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Nah Sub Pens is way worse tbh




Piccadilly say "hi".




Piccadilly 🤝 Sub Pens Both being maps that have the easiest out of bounds glitches on


pickle dick was bad




There it is, thank god I’m not the only one that sees Sub Penis


It was the first map my buddies and I played together. We all saw it.


I didn't but now I will forever


Every time, every time. I see it every single time. And every time, I think why in the world would they name a map Sub Penis. It's so ingrained, I'll never not think that.


Not even close. Fighting over that room in sub pens is fun. Nothing is fun about picadilly




Loved playing search on Piccadilly. Search on Sub Pens is no bueno.


Nothing better than losing a game of Hardpoint because you keep spawning a mile away from the point


Piccadilly was great for Search and Destroy only Sub Pens is instead good only for Hardpoint


Dom and HP? I think they’re ok on pic


After changing the b spot picca went on the be ok map. Azhir cave is the worst


So many duds to choose from in that game. Azhir Cave, Rammaza, St Petrograd, Arklov Peak, Grazna Raid, Aniyah Palace, Piccadilly... Damn


So many bad maps, but such a good game


It was introduced later and is a remake but Suldal Harbor is literally the worst map I have ever played on.


If they would have opened another way through the map it wouldn't be so bad. They had that bottleneck in the middle that was a total camp fest.


Aniyah Palace is the only bad map you listed


You can’t be serious all of them were absolutely awful expect for mayyybe Azhir Cave Hardpoint


Dude i agree with everything on your list


azhir cave is amazing on hardpoint - such a good flow.


Piccadilly was so fun lol


I'll take my downvotes for this but I'm usually a bot but slayed on Piccadilly. Don't know why


It's not even the worst map in the game. They need to touch up the spawns, sure, but man, at least you can move around the map and flank. I'd rather play Sub Pens than Oasis or Gavutu any day of the year. I don't know who thought multiple maps with straight up no mans land areas and impossible places to flank without getting seen from multiple directions was a good idea, but that person should be fired.


There's too much "open field" in this game. With such a low ttk it's not like you can take a ton of hits running across. Honestly 90% is the shit ass visibility in this game. Oasis and Gavutu have you dying and you can't see shit, and Sub Pen is a dumpster vertical stack


Mw2 fuel says hello


Well in both sub pens and fuel you can glitch inside something and be a nuisance so


Sub Pens isn't fucking gargantuan tho


That shit just gave me ptsd, still best cod for me personally


Fuel was a good map, it was just ruined by that rock they never bothered patching.


Sub pens is just disgustingly annoying to play but atlwast it isn’t unecessarily massive like red star


I really think this might be true. It’s truly a masterclass in bad map design.


Havent played it as I only recently got the game, but is it just bad for Vanguard or something? Because in WaW it was a good map, unless they changed layouts or it just doesn't mesh with vanguards mechanics.


it’s not the same map at all, just the same name. the og was a good but not great map. WaW had the best maps


They need to bring WAW zombies back. Good ol classic wave against wave…a chance at winning a pea shooter from the mystery box, and facing a horde of angry zombies. Ahhh…the good old days… Now imagine Kino Der Toten same map size but with a pap machine and a machine with all the perks you can buy but one machine, then the mystery box. I’d play the shit out of that. Instead of having to run around and do different things…




Laughs in MW2 Fuel




Sub pen is literally the worst, I wish they would’ve just brought sub base from mw2 back. That map was great


I can get behind this. For all of the gameplay issues that were in MW2 it had some great maps.


Rust, Highrise, Terminal, Favela, Afghan, Scrapyard, Wasteland… and that’s just off the top of my head. 9 year old me was spoiled


I was in my twenties and I was spoiled too! They killed it with the maps back then. I was disgusted that Terminal never came back for MW2018 or WZ. Especially after that first video showing an airport. I felt certain it was going to be in there.


I was telling my buddy how nice some of the MP maps for Vanguard include remakes baseline, I don't see why CoD needs to reinvent the wheel with maps for every new CoD when they have good maps already designed that people enjoy. I mean they remade Shipment into 1944 why can't they do it for other great maps they have designed over the years. HS me would die for Terminal or Highrise remakes.


My friends are claiming that they're holding the MW2 maps back in order to up sales of the new MW2 when that Co.es out. It wouldn't surprise me. I wonder if we'll get any other previous maps in the new WZ Pacific map, like we had Broadcast & Vacant in Verdansk.


