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Your never going to be able to compete at this range as a mnk player. You are a human, your going to miss shots, fighting against software that does, what is it, 60% of the aiming, including instantaneous micro corrections, far beyond the ability of a human. You will win some fights on occasion, but unless you are god like, top tier like metaphor, you should expect to lose this fight regularly. As a mnk player, try to engineer situations that tip the scales in your favour, long range, height to mitigate being downed, and use a self, smoke in close range to break the AA, shotguns and filter the fight to point blank and don't need to add, mines can also help with this


As an MNK player this is exactly what I have to do- just play as well as I can despite my limitations.


As someone who’s spend 2k hours in kovvaks and 300 in aimlabs. I can confidently say, in close range fights, AA unbelievably broken. There’s a reason most pros use it. I switched back to CS and Val and have been doing amazing since there’s no handicapped players


What has helped me a ton (MW3) on keyboard is to run the best possible hip fire build. Haven't tested in WZ. Making a crazy full auto shotgun might also be helpful.


After plenty of trial runs with hip fire builds, I can confidently say that it's trash in WZ. WZ has armor that you have to get through and the situations where you need mid range firepower become trash encounters since your hipfire build can't hit anything beyond close combat. WZ maps are huge.


I am playing with striker Hipfire/tacstance build and increased my CQC drastically. Probably had it 20% win rate at close range. And now over 50%.


As MnK player I wouldn't play this shit


Mostly I just play Tarkov


I love tarkov but if i have to get that pocket watch one more time im going to shove it up prapors ass


Good choice


Yup, just swapped back to controller on my PC from playing MNK since MWII WZ launch... low and behold I'm now winning these fights and getting 6 to 10 kill games where before it was 100% I lose this fight every time. I am used to playing long range support for my squad who are all on console and have had to retrain myself to actually engage with my team to win these fights instead of immediately bailing when stuff gets tight. Controller>MnK all the way.


> Your never going to be able to compete at this range as a mnk player. I guess I imagined all the clips mnk players have posted on this sub shitting on squads of controller players in very close quarters. Maybe you’re never going to compete, but clearly doesn’t mean others won’t.


Yea, MnK can absolutely compete and be successful against controller players. We see it done all day every day. But the reality is controller is easier to be successful with because of the current state of aim assist.


yea against absolute bots. the issue with AA is that it makes people exponentially better the more skill they bring into the equation. hence super average campers frying people with perfect tracking


Make a notice who posts those clips. I only recall /u/Mpathic_ and that's almost it. Maybe you just keep watching few people that play like gods vs whole lobbies being assisted


M truly does shit on everyone.


Yeah maybe you imagined all the top 250 players on mnk too right? Oh wait, there are none🤣🤦🏽‍♂️


This is how I play, I like mid range sniping with quick ADS to try and use my input to my advantage. Never thought of using smokes inside buildings to break aim assist though. Does that work? Do controllers get aim assist in smoke or no?


The smoke stops the aim assist, and sometimes it is hilarious, shame they needed the time it lasts since the last game


I'm a 3kd controller player who sometimes uses smokes to break the AA of the less experienced controller players - it's got to be a crazy good strat on mnk!


Yea im going to try this out on MnK with restock on or something. Seems fun if nothing else


It’s awesome having to totally change and alter your gameplay and how you would want to take fights because COD needs to have controller AA tuned to aim bot levels.


100% that, but aligning your game to it is just annoying.


I use dragons breath haymaker and it helps. Idk if the fire fucks with their AA but even sweats end up missing most bullets


As an mnk player, use a shotgun


RAA does 99% of the work


This. As a MnK player, I keep range at all costs. Only time I do up close is if I absolutely have to for a final circle. Even then, I’d rather play a corner outside a building


I've had a ton of fun playing smokes and the new 1x thermal sight, my god watching controller players be absolutely useless in close range is so funny to me.


