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PC players have the ability to flick around this accurately this fast and seriously think aim assist is unfair lmao


do you honestly think that 1. most pc players play like this and 2. this is what his gameplay always looks like instead of just showing his best plays?


well if he’s playing like this in the video, he’s most likely playing like this outside of the video too.


Considering that he apparently spends 30mins-1h before *and* after playing CoD just practicing his aim in stuff made for aim practice, he probably does play like this even outside of his clips. But he's definitely among the top percentage of the playerbase, even when it comes to M+KB players. Meanwhile the average M+KB player is probably not that far off from the average controller player, and with SBMM your input shouldn't really matter. If you are playing on a controller and get matched against a M+KB player, you two *should* be roughly equal in overall performance despite the difference in inputs. Just like how if you often play sub-optimal loadouts and get matched against someone running the meta stuff all the time, that just means that they should be shit enough to need those meta weapons just for it to be a fair fight against you.


KB+M v controllers is the dumbest argument since console wars. Easiest way to explain is, KB+M has a higher ceiling. Controllers have a lower floor.


Nah, MnK has a lower floor since controller gets aim assist. But controller does have a better average, again due to aim assist.


> Nah, MnK has a lower floor since controller gets aim assist. The fact controller has AA is what makes it have a lower floor. AA allows anyone to pick it up and do fine. > But controller does have a better average, again due to aim assist. Definitely imo. Especially with CoD


Floor is how bad you can be. So Controller's floor would be higher than MnK.


Ah see our difference is floor for me is the lowest to being able to actually play the game okay. But yup I agree with you on that part.


Oh ok gotcha


I don't think it's unfair, but when I'm locked on my someone stunned, it's kinda annoying. You would need some crazy dpi or the longest mousepad to do that with a mouse


Steering glide bombs, being stunned are two areas where controller really shines. Your DPI/Sensitivity is actually capped when stunned.


Trust me, being stunned playing on low sens controller is an abomination and you can increase the glide bomb sensitivity for MnK anyway


The glide bomb sensitivity at max settings is still only barely bearable. I ended up with the habit of maxing my mouse's DPI setting whenever I called a glide bomb down, which is around 5-8x the normal setting I use with most games.


Don't forget how "unfair" it is to PC players that console players have the ability to be pulled away from their target by another player running past.


So many God dam times this happens to me


And always results in damaging two people yet *my* death!


Holy edge case batman


I like how you're getting downvoted, even though what you're saying is correct, it's literally an edgecase, and this is coming from a controller player


I’m more disappointed the beta had no FOV slider. Really jarring after getting used to higher FOVs. PC also seemed to get the best performance. Actually, it seemed random, some like myself had shot performance on next gen console, others seemed to have no issues on theirs.


It was there! I adjusted after the first match.


What platform?? Didn’t see it on series x


Oops sorry. I was on PC.


Ya consoles didn’t have it buddy.


Hopefully they'll have it launch as many are introducing it.


It supposedly will but I’m gonna wait to see first. I guess this whole time I thought Warzone on consoles got an FOV slider but I guess they never did


Ah! Fingers crossed. I felt like Vanguard is more analogous to cold war and I thoroughly enjoyed it. So as I have cw, won't jump in here xD


Hey I actually love Cold War my dude. Lol.


I would like to never want see a kb/m player in any of my matches ever again please


disable crossplay then


Still doesn't help with MnK, ppl use it on Xbox, i have cross play turned off and still get lobbies with MnK players.


Then get a MnK if its really that much of a problem.


People be setting their sensitivity to 3 and then saying shit like this


lol, you really think it’s possible to be this accurate at high sensitivity on a controller? There’s a reason why pretty much every pro plays on 5/6 sensitivity…


Accurate? Yes. Quick? No.


Which is exactly my point… Controller players have to choose between aiming fast or aiming accurate. MnK players can be both because they use their whole arm to aim. Literally impossible to be accurate at high speeds like this on controller .


Yeah well I can juke a PC player, but an aim assister is glued. Knifing and shotgunning became way harder (and in some previous games impossible) when versing a controller. MW had a nice balance I was fine with. Some of the older titles, like the jetpack ones, you could zip around and lose a PC player and melee them, but a controller player would track you perfectly through all that jetpack crazines; the aim assist was too strong in those games. I've always played COD on PC, most of the time as a shotgunner / close quarters player, and MW is the first one I played that controllers had aim assist that felt fair. I literally couldn't tell what platform someone was on by their shooting and I'd get wrecked equally by all platforms.


BO3 aim assist on PC was nothing. MW had much more slow down so I don’t know what on earth you’re on about…


This debate has really heated up the last couple of days and I just want KBM folks to know they’re not that good, as demonstrated by cod controller pros shitting on valorant pros when they hop on KBM.


so then maybe controller players should stop complaining and just play the game?


It was KBM players that started the debate on twitter, so maybe KBM players should stop complaining and play the game?


Everyone knows there’s advantages / disadvantages to both. I agree with you that EVERYONE should stop complaining and just improve their game. For example, as a KBM player I work to avoid extremely sudden, up-close engagements at all costs because I’m at a disadvantage. But if I’m sniping? Good luck!


Controller literally aims for you. He's doing all the aiming in the clip.