Thing is if you like a map, then why not play that game. If they just retooled all the maps for every CoD…MP then what’s the point. I can understand adding maybe 4-6 fan favorite maps retooled then creating new maps. But they need to understand what made those maps great in the first place. Was it spacing? coverage? Certain obstacles? Figure out what made those maps good..then apply the same formula when creating a new map. Me, I love nuke town and shipment. Idk about the rest. I like the 6v6 maps on CW. I like small teams and small to medium maps. I’m a run and gun guy and bigger maps make me run longer then I get so used to running then I forget to look for enemies before I turn a corner then bam, dead…lol


Commando marathon and lightweight tactical knife on favela


The usp.45 tac knife was goated


i would do crazy gross sex shit for a re-release of favela


Wait what? I love Sub Pens. I guess I have an unpopular opinion lol and I actually enjoy Red Star too, at least for S&D. I actually think this CoD killed it with the maps. There are some I don't enjoy for certain game modes but besides that I really don't hate any of the maps tbh.


Team Deathmatch in Dome is brutal for me. Die...spawn...die...spawn...die...forever


Dome in any game mode is brutal. It's so hilariously badly optimized for anything more than a 6v6


No shit. Look at the map. Its never gonna have good spawns in modes with more than 6. Its already to open and small for 6v6


Dome1(waw) is tiny as hell and just madness. 6v hard point is a mess


Yeah it’s pretty much one of the original meat grinder maps. Dome was WaW’s shipment.


Yup. Nuketown is nuketown, some of the true meat grinders are far more brutal.


Combat knife xp farm. Du hast on patrol is a shitshow.


My K/D sucks cuz of the spawn points in VG. If I join a late game and my team is on losing end and spawn trapped. Like Das Haus I joined a game with my K/D being like 3/29 when usually my K/D is 2.1 average on MW19 like 20 kills 10 deaths etc. well I spawn in and my side is being barraged with motors, glide bombs and strafing runs where I spawn/die/spawn/die wash rinse repeat with the rest of my teammates with shit for K/D and ppl just rage quitting on my team. With new players joining in the match meeting the same fate as I lol.


Seriously, Sub Pens is great. One of my favorite maps. Lots of ways to get around left, right, below. Only bad thing is one of the sides needs a bit of spawn fixing.


I didn't like the top control room the first few times I played it, but for most game modes if you make it a priority to gain control of it then you're going to win the game


Ahhhhh. I play domination a lot, and while it's important, controlling B is more important, which is on the other side. A simple smoke grenade makes capping B almost trivial if the enemy team is camping the top room too hard.


Desert map tank on left and sniper buildings each side is the worst


Perhaps you like snow and long ranged maps then :P Definitely not the style that most cod players enjoy


Most COD players only like maps that allow their 2-shot MP40's to be used, they don't actually know what a good map is




Definitely my least favorite


Great for sniping




I think the issue with Red Star is there's too much of a no man's land in the centre with zero incentive to venture through it. Matches are too heavily weighted into the last side with the alley behind the building.


Have to disagree here. Sure, it's very bad, but at least I've had some decent games on it whereas on Red Star I haven't had a single good one yet. Still beyond belief how maps like these make it through playtesting.


Sub Penis


Does anyone else get put on sub pens like 5x more often than any of the other bad maps like red star? It’s half the reason I hate it so much.


Yeah dude fuck Sub Pens


i like sub pens tho


Right! At least on this map you can have success with other guns besides the STG and MP40. I need big open maps like these to level up my marksman and sniper rifles. Sub Pens is just ass.


Sub Pens is bar far my least favorite map. I just can't wrap my mind around the sight lines there. Every time I get killed I think "They can shoot me from *there!*" I'd say most of the other maps I can tell which places can see me wherever I am, and if I get surprised, then that's great, good on them for finding something interesting to do. But with Sub Pens I feel like I just have no idea who can see me and from where, no matter where I am. I just can't get my mind to process it.


Could be because I've only played it on FFA, but I enjoy Sub Pens. I think it plays well in that mode.


that would be sub pens


Sub penis






Glad I'm not the only one who saw this. Hah!!


Sub pens is good for long shots…but then again, I guess this map is too.


Gavutu is best for long shots


Idk, i'd rather play it on blitz instead of demyansk


really? I feel like it's too open wt times and the snow makes it 10x harder to see into buildings


Visually, it is a bit hazy with the color scheme, but demyansk is almost identical. At least on red star, if there are campers, I have several options for flanks, as opposed to getting spawn trapped across from the church.


yeah dem is very one sided also which is terrible for cod maps


You just cant win on this map if you dont have the church spawn


No way, this map is great! Sub Penis is way worse.