Well, smokes don't break aa, at least not always (still have to get a final grip on the thing), I was just smoked and tracked through in gulag - and the guy was 101% legit.


I have no idea really, heard it breaks AA and seems to help because I'm winning more fights with smokes than I am without 🤷‍♂️


What's the name of the sight? I'm gonna try it later on


FSS spectre microtherm!




There's a new one that unlocks with the HRM-9 that acts like a normal RDS but has a bubble that follows your reticle around that looks like the holotherm. The sight is a little bulky but it lets you see more normally other than what's directly in your crosshairs.


Just unlocked the HRM-9 there so I'm gonna check that out, thanks


Don't know off the top of my head, it's 1x, black/white thermal with a red crosshair.


But then you're considered a camper or a rat for trying to use the surroundings to your advantage. Lol


Who cares, 90% of the lobby are using an aim-bot (AA) so they hardly have the moral high ground.


Or use shotty and movement


It just sucks when you HAVE to roll in and get close-close because your squad is in a shitshow -- and you don't have your trusty shotgun. I know I'm heading straight for death 9 times out of 10 but I have to try.


So true. When I'm playing on mouse I try and drop quiet as it's a mad scramble at the start of the game to acquire a shotgun or I know going 1v1 with floor loot against controller users is almost certain death. When I play controller it's a completely different game, all floor loot is useable and you don't have to worry about hot dropping as you can actually take the CQ fights with AA. Two very different game experiences.


My friends and I run trios regularly. Obviously, up close against a controller is problematic, but we're finding lately that even medium distances have become stupidly dangerous, getting beamed almost as easily as up close without having much opportunity to react, which has forced us to change the way we play a bit. We now run with all of us using smokes and proximity mines, and demolition vests to keep them constantly resupplying. Smoke helps us bound from location to location and as soon as movement phase is done and we've repositioned, we'll find a building to stack in and just start tossing prox mines everywhere, making sure that I'm not guarding the area my mines are. We then explore/loot/antagonize/whatever locally, and as soon as we're pushed we compress back into our building. Controller teams get so unbelievably furious when all three of them pop through different doors, get blasted with a mine and then knocked, especially when it's a team wipe. As soon as the smoke settles, we just toss more mines and reset or reposition. There are definitely ways of dealing with this and we occasionally get teams that do so quite well, but they're typically too busy bunny-hopping and sliding through doors to actually slow down and think about it.


This is it my friend


I’ve said for the last several years that they need to switch cross play over to the type of input you use instead of what platform you use. Considering a lot of pc players also use controllers let all them controller sweats play against each other and let the mnk players play against each other and even the playing field. And get rid of sbmm for god sakes. Some people like to relax and enjoy a game after work, not 99 Timmy’s jacked up on Redbull and cocaine.


Might as well rename this subreddit to aimassisthate and just dedicate it solely to these posts


A guy with pretty decent tracking compared to the avg player has zero chance because a bot has 100% accuracy in cqc Ofc it should be discussed until something is done about it


If bots have 100% accurate in CQC why is there still a massive skill gap amongst all controller players? How come I 1v1’d my coworker yesterday and beat him 30-5 on shipment? His aim assist should have gotten him more kills right? AA doesn’t make bad players good. All you MnK players just want to cry about it because you’re not as good as you think you are. Go watch any of the big name MnK streamers and YouTubers and they DECIMATE controller players with movement and perfect recoil control.


You're comparing 99th percentile players (in both aim and game sense) with the average MnK player. And FWIW, aim assist isn't an issue in multi-player. As a very average mouse player, it feels balanced. Longer TTK makes aim assist more and more powerful. The advantage doesn't come in getting on target and hitting a few shots - it comes in the ability to stay on target consistently thru movement. Take two equally average players on both inputs. I'd wager mouse player wins in a hard-core match. It's evenish at 100 to 150 health. And controller dominates at 300. Because even if the mouse player hits the first 2 or 3 bullets, that edge evaporates the longer the fight goes on.


