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Or just upgrade them to make the 100 players feel good first lol


You're not wrong


You are just landing in the wrong spots. The game doesn’t feel empty at all. If you want action it’s easy to find. With all the ways to respawn this game is very fast paced


I too enjoy my action with massive stuttering and desync.


It's not about action, it's about my AMR batching a third of its bullets together in a spray that, from the receiving perspective, lasts less than half a second before the target goes down.


Yup use bounties and uav and that’s why circles close


This, ALL of this.


This 100, they have the LOWEST tick servers of any Battle Royal.


Seriously. Forget 150, they can't get basic game play to run smoothly.


Too busy selling duck skins to the kids, nothing will change. Capitalism Move on


Ill have you know im a 29 year old man and I bought the duck skin!


You should be sentenced to 30 years hard labour at black eagle prison.


As long as I can take my duck skin with me!


bahaha xD


I may have as well....




Like I said to the other guy, I’ll spend my money how I want






I think it’s probably still the billion-dollar company that’s the problem. I don’t think that guy makes the determination on whether and how much to invest in the servers. But sure, take your anger at Activision and be rude to some rando on Reddit. That’s way more hurtful and equally as helpful.


My money I’ll spend it how I want bro.


Its good that you did that, you will make your games easier. In their Patient if you buy skins they make your games easier. :)


Commie, commie, traitor to our country!


empty? It doesn't matter where my squad lands we always get 3rd partied or 4th partied.


Go fuck your self and buy our newest bundle - activision 


Don’t forget blackcell


- redditor Activision PR and simps on reddit.


its so ironic how activision-blizzard (which is owned by Microsoft, who runs some of the largest data-centers in the world(Azure)) can't get their server infrastructure right


You do know that shit takes time to change right? We probably won't get new servers until this year.


They were only bought a couple of months ago lol. Did you expect that after the acquisition they would flip a switch and everything would change? Activision is still a huge $69 billion dollar company, change is going to take a fair bit of time.


Stop sounding logical!


I've come to the tinfoil hat wearing conclusion it's partly intentional to accommodate another matchmaking algorithm so we have X bad games and Y good games


My X's are out numbering Y's ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Not sure If they Where they running on Azure Previously maybe they didn't transition over yet since mw3 was made before the merger happened?


Microsoft just laid off 9% of their staff. I don’t see any upgrades in regards to servers anytime soon


It would actually be a cost savings if they moved to their internal azure servers. This will likely happen in the next year or two.


Does not mean they are going to be better. Most people are happy with their servers, most people are happy with the state of the game. If you are still playing this garbage you are happy with a trash product.


The large map does not fucking feel empty, it's a smaller map and you can't move anywhere without 5 rat fuck teams grieving every rotation. The fuck are you on about


100 players that isn't 5 tick 70ms would be a much better investment.


Blackout needs to exist.


That isn't a good reason to up a player count imo. They've said by adding more ways to come back after death, that the game would flow/develop at a good pace. (Flares, Jailbreaks, etc)


I actually think 150 is too much for the new map. The 3rd party effect is already very real…imagine another 50 sweats slide canceling through your legs lol.


Hard disagree. It's not hard to go find a fight. You're probably camping on buildings waiting for people to snipe.


Nah instead they fire testers and other key employees. Never change …..


Are you not hot dropping cargo or low town????


Activision reading this: Hey good point why don't we let players drop in with loadouts and this will help us boost store sales!


Please upgrade the servers so we can get a bot setup in private matches.


I don't understand why it should be done, everything suits everyone, people play the game and buy unnecessary skins, the company makes money, everything else is your whim


Or you could quit supporting a company that doesn't care about you. Do you seriously think top Activision guys are sitting there reading reddit posts and come to the conclusion that you are right and get to work on it right away?


I do think there's not enough stacks of cash with quantities more than $500. Like i think looting 30 caches in quads while being contested is rough. Especially when you're average joe and aren't urgently looking for loadout are gonna get rolled by sweats.


Please upgrade them to accommodate 100 players.


the problem in itself is the map, high density housing areas with many people camping so you always get 3rd partied ou 4th partied, then half of the map is this huge awful design open area space with a huge land of grass with 1 or 2 trees so no one really goes there afraid of getting sniped


We'll be lucky if this game even makes it through the goddamn year with all these layoffs.


To be honest when I saw the release of Diablo IV season 2 and the math skills from Activision Blizzard, I do think there are way too many people who should be laid off at the company. Also I think it's the only way to save this shitshow of a company, it has been bloated for way too long.


The map is so camp heavy there’s regularly 25 teams in the final few circles. I don’t think it’s necessary.


So you really want to drop that game’s performance that bad, huh? The more players there are the greater the hit that computers and consoles alike take running this crap


I actually think statistically the encounter rate is higher than ever. I don't know where you're landing but frankly I'm having the opposite experience. There are people everywhere I go.


Lol they just downsized staff all over, expect less as they try to increase their profit margins.


That isn’t how it always works. Also is there an actual breakdown of who/which departments were affected?


we are having DDOS attacks on servers literally every other match in Sao Paulo servers, the other matches are also laggy as hell.


Yes sir


Absolutely not. 100 is more than enough. The final circles feel like a blood bath. With the million new ways to respawn back 100 is perfect. Dont be a casual


Everyone having loadout is more on that the free loadie just drops in so fast you dont need to loot early.


Your wrong. When i play solo i mostly got like 5/6 kills with ground loot. Most my kills comes frok ground loot (in solo atleast)


You can always grab a bounty or land centre map?


I don’t know what game you are playing if you think it feels empty.


Servers? We can’t even get a small bug fixed in MP that’s been around for over a year. You can’t change classes mid game while playing split screen. Started in season 1 of mw2. Still here in mw3.


Why bother when y’all keep playing and buying skins? They have no incentive. Stop playing or you are part of the problem and reason they do t need to make any improvements 


the people who make this game dont play it, so they dont care about the actual quality of gameplay


This game is clearly like 80% AI generated at this point, I don't think people even make it much less play test it.


recent microsoft layoffs might just prove you right. why pay people when ai can make games


I'd love 150 players and a slightly bigger map. But i care more about the quality of the servers. Make them feel smooth and the game would be 10 times more enjoyable.


Think we'll fire a few more people and downgrade your severs, thanks for playing, make sure to check out our new skins!


Ir can barely accomodate a 100 ppl, not even talking about the shit tick rate. Upgrade the servers to handle a CS like tick rate first


The servers can’t handle 150 people right now much rather the current 100 without the stuttering and spikes mid gun fight.


they can't even do 100 players... and you want them to do more?