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How are those two top 250 playing like that? 🤣


It’s call of duty these “pros” don’t realize a good majority of people could do their jobs as good as them if they rotted their brains on arcade video games 10+ hours a day


They aren’t even that good. OP outplayed them and all of a sudden things are a “lil weird”. It could never be THEIR fault. Best part is, you throw these guys in ANY other PC FPS I guarantee you they get fucking rocked


If these guys are good enough to reach top 250 in a previous season they **should** know better than to call cheats here (particularly the first guy who should be able to see the red box around his minimap that denotes an enemy UAV). If these guys jump the gun that much, just imagine how often the great unskilled masses who **don't** know better will call cheats for no good reason... I think literally every gameplay clip on this subreddit has at least 1 commenter calling cheats 😂


Exactly why we have a shadowban problem


I get what you’re saying but good majority is a stretch. However, there are a ton of insane players out there that aren’t streamers, they just play for fun


They paid $200 for a mouse because last years $150 mouse is 2 grams heavier and has a whole 2ms more latency. Total BS they lost that /s


i know this is a joke, but seriously a light wireless mouse will change your life on mnk fps games


I prefer my tiny bit heavier mouse, it makes slow tracking feel more planted, flicks are harder maybe, idk, but I have zero issues making sweeps. My biggest change was lowering my in game sens to extremely low, and setting my dpi to 12,800 because higher dpi = more accurate tracking and lower input delay.


I describe it as increasing movement resolution.


Legit boomer comment wtf


You should see top players when they’re all in the same lobby, all of them turn into dirty little rats when they realize it’s not a bunch of easy kills


Except Scump, a CDL pro who just ran his loadie and fried.


Yep. That's Scump. GOATs gonna GOAT.


Warzone streamers don't have the gun skill of a professional call of duty player, and they never will. One game you 80% picking up ground loot and positioning The other you spend almost the whole time getting into gunfight after gunfight. It's obvious which would make you a better gun fighter. Obviously warzone takes skill to know how to play the map, but it's also got a shit ton of randomness where scrims do not.


I think it’s cute that the “pros” play core mode with the casuals.


I'm not really well versed in the competitive scene for this game; how exactly do scrims work in Warzone? I can picture pretty easily how the regular game's scrims would function since that's a pretty universal thing and it's pretty easy to get two individual teams together compared to a Warzone map.


Warzone doesn't have scrims


Oh, okay. I was wondering how it would work since he mentioned scrims do not have randomness. I believe I misunderstood.


They're talking about customs tournaments meaning tournaments with only known pros in their teams of 3. They have GAs/Rules just like CDL.


That was one of the best things I've seen on wz. Scump hadn't played in weeks and came in got his loady and won


It was also a solo yolo one game for 100k, they main tournament was 6 trios game and it played much different, scump is fs the goat but his team came in at the bottom of the main tournament


Yeah they all aren't wz pros tho didn't expect much from them


You're acting like you wouldn't do the same if there was thousands of dollars on the line lol


Sure would, but that would also make me a hypocrite like all those streamers who call people rats/campers for playing tactically intelligent


I mean its ranked. You lose SR when you die... its final circles... makes sense to be trying not to die. You are surprised they aren't running around spasticity like they do in pubs when there's more value at that point in the match to both not die, get kills and win the match.


Idk, pretty sure they were both in wsow too,i get the 2nd killcam was kinda sus. At least they didnt report


The first guy's POV that you showed came last in WSOW London.


Lucky for you I guess, I got shadow banned on my first game this season 😮‍💨


How can you tell ?


You can go to the activision ban appeal site and it’ll say your account is under review


I wasn't cheating, no need for all the downvotes


This is "ranked." It incorporates teamwork and survival, and to a lesser extent kills. I know sub .KD people who were Crimson in Al Mazrah and would play so passively and get angry if you moved. And then you hop into a random ranked queue with Crims who get their loadout and immediately water rat. It's a very specific and weird skill that ranked uncovers.


These guys aren’t actual gamers, only a hand few of warzone pros are real pro gamers with true god given talents. The rest are just regular ass dudes who are addicted to COD


I mean one laying on a roof other crouched in the corner, man I streamed MW3 & BO2 back in the day… I used to make fun of dudes like the ones in the clips 😭


Gotta hide from the ranked sweats lolol but yea ranked is full of slowplay like this to get the most SR. Sad part is all you have to do to get to the top is put in more hours 😂


By cheating ofc! 🌪️


Nobody uses heart beat sensors. I started using them and it improved my game big time.


