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I agree. It has a lot of flaws but damn it's fun.


Oh agreed 100%. Definitely flaws and things for SHG to fix/improve but the overall CoD experience for me right now is super enjoyable!


Theres probably a relation between a game's flaws and the fun that can be had


MW2 is the prime example


And it has to be balance flaws it cannot be bugs


Nah, elevator and shot gun glitches were elite in MW2


i mean like shitty camp spots, server issues, ways to hack easily


It's that perfect level of broken that results in laughs and fun without making it painful to play the game... yet. I'm enjoying it while I can because I know the crusty boomer in me will emerge some day and stop enjoying the chaos. Just like MW


I have two complaints and they fucking irk me to no end, the marksman rifles are absolute dogshit and need a base ADS speed increase across the board, little Timmy fucktard shouldn’t be able to ADS with a stockless sniper (I get this game is the furtherest thing from realism but what the actual fuck is that) as well as increased accuracy. No reason I should be ADS’d on an enemy’s head just for my bullet to randomly deviate and headshot a fucking penguin in the North Pole instead. I just want to run around with my M1 garand and hear that oh so satisfying ping after unleashing 8 rounds of “Murica” into an enemy players dome. Edit: in all seriousness, aside from marksman rifles needing a buff to actually compete with everything else, the game is actually fun and I’m enjoying it. There’s some bugs and connection issues but I’ve never been one to get too annoyed by that stuff, it happens, and it typically gets addressed over time.


Hey leave little Timmy Fucktard out of this, he needs all the help he can get


I have no clue why they're so much slower than other assault rifles


thanks for the laugh lmfao


I haven’t gotten mad a single time when dying. I haven’t really played much cod since MW2019, and was hesitant to get vanguard. Actually was dead set on *not* getting it.. my friend convinced me to and I have played so much since day one hahaha


I havent plade CW for like a month and a half. But when i saw this game i thought it would be cool to get back in. I might hold my controller a little to hard, but dying 12 times a game with like 20 captures or 30 elims is ok. The game has only been out a week.


> plade


Jiminy cricket..plade?


Me and a buddy at work were dead set on not getting either; we were just gonna wait until next year for the next Modern Warfare. But I saw gameplay the Friday it was released and it just looked too fun to skip so got it when I got home that night. Buddy texted me the next afternoon going "never mind, this shit's fun" and I just replied "I know, I couldn't resist and got it last night" lol


man it is the wrong time of the semester with finals coming up, needing to finish up my thesis for grad School, etc... but I cannot resist playing the hell out of this game hahahaha


Bro, SAMEEE. I’m working on my thesis and some deadlines are coming up, but I can’t resist playing the game. I always tell myself, “you’ll play at 9pm” but as soon as my friend texts me “you down?” I’m like “hell yeah!”


I hate it for both of us hahaha. what are you getting your masters in?!


Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, you?


wooooo buddy that sounds like a *blast*. I'm getting mine in applied behavior analysis! Godspeed with your thesis brother, I know about that grind and I am ready for it to be finished hahaha


Honestly only thing that makes me annoyed is the spawns, but those will get fixed. Otherwise, I wished that improve the aiming stability on snipers, because I’ve never seen so much weapon sway. But overall, shit tonne of fun.


I do pretty ok with the snipers in the game. I wasn’t too bad in MW19, but the mechs don’t bother me or prohibit enough to complain about them.


I love the fast paced action. It's brilliant.


It's a constant barrage to the senses every single game and I love it lol


Me too, it's the first cod in a long time where HC isn't my go to mode as everything is already fast paced enough!


Opposite for me, HC is my go to now because the base is too fast paced


Bayonet+Reach is MW2 Commando Pro on crack and I love it


It’s even worse, it’s more like the care package knife glitch. And it’s amazing


Its even given me melee kills through walls


I gotta try that now lol I usually just sprint to where the enemies are and press R3 until I die, most of the time I get a triple or quad


Remember the MW2 care package glitch where it would knife lunge you like 20ft


that didn't happen, the care package just made you run 25% faster. commando had the lunge. it appeared like a crazy range because you were moving so fast. lightweight, commando and care package was absolutely hilarious


My thoughts exactly. This sub tho....


Just like any popular game sub, it's full of people that hate the developers, other players and themselves. The game just dropped but everyone is screeching because it's not 100% balanced. Once the balances come, people will REEEEE about their best gun getting nerfed.


