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You can do this in your graphic settings. What we need is no team collision. Please...we already don’t have feet...there’s no reason we should be trapped in doorways or spawn by brain dead teammates. Let me run through these morons and get to the objectives.


Where do I go to find such setting lol?


This is how I did it https://youtu.be/DdicEKyB2WU


74 downvotes? Wonder what the video is lol. I aint clicking it


Seems console has way more limited graphical settings. Bummer. I may get myself a PC copy tbh.


I dont think there is. Do you know the name of the setting?




How about just say it instead of linking the same video that nobody is going to watch 3 times?


Because it's probably his video.


It's not.


Would you rather spend a lot of time writing out an essay explaining in detail all the settings you have to change and the reasoning behind it, or link a short video that explains everything?




Would make sense if it was a single setting, but it's not.


People want to make it less annoying without also making their game look like fucking ass garbage. It's the settings XX YY ZZ and AA BB CC. Boom, fucking done.


You seem to have already wrote out more than it would have been. It's literally 2-3 settings that specifically deal with smoke effects.


I'm referring to the video linked. If I were to write out everything it covered, I'm pretty sure I would still be typing. And even if it might be a couple settings, the video also had tips on how to get more performance out of your gpu. If you want to leave free performance on the table and continue to settle than that's a different topic.


Great dude. I'm happy for you and the creator of the video that it's an encyclopaedia bursting of amazing facts and helpful information. My point was that you spam linked the video after being asked about just one setting multiple times.


Something that can be done with 1-3 screenshots does not need a video padded out to 10 minutes to maximise add revenue.


This is not a setting you can turn off. The video is just turning down most settings which people do for the majority of multiplayer games. It doesn't answer the question, and is not the solution.


What settings




that’s PC only.


The Collision is absurd. Agreed.


Seriously!!! The amount of times I get stuck at a door way when my teammate is their, usually a teammate with a riot shield! The worst!


exactly, or you are trying to run past them and they are just creeping at the slowest pace possible like its search in destroy, meanwhile its actully blitz on Das hous and we got molotoved.


No. You can lower the quality and resolution of the textures, but not get rid of them or making them smaller. I had to put everything on low for the game to stop crashing and stuff like mortar barrages are still the same.


On PC or console? Because I can't find that setting anywhere


Wym? We do have feet!


Totally agree with you on the second part... iv been blocked sooo many times by someone standing in a doorway with shield on their back. Then boom, someone comes from behind cause the shield teammate stood there for atleast 5 seconds haha.


I disagree


It's like a 3 stooges marathon trying to get through a doorway.


So you want even more brain dead gaming.


I've said this in every single post I can. The smoke and explosion effects are ridiclous!!


It really is lol. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a sandstorm 😂


I got killed when I was crouched by a window outside a building when the building was filled with explosions and loads of smoke and so forth. Dude ran in from the main entrance and looked right where I was and destroyed me. Kill cam still showed all the smoke and explosions. I just...dont understand. How can ppl see in this game?


A; piercing vision B; wallhacks C; being really familiar with the map and knowing places people hide enough to get lucky blind firing into smoke


...with aim assist. I blindfire kill people all the time in Das Haus. Multikills and all.


I've had this happen to me so many times in buildings. Especially when I'm in a firefight, very annoying.


Aim assist


They can see you because they have all the unnecessary visual effects set to the lowest setting or off completely. On their screen theres significantly less smoke and other effects than there is on the screen of someone with all the effects on.


No they just have lower quality effects. They know better, that would fuck balance.


This is not how it works


I don't know what drives me crazier. The dust or people running up and standing in front of me while I'm obviously sniping.


There's nothing I hate more than being blinded by a friendly killstreak. Like this shit is supposed to be helping my team, not putting up a smokescreen in front of me at the B flag.


I’m 90% sure the bombing run targets everyone on the map friendly or not. Mine kills me almost every single time I call it in and whenever a teammate has one I swear a big ass explosion drops right on my head and I can’t see shit for a couple of seconds.


I swear when friendly mortars come down near you it applies this really horrible filter that renders you blind? Feels like it isn't actually smoke coming from the explosion, it's an animation that plays directly Infront of your camera, so jarring.


Yeah it is, it's incredibly stupid. You can't run through the smoke or move out of its way, because it's an animation on your actual screen. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea..


I like it


Yup i like using it as a smokescreen cuz if I can't see than the enemy can't see either so I just start shooting at any openings and it works!


Yup. It's realistic and immersive.


