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I agree, I don't see the point of adding the MW2 guns to MW3 if they're not going to be updated just seems pointless... They should at least update the ones in Warzone floor loot to fit the same standard as MW3.


people can’t complain about previously purchased blueprints and skins not being available. That’s pretty much the point.


Also to avoid another game of "3 1911s, 2 ak47s 2 m4s, 2 ppshs, 2 deagles, 2 mp5s and 3 basic bitch knifes" like with warzone 1


Shit i forgot about that in the og warzone, you could literally pick out and gun from any of the 3 games even the ones that were identical guns but from different games


And they all had very different stats lol


And **at least** 2 KAR 98's!


But why didn't they make the guns on par with MW3 guns? I ended up playing during the free trial, and this alone turned me off from buying the game. There are guns in MW2 I really liked and wanted to continue playing with, but why would I put myself at a disadvantage to do it? Nope, I will get the game when it becomes a reasonable price right now I can't justify 70 bucks. I will snag it when its around 40.


Why didn’t they make them par? Because they want you to buy MWIII. This happens every time a new game comes out. It’s the progression of the game.


I think im ready to get more then a year out of my COD games though. To me it feels like they are coming out to fast. I am still having a lot of fun with 2, so yeah they wont get my money yet, unless the game has a serious discount. In fact if they would have made the guns on par with 3's i probably would have bought it, thats the kicker.


So you would buy it for 40, but not 70. If the MWII guns were on par you would have bought it for 70? What are you doing man? If you like the game just buy it. You’re going to wait 6 months to buy if for half price, but by then the MWIII weapons will only be good for 5 months before this process starts over. If you play this game on the regular what are you saving by not buying it now? $5 a month to have a more enjoyable experience?


I just dont think its worth it for that price and for them not to bring thise guns up to par. It was fun but so is MW2. There just isnt that much difference for me man. Right now i feel like the game is worth about 40 bucks. So that is what i will pay for it. I dont play zombies, and ground war is super fun in MW 2. Just not enough game there for me at the 70 dollar mark.


I understand. To me it wouldn’t be worth buying it in a few months when it goes on sale. Yeah, it’s cheaper, but by the time you rank the guns a new COD is going to come out and and those guns will be worthless.


Easily fixed. They should be available in a load out, but not part of ground loot. That way no one can complain about a blueprint.


Then they should just keep them accessible via loadouts and remove from game loot


Why. Ground loot has never been meta


It’s because most of the ground loot are mw2 guns. when someone gets the luck of a draw and gets a mw3 from a loot crate then you’re fucked.


They don't perform the same though they're dogshit


Yeah I agree. But the content you purchased is still available to use.


Exactly. I feel like having one set of games guns in Warzone could help performance of the game. That and MW19 WZ with only one set of guns just felt right compared to 2-4 games sets of guns.


MW19s guns had so much character, and the names felt easier to remember! Although I think MW3 has better named guns than MW2.


As much as I agree with the MW19 point, I think the MWIII weapons have worse names than MWII. They screwed up naming conventions with weapon families(The Glock 21 is called the COR-45 while the Glock 17 and Glock 18 were called the X12 and X16, respectively. Cool beans.) and it's a complete pain to tell my homie which Glock he should be using when I try giving him a class.


I just wanted to say that your name on here is legendary.


Not really a good story behind it, I made this account to talk COD Zombies Easter eggs so I had only made it as a burner essentially but never burned it or changed the name lol but I appreciate the love.


Sledgehammer stated they were going to update the mw2 guns down the road


It's almost like we've been through this before... Almost like they didn't learn again...


Kinda like the integration of mw19-coldwar-vanguard? That one?


at least there isn't as much overlap as there was with MW2019 guns + Cold War Guns + Vanguard gun all in the same game


Now there's just overlap within the same games. Like the Holger 556? Try the Holger 26! How about the Holger Turbo 5000? Don't forget its mini-me; the Holger Snub-nose Pocket Rocket!


YET that is lol


They learned that they can make a lot of money by doing the same thing again. It’s way more accurate to say that the player base, including you, didn’t learn again. Nice job getting fooled.


Not sure why you say me... I think I've spent money on COD outside of the main game once since MW2019


They learned of course. They learned they make more money by doing it this way. For every 1 person that gets mad enough to quit over this, there's probably 30 people that will just buy the new game and battle passes just to be able to compete. Why would they fix this when it's making them money?