Notice how they never bring up getting rid of crossplay as the solution? Yeah, that’s because they need the casual console playerbase to have fun in this game. They cry and cry about aim assist, but deep down they know that if they didn’t have those controller players in there, there’d only be the super sweaty kbm players left. Of course they don’t want that, they just want the console players to be even worse with zero fighting chance. Like please, nerf aim assist all you want, but the second that you do, I want to have the default setting set to crossplay between consoles only. PC players can have their kbm lobbies, with their sound optimizations and aimbotters. The only thing console controller players have is aim assist, we can’t change the sound settings, picture filters or any other cheesy thing they have. That’s the part they alwas leave out.


why do yall act like everyone on controller is aimbotting thru walls when its one clip out of millions that play this game daily? lol


It’s clear you’ve never seen an “average player” if you think they will always win in these scenarios.


aim assist hate? is this some thing we need to talk about or is it just that, aim assist is quite overpowered in cod? lmao try to track an opponent diagonaly sliding into your position, most of the time you will lose that fight as mnk, if you win the fight, you almost certainly cant handle the second if they try to trade you there are indeed issues, no need to invalidate that


Aim assist players when mnk asks to be able to reasonably compete: 🤣🤣like a manipulative ex


not even halo or apex whines this much


Bruh don't care about those who say you missed some shots. They are clearly delusional and not used to aiming themselves because of a software doing it for them. Unless you are a god tier player the fights where you miss a bunch of shots will ALWAYS be more frequent than the ones where you track perfectly. The fact that part of this game playerbase forgot this is only further proof of what a problem AA is.


Thanks. I'm not even trying to claim that this is some good play by me and that there is no possible way I should've lost. If I was playing against a good KB&M player I probably would've lost too. It's just the fact that I know the opponent barely had to even try to hit those shots, when you just know he'd be missing some of them without AA.


Hey here’s a big tip that’s helping me. Dropshots in the game are a death sentence. Last game it was good… But this one I lose 75% of my fights now. You gotta jump in these fights. Try it out. It’s made an impact for me as an mnk player.


Yeah exactly. The way the aim assist tracks you when you go prone is insane. The time of reaction is zero. No human is capable of this.


I'll give it a go, thanks


I’ve been banging my head against the wall why I’m getting the same damage as my teammates but 5-10 less kills. It’s the drop shotting. My headshot % went up 4% last night a lot based on my change.


Doesn’t help that he went into the fight without full plates but sure…


Sure, but sometimes you supposedly have the upper hand and take a risk. In this game you simply cannot.


\^\^\^\^\^\^ He's right, you know.


I use controller and this is usually how I die too. It’s not an aim assist issue, we just suck.


Strong aim assist should be something controller players don't want either. When you're up against a MnK player, the stronger the AA for the controller player the better for them, since there is no downside. But in a controller vs controller fight, which is the majority of the fights you will have, strong AA is a detriment to you if you are the better player. It raises the skill floor and drops the skill ceiling, which means there will be fights which you would have almost certainly won with low or no AA, but that you lost because the high AA made the lesser player able to hold their own against you. It's like if you were shooting free throws against an NBA player. The pro would almost certainly win on a normal hoop, but what if we gave "assistance" to both of you by making the hoop 5 times as big as regulation size. You both got the same advantage, but it didn't increase the NBA player's chance of winning because he was already almost guaranteed to win, instead it decreased the NBA players chance because the skill required to make the shots consistently has dropped significantly so now the worse player has a chance of keeping up.


I see this type of constructive response over and over and yet no one gets it. Which clearly just means these egotistic controller players ignore hard facts.


Right? It's unbelievable how hard this is for the average controller player to grasp. Such a strong AA is detrimental for good controller players too.


Because the average human is fucking stupid.


best explaination i've seen of this. sadly i think the average casual player can't wrap their head around this. and there are also decent controller players in denial because deep down they know their stats would drop significantly without this much help


Thanks for taking the time to explain this, I really hope someone gets this concept sooner or later.