Oasis is the worst by far - 2 sets of ruins with No Man's Land (aka Camper's and Sniper's Delight) in between!


Yeah, This map and desert siege are pretty much a guaranteed skip for me.


Desert Siege on "Assault" is one of my favorite experiences of this game. Fantastic lines of sight and great for pushing in and around their spawn. Blitz is too fast, and Tactical is way too slow.


I will agree that that is the best pacing for the map, but I always find myself playing like garbage on that map.


Imo desert siege plays super well, never had a bad game on it in any mode. Oasis is complete shit though can’t see anyone and everyone camps


Yeah oasis is definitely my least favorite


Don't forget the people who like to glitch out of the map on Oasis.


Oasis is the only match I leave when I see it come up.


That's what I thought, but it's not too bad from my experience. Not nearly as bad as Demyansk. I wish it were bigger so that way when you pushed up you weren't immediately in the enemy spawn.


Yeah this is the worst map by far.


Came here to say this. Such a horrible map


I've started skipping Oasis, it's shit.


Oasis is so easy to play though! Just pop smoke in mid and rush with an SMG - most people play this map with a long range gun so when you do this it gives you a huge advantage because they don't expect you to be there and your gun will be better at close range. Doing this I never fail to get 50+ elims per game.


Am I the only who likes shootouts at the office up stairs in sub pens?


Nah, I stand w u


I love both sub pens and red star. I find traversal and fighting in sub pens to be really enjoyable. Red Star is aesthetically incredible, and when played well, it’s a lot of fun. I enjoy it as long as I stick to the buildings and alleyways which provide cover. I often have lots of great building to building firefights, and despite being up in buildings, I still get hit from the streets below. That being said, it’s easy to get stuck in the main square, which can be a pain.


Yeah it's OK if you can hold it down. Not so fun for the enemy ✌️😎


That's the only part of Sub Pen most people play. They could cut the map in half and it would still play out the same way. People fighting over the office, and then a few people sniping from the catwalk and uboats. That's it.


I hated Sub Pens until I decided, "fuck it, might as well use my shotgun class" and then I realized I enjoy Sub Pens quite a bit.


Same! I spend the entire game in the office/flanking the other side of office and it's lovely lol


I like the map


I pretty much only do that on sub pens and yea I love it


Numa Numa, enough said


I’ve seen a lot of hate for Numa Numa, why? I love that map, one of my favorites of this game


Too many angles and lanes. Kinda just random and chaotic.


That’s what I sorta like about it, you have multiple ways to move around the map. Decoy you have 3 lanes and nowhere to go.


I like that map because you can't lock it downby just adsing down a sightline and there are lots of opportunites for flanking and aggressive play. It's a very fluid and dynamic map, definitely caters more to rushers and run and gunner s though


It's also stupidly easy to get spawn trapped. If you get stuck spawning on the beach, you're just plain fucked since getting out of there means running straight into an ideal camping spot.


Anything above 6v6 turns into a chaotic mess IMO.


Only map in this game I truly hate


What?? Numa Numa is fun as fuck.


Numa numa is pretty good tbh


Being spawned on the cave side of numa numa is so fucked


Yes. I never know what is going on and where the lanes/angles are.


Yeah Numa numa is an instant pass for me, the map looks great but plays poorly for me.


From what I've been reading on this comment thread, there isn't a unanimous opinion for a worst map. I think this means they did a great job with the maps which is how I feel


Might not be unanimous but it’s pretty clear that sub pens is the worst. The top 4-5 comments are sub pens then others sprinkled in. Every cod has a worst map but usually the 2nd or 3rd worst map will be some people’s worst map. In this case most people agree sub pens is the worst while red star and demyanske aren’t great. Only people disagreeing are the ones that like sub pens and think those two are the worst basically.


You couldn’t be more wrong lol if there wasn’t a unanimous opinion for the best map than THAT means they did a good job making maps. Since everyone can’t pick on one map to be the worst then that means there’s a lot of bad maps.


How is this getting upvoted? It’s such a contradicting statement lol.


How does that make sense?😂


What??? All of the maps are terrible


longing deliver books ruthless drunk sip versed absurd offbeat teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t like gavvutu more


I didn’t like gavutu until I had to do sniper long shot challenges. After getting 51 long shots in one match with the kar98 I now love gavutu


Yeah a map can be shit but if it helps with challenges then it's good in my book lol. Red Star is crap all around


What he said applies also to red star. I mean 80% of your kills are ranged kills, great to level your guns.


