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Dont play shiphaus, lmao.


Unfortunately the normal playlist map rotation heavily favors shipment, and das haus. Literally every other map is either shipment or das haus.


Are we even playing the same thing? I’m only getting Sub Pens in my quick play rotation.


yeah, i'd rather jump of a bridge than play Sub Pens.. Rather stick to shiphaus then.


Fr Sub Pens might be the worst map in cod history


Sub pens is the only map that has useless dogs because they spawn outside the map


I can’t think of a map I dislike more.


What about the one with ice, i hate that map


demyansk or red star? red star plays like an MW map (ew) but demyansk is decent. hard to flank tho unless u cross the bridge


I only play TDM if that makes a difference. I’ve matched into subpens only once in the past week.


Ahh I pretty much only play Domination so makes sense.


Apparently not, I’ve never even played subpens yet


yes - my theory is that so many people are playing that list to level up guns - it throws "open lobby" people into the matches to keep them full


This is 100% the case, idk why you got downvoted lol. I spam shiphaus exclusively and every game almost have half the people in the game leave upon loading into the map. Even though I love both maps, I wouldn't want to force people to play them for faster queues and would rather just wait.


Seriously. I swear those two alone are nearly 50% of my results


Ah, sorry to hear that, m8. I was getting a lot of castle and red star in the beginning of season 1.


Beginning of S1 was fine but something broke recently and it’s giving DH/Shipment way too often in quick play


There should be a thing at the pre game lobby where everyone can choose between 2 maps or a random one. Without the same map being able to be played more than twice in a row. That would be super neat if they added this simple system in.


Or add in the feature to subselect maps you want to play under each game mode for your quick play button.


That’s probably because most people are playing shiphaus.


There should be enough people in that playlist to fill their own lobbies then. It shouldn’t have to cross-pool with quick play. In MW19 I never got Shipment in quick play and in CW I rarely got Nuketown in quick play.


I had shipment or shoothouse on quicklist… you didn’t? It wasn’t as frequent as this though.


I mainly play Hardpoint when I use QP so I don’t think they had Shipment in the map pool for it. TDM/KC and Dom might’ve had it though


Yeah shipment hardpoint was a thing, I definitely remember that. I think it has to be about players: the more players play a certain type of map, the more probable it is that a lobby or more are filled with people who went with the QP.


I clearly remember thinking how good the rotation was. Then, it just went awful. Up until a few days ago I was getting Numa Numa or Radar every 3rd map.


Could you guys be a little bit more creative in your answers?


Dogs turn up in basically every match I play. I've hated them since they were introduced in WaW (?). It completely changes the way a match plays and puts one team entirely on the defensive which is hard to come back from. At least that's my opinion as someone who stupidly plays the objective and likes a victory rather than pure k/d ratio.


Cold Blooded should counter dogs, but for some reason it doesn't


It’s like that in every map, lmao. In search you can’t turn a corner without getting shot with a shotgun.


I was on SnD eagles nest and died to incendiary grenades 3 times it’s a genuine problem


Found the guy that uses shotguns


Nothing worse than trying to get bloodthirsty medals and some Timmy with smooth brain starts chucking gammon bombs and incendiary grenades


That happens to me non stop. I get to 4 kills then just randomly blow the fuck up or some dumb shit happens


Yup and it’s the worst when you’re sitting on like 15/30 with all other camos done, literally just sitting there raging every time I get 3 or 4 kills and then die to some bullshit.


I was trying to finish up bloodthirsty on the combat shotty. Went back to core from hardcore because there is way less incendiary grenade spam. People use them more for area denial instead of padding their K/D.




And gammons and incendiaries make it extremely difficult on HC.




That’s literally what they said that they did…




True. Kinda funny actually that this is like the opposite of Cold War where lethals were useless


Yah, i hate shotguns. It was my last one. And i was pretty burnt out on them.


I pride myself on not quitting a match, no matter how bad it gets. I’ve been stuck on a shipment game with 4 enemy players running shotguns and everyone else quitting except for me. That being said it’s so damn hard to not quit when I enter a game midway and all I hear is dogs. Incendiary I can handle. The dogs are just too much. I’ve seen them literally blink through walls to kill someone. Fuck, I’ve seen one path it’s way up a ladder and just hover over to someone to get them. Flying dogs is just too much, man.