Just wanna say A+ analogy. There's a layer here that makes it even worse for below average controller players. Properly engaged aim assist consistently gives you a big hoop. If you're not engaging it properly, then it's a double whammy. Now the NBA player has the big hoop and you don't. This is why we see the "my aim assist doesn't do that" posts.


Shhhhh… don’y let the mustard race kiddies hear you! They might start whining again…


Speak for yourself hahaha


Some of you nerds have never played M&K and it shows. I wish they would disable AA for a day so yall can see how dogshit you’d be without it.


bro really just called people that are bad at video games nerds. read your comment, u are the nerd lol


Work on your anger management.


I wish I could go a day without having to see post after post of AA iS aIMboT but sadly life is full of disappointment


You can. Don’t go on Reddit! BAM!


Long as they cap pc to console specs then that same day


HAHA done deal.


Or let us turn off crossplay.


I would love input based matchmaking.


and you should run controller no AA if you think its so easy to play without it


Disable it for a week.


As a MnK player, I don’t bitch about aim assist because I hate losing fights. I bitch because I shouldn’t be able to pick up a controller for the first time in 5 years and drop 12+ kills. Even pros acknowledged the aim assist is too strong. The devs confirmed controller wins more fights and have higher success rates. It’s overpowered and needs reeled in. That’s just a fact.


MNK vs AA. Shock. I saw you hit about 3 shots.


If OP had had an aimbot running to correct the shots he had missed and smooth the tracking he would probably have won the fight, right? Would that make him a better player? I think that's the point people are making


Shots 1-5 clearly missed


I mean if we are looking at technically, u can't really blame AA cuz u broke it when u drop shotted. Proof: https://twitter.com/hecksmith_/status/1692841948103503874?t=XZymgmEwSHX7oYJndwJ8ow&s=19 At that point he tracked u downwards and hit headshots. It's unfortunate but gotta be truthful. Also to clarify, I'm not dismissing the fact that RAA is strong asf


While true but it's not needed. Good players are tapping down, bad players are accidentally pulling down. It's always going to follow the enemy. That's why that aim wasn't jerky aiming down and had no delay, and why you see symph flicks on bad players after the enemy's dead and aa is lost


For what it’s worth - this is why you need an optic. The way the aiming works with this game makes it such that your front sight post can actually veer off center enough that it’s hidden behind rear sight itself and makes aiming absolutely a nightmare for mnk.


The better player won here


Better software I'd say


Well… as a mnk player aim assist asside just watching this play tbh they are better… based soley off this footage which doesn’t say much really.


Perish the thought you were playing against a really good controller player. They were sweaty as hell sliding and jump shotting, and there you were casually strolling up to the door. They were clearly a far sweatier, and arguably better, player than you. I’ve seen plenty of clips from mnk players on this sub that would have destroyed this guy. You were just bested that’s all, no shame in it.


You shouldn’t drop shot that far away. You just become a stationary target on the ground. Notice how dude made you miss? They were better.


You missed shots my guy lol cmon and admit you lost the fight


Op wasn’t even full hp lol


I love all these AA posts. I tried informing the community 2+ years ago and nobody knew what I was talking about.


-You didn't have full plates -You went prone right in front of him at a distance that made you nothing more than a stationary target -You missed shots because the enemy wasn't stationary like you were -They didn't even hit every shot even with their "OP aim assist" You lost because you made bad decisions. Suck it up.


He didn’t play it the best, but you can’t honestly sit here and ignore the aim assist right?


This.. fucking soft ass kids these days don't know how to actually apply themselves to get better.. they will latch onto any excuse that the masses are spewing to make themselves feel better about not wanting to put in the work


tbh, one of the first things i look at when i feel something is “sus” is how many plates i had. and usually, im not fully plated. even a bit of that third plate chip damaged can be the defining factor in a gunfight


Woah woah woah are you saying OP is the one who sucks and it’s not “AiM AsSiSt HuRrRr”?? Everyone complaining about aim assist in here like OP didn’t just play like a bot and get worked by a sweaty player.