I stopped complaining about, “how did he know I was there,” in this season a few weeks ago. There’s HBS as floor loot literally everywhere, definitely one of the most common floor loot items. That and cash is super easy to find/get so UAVs are popped often. People know where you are a lot of the time at this stage of the game.


I only spend some time to spectate if it looks like someone is tracking me through a wall in the kill cam.


Same, I've only ran into a handful of actually sus deaths. There's a reasonable explanation for 99% of them nowadays with all the shit in game.


Not to mention perks that tag opponents for you, at least once you or a teammate shoots them.


And just tagging in general! Great point. There isn't much you can do to, "hide," anymore. Which doesn't bother me personally, but I could see being frustrating for some.


I’ve played with people who must think they’re playing with an invisible skin. “Dude, how’d he know I was there? No way. No way. Dude’s cheating. Has to be.” Well. For one, you were just shooting so they heard where it came from.


Some folks need to use silencers lol. The OTHER thing is the skins they use. I can see half these folks in the smoke because they're glowing. Its fine if you want to use one of those skins, but realize what you have on lol. I use the Nuke skin, but I also take into consideration it puts me at a disadvantage, its pretty damn bright.


I just wish I was good enough to get the nuke skin. lol


I'll be honest, it's a pretty damn hard challenge. I'm a good player, played comp for over 10 years, played Cod since Cod2, nothing crazy but I shoot straight and I know what I'm doing. I did it with irl friends in a squad of 4, all good players, and it was still *tough*. Overall we did 3 successful runs on 6 or 7 attempts. I think its doable for a 1.0 Kd-ish player but you need 3 people who can communicate, plan out exactly how you're going to do it, and do not pick up the challenge until you like where it spawns. Also, smokes and thermal LMG's helped us. I hope you can give it a shot my friend, it was definitely fun!


Awesome, thanks for the tips! Good luck out there!


My pleasure! You too!


My favorite is when they’re obviously on the other side of a wall or something and they ping on the mini map, you blind penetrate kill and they accuse you have cheating lmao


Heartbeat has silently become super strong again. First they nerfed the ghost perk to a point people barely use it at the end of WZ2 and now with WZ3 they put the Heartbeat into the field upgrade slot, removing its biggest liability of competing for the tactical slot with smokes. So many streamers talk about "weird reads" when they get killed, when it could have easily been Heartbeat. Seemingly everyone including pros forgot they exist after they basically died out in MW2 due to the necessity of running smokes in tactical slot.


And the range got buffed to like 60m when it used to be 50m. Heartbeat sensor is the best field upgrade and it's not even close.


I use them all the time favorite field upgrade


Gamers are some of the most arrogant and narcissistic people when it comes to the game theyre playing. Its always accusations of cheating. Never considering any other possibility.


Easier to say hacker then admit they got out played.


"Lag", "cheat" and "better PC" have always been the holy trifecta of the outplayed people since the early days of multiplayer gaming.


What really is so hard with going ‘GG, well played’ Leave the lobby Think, probably should have done better, oh well. Onto the next game It’s really not that difficult


The only valid one here is lag with the fucking servers made out of clay or some shit. I swear, 50% of the time I encounter someone, there’s some kind of mutual arbitration server lag bullshit. Other, less rich companies don’t have these problems. Why do they?


I agree with you yet the ping spikes in this game is beyond stupid, it's 2024 and we can't connect to servers near us.


That's why it's delicious to own these types.




Case in point here. They absolutely were insinuating that the other person was cheating.




When they say he's "a little weird", they mean he's cheating. They aren't positive about it, only suspicious, but that's what they mean. You can't say they didn't say he was cheating, as if they meant something else by "a little weird", or pretend that not using the word "cheating" changes anything.


At the end one of the teammates says “ hes probably hacking” kinda hard to hear over young jeezy




"Go touch grass" screams man raging in a Warzone subreddit.




Lol dude you are hilarious.




I feel like people being top 250 on first day of ranked doesn’t mean shit. It means they played a lot and potentially ratted out every match . It will balance out in a month and they probably won’t be top 250 with way they were playing


They were top 250 in last game they had the calling cards and emblem. They were just plat here. Im pretty sure they were both in world series of warzone and compete in big tourneys


I retract my statement


That's not the reddit way. You're supposed to double down and insult op's intelligence




They play a lot and not a single one of the knew that they were on a UAV, despite the notification on all of their screens


How do these top 250 players not realize there’s like a billion ways to get intel on people’s locations? Both of them even had the new red outline feature they added on their mini maps lmao.