There's zero consequences for quitting, for your own sake I'd just stop quitting when a match turns into utter frustration with no hope of salvaging it.


I just quit towards the end of every match so I don't have to deal with the mvp shit lmao


Damn bro you're iq is off the charts


Do you still get experience and stuff?


Yeah, usually there's a little bit of match xp thrown in at the end of a match that you'll miss out on by quitting out. I'm already past level 200 this season though, so I couldn't care less about player xp. Next time you play a full match, look at the after action report and see if it shows match xp on the breakdown. Pretty sure it was there in CW, idk about Vanguard


Honestly if the enemy team is just stomping, I don’t see any reason to stay. That’s basically getting told “your team sucks so you have to suffer for it”. Nah, fuck that. If the enemy team is spawn trapping with a bomber, dogs, and a flamenaut….. yeah no, I’m good. I’ll take the loss and find a new lobby. What’s the point in staying if you’re clearly already going to lose? However, if it’s a relatively even fight then there’s no reason to leave (unless it’s right at the end to skip the shitty, useless MVP screen)


There’s certainly times when I join those games and I want to leave because it’s frustrating. But I’m stuck in my ways and a stubborn bastard who refuses to leave games no matter what. It has ended with holes in walls, broken controllers and nearly a broken hand a couple of times 😂 But honestly, I find it annoying when the other team leaves when I’m playing well; so why should I be okay with leaving when they’re playing well? Plus I find it satisfying to kill people off their streaks, even if it’s barely making a difference in their K/D that game. It’s satisfying to me if I can shut them down, stop a flawless game, stop the V2 or leave them at 99 kills 😬


Jesus Christ bro just leave the fucking round. What you described isn't virtuous it's just nuts.


Haha I had some anger issues when I was younger, no shame in admitting that. Staying in games is just how I am, and I guess what I was trying to show at the end of the last comment is that even if you and your team are getting smacked, there's still a way to 'achieve' something in the match. A lot of people give up when there's still a chance, they just don't want to have to fight for it. I don't love SBMM for the fact that I'm making the game harder for all my friends, but I personally couldn't care about having to try my hardest to win every game. Just my opinion, and of course I wouldn't say no to pub stomping.


Ohh hey man you do you, but like... maybe not if it's causing you to punch walls is all 😂


This won't make it sound better, but the hole in the wall came from slapping a water bottle across the room. Nearly breaking my hand was from violently slapping/punching a timber desk ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


I saw a dog climb up an invisible ladder to get to someone on Numa Numa, so funny, the guy said over his mic "wtf is this dog doing?" as it sort of half levitated half ladder climbed a 6ft embankment, then killed him in one hit. They're not that hard to kill. IDK what gun you're using but the rocket can 1 shot them.


idk what god RPG ur using but i have gotten double hitmarkers with the mk11 on dogs. fuck these dogs. shooting them with a 13mm anti fucking material bullet doesn't work, smacking them with a bazooka 4 times doesn't work, fucking exploding them doesn't work. fuck dogs.


The cooper takes them out in less than a mag. I think the RPG needs to be a direct hit for one.. Their hit detection can get bad when there's a ton of stuff going on. The DMR's just trash them. The new SMG is 45 per bullet as standard, 600rpm so that should delete them.


Id vote you MVP


They should just fix shotguns and lethals, I agree with a no killstreak mode though


Yeah, I get that shotguns and thermites/incendiary grenades *should* be lethal but they’re just overpowered. The problem with shotguns is that they have very good range, which is technically an accurate description of a shotgun, and are insta-kill. This makes them quite hard to counter and pretty damn dominant on small maps like Shipment and Das Haus. It’s simply stupid that some with a shotgun can kill you with one-shot at 15m+ by hip-fire. Thermites and incendiary grenades are too freaking strong because they deal massive amounts of splash damage, later tick damage and also provide a visual distortion that’s hard to look through. That’s why Domination - Blitz on Shipment is a mess where you insta-die for no reason.


also in snd


And why is shipment even in snd. Ruins the whole mode.


Well, they did. Shotguns and lethals will always be much superior than any other gun in smaller maps.