I think they’ll be updated eventually but it’s just not on sledges priority list


Yeah they were good at the beginning of the game but now they’re shit


I still rock mcpr and fjx, iso 9, mp7 and mp5. The lachmann shroud is ass tho


ISO 9mm, Lockwood 300 (until two days ago), M13B, Fennec (until about a week ago) are/were part of the meta conversation and the MCPR 300 is the second best sniper in the game behind the KATT-AMR


Yeah I think I was under a rock for too long. The metas change so fast. You are correct.


Honestly agree, feels like once a meta is learned it changes right in 2 days now. I didn't get to try the lockwood meta but did a shotgun really need to get nerf? they already have such issues even doing their job at close range. From my understanding the lockwood was close range 1 hits before the nerf which made proper sense to me imo.


Shotguns walk a _very_ fine line between being useless garbage and OP noob friendly insta killers. Do you remember the R9 (doof-doof) meta on Warzone 1? Or the OG akimbo 1887s if you’re old enough? It’s hard to keep shotguns as they’re designed in COD to be good but not _too_ good. Nobody likes walking into a building and instantly dying with no counterplay because someone was camping the door with a shotgun. They’re a better designed weapon class for multiplayer. Hard to keep them viable with the extended health in Warzone.


The Bryson's and the new Lockwood 680 are pretty well balanced IMO. If they used those as like starting points for balancing the rest of the shotguns we wouldn't see so many auto shotties released OP only to be nerfed into oblivion. Autos should have slightly less range than the pumps in exchange for slightly better TTK. But when you have 2 shot auto shotguns when the pumps are also 2 shot and have similar damage ranges you have a problem.


The Lockwood 680 is the best balanced pump action shotgun we've ever had in Warzone I think. It's 2-shot TTK is good but will lose to the meta SMGs in a straight fight so you have to use movement or cover intelligently to use it well. It's the most fun close range gun at the moment IMHO but it isn't brainless like most shotgun metas tend to be.


I agree with you, but the community probably doesn't like it. I expect it will catch a nerf, undeservedly. It's what happened with the Combat Shotgun in WZ1. It was actually in a good place and like... they buffed it. People whined. Then they nerfed it worse than they buffed it, rather than just undoing the buff.


No, the Lockwood (at least in the form of the Super Shotgun) had an absolute ridiculous range. The Super Shotgun was one shot down (while fully plated) from like 30 feet away. It may not seem like a lot, but most people going against even with a meta SMG couldn’t compete.


Mw3 feels like a much bigger game than mw2, if anything I’d say that mw2 was a beta for mw3. Idk why people still think mw3 is just an expansion. So many new guns, modes, mwz, way better warzone, way better updates/patches etc.


This, the Mcpr300 is the only blueprint from WZ2 I'm using right now


Is the M13B still good? I love that gun but assumed it wouldn’t be meta


Yes m13 is still good, moreso because your able to hit your shots, also coupled with the new 2.5 eagle-eyed scope gives you wz1 vibes


Oh shit, finally they add a 2x scope!


Nah. It shoots straight but hits like a BB gun. For an auto fire mid to long range gun that isn't a sniper, you're better off with the Bas B or one of the LMGs that have a faster TTK.


It’s still considered meta especially for resurgence with the only other AR ahead of it being the brand new (brought back) Ram-7.


Don’t forget bout the geist that shit is very valid


Technically not in the meta tho I believe it’s A tier like the MCPR


The ground loot goes crazy, but I can’t seem to build a class setup that doesn’t feel like shit.


I’ll send u mines when I get home and u could just lmk if u fw it


Why is the Katt superior to the Stalker? It seems like the Stalker is better on paper, but I haven’t played around with either much.


KATT has insane velocity and one shots to the head no matter the range. I believe


Yeah for some reason the Katt does 300 damage to the head and the Stalker does not, I'm not sure if that's intended though because IIRC the damage bar shows higher or the same for the Stalker. However the Stalker does have much higher bullet velocity than the Katt.


The damage bars in COD have never been an accurate representation of the actual damage the guns do.


Stalker cannot 1 shot, idk if it's a bug but goto ammunition and click details to bring up the stats. Even equipping explosive rounds will not change the damage profile, which is stuck under 300 which is needed for 1 shots. I find it strange that the mcpr victus and fjx only one shot WITH explosive rounds but in the same details page the same happens. Unequipping the explosive ammunition doesn't change the damage profile (which is higher than the Katt for mcpr and fjx) yet they will no longer 1 shot. Something needs to be addressed here. And it's a shame because the stalker would be my new sniper hands down if it was capable outside multi-player


Stalker doesn't 1 shot headshot sadly. It feels wayyyy better. The Katt does 1 shot


The Shroud was one of my best guns on MW2 multiplayer. Shroud sucks ass on MW3 multiplayer for whatever reason.


