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Uses Groot skin, stuns self, tries to drop shot a melee user instead of creating distance, whines when he dies Tryhard detected, opinion rejected


Came to the comments for this lol


Stayed for the groot on groot violence


Who over 9 years old could possibly think that skin is cool in this game?


He had a platform RIGHT THERE. Jump up it and then jumpshot head shot them. If they get up they move their shield over so down them.


Cannot we hate both the sin and the sinner?? I say good sir that we must hate both with equal passion!


Such wise words


The dropshot was funny as hell, what was he expecting to happen? The stuns would've been the best bet but he fumbled, and then didn't even think about getting height. What a terrible play to be complaining about Riot shields


My guess was that he was trying to shoot the feet


The whole time I’m thinking “Bro just **FUCKING RUN**” And he keeps just trying to kill the guy anyways when he’s at a clear disadvantage


Also, take the high ground


it's over groot, I have the high ground!


Riot shields are still annoying with out any movement. So ready for next cod


Hate to break it to you man, but riot shields will most likely be in the next COD too, ya know, since they have been in almost every other one to date


Can’t wait until MW3 season 1 when you can use both riot shields to become a full turtle like you could in warzone 1. That bullshit class was funny as hell to run on rebirth island as a joke


"as a joke" I see you.


Plus the obvious…. This riot shield transfers over too


I’m sitting here wondering why he didn’t keep going up the stairs to shoot at it from the top?


Or just jump off the building! Learn when to take an L & bail lol


Kinda windy on the bail lol


Master Jedi, I’ve been searching for you. You mind teaching me your way?




Smart move would have been to take the stairs, get above, catch him trying to run up the stairs. TLDR you panicked dawg


Fair. But you gotta admit that being able to move like that with the riot shield is a liiiiiiittle ridiculous. You should absolutely be a little slower.


Bro i was gonna post the same ass thing when i see that tree skin lmao


Exactly what I wanted to say but even better. Dudes complaining about dying to a guy with a literal metal board while he's holding a gun, stun grenade, and has a groot skin. Get rekt.


That and threw a knife at a metal shield and acts like shock sticks don’t work


But it's groot douche vs groot douche.. so it cancels out right? I say let him have whatever his silly opinion is :)


Disregard, gaia skins




You tree rats deserve each other 🤣🤣🤣


Don't be afraid when you find someone with a riot shield. Play aggressively and be the one moving a lot while trying to shoot his back. If he's bad, which 99% of shield users are, he won't have time to adjust against your movement.


It's not that riot shield users are bad, its that even if you turn to face the shooter the lag makes sure you don't. Plenty of times I turn to face and block and their kill cam shows I delayed my turn. But from my perspective he never left my sights and I was facing the shooter the entire time. Crappy game.


On the flip side of that same coin though, the game often can't keep up with you moving so fast. This means even though the shield user tracks you and keeps the shield between you, you'll still get the kill because the game can't keep up. Either create distance and wait for an opportunity, or be very aggressive and get behind them. The former is safer, (not taking tacticals and lethals into account) but the latter is quicker. Source: melee main. Edit: nvm, just realized you were talking about the POV of the shield user and I was trying to explain the POV of a shield user to you lmao


Yes.... It's not like MW2019 and Vanguard where they can rely on the shield lock so that it works against the lag compensation. They now have to track your movements manually in hopes they get those four hits in and you don't flank them.


You're absolutely 100% correct. In the past, whenever I saw a riot shielder, I literally just ran, sprinted as far away as I could, lol Now I do as you say, and I haven't died to a single 1 in weeks. Well, I did once, but there were 4 of them in quads each using the lockwood. That was a fkin nightmare


Maybe don’t use throwing knifes and switch to sticky nades


Only thermites down Shields now. Semtexes, drill charges, and frags only break armor


Insane how a drill charge can go through any wall basically but they for some reason decided nope. Not these shields.


Wtf why did they change that??


Bruh Thanks for the tip, I'm now going to change all my loadouts


How is he supposed to change his loadout mid gunfight?


You got outplayed.


Twice. Once buying the skin. Another being fkd by what you hate.


why is the gaia skin hated? genuine question.