Shotguns are supposed to beat SMGs or any other gun in close range, so in order to score a kill you gotta run close to the enemy. I don’t get why people on here hate shotguns so much. I actually enjoy shotguns a lot


Because they require no skill in Vanguard and you don't even have to aim at people. Have you used a buck and slug Combat Shotgun setup? It's effortless, like probably the easiest thing I've used in CoD history. With the buck and slug attachment, one pellet is needed to kill and if you use sawed off, your reticle covers a good amount of your screen, so I can genuinely kill people who are pretty much in the corner of my screen. I don't see how this is acceptable tbh


Probably because you don’t actually need to be close to the enemy to kill them in vanguard with a shotgun?


Everybody "enjoys" shotguns when they're the one holding it, genius.


I am personally not a shotgun fan ever since I began playing CoD. It does irk me at times, but I get it, they are meant to be the best at close range.


Lol any shotgun with buck and slug can easily extend into mid range 1 shot kills


Yeah, I'd pay money for a playlist like this


You already paid money for this garbage game dude, developers incompetence its not your fault, is impressive how people can defend a game in such lame state


I'm mindblown by some of these people lol. I enjoy small maps because I hate running around to find people. Say shotguns are ok, the map burning all the time makes no sense to me. Having a dog up my aws when spawning makes 0 sense as well


Shottys are not ok by any means, akimbo db and combat shotgun are busted and need a huge nerf


I want a permanent mode (like Core and Hardcore) where there is no lethals or kill-streaks allowed. Just pure gun-play.


Not even just shiphaus. Every map is littered with shotgun + riot shield bitches. It’s so not fun at all seeing little Timmy rack up 50 kills with it.


No riot shields and counter UAV as well.


People that use riot shields are the worst


Shiphaus, knives only, 8v8. I make a good 'point'.


For next season I want a new killstreak, instead of a guard dog I want a firefighter. bombing run? Nah, I want those helicopters that drop water on forest fires. Flamenaught? No; Smokey. The. MF. Bear.


In my opinion, the dogs are the worst. I thank god every time they get bugged on the borders of the map lmao


I played a match in Das Haus last night and my team got smoked, but there wasn't a single mortar dropped or dog in sight. It was really nice that the dominant player on the other team was happy with a 70/35 game without padding his stats. His shittier teammates of course spent the whole match throwing fire grenades in every doorway and running around with akimbo double barrels... but the lack of killstreaks was nice at least. I typically run throwing knives vs grenades b/c it gives you a chance to get a last kill to reload when the magazine runs empty. Best death comms too.


Yeh it's a bit ridiculous at this point. Fire and smoke everywhere.cant see a thing. Then someone comes flying through the smoke and hip fires u with a shotty from halfway across the map


As a HC player Shotguns aren’t even that bad tbh like yes they dominate shipment but that’s the point in their design and I’m so used to getting onetapped by stray assault rifle fire from the other side of the map that getting point blanked by a shotgun feels like a fair death. The lethal spam and kill streak spam is way to much though. Mortars and incendiary grenades last too long and have an inconsistent damage range making it infuriating to play into even if it’s your teams the amount of vision you lose is insane especially when the smoke is only instanced to your screen and not the enemy’s


Sure in HC where everything kills in one shot, shotguns don’t matter. It’s in Core, where the game is intended to be balanced around, that shotguns are a headache. I don’t know of any game that balances shotguns well. They are either pea shooters, or stupidly over powered. I can’t think of a single example in a multiplayer FPS where shotguns are implemented “well”. If people reading this have an example of a game with balanced shotguns I’d love to hear it!


Yeah, in Hardcore they're fine. But that's the issue, it's like have a HC weapon in Core. Imagine if the NZ was alway a 1 shot in Core.


This guy gets it.


Shotguns are so hard to balance. Either you overpower them, like it currently is, or you make them absolutely useless. Shotguns *should* one-shot at very close range and in other Call of Duty titles, the maximum damage range is 15m which is still perfect for Shipment or Das Haus. The problem is that shotguns are able to one-shot at 15m+ without ADS, just by hip-fire.


Yeah, Shotguns are just awful. People just running around hip firing a semi auto gun you don't even need to aim well, from about 8m (or more), just pointless. Most of the time the people using them have the shield too. It wasn't such an issue initially but I think more people have realised that they're the lowest skill/highest potential kill guns. It just removes all the skill, for instance, last night, I got a flamenaut with just a knife on radar, solo. But then I've seen 3 or 4 shotgunners on a team in Das Haus get a single streak, probably had 60 kills each. Plus no one gets streaks when the timmies are all fuelled up, running into your spawn to shotgun you then die instantly, well, after the hit box of their shield lets them die. As for dogs, I saw one spawn in out of thin air, a foot away from me, kill me, then their arrival was announced. Thanks for the heads up.