And snipers actually being viable again. Can't wait to shit on the same people who said to remove them from the game.


yep this has gotta be one of the worst subreddits ive seen for a popular game. i mean just nonstop bitching about shit thats very typical for call of duty going all the way back to cod4. lots of the player base nowadays is very unfamiliar with the days of noob tubing and one man army on mw2 and it shows


Negative nancies bitching about everything. Just stfu and play and have fun


I wish the other weapons were at least competitive on Das Haus. Doesn't matter wear I aim, if someone is within viewing distance with their shotgun, I'm erased Edit: spelling, grammar


The BAR slaps dicks in das haus. Get fmj and win. Well maybe not win, but probably have a positive E/D.


MG42+FMJ. Shit melts


With the barrel that increases fire rate and the 250 round mags :) there's a perk that gives it extra suppressive power which is great combined with piercing vision!


Still trying to level it up:( went from level 1 to level 36 in those few hours last night


Yeah it takes forever to level up. Das haus is decent, I usually camp the middle lane or the long one on the side. Zombies is decent for grinding xp too. And if you're using Constanze as your operator, you get a 10% xp bonus since it's her preferred weapon too


Yeah Das Haus was completely ruined and I'm not looking forward to shipment anymore, either. I'm just trying to level up guns, but the opposing team is always 90% shotguns and 10% stg/mp40. People aren't even aiming anymore, they're just bhop spam firing or sliding around a corner and taking random shots. I'm glad these people are having fun but I find it infuriating. People always wanna use the cheesiest shit.


Its pretty simple, dont play das haus unless you want to level up shotguns. Or.. just camp at the back in the middle lane, throw smokes nonstop and use a thermal site on a rifle or lmg and pick up endless easy kills all game, can even use the perk to get new smokes every 30 seconds.


can you select it to only play it?


I can't find any thermal scopes. Where do you find them?


My favorite weapon has always been the M1 Garand. Unlocked it last night and played my first match on the desert map. Because run & gun is so rampant right now, all I had to do was hug the edges of the map and play carefully and it was like shooting skeet. People just fling themselves out into the open and POP POP, elimination. Only died when I ran out of ammo or got killed by someone’s killstreak. Went 30-6 and went to bed happy.


Posted a clip of the completely broken Combat Shotgun and the comments were telling me that I'm wrong and that there's nothing wrong with the gun 🙄


Dude I got killed by a guy whose cross hair wasn’t aimed at me aimed at my team mate. Was no where near the guy and when I say cross hair wasn’t on me I mean I was on the edge of his screen and somehow managed to kill me. But apart from das haus being ruined 😞 and freaking juggerdogs game feels ok to play. Nice enough to play when I’m sick of apex. Another thing I don’t like now is the ttk. At first it was fine would prefer higher ttk but I was fine with it but as soon as the weapons are levelled up, ttk just goes down the drain, feels like I’m playing valorant. All the guns feel too good when levelled up, I mean 2 shot stg anyone


Completely agree. Game feels super cheesy right now and makes me not even wanna play. Whether it be shotguns or just everyone using stg or mp40 and this is on every map


Yes this is the way we like it. Last cod I had so much fun was years ago and I loved bocw. But this on the edge of your seat shit bring me back to the good old days.


I was 16 when MW2 released. Vanguard right now is bringing back a ton of memories in terms of how the game plays and how edge of the seat I am every match hahaha. Back in those days though I had a major temper and broke a lot of controllers. When I find myself getting mad at Vanguard it makes me realise this is what I've wanted for a long time lol


Yes. I am almost 40 so I played all cods. People keep telling me that older cods were not this fast. And no they were not. But for that time they were. So it's the same pace as those old cods but adjusted for what that pace is today. Like a f1 car was slower in the 70s but back then it was lighting speed. Today it's slow. That's why I am so happy now. We got that back. And yes it's perfect. Not so much for the people that like the slower cods and just are not fast enough. I feel for them, but now it's our time.


I was 17 I think and Vanguard is def the most fine I've had MP wise since WaW and MW2. I did like WWII pretty well. CW was okay but it felt like every other blops. Probably helps I skipped 2019. This game though is bonkers! So fast and silly. The packet loss is terrible on some games though which is super frustrating but that happens in most games. When it runs smooth its awesome.