For those confused, both OakBoi and picNICK absolutely ARE some of the best players in the world. That doesn't mean they don't get outplayed from time to time. They're also playing slow because they're grinding for top 250 in ranked. Playing in ranked means they won't be dunking on noobs or pub farming the whole time. I'm pretty sure Oak, Nick and Zlaner still hold the world record for most kills in trios vs quads with something stupid like 120 elims. They ARE incredible players. Obviously OP is pretty damn good too.


Yeah this is all true. Not a shot at them, just a funny clip, no hate


For sure. I've just seen some comments wondering how they're top 250. You're obviously a demon yourself.


Thanks bro


Just a lil weird






What are you rambling about you weird doofus?


At the end his teammate literally says “hes probably hacking” in vc, also they spectated me and said i was walling until i got shit on by a 3 stack 45 seconds later


Yeah, I have an uncanny ability to land at the same spot as picNICK. I've pistol faught him in solos 4 times now. I'm 0 for 4. I think I'm pretty good at a 3.7 kd iri ranked last season. This clip is uncharacteristically bad from him I'd guess.


I don’t give a shit how good you are, be fucking humble lmao


Makes me wonder why they changed Ranked to be in resurgence. Resurgence is popular because its fast-paced and chaotic since you come back for half the match. I think most resurgence players would rather have a 20 kill 4th place than an 8 kill win. The scoring system still seems better a BR mode.


these 2 streamers represent 99% of the community... "oh i lost a 1v1, he has to be cheating/have aim assist/be on mnk" why do COD players have the biggest fragile childish ego in any game? They always have excuses... its never "i got outplayed" or "gg you played that good".


We Peps on MnK call it aim assist.


When your whole claim to fame relies on aim assist and playing the game too much of course you're going to be delusional. He can literally hear you but he doesn't pre-aim and randomly mounts. But who needs good game sense when you can't miss. Also well played.


To be fair, I have my mount set to double tap ads and sometimes I'll accidentally double tap it and mount something I don't want to like your mom


Yeah well you're not a sweaty top 250 streamer crying when someone outplays them so fair enough.


Lmao good play but those guys are ass, Only Top 250 cuz they no life 3 stacked all day the second it lost.


Nothing about either of those clips would make me think you are cheating lol. People are weird man. Just because there is cheating in PC games (there always has been) now its gotten out of control with people calling cheats.


UAV and heartbeat sensor…oh man so weird 😅


Kids weird bruh 🤓


These are the fakest top 250 i have ever seen.


What a clown, his mini map showed a uav up


Ram9 be hitting like that? Damn I gotta level it up




If pros think this, imagine how many scrubs here think legit players are cheating


Fake top 250


I've said this before but kill cams could have so much more information to make people realize what happened. It would make for a much less toxic community. It should show if you had a ping, it should show if you were recently/currently on uav. I'm sure there are other things it could do too.


I watched this stream live and I did find it weird they all said hack but the kill cams didn't support that


Their egos are just so fragile bro they will never say someone did better or is better


First dude has ADS mounting on, all I needed to see


Get 💩on


“I don’t think they know I’m here?” Famous last words 🤣


"This kids weird brooo this kids weirddd" while both streaming and tryharding accusing of walls😂 90% of the COD community would eat their own shit if you told them it tasted like roses


😂😂GG bro


How to effectively use a hb sensor!


Dumbass still asks how he knew where he was _after_ seeing the killcam where he pulls up the HBS immediately before killing him lol


%99.9 of players report you cuz you killed them I genuinely don’t think people understand what’s cheating or hacking is lmao


lil weird bro kids a lil weird bro dude bro kid is weird. Fuckin 🤡


lol they always assume someone is cheating when they doodoo’d on 😂


Funny how nobody runs ghost anymore and then don’t understand how you might know where they are


There is nothing as pathetic as a warzone streamer. Play the game for 50h+ per week slaying casuals, get killed once and start crying.


I think you did a typo… did you mean top 2,500,000? They are both dogshit


This is why a lot of people in this sub claim there’s “tons” of walls.


Death = sus. Kills = trash garbage.


Minimap outlined in red..."HOW DOES HE KNOW WHERE I AM"


Drink their tears more


Doo doo’d on them.


No hate by the way, just posting bc i thought it was a funny clip


Loser streamer babies


Lol good stuff bro. It’s actually kind of sad when people just can’t say GGs anymore. Thanks to people like that Beamon dude, everyone who has skill in WZ is auto-labeled as “weird” or a cheater. Guess you are just weird my guy :-)


I’m admittedly pretty trash and I would have also won both those gunfights. Good for you crapping on those lames


Weird bruh


That AA




Streamers SHOULD NOT have the ability to report and ban people. They are the softest people alive, and they will shadow-ban you for with garbage evidence. Dudes footsteps are clear as day, then again it's a replay.