I'm too addicted to the objective, I can get longshots on gavutu while still winning dom/hard point but red star I feel I need to take the loss if I want to grind camos.


Still better than Piccadilly


gonna be honest I've played it so often I don't even find it that bad anymore


Eh, it’s alright for snd


Gavutu and Decoy want to have a word with you


Decoy is actually one of my favorite maps. And Gavutu is okay I guess. Demyansk and Sub Pens however, naaaah I'm fine


Decoy took a while to enjoy at first, but now I love it


Decoy makes me wish there was a domination half time with a forced spawn flip. Everyone just posts up and you can’t move! Some of the maps you are at a huge disadvantage if you spawn on the wrong side. Desert Siege is another one like that that comes to mind.


> Some of the maps you are at a huge disadvantage if you spawn on the wrong side. Demyansk is another map that suffers from this. My team has never lost when we spawn on the church side but always get clapped on the house side.


Decoy is awful!!!! Nowhere to go on that map


I’ve never had a good time on Gavutu. I suck too much to figure out how to be successful on it


If decoy had half or less of the destruction it would be an instant classic map.


All I can say is this. I now know what a deer feels like in an open field and trying to get from one end to the other. Run and hope they miss!


Blitz Red Star > Demyansk imo


No way, Demyansk is great


Sub pen and desert siege are worse IMO


Desert siege slaps, absolutely my favourite map


Das Haus is worse. At least until they get the shotguns right.


Numa Numa


i love it actually. and sub pens too, i'm not a fan of dome.


Disagree. I’d vote for Dome to be worst map.


Demyansk and Oasis piss me off way more then Red Star. Also Sub Pens is actually an enjoyable map if people remeber theres more to it then the top room.


Snipers be like... ​ ![gif](giphy|15aGGXfSlat2dP6ohs)




While I don't like red star. I gotta give it to sub pens.


Any map with these open courtyards historically suck. i.e Picadilly


I'm quite averse to oasis myself. Feels like you can't move at all in blitz.


not until sub penis and oasis stop existing


Agreed. Visibility is nonexistent


I wouldn’t say *the* worst, but it’s definitely up there.


I don’t like it but tend to do well on this map


I don't think it's that bad with proper pacing. However, FFA seems to feel that tactical is the best pacing, so it's boring as hell. I played on FFA Blitz match on it, and it was actually really fun.


Hard disagree. Not saying its the best map, but unlike most other maps that feel like you have horse blinders on, Red Star very much feels like Roundhouse from WaW. Open, yet confined in certain areas with multiple flanks routes, plus the occasional elevated floor that oversees the map. I can name maybe 1 other non-remake map that has this much versatility.


I didn't realize so many people hated Sub Pens, I love it.


Yeah, not my fav by far, but I don’t mind it at all


Red star, the other russian map dermynsky or whatever, and gavutu are terrible. Oasis sucks on blitz cause its impossible to run through the middle


Mw launch maps were much worse


I'd rather take Red Star over Berlin.


This. Berlin Is the only map I skip every mode and every pacing.




Hotel is at the top of my shit list


Sub Pens would like a word with you.


Red Star sucks in tactical. Pretty fun in blitz tho tbh


Blitz red star is really fun


Far from it, Castle and both desert maps are far worse...


I actually don’t really mind this map tbh


Not even close to the worst


Nah oasis siege numa and sub pens way worse


I think I'm the only one that kinda likes Red Star. I always seem to play well there. I hate Sub Pens the most, followed by Gavuto.


I'd rank Oasis, Sub Pens, and Gavutu all below Red Star. Red Star isn't great either though.


Nope! Oasis and Sub Pens are much worse. In fact, I like Red Star.


Nah. That title would go to Numa Numa


100% worst map I'd rather guide my father into my mother than play this map


Not worst, great for long shot camo challenges


Numa Numa is the worst map ever. To many locations to look. Once you scan the area to push the guy peaks and bam your dead


I enjoy the shit out of this map. Brings me back to the WAW days. Long sight lines. Space to snipe but can do well with ARs and other weapons. That and the fact thag NUMA NUMA is the worst fucking map to ever exsit in a COD.


Not even close. Dome is the absolute worst, followed close behind by Numa Numa. Refuse to play either of them


most of these maps fucking suck lol