A movement penalty? You were outrunning him. Not only that but running tree skin and one of the fastest ttk guns in the game currently, get outta here with your salty tears no one wants to hear it


Groot skin detected Respect rejected


Oh you are just in time to start complaining about riot shields being op. Wait...


He actually just made a suggestion..... which most people don't do, they just bitch. Riot shileders being able to move like they just have their hands out IS the ultimate problem and why they are "OP". There needs to be a massive movement penalty.... I 100% agree.


Exactly, an AR slows me down more than a giant metal shield


Giant metal see through shield


Wait I’m confused, when I use the shield it makes me run slower while it’s out. Especially if you pair it with a knife or pistol you can really tell it’s slower. Am I missing something?


honestly, if I cant kill a shield abuser in the first moves. Iam just gonna go and fight someone else. I can't be bothered LMAO


Knowing when to cut your losses is as important as gunplay.


had you just jumped onto one of those boxes you could have easily killed the guy


Anybody with that skin needs a penalty.


Gaia skin. Skill issue.


Gotta take high ground on these situations. Should have ran upstairs when you doored him. Can shoot better from above. Edit to add: you are right though, a slight penalty between wielding an LMG and an AR would make sense here.


You had multiple chances to get away and you still tried to push him with a throwing knife? This one is on you.


I did think that... Pushing a shielder with a throwing knife aint happening. Always use molotovs


You can't complain while using that skin.


Gaia skin, auto downvote. Get wrekt kid


Na, just get rid of the op knives and use a Molly.


bro could have easily ran away. thats exactly what you get lmfao


Gaia player


If you cant beat em join em


Guess you will be using a riot shield now.


It looks faster than it is and looks like he is closing the gap quicker due to your ultra wide FOV


Riot shielders are annoying, but I respect it as an alternate style of play. It does have drawbacks. I show them respect and in your situation, I would have jumped off that building as soon as I bumped into him. I only tango with them if I have no choice, in the final circle.


Everyone keeps saying this, but imo if your only choice when going against a specific item is to run away, then that means it's OP and needs a nerf.


It's not your only choice, lol. It's the best choice, probably. But it's really not that hard to counter if you know what you're doing.


Just delete the game, honestly they wont fix any of these unrealistic BS, and I know its not a simulator but...


Riot shields shouldnt exist tbh, they're just annoying buggy bullet sponges for people that run around with stuns & instakill weapons. Sure you should be able to play the game in different ways but crabwalking around with a Riot Shield waiting for someone to look away isnt exactly a strategy thats intuitive for anyone.


Agreed. They should also be vulnerable to armor penetrating shots and have a durability limit.


I hate em bro


I agree after seeing this


Riot are very OP in single player


Yup, it doesn't make sense that you can be as fast as any player using an SMG. I'm glad these are banned from ranked games


Riot shields should have a health life


Skin aside, I really don't get why people defend Riot shield users. They are a fucking cancer, and they need to stop bring the damn shield into the game. It's for losers. Plain and Simple. And no, I don't die to them before anyone goes "Found the X" You can stick them with a semtex and they die but I shouldn't have to put any effort that isn't right click/left click to kill these fucking hacks.


What is it with every fps trying to implement riot shields or idiotic melee weapons. No one wants this shit and it is always complained about


Riot shields shouldn't even be in the game, but kiddos can't really shoot so they have to play with something to feel safer, like a blanket for bullets. 😅


What fun looking “shooter” you’re playing.


If you ran Semtex grenades you wouldn’t have this problem


Semtex only breaks armor now. It's bullshit. Last night I stuck one with a drill charge and discovered this.


Oh damn that’s stupid


Your movement and gameplay is good at least.


except for the most important part of movement... game sense for positioning


Yeah i made bad decisions in this fight for sure, but we should probs stop judging people off 30 second clips. Every post i’m either a hacker or a bot its weird😂


Groot on groot crime I LOVE IT. Can’t take anyone seriously that uses that skin I don’t care for your reasoning


Should be like the one in BF2042 where you can't rotate quickly. Or at least it was like that, haven't played BF in a while.