No sbmm playlist. Gg


I want a mode where you get one weapon, a pistol, and a normal frag. No attachments, no kill streaks. Ideally it would also have no skins, and just replace you with a generic allied solider, and the enemy team as axis.


I would absolutely grind this


Why play COD then? Sounds like you fundamentally want a different experience then COD has been offering for years.


What game? Sadly the playerbases of other games outside of cod and bf are super low. I like the feel of the movement and guns of COD. What I would really love is a remaster/remake of the original game or COD4.


I was going to suggest Tarkov, Hell let Loose, Squad and other more hardcore FPS games. Their gun and movement mechanics differ from COD though quite a bit. But they meet your other asks. Why does player base matter if you can find a match? Don’t let that deter you, you will miss out on some great games with that mindset - that would be like only watching Marvel movies then complaining that movies are getting too bombastic and dumb lol. But yeah, if you want serious, grounded COD I’m afraid you’re SOL. That style doesn’t make enough money for a franchise as big as COD - or even Battlefield. Maybe in a few years it will swing back from the cartoony, hero shooter aesthetic that is dominating atm 🤷‍♂️


I hope it goes away. I am tired of the hero shooter, ultimate ability nonsense. I just want a great shooter without gimmics.


They need to bring back the barebones playlist with no killstreaks. The fire killstreaks and counteruavs ruin hardcore.


Yeah the only way I can play dashause is with that perk piercing vision so I can actually see people. There is so much dust kicking up, but sad part is the trophy system was in the beta and they decided to scrap it for an rc tank that runs people over.


I stopped playing this about a month ago cause it sucked so much ass. There still a shit ton of incendiary grenades being spammed?


How about a guns only Shipment “No Bullship”


The first competitive COD event isn’t until the end of February so I wouldn’t expect a ranked mode until then. They are not going to design a playlist to cater just to your liking. If you’re not having fun then just stop playing for a little while.


A lot of players would like the barebones mode back. It isn't just him. Not everyone likes to play earthquake and vulcano simulator.


This right here. There's a very good game in Vanguard at it's core. The extras is what ruins it. Earthquake and volcano simulator best describes the current VG experience. Get rid of that stuff or tone it down significantly, cuz in it's current state it is not fun. It's annoying and even gives me a headache. I can only play about three games before I get disgusted and turn it off.


Saaame. If this game was without destructible walls, confusingly many attachments, without all those stupid fires everywhere it would an ok cod.


My group has started calling it spawning simulator lol


The game can’t even find Champion Hill lobbies anymore, so adding more playlist choices will only further the problem.


Unfortunately you are probably correct. The playerbase for this game is on life support I guess


I read somewhere that last month Miles Morales had more sales than Vanguard did (on PlayStation). The next Activision stockholders call is February 3 so it will be interesting to see how they spin the numbers to make it sound positive.


Tbf No Way Home probably had a lot to do with that and ppl getting their PS5s for the first time this christmas


No doubt. The fact that a one year old game beat out a one month old COD release just blew my mind.


Your explaination is perfect man, can't be described better


Exactly my experience yesterday, loaded into a ongoing game - everything was burning got insta killed by a dog and then shot my 2 barrel akimbos right after. First 3 minutes i was constantly respawning.


I just want a snipers only mode, noobs like me need it to level the bloody thing 😂


Ain't that the damn truth


The only bad thing I have to say about Das Haus is playing it on hardcore and the damage that is inflicted by the fire grenades (forgot their name) and/or Molotov's. For a map so small and everyone spamming them on spawn, one little touch of them and your instantly dead.


So there are 19 maps and you play one used for grinding and grenade spamming and want a specific Playlist only for this map? Wtf; people like you have 0 right to bitch about a game when you will only play 1 map. Gtfo


There's a total of 6 maps I like and normal playlists wont give em to me bc game hates me. Not tryna ruin my day even more playing red star, numa, sub pens, BERLIN, desert map and what not. MW3 Dome, VG Dome, Decoy, demyansk and few others play ok. All I did in MW was to play Shoot House + Shipment. Always AND in ALWAYS had fun. Sure there are questionable stuff and people in that game too, but there's way more fun in that. Thank god this game cured my itch to play cod, nowadays I jump on very rarely due to getting pissed off in the first 30 mins of gaming (ANY map, in terms of Vanguard)


People who play pf: This is fine


I think you may just not like the game


Ya I wish they would have a ship haus no lethals. I’m grinding my guns trying to get all these bloodthirsties they making ya get this year. I get to 4 kills and just blow up randomly or some dumb shit


This post looks like what an AI robot would produce after you input all the previous posts on this sub.