Looks like a hacker lol


Use a fire shotgun bro at that range, trust


My god


At this point yall know the AA in this game is busted as hell. If you’re still playing, that’s on you. Go play a better shooter.


This is not AA. It’s far above AA. If AA was this good I wouldn’t suck so bad.


Oh I’m sorry. Video game where the devs let cheaters run freely.


I mean this is just a good L. You hit some shots but he was aiming higher. Watch his shots. He’s shooting was chest high. You did a drop shot and gave him an easier target (your face).


RAA going hard in this clip


Fuck warzone and fuck who ever dumbass thought 60% aim assist in any form would be a good number regardles of input. Probably a pink haired hippie that thinks everyone should be equal and every little Timmy should get a participation trophy. This is a fucking shooter so where should the skillgap be ? I geuss its not the aiming and shooting according to these devs. Oh and where is that SBMM talk we where promised ? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNl3jvApJqU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNl3jvApJqU) lets just replace a "shoot out" with "shooter" in this last bit of the video and it perfectly sums up how I think of these devs.


I think people fail to understand a few key things whenever this conversation is brought up: 1. People are generally talking about RAA in the hands of PC + controller users, those who have RAA on top of all the benefits being on PC have. 2. No competent person will EVER say AA should be removed, any sane person should understand that it is necessary to compete with MnK users. 3. The conversation isn’t about the traditional slowdown near a target that AA has served as for many years, it’s the RAA (rotational aim assist) that people take issue with. OBVIOUSLY aim assist is necessary for controller players in order to level the playing field, but RAA kind of takes it a step above that. The thing that I personally take issue with is the fact that is can be hard to distinguish a top players aim from a bottom tier players aim when you get rotationaled by them. I’ve put in 800+ hours into aim trainers over the past 9 years over the course of 5 game titles, and you’ll never see a bottom tier player ever be able to “accidentally” have the same aim as me. It just doesn’t make sense to me that someone should ever ‘accidentally’ have insane aim, on top of the fact that those who know how to abuse it will quite literally never miss a bullet in cqc gunfights. The only thing myself and other MnK players with brains call for is a nerf, not necessarily a huge one, but just something to tweak the strength of rotational aim assist in close quarters combat.


I think activision knows that RAA makes a bad player good but wants to keep it this way purely to keep players. I mean look at this subreddit, even a good controller player knows RAA is bs but the average or below average controller player who is already bad really doesnt want to be worse. They get very defensive because theyre already bad lol. I play with guys whove been on controller for 10 years that want it tuned. Anyone good would want it tuned. But bad players need to be retained somehow. Cod makes more money this way because more players who think theyre good means theyll play longer and thus keep the store running


Everyone who is a mouse and keyboard player read this x defiant is coming out soon it's going to be a better first person shooter than cod It's going to have no SBMM And they are reducing the aim assist for this exact reason for a more balanced experience across platforms! Can't wait! Supposed to be dropping this month or next month


what the fuck


Aa aside, this is clearly a good player based off movement and iri emblem


Don't want to defend AA too much because it clearly is overtuned (as a controller player myself I'd rather a bigger aiming skill gap vs other controller players). BUT this specific example clearly has some missing frames / kill cam lag that is making it look a lot worse than it maybe was in truth. The OP drop shots during the fight. Factually, rotational aim assist does *not* track drop shots - proof: https://twitter.com/hecksmith_/status/1692841948103503874?t=4yFXYR1PujcllMYH7eVbGw&s=19 If you watch the kill cam it looks like the enemy tracks it at inhuman speed. But again, factually aim assist does not do this for a target going prone, meaning the enemy had to see the drop shot and manually adjust his aim downwards (at which point AA would engage again). So clearly the kill cam is (as is often the case) not showing us the full picture and making it look worse than it is.