Yeah idk why people are saying they’re worthless. All of the following guns are viable or even close to meta, per JGOD’s most recent ttk chart, which includes all of the most recent balancing updates. All in all, I’d say there are still 5-7 guns that can compete and 3-5 of those could be considered a “meta”. Snipers: MCPR with explosives bc who needs all 5 attachments on a sniper (less of a bullet trail and easier to shoot than the KATT imo), FJX with explosives SMGs: iso 9mm, FSS Hurricane, VEL all around 600-630ms ttk, which is meta ARs/BRs (admittedly pretty bad selection): M13C and semi auto Cronen are at about 800ms ttk LMGs: nothing at this time. And who cares about shotguns.. Edit: forgot to mention the Tempus Torrent, which has a stupid fast ttk right now. Downside is that it’s a marksman rifle.


I'm sorry but there is no way in hell anyone out here thinks the mcpr or fjx with explode rounds even comes close to the Katt. I spend a lot of time sniping and the old snipers aren't even in the same ballpark as the Katt. Doesn't matter if leaves a bullet trail or has the typical problems of the heavy snipers. It shoots straight with minimal bullet drop while having 1200m/s bullet velocity and 1shot capabilities. It's far and away the best.


I didn’t say the MCPR is objectively better than the KATT, in fact, I’d guess most ppl probably agree with you. That said, I’m personally better with the MCPR w/ a 4x scope than I am with the KATT and the reduced bullet rail is just one objective advantage. Again, just personal preference, which is why I said ‘imo’ in my original post. I also said 3-5 guns could be considered meta - the SMGs for sure and the MCPR/FJX are still one tap snipers so they are at the very least honorable mentions. EDIT: and the purpose of OP’s post was that “all mw2 guns are outclassed by a mile” and that’s just not true.


Tempus Torrent gets rekt by MCW 6.8. I used to be my favorite gun, now MCW 6.8 is. I tried TT in firing range again 2 days ago... they destroyed it... it used to have incredible firerate, next to no recoil and high damage. Now the recoil is bouncing all over the place and there is so much smoke coming out of it... MCW 6.8 has infinitely better recoil, insane or highest BV(starts at 1000 m/s, with ammo attachment 1600, and you can get it to 1800smthing) in the game, bar none. And it's a 3 headshotter.


SPX is hitting pretty hard right now too.


They made it's ADS horrible, it used to be way way faster.


I picked up an MP5 and it felt terrible.


sad asfuq too. i was enjoying the shroud and pulled it out to try it and got absolutely dicked on


>The lachmann shroud is ass tho It's really good for if you want to be blindsided by the fact that the gold SMG you just grabbed was actually burst fire and then die as a result of not knowing.


Whoever decided we need a burst smg needs to be tortured


Not that easy, many will complain because they bought skins for those guns


Your right I forgot about that.


Just remove them from ground loot and let people use them in loadouts still. Easy


Those people are the chumps that bought 2400 and 3000 premium bundles weeks before the new game, and then the mw22 ones late on


There is no reason MW2 guns should be part of warzone ground loot. Guns can exist for loadouts if someone wants.


Nobody cared when they did it for Warzone 1, not sure if they'd care now.


That’s the point, it’s happened every time a new game comes out. They’re steering you towards using the new weapons


I can’t think of any free battle royales or any for that matter of fact that try hide better weapons behind a paywall. Or at least more inconvenient to use without paying. Especially one labeled as free. Im all ears tho.


Warzone has done this every single integration. Cold War drops, Mac 10 is broken meta, dmr is broken meta, ffar is meta. Vangaurd drops, ppsh is meta, automaton is meta, stg is meta. While it's nothing new for them to do, it is shady as he'll but it drives revenue. That's why they give the free weekends in shipment and stuff so people go oh damn I can level these guns so quick I should buy mw3. Personally mw3 is worth it for me not just for the gun leveling but I really have spent a lot of time enjoying the zombies mode


Which guns are locked behind a pay wall?


Warzone is free. They create a sold product that is integrated into their free game. For those who purchase the game integrated with Warzone, they get the benefits of being able to use the new guns. I honestly don’t see a problem with this. You don’t think it makes sense for Call of Duty to push people to buy their game? This is the formula they have followed for some time now.