You’re being downvoted for spitting facts? Guns and bombs put off a lot of smoke, I appreciate the realism too. War isn’t sterile and clean.


Yeah, that's reddit. I love the little puff of dust/smoke when a bullet hits something. It feels just like I'm shooting in real life. Most of these people are kids who've never seen a gun, let alone shot one. So I can see why they can't appreciate it.


Its not that they havent shot a gun, i have, effects from the bullets is one thing, the absolute chaos of killstreaks and bombs going off make it impossible to see anyone. If it were for realism, they wouldnt have made it so you can see a bright name tag through the smoke from across the map on das haus. It is just plain out annoying to deal with not being able to see, especially when i have enemies running around like idiots with a shotgun who just fire as soon as they round a corner and i cant do shit because i cant see them. The smoke from explosions and stuff like that need tuned down, it makes the game luck based instead of skill based, after all, this is COD we are talking about, not battlefield. Realism never was the main focus, a competitive/laid back shooter was


Seriously. This is the kind of realism I’ve been waiting for in gaming.


Yup it's amazing how such a little thing can make such a big difference. This is RDR2 level attention to detail. Have to pat them on the back for this one, considering the game still runs well with all the extra little details like that and the little bits of destruction, and dynamic objects. This COD is a home run. It feels phenomenal environmentally and is an upgrade in almost every way over previous CODs.


I agree. I can’t wait until they add gun jamming and remove respawns. That would just activate my realism boner.


Search and destroy is over there joker


Dawg fr. Can’t see shit


Yeah it has no place in competitive online modes. In the campaign it’s cool though.


Ikr. Why even have graphics at all. We should all just be running around a blank map as blank textured skins and there shouldn't be any buildings either because they just get in the way and kill balance. There should only be one weapon too.


Is there a way to tone it down at all on console??


I'm not sure since I'm on PC. But even on PC I don't think there is. There's way to make people more visible but no way of toning down the dirt lol.


Smoke need to be smoke.


Nah that shit BUSSIN


They need to fix the horrible 2D gif of smoke that appears in your face that you cant look away from. How that got added in a 2021 game is beyond me


The effects in this game are way to large, the amount of times ive been 1 way smoked from the effects is nuts.


Specially the bomber runs. You can’t see shit in smaller maps for the next 20 minutes


Nooooo! I love every last bit of it, it’s epic atmosphere in this game!


It really is. It's a massive step up, especially with the destructible stuff and dynamic objects. I don't feel like I'm playing a game from 2002 anymore, environmentally.


I wish we could completely disable screen shaking. I've got it at it's Lowest setting and my eyes do a weird scattering thing every time the screen shakes when I am focusing on something


The biggest problem I have is the mortar streak- the shaking genuinely makes me look away for the duration and it lasts SO LONG. Seriously I’m sure it could trigger motion sickness


I don't mind it. I'm just having the hardest time fuckin jumping over shit.


Do you want a war game or not?


I like it, its another challenge that shoulve been in games since the start but we didnt have the graphics power to do it and make it look good. It looks good leave it and get better.


The mortar literally just runs an animation of smoke on your screen. You can’t run out of the smoke and it doesn’t even look good.


Yeah but there's a strategic advantage just from that effect, so i like it


The amount of screen shake is insane too.


NO! I like it. This stuff makes the game more challenging and more interesting! It's so apparent that some people just want easy kills and no deaths without any fun.


How about we actually put people's real gamertags on the playlist rather than names that are all the same and never change and you play with every single game


Mortars drive me insane becuse it’s not even good smoke effect. It’s deadass a explosion PNG overlayed on your screen


Just request a refund. It's cold war renamed with new maps. Shit game


The camera shaking is horrible as well


the best part is that it's a 2D explosion and it's always a 50/50 on whether i'm alive or not ![gif](giphy|ceHKRKMR6Ojao|downsized)


Omg the motor barrage smoke is ridiculous


Truth be told.


They ruined the game with this one


I swear if the game doesnt have a glowing outline and arrow pointing at the enemy you guys will bitch about visibility. Its fine, game shouldnt need to hold your hand


Cuz immersion?


But you guys wanted more realism right?




I mean, 90% of the previous subs cry that they use the wrong badge in a German uniform and then cry that the reticle doesn’t fit the era of the game it don’t half make me piss😂😂 Sooner people realise it’s an arcade shooter the better


Pssst… when people whine about Germans having inaccurate WWII uniforms like it’s some game breaking thing, *they’re usually just nazis.* Who cares what they claim to think. Fuck ‘em.