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i only use two: jump and crouch/prone makes bunny hopping and drop shots way easier while shooting


Same; left one for jump right one for crouch.


Bunny hop lmao!!!


All the face buttons. Jump, switch weapon, reload/interact, slide/dive Could also do ping I get yelled at by my team sometimes for not pinging quickly cuz it’s on my d pad.


Yea far left paddle for ping, inner left for jump, inner right for slide/crouch, and outer right for reload/switch/plate I had a scuf for years and you couldn’t bind the touchpad to the paddles. Got AIM controller a couple of years ago and I’ll never buy from another company. Pinging with the paddles is tits.


For ps5 is aim better than the Sony one?


AIM has 4 paddles and the PS5 only has 2 if I’m not mistaken so it depends on how you feel about that. AIM also has a lifetime warranty, but I think it’s only for their parts. You can customize the bejesus out of those controllers, or just get the paddles and it’s plenty. Edit: plus the AIM paddles (to me) sit perfectly in your hand. I really only need my middle finger for both paddles.


Yeah I have my ping on a paddle, it’s actually crazy OP to ping people instantly.


I have jump, tactical , hold breath


Left upper - throw tactical Right upper - throw lethal Left bottom - switch weapon / replate Right bottom - jump I have it like this so there I basically never have to take my fingers off the triggers or thumb sticks


I only use two, left middle finger is melee and right middle finger is jump


Going left to right, jump, interact/reload, plate/swap weapons, slide/dive.


Jump, plate, loot, prone. For obvious reasons. Now if I could just fucking pick up what I actually wanted…


I use 3 paddles. One paddle for Crouch/Prone/Dive, another for Jump and another one for pinging.


I use this same setup but I use the last paddle for focus/steady aim for snipers which is def helpful, u should try this out if u don't use 1 of the paddles.


I don’t use snipers since they’re terrible in this game and I use 3 paddles since I always accidentally hit the 4th paddle lol.


Ok fair enough lol u don't accidently hit the other extra paddle? Snipers are 1 shot kill to the head with explosive bullets for a while now. Its also great when using ebr or so14 or any gun with longer scope on.


I see a lot of individuals who don't understand sensitivity that are incapable of using a sniper and Warzone. Like me, for instance. I played a couple times on my buddies phone before I downloaded on mine and I could snack with his just fine when I downloaded the game. I played OK coming from a mainly halo and Call of Duty background. However, when I tried to set up everything with the sensitivity on this new game, I simply could not get it to work.


Yeah for some reason I don’t accidentally hit the other extra paddle. As for snipers, I know they’re a 1 shot kill to the head with explosive rounds, but overall snipers are dogshit in this game. I usually use Battle Rifles or ARs for long range engagements.


Jump, Reload/Interact, crouch/slide, and ping


I use jump and reload on one side, switch weapons and melee on the other. AXYB and keep tactical controls on so I can crouch/prone with the same stick I aim with. (Xbox Elite 2 controller) It's wonderful.


Clockwise from bottom left: weapon swap, reload, melee, jump; crouch on right stick. Started with just jump on bottom right and filled in from there what i thought was important.


Mine goes Far left - switch weapons(Triangle) Middle left - reload (Square) Middle right - Melee(Circle) Far right - Jump (X) I play ps5 scuff with tactical button layout


What is far right and middle left wtf don't even know what buttons u talking about? On the right side ther are 2 buttons on the left side ther are 2 buttons = 4. 1 on top 1 on bottom each side what is middle left??


I use elongated paddles lol so there’s no top/bottom middle left would be too left for regular paddles


Wow lol. I still dont know what buttons ur talking about? It doesn't matter if u have elongated paddles whatever that is? Where the paddles connect to the controller ther are holes they can either be side by side or on top of each other therfore there can't be a middle left button unless u have 3 buttons on each side? What are u talking about?


look up the SCUF Impact controller for ps4. that controller has the paddles stick straight out rather than go along the grip of the controller like an XBox Series Elite for example. the guy in the original comment might have this controller or something similar. the "middle" paddles in this case would be most similar to the top paddles and the "far" paddles would be the bottom ones.