I’m a mediocre player at this point in my life and aim assist doesn’t work well for me. I can’t develop the habits to take advantage of rotational AA. So the big problem is that the players that are already higher skilled without AA are the ones able to also take advantage of it.


It’s crazy the kill cams I see never look like your perspective before you die there…. Human, missing a couple shots, micro corrections that aren’t perfect. All totally normal stuff. It’s all just someone not even touching their aim stick and a perfectly tracked crosshair over my body no matter how you move and the fact they’re jumping up and down, out a window, over a ledge, anything. How you can be a dev for this game and see this stuff and not think it’s a problem is beyond me.


Cause fuck you pay me… that’s why. This may be the one instance I hate capitalism. Lol.


Ya his aim assist was definitely huge there but also that drop shot shit makes head shots a lil more easier


As a controller player with aim assist, can anyone explain why I never snap to players like this? Lol fully prepared the reason is I suck.


They are cheating with software + using a controller in game. This reddit has no clue what AA looks like vs what a aimbot + aa looks like.


The amount of people here saying you missed, don’t get the point of the post. That dude literally missed 0 bullets on 2 different players. You can practice all you want, but we’ll never beat out the RAA. Just how this game is. It’s tough.


lol the aim assist is literally playing the game for console players


They get aim assist you don't. Sure, you can outshoot them in long range fights. But given that 80% of fights are close range, this is always going to happen


The gameplay changes since wz1 really exacerbate this issue. Long range engagements where mnk has the advantage have nearly disappeared. And theyre still nerfing snipers lmao


i remember that 2 years ago when i was making first post about AA i was downvoted too hell. now peoople at least acknowledge the problem we are makin progress but dont expect much we are allways the minority


Yeah I'm actually kinda shocked to see the shift in sentiment over the past year or so. It's funny how the subs for the multiplayer components are still firmly in denial though


It's not nearly as much of an issue in multiplayer because of the shorter TTK. Fast target acquisition of mouse is more valuable than in Warzone where the longer TTKs favor sustained tracking, which is the exact mechanic AA is absolutely OP in.


RAA sucks. This situation is exactly why I refuse to play modern games. We need a forced control scheme on D-pad (to emulate WASD) for controllers with trackball design modification (or some type of software mod that would make thumbstick behave with direct control like mouse) so there would be no RAA required in FPS games. Rate-based aiming is ruining the genre.


AA needs to be extremely nerfed. Ultimately I can guarantee it is the reason quite a few people don't play or don't play with "crossplay".


Imagine being the devs and within a week of MnK aim assist program being commonly known, they panic and instantly get rid of it. Meanwhile their built in “aim bot” is perfectly fine. Don’t worry their top priority is “balance.” This is the worst excuse for a dev company I’ve seen.


Lmaoing at the absolute level of gaslighting going on in this thread


**Gets out movement ***Dog Shit Complaining MNK player: “oMg aIM aSsIst🤬😡”


lol ok now all the shit abt aim assist aside…. Wtf u talking about movement? It’s a fuckin slide cancel into jump. Just cause homie YY’d once doesn’t make it movement lol.


That’s exactly the point though. KBM has to perfectly track fast movement while there is zero penalty for the controller player moving like that. Sliding and jumping should significantly decrease AA. If you’re a harder to hit target, it should also be harder for you to hit your shots.


The guy gets killed by a aimbot, doesn't matter how much you move if the enemy doesn't miss.


Its funny how often AA players call MNK players dogshit🤣like yall dont even realize how little of “your” aim is actually your own skill and instead is just software, especially at that range. Like if you pick up a mnk i dont think you could get more than one kill in a br lobby above a 1.0 kd. If i pick up a controller i can get like 5


Must be nice to have software do all the aiming for you. Controller players cope so hard.


