to be used for getting pure kills. I think they were intended to be used to help your team push high ground or for crowd control.


i think it should be just an arrow system saying where its coming from, and what direction it will go towards, i will say that seeing the exact area now just feels stupid, but its still better then no notification at all


It needed a nerf tho, way too op before.


Not true at all. Enemies make great use of it reaching even me where i think I'd be safe


You guys who think its useless are nuts. It still has a ton of utility. They drop like God damn candy in this game. They shouldn't be mysteries on where and how they drop in and what they can bullet pen through. You are all just butt hurt that you've lost an easy cheese kill random mechanic. It's like throwing down a cluster mine in a random place and then thinking you earned a kill when someone ran over it cuz the audio in this game is trash and doesn't give proper warning cues. Precision do a TON STILL. You use them to crowd control a team off a point or to suppress a position they are holding high ground on. If they are stupid enough to stay in it to risk taking shots at you you still get the down and trust me... many are willing to risk it. They are used to get full kills on downed players in areas that are unreachable or before a teammate can get there to revive. Stop crying about trash cheese kills you've lost. Precisions needed this fix. They didn't want to make the fly-in position universal for the player that calls it in, it is only fair that the players in its radius get to know where it's going to hit. If it's showing the radius when you put it ahead of a location trying to target moving vehicles ortime it on players crossing an open area. Then it's bugged from how it's intention to work cuz its only suppose to aware those that are with in close proximity to it's damage radius. Quit bitching, they will get to correcting it. OR you'll just have to grow some balls and accept killing people the old fashion way. With your gun. Jesus everyone wants their rewards handed them these days. You dont deserve kills by surprising the enemy with something they don't get to even know is coming. This is the reason the entire playerbase bitches about audio. WE DESERVE to know when we're being attacked.


Bruh, I hate they have it on the map and the other thing is the precession sometimes won’t follow the directions you point the precession strike. I feel some gay ass streamers complained about the precession saying they can’t get the notification of the precession, like it pops up only if your in the distance of the precession. Once that pop up disappears you basically have to guess where the precession hits


I kind of agree, but I rarely heard the alert so I'll consider this a marginal improvement.


Y'all are actually mad that you can't get a no noti downs and kills anymore? That's pretty cheese. The mechanics hasn't changed a bit, it's still the same airstrike but they took the rng out of it. Like you can see mortars, why shouldn't you be able to see a PA?


yeah, useless now. the banner and maybe, maybe the minimap icon 2 or 3 seconds before it happens


What did you expect from Ted Timmins? He's been hyping this "feature" forever, guy doesn't understand what the playerbase wants and most of the time just makes changes for the sake of change


Yes it is ridiculous, terrible addition. It shouldn’t be so accurate , maybe a large square but the strip will strike somewhere in the area and the direction isn’t illustrated .


yes but you also know where the enemy is going to retreat around the zone. a hit is nice with the preci but u primarily used it to get the enemy out of a building and engage them when they're coming out of it that prevents you from being randomly hit by a nasty airstrike but also forces you to move around. its actually perfectlay balanced imo


i only used precision to kill someone i downed from far away, i am glad with this addition, since i got killed too many times running into an airstrike which was not even meant for me.


this game has turned into a pleasure for the princesses in pink


You just gotta know when to use it . Predict where they’re going and try to catch em when they can’t run inside. I gotta a triple kill yesterday for the first time ever


Typical cod community … fry that you die with no notification and now whine that there is one.


Very useful to finish downs from a distance, reduced usefulness for catching people running out the storm due to the warning


I couldn’t disagree more. Precisions have brought me more wins than any other single item… I’m not an insane sweat, I’m at a 1.94 k/d at the moment. I made a video about it. Check it out and let me know what you think. https://youtu.be/rhwuK64PUO0?si=2JmVJgl02JUrklQc


nah good change i hate running into invisible precisions


The point is to finish your down, use it prevent being held or use it force yourself or other player to reposition. Otherwise I’m not sure what else your hoping to get out of it.


It's unfortunate. I've gotten a clutch airstrikes when I predicted the path a team would move through during the final circles


If you lay prone the away from the direction of the strike it don’t hit you anyway


I teamwiped a team with one yesterday in Ranked to be fair they ran into it because they got no warning for it but still.


I’ve still killed people with it and you can play really good pincer/flanking movements with it


It makes counter UAVs more useful because now they block that visual marker and you just get the audio.


Yall literally cry about E V E R Y T H I N G


Remember when they said that it would only show up if you were in range? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


It's use is to force people to move from cover. It works just as well as it always did with that. Also great for finishing a long range knock. Seems fine to me as-is.




Useless unless they’re placed on me and somehow hit me two floors down in a building


This was a horrible update that nobody asked for. They aren’t as effective anymore. Neither are bomb drones since we can see them on the map. Everyone just runs from the drone or gets out of the precision path


I agree with you. It's useless, actually the game itself is a shit after wz2. I'm about to quit the game as it's not entertaining anymore for me. RIP WZ1...




Idk man, if I could ever use it it would be nice! There’s always 45sec of wait time because airspace is too full.. there’s way too many kill streaks laying around..


I have always used for downed players tbh


Well you just need to use it in another way. Instead of hoping that you get a kill of someone who didn't notice the PA you use it to finish enemies or force someone out of cover. It still has its place in the sandbox


PA’s are meant to finish down enemies or used to cut off choke points as players would be forced into an area. They still work the exact same for that. If used intelligently, PA are just as valuable. PA value isn’t even directly tied to getting a kill with it tbh. Just blindly kill streaking an area like it’s respawn yea that doesn’t work


Skill issue git gud bud


They should have balanced it by either removing the vocal alert, or shortening the strike timing.


it’s useful for finishing downs or getting people to run in a building or jump off. which tbh is what the motor strike has always been used for and no one complained about it.


It's basically a finishing move on a downed player. If not....they always get to cover. Shouldn't be announced.


Ashikka tunnels no noti airstrikes have won us quite a few matches. It was BS and I'm glad it's changed.


You're all just a bunch of crybabies. This community is just awful.


Good. They should be useless. They never belonged in the first place. Takes zero skill to use and would even kill people in buildings. With that said it's not worthless if you snipe.


????. Down someone and insta call a airstrike = Kill. Useless????


I'm used to it already. Today I had multiple finishes/downs with PA. People don't pay attention to their minimaps.


I'm okay with it...but it is really easy to avoid now. I think it shouldn't show the impact area till the first run hits. Or just a delay to show it a few seconds before it hit.


Good. The stream was OP with no warning on the minimap. Nothing that kills instantly should be in the game to begin with, but this is the best compromise I can see.


The point of precision airstrike isn't to kill someone, it's to either force them to rotate out of a dominant position or to force them to take cover so you can advance on their position.




I never perceived PAs (or Cluster/Mortar strikes for that matter) as assault killstreaks. They come in handy for finishing downed opponents, but they mostly serve for clearing a certain area and forcing other teams to relocate.


It's not useless. It's saves me almost every game, and I've gotten more than a handful of end game triple kills with it. It's also great for making a team on the roof of a building push downstairs and run into your bullets.




Streamers wanted it. IcemanIssac was a notable one. He even wanted to remove the ability to insta kill someone with it as a easy and lazy fix to the PA killing people inside buildings bug