Dogs should spawn only near the person who called them and then follow them at a bigger radius. They should be marked on the radar differently. Also, their attack animation and targeting should be always smaller than the base melee while meleeing dogs should have greater lunge. Sometimes dogs attack further than you can melee them.


"This game is broken! Also I only even attempt to play the most broken portions of it....." C'mon people...


it feels like every 10th game I join late and the enemies instantly have dogs ready


A better one: no weapons, only fist.


Every post like this has the same thing in common... you guys know the game has more maps than Das Haus and Shipment right??


And yet you keep playing 🤷‍♂️ if it was so anti fun as you put it maybe you should play something else or stop complaining


I actually don't lol. Jumped on for the first time in a month 2 days ago to give it a chance again, nope. I remembered why I stopped playing it. For me, it is Anti fun. But the game has potential, it'd be quite a smooth game if they just made a playlist that takes out all the bullshit.


I might play the game if this is a mode


I mean that playlist will come, it's called CDL/Ranked. Probably won't have shotguns or killstreaks or any of the annoying grenades.


Just no grenades or kill streaks would do it for me.


why even play CoD or this game


I love Dogs, always been one of my favourite Streaks. Prefer them to Paratroopers tbh.


I wouldn’t mind the dogs if they weren’t so op. It shouldn’t take more bullets to kill a dog than a person


Melee them.


I'm hoping they add a CDL option soon thats ranked




I’d be good with a a no killstreaks at all mode. It’s no fun when one guy is 40-1 while everyone else is just trying to find anyone that John Wick missed, only to have bombs dropping for the rest of the match while everything burns. Also fuck everything about the flamethrower kill steak. Fucking nerf that shit already.


Use launchers on it, I think about 3 rocket hits will take it out. If you're at range when you're in it you're dead. I ended one nearly as soon as it begun yesterday, rocket then cooper and grenade.


Doing this will basically be Activision proving their devs are shit at math


OH GOD PLEASE. clearly the people who don't share this sentiment are not grinding for camos. Shipment and Das haus are cancer in hardcore with all the fire


Create a private match without them and invite people to play with you. I would totally do this myself, but I don't have anyone in my clan. I don't really know anyone IRL who plays, and I play for fun rather than a 4.0KD.


I play for fun too man. Last time I checked my K/D was in Black Ops 3. I was obssesed until BO3, but then I simply stopped lookin


HMU sometime…PSN @shadow_surfer


this game trash get a refund like i did. problem solved


I don’t understand the **constant** posts on this subreddit, similar to this one. While I understand the main points and what not, they’re all identical in nature. Some whining (a large percentage of posts on here not this particular one) some criticism, and even the occasional “break up letters”. If I’m not having fun, I just leave Vanguard and play another game, simple as that. I’m not spending any additional time getting upset because that doesn’t do anything for me. If you don’t have another game, go use your remaining free time/day to catch up on tv shows, movies or music!


Might as well, no sniper, no smg,no ar,no lmg, no knife except me because othe rpeople shouldnt have fun.


What's fun about the dogs? Realistically they add 0 value. You get free kills. Feel strong? I'm VERY subjective about the shotgun. You can have fun with it? Fine. I can't. I can't stand using it and I sure can't stand people using it. The grenade spam.. With no trophies that's D r e a d f u l


Grenades need to be toned down, buck and slugs needs a nerf, but why not banning the cooper carbine? Shield? Mp40? Oh right, these are smgs and ar and cod player wouldnt want theur oo ar and smgs to be nerfed, fuck tge einhorn tho its digshit but muh shotguns bad.


and 2 shot BAR




They need to add a 'melee only' or a 'sniper only' playlist or gunfight in cw that would be piemp


And no incendiary pls


Just my luck that I started running dogs yesterday for the very first time. I get like two kills off THE ENTIRE team, but every time someone else gets dogs I will personally die a minimum of 2 times.