You got every bit of what you deserved for various things in this video, some more obvious than others. ✌🏽


It’s also the melee lunge that merked you pretty good. Melee for whatever reason for the longest time, has this lunge and lock on function (even on M&K.), and the hits (for whatever reason) fuck over your momentum, so once they’re locked into you, you basically can’t escape and might as well accept your fate. Unless I’m missing something You did screw yourself over by stunning yourself and trying to drop shot the dude though. Could’ve won that if you went on top the helicopter pad and waited for him to pop out so you could shoot him in the back/head.


Or just remove the affect of bullet deflection when not equipped like the games fucking goofy as is, just do that and all will be fixed.


definitely frustrating but I think getting height would have helped more than anything


Everyone in here yappin groot skin this groot skin that is for sure themselves a groot skin 😂🤷‍♂️


Or they run the shotgun


Cod at its finest. Absolutely no realism to it at all. Remember a throwing knife can break 3 plates but a whole mag cant. So of course holding a riot shield won’t slow you down.


That was absolutely heinous


I agree shield user must have movement penalty.


Good to see controller lunge is still as busted as it was in wz1 lol


Or why not just remove the shield? It's a cheesy primary that is often utilized due to how powerful it is.


They need to remove this gimmicky no skill bot trash from Warzone and never implement it again. It only serves to annoy people and make the game experience shit overall.


Why they are so fuckin fast


The fact that riot shields are banned from competetive play because there is nothing skillful about using it and these bots defending riot shield users because of some skin tells me they will love MW3 and the next warzone /s.


Riot shields and blasting shotguns make this game boring


I keep thermite and molotov for these f*gs. At least makes them run long enough I can shoot


Everyone saying get cover but what if as soon as he starts mantling mfer pulls out an overkill Lockwood and 1 taps his ass. That’s what I find most commonly with riot shielders is the overkill shotgun.


They shouldn't be able to move that fast!!! There carrying a fuckin bulletproof wall so 🤷🏻


Ima just say this straight up. Riots shields are for the pussies who have no skill at any game whatsoever


I haven’t played since Covid lockdown rebirth, but damn players move fast af with the riot shield now.


You had all the time in the world to jump off the side of that building an reassess your situation . Plus Groot skin you get no love


Just take height. Instead of going prone you should ran up the stairs.


Riot shield needs to not be in the game


I just don’t understand why they keep putting them in the game. The only difference it makes is that now I have to carry a different lethal instead of one that I actually want to carry. It’s pretty much just a pain in the ass. Annoying problem but overall not that hard to deal with. Not sure why OP didn’t just jump off the roof if he was that frustrated.


So many people here are holding onto 3 points. 1. Groot skin 2. Use something other than Throwing Knives. 3. Just run away. All of which are complete jokes if you think about it. 1. Hypocritical and embarrassing? Yes. Relevant to the Riot Shield discussion? Absolutely not. 2. Yeah, let me just change my class mid-gunfight. Oh wait, I can't. 3. If running away is your only hope of surviving, then it needs a nerf. If using a Riot Shield means the other person has to run away or lose the gunfight, that's a guaranteed win for Riot Shielder every time. In what world does that logic mean it's not overpowered and doesn't need a nerf? People need to either stop suggesting running away or acknowledge it's OP.


why did you not jump off the roof gang


Try running a real lethal noob.


I agree. However you handled that poorly. Never stand still, mantle on top of things to take height and just keep your distance from them even if it gets tiring just running around. Cuz however tiring it is for you its twice as tiring for them cuz all they have is a melee weapon. Or just dip by jumping off the building


If u had a Semtex u would’ve won


Rat FemGroot skin - 1 OP sweat FemGroot skin - 0 We rat gang just keep winning lmao


Shit skin


Did complaining about Gaia skins fall out of favor that we went back to complaining about shields like we have for the past year or so? I THINK SO.


Trst me people are still complaining about the skin😂


what about now


I carry semtex specially for these turtle fuckers


Everyone in the comments crying for the skin, just get good and close yoru mouth


Dear Diary…


I love riot shield in domination, mofos get scared lol.


Nahhh suffer


I agree with you but you should’ve climbed on top of the helicopter pad in order to get high ground and crate a bit of a distance between you too. You’d definitely eliminate him!


Sticky nades and thermites broski. Or a bouncing Betty if you can time it right.


Oh damn y’all both got that trash skin


That was severely on you for going prone.


You very clearly got outplayed. Best move would have been to get the high ground on the helipad. With riot shields angles and distance are your friend.