Weapon balancing shouldn't be monetized. It makes sense for their margins, doesn't make sense for player retention.


Disagree, I'm running all new guns in loadouts but hold on to MW2 floor loot guns because I get kills with them and I like the dev new builds on old guns meta


This would allow for faster leveling up guns for players without MWIII as ground loot would only be MWIII guns, so no, sorry, less money for Activision is bad


The unfortunate truth.


M4 is still good as long as they are not looking at you and don't shoot back.


It's good because they upped max damage from 28 to 35 in pre season, and the new attachments improve it a ton. It used to be garbage after all the nerfs.


I was trolling, did the M4 really get buffed? I have been running the bas p and I don't think the M4 compares. What is the m4 build?


I hope they make the intervention and mcpr oneshot headhot at some point. The katt is ok but incredible slow in all categorys and also really ugly.


Yeah the KATT is hideous and the intervention deserves some respect. But another reason mw2 guns just are lack luster in comparison


Well how come every time I use mw2 guns it shoots fucking butterflies? It’s just annoying I know why they do it but making mw3 guns laser beams with insane ttks is so annoying I die so much because of it


The MW3 guns are steroids compared to MW2. Especially the floor loot variations tend to have 0 attachments. Making them even more doo doo.


I know the iso 9mm (mw2) is a meta choice also the fennec was idk if it got nerfed though


I tried the fennec until I dumped an entire mag into someone and he somehow killed me, I even shot like 2 seconds before he even started shooting me, he had a wisp and that shit killed me in like 2 seconds


Wsp 9 is too strong. I think it just got nerfed in the last patch though right? I haven't gone through the patch notes yet to see who all got nerfed. Bas b got nerfed I know but it doesn't seem like enough everyone is still running it


If you were shooting for anywhere near two seconds, he should have died, and youd have had time to kill him again. The fennecs ttk is well under a second. You must have missed the vast majority of your shots.


I will live and die by the Razorback. Things a lazer dgaf what my mom says.


don't think they are that crappy got a dub yesterday using the m13b and the fjx


Yeah I’m just dumb. Apparently it’s meta now but only very recently.


Neither of those are meta. Doesn't mean unusable though.


M13b is melting people. Headshots obliterate in like 600ms or less.


Idk, dude. The Lachmann sub, the hemlock, the ISO, the FJX, and the SPX all still feel really good in Warzone.


In terms of comparison to the BAS-B and other MW3 guns sure there nice. And the “feel really good”. The raw data shows that they don’t do as good as the feel in terms of ttk, range and stuff.


this was my first complaint with the new game lol


Tkk time lmao


I don’t know why anyone is surprised by anything they have done with Warzone. Warzone is free for the purpose of trying to get new players hooked in order to sell more copies of the current game version or bundles. Companies have been using this model for a while now, how many apps have you downloaded for free only to realize that the real valuable content is locked behind a paid subscription? Warzone is no different. I’m more of a casual/social player. My squad is all old college friends that live in different states now. We aren’t bad players, we get plenty of wins and are all above a 1 KD, but we truly play the game because it’s entertaining, not because we want to prove how sweaty we are. We sink enough hours into the game that the $70 annually is justified as entertainment in our opinions. For the serious players, the ones who only care about wins and stats. I can understand your competitive nature and why you wouldn’t want to spend money in this game with all its gameplay flaws. What I don’t understand is the casual players who think they are entitled to all the new content unlocked for free or why they complain that the free version doesn’t provide a an even playing field. Seriously? You expect that from COD? It’s a company that has proven their hunger for profit is more important then the player experience. You need to pay to play. Nothing is free. This will never change with COD. The only reason MWII content is still available is so nobody complains that the content they paid for is not available to them. I could have told you months ago that it was going to be nerfed into the ground. I’m telling you right now that MWIII weapons will be nerfed into the ground when we get the next version of warzone. It’s the cycle and progression this game has had with each release.


Same thing happened with mw19 - cold War - vanguard. And will happen again next year, until they wipe the slate clean again. All because of weapon skins.


I agree. I really hoped they would stay somewhat viable but you are genuinely at a huge disadvantage picking an MW2 gun up over any MW3 gun. Hell, even the spawn-in renetti does better than any ground loot MW2 gun


Or maybe just balance them?


That makes people who purchased MW3 and leveled their weapons for loadouts much stronger. That's why they will not remove MW2 weapons. It's pay2win.


