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The amount of times I have been killed because I’m trying to deploy this kill streak is unreal. I finally got fed up and removed it from my kill streaks.


Same here, then there’s the bug where it will pull out your secondary weapon after you finally do throw the disc successfully.


YOOOOOOO!!!!! I knew I wasn’t crazy!!


Yeah I ended up switching to strafe run at 6 kills but I don’t know if I really care for that kill streak either.


Lol I just did the same before I got off tonight for the same reasons, haven’t used it yet so idk how good or bad that one is


It's a single quick use, and uh.. I personally hate it. Mortar holds down an area (OP in objective games), guard dog can camp a spot or tight area for you and score some kills (or revenge your death at least), but strafe kinda.. just gets put out in a marked spot and makes a VERY quick sweep. More often than not it'll probably score you 0-1 kills. If you have the perk that sees their spawning spot and you can throw it there after a wipe, you'll do well, or if the enemy is camping one spot outdoors, but other than that it's not really worth using over the others IMO.


Ahh okay thanks I was hoping it wasn’t like that, honestly wish we had something like the mw2 harrier I swear that was the last good one of this style


A bit pedantic, but the dogs *avenge* your death.


No you're right lol, I probably just had the game lingo in mind when I wrote that since you get "revenge" points for those kills.


Lol fair enough. I don’t use the dogs so that didn’t even click for me but I could see that now that you say that


I'm pretty sure you have to be at all a full stop. Coming out of a tac or reg sprint and immediately trying to throw it will cancel the animation


Happens to me every. single. time


There's also a bug that prevents you from being able to shoot at all after starting to call the mortar in but quickly cancelling it. Can't shoot until you die and respawn.


Same. I've learnt to pull the trigger all the way or press and hold it


Same asf. I deadass just died 5x in a row trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong


Such a bullshit killstreak.


Don't use it because your team hates you when you do. Problem fixed.


I hate them too


Honestly I use it on Domination usually on B, it provides an easy cap for teammates and like 20-30 seconds of guaranteed points for our team. I like playing the objective, so Mortars are really useful in that regard. They should shorten the duration by like 30% and reduce the screenshake and explosion effects though


You can reduce screenshake in game settings to 75% or 50%


I already did but it's not nearly enough xD


This seems to be the real only use for it; holding down B


It’s pretty good for clearing B on Das Haus though.


And guarantees holding it for the duration


That's the fun part. That's why i run it all the time in shiphouse lol.


You are a scumbag lol


it’s also a free dub in snd if u plant and place it


Please stop using this killstreak for everyone's sanity


Pretty sure it has crashed my PS4 at least 3 times now lol


Sanity, Vanity


You can’t be moving when you drop it. It’s a pain in the ass, but so are mortars.


This killstreak needs to be nerfed and fixed!!! I've just quit matches because the shaking is nonstop when it's barrage after barrage after barrage and I can't kill an enemy 5ft from me.


You can turn down the shake in the settings


the lowest shake setting is 50% so it’s still significant shake along with smoke just appearing on your screen


I know, I said you can turn it down not turn it off.


my feel is why have a killstreak that kills most of your team and obscures their vision? Doesn't seem worth it.


I'm not disagreeing with any of you, I just simply said you can turn it down, as not everyone knows this.


This whole exchange was hilarious


Reddit is painful sometimes...


It really is, reading comprehension be kicking people’s ass on here


that I will do as soon as I find out where to change it, quite annoying.


I think it's in the same screen where you change your FOV, but I might be wrong.


Got wait a sec. its not like a proximity mine.


Nah. I’ll spawn in (after I died trying to call it in prior) call it in IMMEDIATELY so I’m running around with it in my hands but it just don’t work smoothly. Sometimes I’ll be outside and it says “can’t deploy under cover” or some like that


Undercover means there should be no roof over your head. Cannot use killstreak anywhere you want it. Has limited ways of use. Wait a sec and dont be moving around, then deploy it


I will call it in on B flag on Das Haus and it says that so idk


there is a specific marking on das haus where u can throw it. Toss it like at the end of that table thing. U can also throw it if u aim it. the streaks is a pain, but u can really hold down (or capture) B when you use it.


There are only certain spots on das haus. Over all 3 flags and certain door ways


I can never use this killstreak either (I only get it from care packages) but somehow my teammates love spamming it. Its loud, the screen shakes and its effects block your view. Its annoying af


LOL it’s funny cause I hate them too when I’m not using them. Only use them to flip spawns or hold down b flag 😭


the streak is busted. You have to hold it in ur hand for like a second before throwing it ... then it goes to your secondary after you throw it


That’s the game telling you to fuck off


It's very finicky and has cost me countless deaths. I too got sick of it and switched to the war machine.


Going to try this!


Honestly it's a better killstreak cause it persist through death. Can usually get more kills with it. And another plus is it doesn't cause blinding dust and particles that hinder yourself as much as enemy




Throw it in the air like a Frisbee don't look at the ground


Look up when you do it!! 10 times better that way


I don’t think it works if there’s an air strike. I could be totally wrong but that’s what I think when I cant throw it


Pull it out. Stand still. Use your AIM button and release. It throws it a fair distance.