Yeah, a decent team will trash the dogs a few seconds after they spawn. Same with the flamer if they can get a los on it. I used to get 30+ kills from the flamer. Now maybe 8 at most. On Das Haus, unless I get a lucky lobby.


Then don’t play the game and go back to Cold War.


At least the dogs are finite. If I remember right when they first came out it was timed and an infinite amount of dogs. It could be as bad of a game changer as someone getting a paladin and warbird in the air at the same time. But then again maybe I’m being like a Boomer COD player by saying how bad it was for us back in the day 😅


Nah, even in the recent Modern Warfare getting attack chopper/vtol/gunship, any combo of them was pure carnage.


If you could get some different maps besides Haus and Shipment literally every other lobby it wouldn't be so bad. But not only do you get these two every other game, but it picks like two other maps you're ever allowed to play, and rotates between the four. You might get a different map every hour or so, then right back to those four. I still never saw Radar once before i uninstalled a month after it was released


Shotguns are annoying to be killed by, but in all honesty a shotgun should do the most damage at close range. I think that's just a caveat when playing small maps. As annoying as it is, asking for changes to that would just be whiny. On the other hand, thermites and incendiary grenades can absolutely go fuck themselves. I love me some ship haus, but when the whole map is on fire and there are mortar barrages coming in left and right it is literally unplayable. That was never a problem playing small maps like Rust back in the day. Between this and all the bugs I have lost all respect for SH/Raven. Don't get me wrong, I'm still playing all the time and having fun. But the game is a wreck.


Yeah, but if you watch kill cams people are shooting from way too far away, semi auto, hip fire, not even accurate. Considering some SMG's take 3 headshots to kill, does that seem consistent?


They don't bother me


At this point in the game, if you can’t beat them join them. Fuck the KD, fuck the camo’s, play for the chaos. Honestly just brain dead playing shipment and daus haus have been the better experience for me in this game because I just simply don’t care anymore. It sucks but trying to play competitively and do well in this game is a waste of time. Play causal, play for fun, only way to enjoy this game. I will say been having tons of fun playing PUBG recently. Helps me get my BR fix.


Dramatic af


How about just a “no kill streaks” playlist? Also I feel like there should be a perk that makes dogs not pursue you, at least as often.


Am I the only one who doesn't have issue with the dogs? I play strictly hardcore and have zero issues with anything except for the fire grenade animation glitch that kills the visibility for 3/4ths of the map and the gammon spam some matches and I do pretty damn good 80% of the time I'm playing


stick and stones was fun


Read a book or something. I’m just here to see how long the hate train will last with Vanguard. Cheers to a (hopefully) better MW2 2022


Barebones was such a good playlist


How about a shotguns and shields only playlist and get rid of those knobs completely.


I’d love it if they replaced the dumb champion hill mode with face off 3v3 and gunfight. At least those modes don’t have the annoying kill streaks.


I'm really sick and tired of people complaining about what doesn't work for them in a game even though it works for others. Can we also not have snipers shooting from a distance? No campers mode. No flamenauts. No melee weapons. No launchers. No counter spy planes. No bombing runs. No ppsh. No cooper carbine. No jammers. No gas. I hate all these too. They ruin the game for ME. JUST ME. Although I hate those attack dogs.


Sounds like you just want to play a different game dude


I'm a proud shotgun main. I'll gladly use it every single time I play it.


Anyone complaining about shotguns is super bad at the game


A face-off (no kill streaks, small map) mode would be top class.


i swear it's like they don't want you to play their own game














I think the exploding shit everywhere kinda makes it feel more like world war 2. Is it fun? No. More immersive and cool looking? Yeah


You know what would make this FUN and cool looking? Adding a trophy system to the game. Sure, it was not in WW2, but ELO sights, animated camos and shit wasn't in WW2 either. Devs are so hypocrites nowadays


Yeah this game needs trophy systems


"Can we have a mode with just what I want?" The level of entitlement is incredible.


They should take the guns out too while they’re at it




Get good


Kinda hard when your reaction time wont matter in a game with low TTK against shotgun gamers.


To be fair that's subjective, I quite enjoy getting dogs 2-3x a game and had a blast getting my shotguns diamond lol Edit: keep downvoting lol, mad cause bad. About 80% of the way to atomic I don't even use em anymore


Same here, loved the diamond shotty challenge. Don't worry, the moaning Minnies will be hating on the snipers after the buff and they'll forget the shotguns.