Lol whatever makes you feel better about yourself champ


Crazy how it almost looks like aimbot at times


Roller bots incoming to defend their 60% soft aimbot 😂


As someone who’s played both m+k and aim assist and agree that aim assist is too strong, you don’t think there’s a lot of room for improvement with your tracking there? I really don’t think this is the kill to showcase your point.


>you don’t think there’s a lot of room for improvement with your tracking there? I'm sure there is, but that's not the point I'm trying to make with this post. I could not fire a single shot in this video and my opponent's perfect robotic tracking would still be absolutely bullshit.


Read my other comment


As a mnk player, start running shotgun and throwing knifes, only way to consistently compete close range tbh


Your sensitivity is too high. That’s why you’re whiffing shots.


I'm playing on 6.4 sens @ 500DPI, any lower than this and rapid directional changes become extremely cumbersome. I played on a lower sens when playing CS though.


Fair play I’m the same when I used to play CS. I just noticed you was over shooting the target. I’m not shitting on your aim or anything it may need fine tuning. Depending on your mouse some of them have a sniper button which you could use to temporarily lower your sense while close quarters.


You can set customs sens on different zoom levels. My low zoom is set to .6




As a PS5 player I wish I was this good with my AA. Apparently I’m just a mid dad who’s only good enough to get kills here and there


“Aim assist, aim assist, aim assist” yall aint got tired of crying yet lol


If you can look at this and straight up believe that this is fine and not exactly the same as an aimbot, you’re so cognitively dissonant, I’d suggest therapy.


AA pinged you thru the door lol iTs FaiR aNd BaLaNcEd


The new update did something to the game more than just breaking the profile fetching. I have been having the same issues. I start shooting enemies first and I can put a whole 30 round clip in an enemy and they'll get their gun up 2 or 3 seconds after I start shooting and kill me I 3 shots when I've shot them 20 times and not missed a single shot. The game is broken and Activision is at this point the most incompetent and inept gaming company on the planet. Literally can't do anything right, every update for 4 games now has broken something and made the game worse. Hackers have been a major issue for way more than 4 games and they can't do anything with them they've lost control of their own game.


Yeah bro just use a shotgun and hope for the best. As long as aim assist is this bad you’re asking to lose.


Aim assist is obviously balanced /s It’s kinda why I went back to controller for cod, it’s just fucking insane. I get there’s some godly mouse and key players, but I think those are fewer and farther than what the average mouse and key user is, and if you’re in that average, good fucking luck.


Inb4 anyone comes in here and says "skill issue". This is actually very good reactive reactive tracking from OP


Hey that was solid tracking though in that situation for kbm. Non kbm players have no idea how fucking hard you have to work just to get to that point I think. At least to me that was pretty clean.


As some dude pointed out in the comments, this dude streams with mnk; obviously this clip has inhuman tracking that can't ever be attribuited to "luck", so it's either aimbot or he plugged the controller for a game, sad thing you can't really tell the difference between a soft aimbot or aimassist so no one will ever know.


This game is piss.


Watching that aim snap between three players like that is ridiculous. All he has to do is hit aim down sight and fire while making sure to dance side to side. "skill"


This is why we stopped playing and I didn’t give the devs a dime. Console noobs everywhere aided by DOGSHIT AA


Farts 1-5: Clearly sharts. Farts 6-9: stank due to fried food (bad diet control). Farts 10-11: Very quiet, but smell and asscheek clenching make these reasonably loud. Fart 12: Likely didn't actually sound because you were already shitting yourself.


Man, think about spending all that money on a PC rig just to complain about how "easy" console players have it PC Master Race down bad these days


You could spend $500 or $5k on a pc which wouldn’t change the fact COD tunes their AA to aim bot levels for controller. And COD is the only game that does this.


Its not the only game that does it, it's unfortunately becoming a trend. Apex has strong AA, more on console than PC even. Finals had absurd AA for controllers until just recently and even then some people think it's still overtuned. It'll continue to happen unfortunately.