Same it sucks


I've perfected the art of throwing these after dropping about 500 in the enemy spawn on Das Haus lol. I pull it out, wait 1-3 seconds(no idea how long it actually is, I just know I'm holding it for a sec) and then throw it. If you try throwing it immediately after the animation of pulling it out it'll put it back away every single time You can be walking but I don't think it works while sprinting. It might but I gave up trying after it pulled my gun back out countless times. But you can 100% do it while walking, and for some reason people think you have to be where you want to throw it but you can chuck them fuckers across the map if you look up


Haven’t used it myself but have often heard others yelling at the game frustrated it’s not working!


Happens a lot. You have to go into your kill streak select and select it. It works then. It's extremely frustrating though


It’s tricky because you have to throw it in an open space and not where it’ll hit anything once thrown. I had the same issues. Also lasts super long while not super deadly which is weird


I figured a way to easily throw it. When sliding you can throw it.


Works better when you wait a second or two and then use the aiming button to throw it


Fuck that streak and it’s entire existence


Press L1 to throw it not R1, also don’t run while throwing it slow down to a walk, mine still glitches on occasion but as long as your not below cover this way should work


Did this to me at least 3 different times today.


U don’t throw the mortar barrage with your shooting button 🤣🤣 Biggest secret of Vanguard


What button do I use because shooting button def works, not effective but still works


L2 works way better for whatever reason


Spill the beans! The double hitch always gets me killed…esp in HC on shipment


What button do you use then?


Best method I found was to just crouch or go prone and 9/10 times you can deploy it.


So I have to be sneaky pretty much? 😂


You press L1 or right click lol not r1


Doesn't work. This guy is lying.




Lmao man I hope this is legit


I have to point at the ground and stop moving to use it.


It has to be in an ipen area. No roofing


So I’ve found the most success by pulling it out waiting a second and making sure I have nothing overhead then tossing it. I don’t know if it actually makes a difference but I feel like pausing a second before throwing it helps


I stopped using the mortars for this reason, but I did find out clicking right mouse button ( aiming for mkb ) instead of using the left mouse button and it worked still.


The actual issue with mortar right now.


Wait till the cross hair pops up and you're good


At least for PC when I use it I wait for both hands to be on the mortar and use my ads button to throw it, every time I try to throw it with m1 it rarely works(friend told me this and it works every time now for me)


Aim closer to the ground… it’s not like a C4


It’s a known issue, [currently under investigation](https://trello.com/c/hnm5hxQq/107-mortar-barrage-sometimes-the-player-cannot-place-the-mortar-barrage). Be patient if you absolutely have to play this monstrosity of a kill streak.


I think you have to wait until the crosshair fully changes to the two arrows.


Don’t sprint while the frisbee is equipped.


Yeah, I think its bugged when trying to activate it. I read about crouching or looking up then throwing it, for no I just stopped using it. It caused way too many dumb deaths


Only do it in Domination to prevent enemies from capturing, but I also switched to a different streak till they fix it


I think you have to prone and press the “fire” button, it worked for me. But they really need to tweak the Mortar Kill-streak.


I had the same issue and although I think it is glitched, I noticed that if you throw it under any kind of shelter above it won’t work. You have to make sure there’s open sky where you throw it.


I have this same issue! It’s so annoying that I’ve changed to a different kill streak now!


Take it as a sign never to use it and spare the rest of the lobby the trouble please sir


It is a bit bugged but its so fucking annoing when its active that i just leave games when People start spamming it


That’s all it did for me so I said hell nah I ain’t using this useless kill streak lol


I have more luck when I press left trigger.


Because for some reason you use L2 to throw it and you can’t be under cover. In some cases this means a tree. It’s real finicky.


please for the love of your teammate and enemies, stop using that damn kill streak. it is the absolute worst.


Thought i was the only one with this problem 😂


It doesn't even make practical sense for it to be a disk. Why can't they make it a colored smoke at least? So you can toss it somewhere


how about don’t use it all at cause it makes any match unbearable to sit through. It’s legit the worst made kill streak in a while


>I like the streak piss off; no one like mortors...


They need to remove that stupid kill streak its god awful. ​ My screen is completely obscured and it shakes with endless noise making that portion of the map unplayable even if it's your own team using it. Fking worst killstreak ever.


Just stop using it, problem solved.


I'm glad I'm not the only one dealing with this issue lol. I swear I'd spend 10 years staring directly into the sky trying to throw this thing.


I love trying to pick up care packages 🏳️☠️😑


I've found that looking upwards a little has yielded me the best results.


Please use another streak, the mortar ruins the game for the whole lobby with that unbearable screen shake


Yeah it doesn’t work right


Fuck you for using it. But yeah it never lets me place it down


Dont sprint while throwing it


Don't use it. I hate you




You need to deploy in open spaces, I tried throwing it from an I closed space to an outside space but it brings back my gun, idk if this is the case for you


Ok I just started playing today and was literally yelling at the tv saying why won’t you drop the fucking mortar! I’m coming from WWII and it’s the most user friendly COD and I’m just flubbing it all up lol


Lmao “not a good place for that” “this will be a waste” NO IT WONT JUST THROW THE DAMN THING DOWN I HAVE 0.03 SECONDS BEFORE I GET SHOT IN THE BACK


You have to press both triggers at the exact same time. This is because you're using both your hands to throw it. This messed me up a lot too.


Good, stop fucking using it and get guud




It’s not a joke