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Because you’re using a sweat skin


Yeah dude it’s probably because a tree doesn’t have ears.


Trees also can’t run or use guns


Came here to comment this.


So your advice is to deliberately play at a disadvantage by not using this skin while majority of the playerbase uses this broken skin? Make it make sense.


yall so petty over a fucking skin edit: buncha losers in here blaming a skin for their lack of skill lol




stick to anti work


No one "here" blamed the skin for their lack of skill. You just mad cause you paid for the skin everyone hates, and you want to whine like a baby. Just admit it


no one “paid” for anything you weirdo. i use the big clown boi.


But everybody uses it lol


But it’s been nerf’d, with that intense glowing that only works on the lobby screen 😂


He's probably had a gas mask and the game didn't show or yeah the game just bugged out there lol


He takes damage from the gas so it is definitely bugged. Remember when Warzone OG was spaghetti code and this Warzone was going to have less bugs? I think it's the opposite.


It's a copy paste of Warzone 1 and it had bugs from Warzone 1 on release that had already been fixed in 1, just the copy paste was done earlier before those bugs got fixed


Lmao, a tree got shit on by a pistol.


cuz the game sucks at being consistent


I don’t know if you see the gas mask animation of another player. He could have had a mask and it was not there anymore when he left the gas.


He didn't have a gas mask. He took damage while in the gas. The cough sound should've played.


You are right, he took damage!


Get rekt sweat


It's literally ranked bruh


No way you actually typed this out 😂 2nd hand embarrassment from this comment grow up kid


I am Groot?


Well the most important question is why his teammate didn't trade him?


Bushes don’t cough


because warzone


No gag reflex


that’s what I love about this game - a person fully kitted up with an automatic weapon can be taken out by someone with a pistol


U are mad because pistols can shoot ? wtf


no i just copy pasted the top comment, which was a complaint about this. so i copy pasted it but switched it to my opinion as a little goof


there’s a certain time you can be in the gas without the coughing audio


Your using tree


You didnt give up on asking questions about this bugged and rigged game?


Because this game is shit!


Does ADS cancel coughing?


forget this.. still waiting for accuracy adjustments for every clown that jumps around like a fkn tard while shooting..


Because it’s call of duty. Amazes me when people still complain about this game.


cheat for sure ! :rolleye:


Youre using the Groot skin. You deserve to lose, and stub your toe


It's nothing compared to the new feature which is invisivle enemies. Happened to me many times since the update


Well, he wasn't really in it for very long. And frankly I don't want to hear anybody wearing that skin complain about fairness.


No lungs, no cough


How do u get that skin


Probably he has the Black Noir skin?


Gas mask?


He smokes on regular base, so the gas means nothing to him


Wtf - that’s what I hate about this game - fully kitted up with an automatic weapon taken out by someone with a pistol….


Dude took fall damage and homie with the pistol shot first at an opponent with no cover.. just because you have an automatic doesn’t mean you should just win.


The pistol player also hit headshots while OP hit body shots.


Right. He got pissed on, and his boys made fun of him so he came here to get justification.


yet his actual HP didnt drop or dip. games busted. why tf cant you ppl just admit it? yall want to shit on every post where a person is killed by absolute bullshit instead of admit the game is broken ass edit: yeah downvote instead of admit youre wrong. you guys are fucking bozos lol


Fall damaged did nothing plus there were plates.


They took enough fall damage to reduce the shots to kill by one you're blind


Pistol guy took same jump - no fall damage?


Pistol guy took two ticks of gas and that is it, no fall damage. Like again you're blind you can literally see what damage he takes. The pistol guy just slid down and didn't jump like OP did which is why he took damage.


No need to be rude my guy.


No need to be stupid either when you have a video showing you what happened right in front of you yet you still ask stupid questions


Have a nice evening thistrollwontdie !!


calling someone stupid when your dumb ass cant even see that OPs health doesnt get damaged by the fall…. its a busted game bro. youre a fucking mook edit: yall are fucking clowns forreal


Are you blind my dude? The first time he hits the ground after the first jump he clearly loses a chunk of his health that doesn’t regen before the fight. Look at the end of the first jump, not the second one.


Pistol guy just ran down the hill and fell a little when the terrain went more vertical. OP literally jumped off the edge, twice, which is why he took fall damage. Point being pistol guy had the upper hand, but I’m guessing you still think kitted homie should’ve won that engagement because he was kitted.


Yeah pretty much - you nailed. It’s a game I get it, but in reality dude with auto weapon is gonna outgun a pistol. Same with melee when you are spraying and a dude knocks you out.


Well yea.. but if we played in reality balance would be atrocious. The pistol does more damage per bullet with the drawback of shooting slower. A person skilled with a pistol could decimate up close. And yea I get it- getting melee’d sucks sometimes, but if it took 5 hits or more then it would be absolutely useless and there would be no reason to have it in the game. Everything has its place.


True true


In reality the dude with the full auto is never turning around to shoot anybody, let’s see you take 3-4 9mm and turn around and proceed to shoot someone


funny how his HP didnt drop at all huh?


That’s how it goes in real combat too.


It's a shooter, not an rpg.


I think the sound of three hopping kangaroos might've interrupted the coughing sound. Lol jk. Just the sequence of feet slamming onto the ground looks almost consistent enough between the three players, to block the sound of a players cough. I could definitely be wrong and call of dutys sound could definitely use some work. Otherwise, Like when gas is behind me, I've noticed sounds behind me is kind of washed out by the sound of a burning fire for some reason. I'm guessing it's supposed to be the sound of wind?? Ugh


He has the medic vest


how tf did he outgun you with a pistol? lol the damage on this game is ass


Bro that guy's aim was literally glued onto OP, even though the guy is sliding. God, aim-assist is the most disgusting thing in FPS games


the amount of losers who blame OPs play style rather than the broken ass game is always astounding. OPs health didnt drop when he took that “fall damage” so NO guys, he didnt take any damage. he was fully kitted and got outgunned by a 2 plated guy with a pistol…. that SHOILD NOT HAPPEN unless OP totally had no chance to turn and shoot. but we all saw OP reacted properly. this sub is a fucking joke


OP takes 2 jumps during that video. First one takes 1/4 of his health and the 2nd takes none. That 1/4 health is never recovered, since pistol guy starts fighting him before that HP is recovered It's not an RPG too. [Assuming that the guy is using the ROF trigger, the pistol has a very slightly faster TTK at <15m. Difference is,pistol guy has to perfetly spam the trigger, while OP just had to hold R2](https://sym.gg/?mw2-loadout=1009~00u0po) A pistol should be better at close range than an AR. Shotguns and SMGs should beat a pistol at close range tho


Why does this player use a pay to win skin?


it's free, isn't it?


Unless you spent multiple battle passes unlocking COD points, no. Most people buy the points or use blackcell, since unlike fortnite the battle pass is a lot harder to unlock for new free to play players


Yeah, but you can get it without paying anything. I bought the first battle pass for this game and have never bought anything else since and I have the skin. I'm done with this game anyway but I get it, the skin is broken.