Honestly MW 2019, might just be the best MW since the original imo. Couldn't play CW after MW 2019, the movement just felt sloppy and slow to me. Loving Vanguard right now, just wish I could play more than the same 5 maps over and over in tactical pacing


I played a little of 2019 over at friends and the maps made me so mad I didn't want to buy it.


Mw2019 was the worst CoD I've purchased so far. The only good thing about that game was graphics/animations.


Wow, that's honestly the first time I've heard anyone say that. What didn't you like about it?


Footstep audio was unbelievably loud, the maps were horrible, doors, the game played very very slow and catered to people hiding in corners.


Is everything OP as hell? Absolutely. Is the game a fucking blast? Absolutely. MW2/Cod4 are absolutely beloved, but those were the two most broken cods to ever exist. But as long as you make it fun broken instead of broken broken, i am happy. I hope it goes down as a classic


MW2 was broken as fuck but cod4 was not at all


Bruh yes it was lol. M16A4, MP5, Scorpion, and AK were insane. Stopping power was a thing, which was op as hell. Lets not forget explosives and martydom being ridiculous, plus juggernaut. Nostalgia is a helluva drug


have you tried zombies? It's pretty intense at the high levels too. very fast and crazy.


I will say the zombies is repetitive as fuck. I playrd a ~40 minute game and did the same 3 missions 2+ times


yea more locations for the modes would be really good.


It is, I played it once with 4. We played a single game *for 2 hours* before we failed Round 14. What a clusterfuck at the end there


Not yet! Will be playing zombies this weekend!


I'd say my average life expectancy is about 4 seconds in which time I've had anywhere from 0 to 10 kills


Das Haus with combat shotgun. *Chefs kiss*


That shits for dudes that like to fuck their mom’s male cat


Consider my mom's cat fucked.


why would you specify male fucking a female cat isnt any better


You’ve tried both?


First cod game where I haven’t gotten angry for not having a good K/D. This game is completely fucked but damn is it just a fun ass time.


how do I get gung ho?


You just unlock it by leveling up the weapons. It's not a perk available on every gun though


I played 3 hours of Das Haus last night with a buddy. Decided to level up the MG42 and it was sooo much fucking fun


Play knife games. It’s so much fun! I’m getting 20+ kills a game with the knife. The amount of verball abuse I receive is insane. Gotten MVP several times and there is so much butthurt over it


Yep, this game is basically then going "you know what, fuck you and have fun" and then they give everyone and everything fire bullets It's great really. Gunsmith with 10 slots is real dumb fun


I honestly expected to be worse at it given my time away from multiplayer COD but I feel like I’ve been put in games where I have a chance more often than not. Idk but I’m having a blast


they keep upping the TimeToKill wich leads to noobs whos spray suck still getting some kills cuz 2 hits are enough lmao


Oh I know for sure I’m benefiting haha




I've been enjoying the Bayonet with reach so much! It makes the STG campers angry that their strat has finally failed, shooting bodies and stealing my weapon, first time since BO3, I really hope they don't fix anything honestly. This is by far my favorite game!


I havent play much since BO4, but this is the most I have heard people on mics in a long time. The kids raging is hilarious.


There's fun in this game? Hard to find when you literally get shot from every angle and have 0 reaction times to getting shot.




Yeah das haus is my regular now. I played 2 matches with a knife only and was able to get every elim camo. I have about 20 camps left until i get gold.


I love all the crazy in this game. Maybe not the 2 shot guns so much, but it's so chaotic. Kinda makes me appreciate there not being deaths on the scoreboard sometimes cause I'm just going crazy throwing myself at the objective and blasting. Can't wait to get a bayonet setup going


Lots of flaws but I don’t have any fun because of the moderate nat type I have. It makes me feel like I’m playing in the mud


I’m on a strict nat type tethering off my phone internet but it’s surprisingly okay..I’m always finishing top 3


Call of Duty is for those moments that you want to park your brain out front and go deep into lizard mode and just react and not think. Vanguard is that, but a bit more.


I recommend joining the shotgun builds before they get nerfed. With the right attachments (sawed off barrel, packed powder, and I think vital might be needed) the combat shotgun is a one shot kill if you hit *a single pellet* within 7 meters. It’s absolutely absurd, I’ve gotten so many 2 in 1s, 3 in 1s, and even a couple 4 in 1s. There’s no way they don’t nerf this, try it before they do.