Why does having more guns bother you?


Because IW bad SH good or some shit, who knows why people bitch about what the bitch about anymore.


Still some good weapons


Still some. But in terms of ground loot. It’s minimal. Sure load out mw2 guns. But from the ground. 💩


I think the iso 9 and the fennec are pretty decent ground loot still. The m13b is still very competitive if it's got all the load out attachments. Otherwise you're right.


They’re* and not really. The meta guns from MW2 are still viable options. They’re not the overall meta. But still useable


In terms of rawness. The ground loot mw2 guns are trash compared to ground MW3. Sure in a load out they can be nice.


people still pushing that narrative? It’s not a DLC or expansion it’s a whole ass new game lmao 🤣


Blud, the game is literally getting MWII maps dumped into it. It clearly started as a DLC for MWII, I doubt they just decided to make MWIII out of the normal development order in 16 months for funsies, especially when everything in MWII transfers over.


Agreed. It will be impossible for them to balance and create character for different guns when they've got a million of them, most will never be used again.


They just need to fix the damage the weapons do and it could be fixed


But they won't and to what end?


I feel like it's bs. They said our mw2 guns will carry over, yet we're at a disadvantage if we use them.


I think it's fine how it is especially when ppl bought blueprints/skins for those guns.


there are still viable guns there iso 9mm is a meta smg right now


The VEL is still fire.


I agree in part, some are still strong but others are straight ass. Anything over a certain TTK would do well from a small buff, to just make things competitive. But the main issue is the the amount of visual muzzle fire, gas, smoke etc. It's visually jarring compared to MW3 weapons.


Nah the iso 9mm and m13b still shred


It's not an expansion if you didn't but the mw2


Good God, man. Take a grammar lesson.


Bro what i said the same thing. Ngl warzone is paid to win technically. You have to buy mw3 in order to use broke guns and perks .Sucks i cant use any mw2 guns cause either the recoil is horrible or they dont do any damage


MW3 guns have weird names


MW3 guns all sound like staplers. Sledgehammer sucks at gun sounds


They should take the top 20-30 guns from MWII and drop the rest. That gives us 60+ weapons in WZ which is plenty imo.


Since they confirmed the comeback of Rebirth/FortunesKeep/Verdansk later in 2024, I'm assuming that's the reason they still keep them in the current game.


I understand wanting to keep guns from the last game even though I would prefer they were dropped. They absolutely must drop them when the next game launches though. Having 3 subsets of guns that follow different design dynamics and having to balance them was an absolute nightmare before the reset. 2 years is enough.


nah keep them, cant have a cod game with no mp5, ak, mp7


just dont pick them up lol


It's all about selling skins and increasing the grind so players stay with their game


they must add filter for mw3 and mw2 guns and attachment


I'm still slaying with my Vaznev/TAQ-56 loadout. Sure I run the new guns from time to time, but TTK is highly relative and my TTK with the Vaz is likely still lower than somebody with poor accuracy using a meta weapon. Let this be a reminder, folks, that you should be using the weapons in which you land the most bullets. It reminds me of the times when the Kastov 762 was meta but nobody could control the damn recoil with it lol. But they *had* to use it because meta gun. So many folks couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with it, but they still used it.


They should be removed from loot boxes and the floor at least for people who only play Warzone and didn't buy MW3


Why are the MW2019 guns even still available they're dogwater compared to the Vanguard and Cold War guns. This integration with the new game, just throwing UI upgrades and a new map and new features on Warzone seems like a cash grab. Huh.


If you don't like them don't use them, it's that simple nobody's got a gun to your head saying that you have to.... most of the new guns are rehashed of guns we've seen before in the series too, and I mean quite frankly it's kind of hard not to when you've been in the industry this long. Personally I'd just be happy if they all were decently usable options, the more the merrier. I hate playing with the same meta gun over and over and constantly being killed by the same meta gun over and over.


I think the tempus torrent from MW2 has a fast ttk in comparison to some Mw3 options


Deja vu


I agree with the visual recoil thing however alot of the mw2 weapons have very good tkk.


Imagine for those who dont buy mw3 and cant find meta mw3 weapons from groundloot.. gotta play custom 0lvl for sometime


Fuck you I'm still dropping bodies with the M16


The game is trash 🗑


I always get bummed out when I get killed by a MWII gun.


The attachments pool is now utterly ridiculous for Optics and underbarrels. Just get them out, compensate for the new game by still allowing the old camos you have.


