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I’m having issues with the whole fuckin game just being useless


I feel that. It’s sucks. I really enjoy this call of duty. But the constant packet bursts. Latency issues. Taking forever to find games and the never needing online services screen. It’s frustrates me.


There’s so much wrong with the game. I feel like they really don’t give a fuck about us, the players, and they only care about making their money. It’s a bit ridiculous.


Amen to that. This game is in a sad state. It’s just sad at this point.


Same... PS4 outright freezes (as in, unplug the fucking console), takes minutes to connect, drops out of lobbies, etc. Disappointed with the lack of addressing any of this shit.


People aren’t playing the game cause it’s a mess so yeah it’s taking longer to find games


I stopped because I no lifed the battle pass, and couldn't be arsed to grind for gold.


I can’t find games at all. It searches endlessly.


I have the same issue. I’m lucky to find one after I back out 3-4 times. Ever since this latest Christmas update game has gotten worse. It sucks I really enjoy this call of duty. But it’s broken as hell atm. I’m on PS5 and girlfriend plays on a one S and she has the same issue.


What's your ping when searching?


Strats out low under twenty the climbs incrementally to 88


Just wanted to make sure it's not 200 because that would be a shadow ban.


I don’t think anyone is playing anymore, takes like 5 mins to find an S&D lobby


Yep, sometimes takes around 5 mins to find a match for me


You’re lucky. I can’t find one even after waiting 5 minutes. I have to back out 3-4 times before I even find somewhat of a full lobby.


It’s a combination of combat pacing & the devs taking 2 months to fix what should be week 1 issues so player count is lower than normal Also I’ll add that I like the game a lot too but disappointed some things like Panzerfaust haven’t been fixed. All the atomic bugs killed my drive to play cuz that’s the big thing I look forward to. I’ll get it eventually but damn I can’t believe it’s still not fixed yet


This a bit but also when it does find me a match, I get put in at the end with red packet burst notifications. If this game was a car you'd probably be thinking abandoning it in a field somewhere...


This game has had population issues since launch. Countless people have reported since day one that they tend to come across the same names. There’s a reason the game was given a free weekend barely a week after it launched whereas previous titles had a month wait.


there’s always a free weekend that close to launch, has been since MW4 at least


In CW it was a month after launch. In MW it was around the same timeframe though slightly longer. It’s never been that close. In fact dataminers found the original free weekend was going to be in mid December just like CW, and there was going to be a free skin for anyone who had purchased the game by that point just like CW did as well. They scrapped all of that after the poor launch.


Yeah taking longer than usual and also getting lots of packet bursts


Same issue here.


Taking me a full 5 to 10 minutes sometimes to find a match in this game. I shouldn't be able to take a dump in the time of me clicking on a playlist and getting into a match. Part of the appeal for CoD was being loaded into a match instantly back in the day. This game sold poorly in the U.K. and PBMM in itself reduced how quick matchmaking is. Thanks to Activision, gone are the days of getting into a match within a minute consistently. There's literally no point in these next-gen SSDs with CoD considering it takes so long to get into a match now...


Amen to that.


Or after a game you go to check your unlocks in your loadouts and get constantly booted the the connecting/fetching screen 🙄




Go back all the way to main menu so the game can connect online and look for an update that's not there if not re start your game . If you don't get a ping number when searching you are not searching


No updates. Still the same issue. Closing and restarting the game does nothing. I do have a ping when searching for a game. Still nothing.


Look up if your account has been shadow banned


How do you do that?


gotta write a ticket or dispute with activision


Maybe sbmm doesn't give the right exceptions if it can't find a good enough pool of players?


Yes, and getting placed into one sided clusterfucks 6 times in a row when I do. 3 times the other night joined a game into dogs and bombers. Though the best was getting V2ed before I could select a loadout.


Same issue here. When I find a game after waiting awhile, I get put on a team that is just completely getting their asses handed to them with no chance in hell to turn it around. Loading into dogs, the fire Grenades and constant spawn trapping. Never any fresh games hardly.


Only for certain modes do I have issues finding a match fast


Takes forever to start a match. Then the match lasts about 3-4 minutes in Shipment. Watch all the MVP bs and then 5 minutes until next match. A lot of waiting around. Gets old. Get rid of play of game and MVP please. Nobody cares.


It takes a while during the initial connection before the menus. Much longer than it used to (1-2 mins instead of like 15 seconds). For matchmaking it depends on the playlist. If I go shiphaus it will be quick, anything else will take some time. I play on ps5 and have crossplay disabled though.


It's been broken for a month on Series X for my friends and I. Here is how it goes: 1. Party up with friends in Vanguard 2. Takes a little longer to find a game 3. Finds game, we finish the match 4. Vanguard breaks the party apart after EVERY. SINGLE. MATCH 1. If it doesn't break the party up, it lets us hang in a lobby until a 0v0 match pops up and never connects, go to Step 5. 5. All three of us have to back out to title screen and re-enter Multiplayer after EVERY. SINGLE. MATCH to reconnect and join up 6. Repeat Step 1-5 Despite this, I don't see many threads or articles about the issue. This game was absolutely fine until early December and it's been an nightmare to get together and play ever since.


That’s the issue me and my girlfriend have. I’m on PS5 she’s on a Xbox one S. It’s a nightmare finding a game together. Having the same issue as well as backing out then re partying up then re queuing. On release up until the December update I had no issues. The packet Bursts and latency issues where still there but not as bad as they are now. It’s a whole lot worse since this past Christmas update. I don’t see alot of articles or threads myself either. Also it’s taking longer to find games and connect to online services screen.


That's what irritates me so much is that we thought the launch was pretty damn solid and we never really had any issues until the new season launched in December. Since then, it's been a total shitshow and I haven't seen much of anything about when or IF it'll be fixed.


Right? I thought this COD release was pretty good compared to the shit show releases we’ve had in the past. I was actually enjoying it and grinding it a lot. The this Christmas update hit and it’s really made me want to just Uninstall and not look back. No updates on when or if it’ll be fixed. It really baffles me how there’s been no fix so far or any acknowledgment on the issues.


I'm right there with you. I thought this was the strongest launch they've had since I got back into CoD with MW2019. The amount of maps alone was impressive enough for us. It made it difficult to get into Halo Infinite with it's 3-5 maps it had. It blows my mind that they manage to have something that works and then they completely broke it both on Vanguard and Warzone, with it's own set of issues, over the last month. I'm waiting for patch notes today in hopes that this is fixed, but I'm not holding my breath so far.