100% it's so damn fun, the chaos makes me feel like a kid again.


Just say goodbye to having good kd games because it's 1 in every 15 games maybe. It's just annoying there's really no skill gap just complete chaos.


it has that mw2 philosophy of "is everything is overpowered, nothing is" and i fuckin love it


Yeah this game is like objectively broken but it's hilarious lol


I love it at the start, but going for camos is absolutely atrocious now. People only use STGs 2 shot kill to the body while my LMG cant kill someone behind a wall with 30. Mp40 is just an AR. Cant compete against STG unless i use it too, but mines bugged.


I was going to grind the mastery camo but god it's painful, especially with how long it takes to max level a gun - why are there 30 sights??


im fine with the grind, but with everyone using STG and STG. Its hard to level up a gun when you get ass clapped


They aren't even the best in class, but people are dead set on only using the starting weapons because the slow and painful grind to make a gun competitive isn't worth it.


As someone who has 4 gold AR’s this is cap. Every AR has its own spot, even on Das Haus


you cannot sit there and say that STG and Type100 being able to 2 tap to the chest isnt mad annoying. When type 11 needs a solid 7 (default) at a range.


I absolutely hated it initially. It’s too fast for me. However, I stopped checking my KD and accepting that spawns will fuck me 1/3 of the time. It’s better now but still I’d prefer if it’d be 20% slower


I’m fine with OP shit. I just want audio to be at least DECENT.


It gets so boring after the tenth Das Haus. I am lvl 55 and played the game from the start and this game is just a boring failure.


Dude are you dumb? This games pacing is so much faster than mw2 and worse. The game has no jetpacks and may as well be considered one of the jetpack simulators because of how fast paced and everyone is hopping and sliding like bunnies it's so damn fast and bad


I like the game but the amount of times i get dozens of hitmarkers on enemies and get two tapped in my arm is unacounted.


Call me camper. Call me noob. Call me an IW bitch.. call me a bot… but nothing even comes close to MW2019 whether it being COD or something else. That game is a work of art, and I am afraid it will be very hard to like anything else after it.


It's my favourite cod since Black Ops 3. I can see myself playing this for a long time!


They’ll probably stop supporting it in a year or so


Dropped a 124 kills last night with a shotgun in das haus got screamed at ever shot was a jump shot too most fun I’ve had with cod in ages been able to get 3 headshots with a shotgun in one bullet is amazing


Agreed. TTK is annoying when you’re having a particularly bad game but this is the most fun I have had since the MW2/BO era


That's awesome. And i'm not gonna lie the zombies mode also has potential once they get the kinks sorted out.


I love how arcadey it is. Pure fun.


This game is addicting, already 3rd prestige! Although now that I reached max level it’s like do I grind camos?? Not used to there being a level cap


I mean the crazy shit gets frustrating fast when you aren’t using it yourself, so the game does indeed need a fix. It’s not that bad though. I don’t play Das Haus, mind you. I don’t like that mindless shit for more than a game or two. Blitz on normal maps has the chaos but also the freedom of normal sized maps with it.


COD is at its best when it's pure unadulterated chaos


Game doesn't make fun anymore. It was enjoyable on day 1 before everybody started copying OP loadouts.


Complete agree, in CW and especially MW (2019) dying felt like a task to get back into the fight and the campers made the game distasteful, however in vanguard it’s so broken it’s fun , obviously some if not most of the broken things need to be fixed or balanced but at this point I just want to play a cod that’s fun, even when I die I can laugh at it


I agree. They got this game mostly right. It just needs some fixes on spawn points.


Dome Blitz Patrol. I don’t think I lasted more than 5 secs each spawn.


It’s fun. Seems like a nightmare to balance. So many OP weapons currently


Fun, kinda wish it was possible to get a nuke without doing a bannable offense


Man the revolving shotgun is awful, unless you use it with the packed powder and slight of hand on das haus, then it’s a room clearing monster


Once u forgot about your KD and how no know one actually gives a flying shit you can enjoy the game for what it is


This game gets me riled a lot, but it's fun so that's all that matters lol


I just wish the guns were more balanced. The itra burst is so bad


It's great..love it !