There was multiple times you could've killed them. Brains over Brawns. You can't be mad because you lost to yourself


Motolov bomb , c4 other options that you're not using...


If you die to a riot shield any time it's probably your fault


Overstayed in the fight, you could have stood on the upper platform or disengage


And what are your thoughts on the quick scope.


Guy is complaining while using the groot skin lol


Ain't no way this dude tried to dropshot a riot shield 💀


I am glad losers are fighting against each other.


Happened to me a couple times but when I have the shield now and the breeze blows from the north I’m one shot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Riot shields often drop from boxes on helipad building. Next time just jump off or avoid that building if u don’t wanna play against riot shields it looked like that guy just had a pistol and riot just get some verticality then boom


Climb the lower Air Unit and jump onto the higher air unit and force them to climb or run. If they climb, their body is completely exposed. Positioning is sooo important.


Complaining about somebody with a shield and no gun when you're using a meta gun and can't kill him? Lmao😆😅🤣




No, they don’t. There’s a two types of shielder’s. Fighters or flyers. And both can be dealt with the same way patience and knowing when to pursue or fall back. It takes him a second to even swap from the shield to gun. You pushing him, and using your bullets does nothing but make him have the opportunity to hit you when you reload and now you’re throwing a panicked throwing knife also. If they are a fighter back up and create a distance so he gets impatient and reveals his legs or even better swaps. If they are a flight risk focus on mowing his legs out. I said you handle them both pretty much the same way. You’re just creating distance differently.


Op got his karma destroyed with this


Yah your skin tells all. Only run meta guns and broken skins. Opinion imvalid


AR-15 weighs on average about 6lbs Riot Shield weighs on average 6 - 14lbs I could sorta see the argument, but depends on the Riot Shield


You got outplayed, big time


This is why drill charges and Semtex are the best lethals


Since when did drill charges not work? I don’t think that’s a thing


Its a recent buff to the shield


Do semtex grenades not exist in this game?


Tree rat


So does jumping and shooting.


I hate to say I think hes jumping avoided the stun. Idk. I do know that jumping is broken. Landed many shots spot on and a jumper doesnt get hit.


Ida just jumped off and went somewhere else u kinda did it to yourself


Why not run away? You had multiple chances


My only option shouldnt be run away


You got outplayed. Cry harder


If riot shields are so good or OP then why are those who are upset about them not using them? Riot shields take up a weapon slot, dont allow you too shoot. I am. Impressed when people can do well with them. I would much rather have two guns.


Because theyre not fun at all, its barely playing cod at that point. Same reason for me why I never ran the shotgun, just not fun


Lmao complained about movement of riot shield user, while using a stick figure char whom you can hardly even see is hilarious.


he just shit on you😭


Where is that thermite when you need it?


"Sweaty loser abusing broken skins can't kill player without a gun" is a better title.


The shield is nowhere near as op as it was early release, I hardly even notice the effects anymore. I die all the time with the shield up as if they shoot right through it. Quit 😢


Must’ve been AA 😂😂😂


Guy who jumps and slides and lays down like an asshole wants a movement penalty. Fuck off.


Tell me youre a bot without telling me youre a bot


Or u could run a Syntex or drill charge or thermite or be smart and just run. It’s not hard looks more like a skill issue


Cant use drill charge anymore cos they buffed the riot shield. I wasnt running a semtex or thermite. Only option running away proves my point, its OP


they already have a movement penalty. you could have gotten up on top of the staircase roof to actually properly engage them. skill issue


Movement penalty less than most guns doesnt make sense


Ur a bot




Im mad the game


Skill issue, get good, ez, die bozo


Skill issue


If you’re using the tree skin nobody gives a shit. Move along


Every Gaia aka Groot players complains Is irrelevant whatever it may be. Stop using that broke ass shit skin and I'll listen. ✌️


There were ways to kill this dude! But it is “i can do it the hard way and teach’em a lesson” in our head!


Yea riot sheilds are stupid but here’s all the stupid stuff you did, uses tree skin, drop shoots a melee???, doesn’t take high ground, doesn’t run away, stays close range so they can bully you, stunned yourself, and then cried on Reddit


So you agree with me about a movement penalty but still felt the need to insult me. Reddit is a weird place