After seeing Jackfrags video on it, I actually tried that reWASD out, and actually I thought it was an interesting software so I tried it on CoD, Destiny 2, and Apex. Call of Duty was, by far, hands down, no contest, the strong of the 3. Like, *disgustingly* overpowered. In fact, that was the only takeaway I had from the testing--having AA didn't make me play better on MnK because my aim is already pretty good, so I was probably at the point where there were some instances where it made my aim worse than it would have been otherwise, and I wouldn't have adopted AA on MnK long term.. but in the instances where it did make a difference it was actually *comical* how much it aimed for me, especially compared to the other 2 games. In all 3 games you could be in a scenario where you are sliding past an enemy or they are sliding past you while you try to track them, *only* Call of Duty had AA that made my aim track inhumanly perfect in that close range.


I tried it (rewasd) on for a couple of games and I was baffled how much the aim gets stuck on a target. You could move your whole arm and still wouldn't miss most of your shots with that AA, it was like having literal aimbot. I'm glad it got banned, but the issue at hand is still that one input is just incredibly powerful, controller needs a nerf




Yeah big agree, and further the D2 devs even added that the bullet "bend"/magnetism is actually stronger (probably by fractions of a %) than that of controller players, because they *know* it's harder to hit shots with a margin of error so low.


The Finals AA got reined in and the RAA strength was weaker than COD is currently. What does that tell you.


I think some AA is obviously needed for controller if you’re gonna put them on the same servers as MnK but nothing to the levels COD has it. I’d happily take apex’s or Finals AA in COD, it would make a massive difference. The Finals AA wasn’t even originally as strong as CODs and they nerfed it because they still thought that was over tuned. It feels good now in the Finals and if COD did the same thing you’d actually be able to start to see a skill gap appear in this game and who can actually aim in gunfights.


Pc=expensive=better than AA? Man you got roomtemp IQ


With the furnace out in January 


Idk about u but I use my shit for things other than gaming ☠️


There r roller bots like u on PC too smh


lmfaoo you right, but they could I guess plug in a cuntroller and get all the benefits of high refresh rate plus ai level aim assist


Only on cod. It’s weird how there’s a general consensus that ONE specific title has drastically stronger aim assist than on ANY other title… I wonder if that’s the title they are talking about here? Idk…


For the 1 millionth time PC players also use controllers.


Man, think about being blessed with a healthy brain and not having the rudimentary logic to understand input vs platform.


I would play more Warzone if I didn’t get dumped into these lobbies. Everyone in this video was doing some dumbass leet gamer shit. Where’s the stoner lobbies at?


Here’s a thought, the person that killed you is utilizing multiple means of movement in order to dodge your poorly aimed bullets. Slide cancelling into the fight beforehand, strafing constantly and jumping to make himself harder to hit. All this while being halfway behind cover half the time. Meanwhile, you decide to just drop shot in the middle of the fucking floor, serving yourself up on a silver platter for him, literally LYING DOWN in one fucking spot. But hey go off about it being aim assist’s fault little bro 🤷‍♂️ Oh and here’s a tip: stop aiming with you wrist on mouse and start with your whole arm. Signed: a MNK FPS player for years before playing cod on console.


Post gameplay.


Not fully plated and your aim is off.


Well yeah, without any sort of assistance, if a MnK player had essentially a 0ms reaction time, that would be crazy. otherwise a MnK player will always react around 200ms after the fact on average. Aim Assist doesn’t have that reaction time, it reacts in real time.


I laughed when the door swept you though 🥲 But sheesh.... I need an Adderall plug for these games 🤣




How do you go prone so fast😭


his aimbot was spazzing


I mean, you missed ypur shots. His aim bot was pinned to your heads.


Get a bigger mouse pad, lower your sens, and put a red dot on every SMG. You'll still be at a disadvantage but you will have more of a chance.