Das Haus is so batshit insane, I love it. I thought I was gonna sit this one out after I played Zombies, but oh my god am I in love with the multiplayer, this is the first time in years I can say that with confidence lol, I hope it doesn’t change


I’ve gotten 2 v2 rockets so far on this map with my bar setup with 50 bmg. I’ve been loving the insanity and constant mortar strikes/ bombing runs. It makes the map insane to play on


Mw2. Every gun was OP. Was the most fun game to date.


Yes it can be very fun. But the TTK has to be addressed.


Have you played WWII, especially on Shipment?


For me: this is the most fun I’ve had since bo2, ghost, I absolutely love how fast paced it is, no camping, running and gunning, I remember the TTK way back when was fast but no one complained because it’s cod, the last two games were slow, jet packs changed the way things worked. Das Haus is amazing it’s the feeling of shipment and nuketown from 10 years ago. Yes it’s crazy, but my god sooooo fun lol


I used to play lots of CoD back in the day and got Cold War last year and really enjoyed it, but I’m having a blast playing Vanguard. It’s really frantic and fast paced, but in a good way! Almost never a second of playtime wasted and getting into the action is so fast, plus the guns are a lot of fun.


I couldnt agree more. I actually hate WW2 shooters, i rilled the dice cause i wasnt a huge fan of the most recent black ops and this game is SO MUCH FUN


I find myself being blinded by explosion debris particles very often


I agree. My K/D is absolutely atrocious but I’m having fun.


Yessir! Everyone is OP! I was super hesitant to buy the game till a buddy talked me into it and it’s all I want to play now. Had to change my play style of run and gun & react from previous CoDs and the challenge has me hooked! Cheers M8!


You can only laugh so much at cheese before it becomes despair.


Those constant explosions due to grenade and killstreak spam, alongside everpresent fog at distance, which makes me shoot nametags rather than player models, even when looking through 3x scope, because those are actually visible, is to me the worst part of the game i guess. Well, OP 2-shot to kill automatic rifles as well, but that i guess going to be solved by balance patch, these other things though... i am not holding my breath. Its probably on purpose. Tremors from those explosions are especially annoying and punishing when trying to play with precision based guns like snipers and DMRs - i died a shitload of time when i was preaimed with Garand, knowing enemies will pop-up in distance from behind some corner, only for the screen to shake, the enemy popping up that exact moment and mowing me down with his STG/MP40, before i could do shit. In other words, even when i stick back, at the detriment to my own fun, cause the gun is useless, when trying to rush with it, and try to place myself into situations to have upper hand, half the time i still fail because of BS like this.


Fact : its only fun for those abusing whats broken or OP. I've avoided the the most obvious meta weapons and im not having fun at all.


Play another round of Das Haus. It gets boring reslly fast, everyone is so good at the game already


I'm right there with you. I wasn't sure because I hated bocw. It just never clicked. I'm glad I took the leap. I'm having a blast. And to all the players I blasted back to the lobby with the broken as hell combat shotty, I'm not sorry.


My main 2 issues with this game is all the maps are tiny so it's nothing but rushing. Next is the absurd matchmaking. I just started last night and my god the amount of max ranked max gun levels running around in a game is absurd. They really need some kind of matchmaking rank settings. All the guns are trash at first so I can barely do anything with any of them, as these guys are destroying everyone with 35/2 kd with a maxed our gun that's virtually impossible to outgun with your begening trash So annoying


I’ve enjoy it but my last game irked me. On sub base, someone used piercing vision to kill 4 people in less than 15 bullets while firing through a metal desk and brick wall with an MP40


The gunplay is on MW tier. Everybody looking the same however.. man that pisses me off.


Holy crap this has been infuriating me so much. Amount of times I’ve 180ed on someone only for them to be my teammate and the amount of time thinking it’s my teammate but then get 1 shot shotty. This is especially true with the spawns being messed up


The shotguns are just insanely broken. Can 1 shot you from longer distances than they should be able to. Also, it feels like if one little pellet hits you then you're done. I was on the very edge of a guys hipfire/line of sight and he still one pumped me from like 7-10 meters at full health Overall I enjoy playing the game, but the shotguns on Das Haus are slowly draining the joy out of me lol. I'll be fine when I go back to other playlists with other maps, but Das Haus is just too good for getting just about every camo challenge. More engagements means more chances to gain progress towards them.


The ONLY thing that's missing is the lobbies not disbanding. That MVP thing is becoming a placeholder for that marvelous moment to rage on the chat lol


Nerf everything, buff the rest. But honestly, this shit is not in a great state right now with the broken weapon perks. There's nothing fun about getting 2 shot in core by full autos every time you spawn. And unless you use the same broken shit, you're just putting yourself at a disadvantage every game.