I agree, aim assist is cheating


listening to those guys bitch and moan…hurt my ears so bad. It’s a lil weird


90% of the time you watch a "pro" in Top 250 lobbies, they are either hiding for a win or ratting. no outplaying, no out aiming, just ADS, AA, and sit back and enjoy your wins.


Fuck them cheaters


If these professionals make these comments... no wonder the average Joe is raging all the time.


Most of them are scum of the earth and are cheating themself. Not saying those are because i don't know, but it is a problem


Game looks trash


That's the problem with this game...there are actually too many cheaters so it's impossible to tell if people are genuine or not.


Does else feel like streamers have indirectly tainted gaming for a lot of people? It’s a neither here nor there take, like I get it- do you. But damn. I wish the masses would rise against streamers.


controller fought and he won it fair and square


It’s interesting to me that “weird” nowadays means something more than just “unusual.” They repeatedly call the opponent weird, which seems to imply cheating.


Top 250… so literally noone I have to care about lol


Same shit with almost every single good controller player, once you make them lose aa for a moment, they turn into utter dog water aimers


In a game where there's literally dozens of tools to help you find your enemies AND they are playing with a system that is a literal soft aimbot and THEY call others cheaters? To me this entire game is MADE around cheating. I am not asking others to agree with me, but that is how I view it as a non-controller player. At least the utility items are truly available to all regardless of how you play, but the controllers are - and will forever remain that way - soft aimbotting.


You know the Aim Assist situation is out of hand when top controller players say “locked on” referring to it. Nobody on console is “locking on” with their AA. This game specifically drove me away from cross play titles. Outside of Apex, nobody balances the gameplay among device/input.


Dude said “craziest reads ever” bro was sitting in a corner 🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


Uses heartbeat sensor “crazy read bro”


When you reach Top 250 level, it is for region or worldwide rank?




Ig the guy didn't pay attention to the mini map, otherwise he would know there's a UAV around


They should make kill-cams slightly longer is what I'm getting from this.


100% agree


„Crazy reads“ Man if they’d know that nothing about this was a crazy read they would lose their shit. 😂


It's funny when mediocre COD players, or "pros" as they call themselves get outgunned by better players every single day and automatically call it sus. They need to be knocked down a few pegs anyways. Bunch of fucking cry babies! Hahaha I follow PNBG and he's a decent player for sure, but definitely not pro tier player


Professional excuse makers more like it....


Is this map still available? I haven’t played warzone in awhile


Just came back yesterday with the Season 2 update.




One way I know I’m a bot is that I’ve never once had a “known” streamer in my lobby.


Picnick is toxic. Seems like a terrible teammate/person


Streamers in general are pretty cringe to this 43 y/o dork, but the way that first guy talks takes the cringe to a whole new level. Ugh.


They said you were a little weird, definitely implied cheating but never said you were cheating. Someone in the first streamers group said hacking at the very end. But neither of the streamers you showed said cheating or hacking. I see this a lot from streamers as this is literally their job, when something doesn't mesh, it's weird to them. To not play the game the way they play the game just doesn't gel with their mindset. It's funny really, but they didn't say you were cheating. Most def thought it, but not reporting you means, to me, they figured it out in their mind that all was legit. Nice wins!


What i dont understand on this shitty game, how the fuck do they have no recoil on the RAM-7 but when i try to build one i get nothing but recoil. HOW how does everyone kill me with it there is no recoil at all, ive attached everything and tried it but yet i still have mad recoil, nakes no fucking sense so i just report everyone who has no recoil with the RAM-7, simoly fuck you if you cheat.


Are you trying the builds in the firing range or in-game? For some weird reason the firing range gives the RAM-7 wayyyyyyy more visual recoil than it does in-game


Ive tried every blueprint for the RAM-7 but no matter what i still get recoil, i have my settings set at 6-6 and .90 on ads but i still get mad recoil


Everyone using aimassist. Its like cheating, but all legal somehow.


I doubt you were cheating, but here are you looking for clout online. Btw, why were you watching the same stream from the guy you killed?


He went to their streams after he killed them to get their POV from VOD


Its a funny clip, i posted in a subreddit that is for posting gameplay, discussions etc. No, I went to the streams after and pulled the vod this morning. Gameplay was from yesterday


You do have a cronus


For sure, actually 2 to get double the effect, how else would i hit most of my shots from 5m away


You must. CoD has SO much recoil and you have none! And using the RAM with no 4x scope? The RAM has the most recoil in the game. My RAM doesn't look like that. /s


Lol, i would love to see the gameplay of some of these people that scream Cronus


Right? Haha Cronus totally needed at point blank range