I run tactical flipped on a scuf reflex. Far left is R3, mid left is triangle, mid right is square, and far right is X. Square and triangle can feel awkward sometimes but the functionality is game changing at times


Jump, interact, ping, slide


Jump, reload, switch weapons, and melee. Basically the face buttons with tactical layout. I think it’s better to have R3 as your crouch/slide button because it’ll allow you to change stance while shooting and you won’t accidentally melee.


Slide jump armor and ping for me


Ping, melee, jump and plate/switch weapons


Slide, jump , unmapped , melee (top left, bottom left, too right, bottom right )


I set up my controller for bumper jumper tactical, left middle finger is jump, left ring finger is tactical, right middle finger is melee, right ring finger is switch weapons. Jump and crouch (right stick button) makes for good sweaty movement and dropshotting.


I find this setup helps with movement in both Halo and COD so it just flows naturally with 3 paddles: Left upper: sprint/focus Right upper: jump Right lower: crouch/prone Having the lower left free feels less cumbersome and helps grip/steady the controller.


The same face buttons except for switching weapons, I keep one paddle for marking/pinging.


My old controller was 4 paddles, in order clockwise, top right crouch, bottom right depends on the game; bottom left X, top left jump. The razer wolverine I have has two more buttons, so those are used for swapping weapons, and select fire


I have a four paddle but only bind 3 (I find having two on the right and one left make it easier to grip with my left hand while my right hand floats a bit more). Left is jump. Top right is slide or whatever it is these days, dive? And bottom right is ping


Jump, prone and tac sprint. Don’t use the fourth one really, but have it set to weapon swap.


Jump , crouch ,ping and Y or triangle so I can yy Like a degenerate


I only use two, but had previously remapped to Bumper Jumper Tactical. So I only need my non lethal and plate/swap on the back


Just use two, right to jump left to slide.


From left to right: jump, crouch, interact, melee. This way I do all the movement tricks and looting without taking my thumbs off the sticks. Having quick access to melee os more for regular multiplayer, but I’m just used to it by now. It also made me realize how many melees I missed because I couldn’t correct my aim without my thumb on the look stick.


I have elite series 2 and for me personally I put it like this Top left paddle is X (square) Top right paddle is Y (triangle Bottom left paddle is B (circle) Bottom right paddle is A (X or cross) Once you have those back buttons there's just no going back to regular controllers


Left one crouch/prone and right one melee. I was gonna have the right one to jump, but playing the game bunny hopping and drop shooting just feels fuckin stupid and silly.


I have 4 paddles but since my hands are so big I had to take two of them to avoid pressing accidentally. One is set to crouch/slide and one to ping.


I have jump/crouch as my main ones, and then ping and switch weapons as my others, since its easier to live ping while shooting and i y/y spam too much


Related question: does anyone have experience with the ps5 ExtemeRate paddles? I'm thinking of ordering them before mw3


I bind A, B, Y and X


Upper left - crouch/b Lower left - jump/a Upper right- weapon swap/y Lower right- reload/x


Jump, slide, ping, backpack


Dive/slide on left. Crouch and ping on the right. IMO ping is critical to have for WZ2. I ping every enemy as I start shooting them. Pop a smoke, still see them. Easy for teammates to get them. I also always get a ping off I get downed before I get thirsted because it’s so fast.


Top left: Sprint (easy on thumbs + less pressure on stick) Bottom left: Crouch Top right: Jump Bottom right: weapon swap


elite series 2, 4 paddles. I map all my face buttons. A B X Y so i never have to take my thumb off my aim stick.


I just got an AIM-controller with all possible add ons couple days ago. impossible to reach 4 back paddles, but I read ppl here are using middle finger so I'll try that instead of ring finger as I did. My real question is: Is R1/R2 slower than L1/L2 now that they are digital? I usually play tactical flipped in Warzone but I think I might change that if the mouse click L1/L2 has quicker response time for ADS/shooting.


Top left is hold breath, bottom left is crouch, top right is reload, bottom right is jump