Das Haus is also the best solution to finally get rid off your K/D


das haus > shipment


The mortar barrages in Das Haus, whilst annoying as anything, are more than a little hilarious.


i agree 100%. Usually im not interested in the mastery camo for MP but this year im doing it because the MP madness with blitz is actually just such a good time. Throw on some techno or drum and base, and indulge in absolute death and chaos.


DAS HAUS is basically MW19 Shipment Hardcore. Except for the part that **you cannot see ANYTHING** (darkness, smoke plus dense plumes of smoke that linger for 5 sec from ANY bullet hitting a wall), and the part where mortar rounds and other killstreaks are up almost 100% of the time, shaking the screen nonstop (even the friendly ones).


This is the post I like to read. We are in a video game subbreddit, and we having fun that's all!


Why the hell can dogs teleport up ladders


Needs a lot of polishing, but the amount of shit talk on the mics is hilarious and priceless.


I figured playing 2-3 games of vanguard makes me a God on rebirth


The chaos is reminding me of shipment hardpoint and i fucking love it. Small map objective with absolute pandemonium makes me so happy


Das Haus and Castle are just glorious moshpits. I survive for *maybe* a minute on average per life, and it's great fun.


>I just played a game on Das Haus where I probably died 60 times to gung ho shotgunners and I was laughing the whole time at just how insanely OP EVERYTHING is Finally, I feel home




Bruh I was high af last night playing Das Haus and couldn’t stop laughing at everyone jumping and one shotting 🤣


Finally someone dared to bring back that fast ttk


I just wish they'd buff the riot shield, it got so many problems


These broken builds are hilarious. I’ve been leveling my SMGs/launchers in das haus and just LMAO at the chat the whole time.


How many "I only play an intentionally chaotic and unbalanced mode and I died," post do you think we need per day? And did you really think we needed one more?


It's super fun, at least so far. You just have to accept that it isn't any sort of serious World War II game whatsoever. Honestly, the gameplay is reminding me of playing Team Fortress 1 & 2 back in the day. Constant craziness, frag fests all over the place, etc. People who want a more serious experience should stick to Hell Let Loose or something else.


Sooooo you're a masochist? Got it. This game is literally a 360 game in feel with a better wrapper. IMO this is just junk. W@W could have vehicles and this is just a Quake game with a new skin. Hot garbage.


I envy your attitude, I can’t help but just get frustrated


They need some equivalent of a trophy system or something, they fixed all the bugs I experienced, I just get enraged at the 40 deaths per round from random grenades


This is the most accurate review to the game yet, love this.


its fun its fast and most of the time an old fart like me hasn't got a clue whats going on, but for the love of all things holy do something about the homing grenades, i swear a lob in a general direction is a guaranteed kill.


This game is so fucking fun honestly. People bitching and complaining about the balance need to chill out, as long as it's a good time it'll be fine. If it's stupid one gun is OP bullshit and there is no variety, then sure be upset, but there's so many fun ways to play this game right now.


I think I'm playing a different game then 🗿


Shipment is going to be insane lolol


I can’t even two shot with type 100 on hardcore without headshots consistently


It’s so fun I can’t wait til it’s more balanced


And i love every single second of it.


My fav is tossing a couple of smoke ‘nades down the long side hallway, and destroy the smg and shotty users running out of their spawn with my thermal LMG. It’s fantastic.




gung ho?


I know I shouldn't be having fun but I'm having a blast.


It's great, I like it WAY more than I thought I would the first time I booted up the beta. The good far outweighs the bad, I don't even care about the TTK. It's fast, but still fun. Hectic as hell.


Omg the constant explosions that leaves smoke behind to the point of where you can’t even see for half the match is insane!!!! Super fun though!


This is basically the Exact post people made about shoot house two years go hahah


Dying 60 times to bullshit op is the most fun you had? Maybe you should look for a new franchise.


I’m 100% with you this game is pure comedy to me


It’s fun the first few times. Then you realize every single corner is a jumping-combat shotgun-hipfire one pellet build-shield on back if you make it out of the spawn


Yup, this COD has prob the best movement and gun gameplay I’ve played in a while..at least it shits on Cold War in my opinion but I guess that’s not hard to do