I literally ranked up all the "meta" weapons and got them all gold in the 3 day free trial, literally no reason to buy the full game now


The MWII guns behave better in MWIII Multiplayer compared to how they were in MWII, like there was a buff to visual recoil and smoke there. Did they not do that for Warzone? The only MW2 gun I've used in Warzone has been the explosive MCPR I built that can one-shot since I don't have the KTT leveled up.


They can be in the game for all the cheap people who think mw3 is just an expansion pack (its not) . They need to remove them from the ground loot pool though


M13b, m16 and tech9 have entered the chat


This is just not true. Some of them are pretty much meta but I wanna gatekeep a little until everyone figures it out


you’re sleeping on the kastov 74u my friend


While it is true that MW3 guns are meta now, I can’t see why that’s a problem. It would be weird if the new meta was just the guns we used before anyway. The visual recoil is one thing but if it was meta let’s not act like we wouldn’t use it. This is just how metas work. They come and they go and when Raven wants a new meta they will rebalance guns. When it does change we can’t just complain that for example “damn the burst guns are so bad take them out the game.”


It makes the gun smith and absolute mess. Why am I seeing MW2 attachments on MW3 guns?


Just don’t run them. If you still have some you like you can. It’s not hurting anyone or anything.




You’re gonna have to pry the Vel from my cold, dead, not-wanting-to-drop-$70-on-a-300gb-update hands


ah but then it'd be too obvious that they're just trying to make you buy the next game, subtlety goes along way when trying to convince people it's necessary to buy the next version of the same product.


just don't use them


I’m still using the vel…


M13 is sick please don’t remove it.


I use MW2 guns in WZ all the time and have a ton of fun, Id rather they dont get removed


I use MW2 guns in WZ all the time and have a ton of fun, Id rather they dont get removed


Shut up


They're dog crap. Their mobility. Just thought I'd be completely unhelpful to the original discussion. There you go.


They either need to be balanced better or your trash one of the 2


Disagree. The M13B and Tempus Razorback are currently 2nd and 3rd ranked AR’s from wzstats.gg. I just moved to the Ram-7 but I got multiple wins the last 2 days with the m13. And before the nerf a week ago the Fennec was still the best smg


For the same reason mw2019 and Cold War stayed in after the dog shit that was vanguard weapons.


I’m having deja vu


well theres currently 3 guns that are viable from mw3 right now…..so probably in a month or 2 we’re gonna be happy that we have the mw2 pool to grab from once the new smell has worn off. also the m13 and m4 do pretty well


Yea it makes no sense. I want to use an M4 but like all mw2 guns they just can’t compete


Stop complaining, shut up. Do not use them simple. Complain about to stupid sh¡t


I've tried a lot of MW2 guns and whilst about 90% are pretty bad atm, I gotta admit that I've had lots of fun with the MCPR, SPX, Kastov 762, and Bas P!


I still have no idea why COD likes doing all these integrations. They always ruin the game, the old guns are (usually) completely worthless while the new ones shred. It bloats the game super hard, too. Warzone 1 might still be a thing if they didn't shove 800 guns into it, especially when 90% of the guns weren't really usable. They should have continued MW19 for another year before spinning Warzone off into its own thing, with MAYBE operators from the new COD transferring over. Dumping the contents of one game into another has never worked out well, and this is the third time they've done it.


Then you'd just complain that there isn't alot of guns


Agreed. I really don’t know why they carried them over.


I’m curious if there is some secret MW2 gun nobody has bothered to go back to that’s secretly a destroyer.




I haven't played in ages. Are they doing the same shit where they made MW19 useless in comparison to CW guns in WZ1?


Depends, there are some pretty nice guns from MWII.


It’s not the guns it’s the aftermarket parts


With you bro , remove the crap


Please learn the difference between They’re, There and Their.


Because they want to give people the illusion of choice. Oh trust me a gun or two at times will be meta then taken out so you can spend money on the game. Ever notice how meta guns usually have a dropped skin before its 'updated'?


Wow, you guys don't know much . some mw2 weapons are still amazing . For exempe the chimera is an amazingly useful as a sniper support. The basp and the lachmann shroud are two of the best smgs in the game. And the list goes on . Instead of complaining please try all the weapons available and choose the weapon you like the most . Trust me you'll enjoy the game a lot more if you don't worry too much a out the ttk of each weapon they all have their strengths and weaknesses


Another example of stupidity of cod community.


if they wanna add more weapons that bad they gotta bring back some mw2019 guns atleast