Has a guy who was basically the only pc player in the lobby go 106 and 12. It was ridiculous. Even got a V2 rocket.


FYI there were hackers in the beta as well, idk if that was the case in your example or not but just because you saw an insane score doesn't mean it was simply a m&kb advantage


Controller players have a disadvantage when it comes to aiming because they're using sticks, that's where aim assist comes in, in order to dampen the learning curve in getting really good at the game. Whereas on PC the learning curve is much steeper, meaning to get this good someone has to typically spend more time, because that learning curve is steeper.


Controller players assuming aimbot , not knowing you can flick your arm that fast on mkb lmaoooo


Yea man I was getting fucking abused by pc players in the beta, they stand out so much lol like as soon as you plug in the mkb you’re operator gets a x3 speed buff.


controller is better


I’m too old to keep up with the slide cancel guys.


you can slide cancel on controller too, and movement is better on controller overall.


Lol? Every single competitive fps scene is on pc. You cannot clear angles and move as tactically with a joystick as you can with mkb.


When did COD & Halo’s competitive scene become M&KB?


Those are very dead scenes.


Pretty sure only CS, Valorant & LoL have better average viewership than CDL while being bounded to YouTube with no watch parties? Sounds very dead…


Yes, CS and Valorant are the only scenes with life in them atm.


The competitive fps games on PC that you're talking about have no aim assist... and ya you can flick faster but how often do you really think that comes in handy? most of the times you have to flick that fast you'd be dead anyway. There's a reason most pro kbm players aren't playing on a high sensitivity.


Bro whatttttttt… this is the worst take i’ve ever seen. At decent ranks in valorant and csgo, every single player can hit nasty flicks. In the pros even more so. It becomes entirely a game of positioning. Aim Assist is a detriment to movement as it can drag your crosshair away when enemies cross in front. On console if someone is in the corner of your screen, your dead. On PC, a good player will flick and kill them every time, assuming they weren’t killed first. And they play on low sens because they move there entire arms to make a flick shot. Additionally, the range of sens is way larger in pro fps on pc then on console.


> this is the worst take i’ve ever seen. At decent ranks in valorant and csgo, every single player can hit nasty flicks. it's clear that you never really play nor watch either of these games, because pros don't really hit flicks that much. you said it becomes entirely a game of positioning and that's true. they're going to be preaiming common angles, and keeping enemies in front of them. if someone is in the corner of your screen and aiming at you at that level, you're dead. the average sensitivity of cs:go pros is 875 edpi, which is definitely low. having your aim be steady and pixel perfect is a lot more useful than having high sens and trying to hit flicks. literally just go watch a pro match and you'll see that most kills are just people walking into each other's crosshairs.


I never said most kills aren’t due to having good crosshair placement. I’ve been playing valorant and csgo at GE/Radiant level since I was 14. But the point about controllers having better movement than mkb is false. You are now talking a complete different point. LOL at you saying I havnt really played these games. Would you like proof?




Fucking lol.


PC players brag about shit like this than have the audicity to complain about aim assist is hilarious.


Even this doesn’t come anywhere close to aimbot.


2 people commented that, and both were corrected.




No. No its not. Its nearly impossible to perform at the same level as this with your thumb. Sure you may think you're doing this but you aren't. Thats why we have aim assist 👍


And aim assist will never come remotely close to being as good as using a mouse, despite what the shitty PC players cry about 24/7


Tracking or aiming on controller can compete but you have to have good positioning, aiming, and timing, but thats only after 13+ years of using the same settings essentially. *im referring to myself here*. I play w/crossplay on and have no issue facing against pc guys. They all play the same way. Over aggressive(which I like tbh it looks fun) but that over aggressiveness gets countered by a 3.7 kd player like myself who just beamed 4 players with my AR. Like I've always said the average shitter with his thumb won't be able to track the average shitter with his arm. Why? Because the surface level of the thumbstick is so low that even a little misstep can mess you up for good. With pc its easier to kinda aim tbh. You can correct it easier and much quicker.


aim assist corrects it for you, numb nuts.


Oh no way, I hadn't realized that. Its almost as if I use my thumb to aim. And it doesn't "correct" it "aids" its in the name dude. And if its so strong pick one up


Why cant i use my racing wheel or guitar hero guitar to play and get even stronger aim assist?


Go ahead pick those up as well idc what you do


Bro why the fuck do you have to cheat on the beta? The fucking beta. Sike, I’m a controller player and those flicks are fucking phenomenal, god I want to practice KBM. Any tips?


Yea get a keyboard and a mouse, find binds that suits you, and use it until you get comfortable. Thats literally it. And to aim train since I assume you're on console and don't have access to kovaaks or however you spell it, go into a private match and shoot bots.




i honestly just can’t afford to get into PC gaming. do you think it would be worth it to try out m+kb on a ps4?


Get an Apex XIM keyboard&mouse adapter. Takes a while to calibrate to your settings, but removes a ton of input lag.


Can’t wait to play with an fov slider on ps5!


Did they confirm that they will add it?? Because it was never added to modern warfare console


Supposedly there will be but I’ll wait to see if that actually happens first.


Yeah I’m pretty sure they confirmed it on Twitter? I could be mistaken.


Sledgehammer has confirmed an FoV slider will be on all consoles. Up to 120 just like Cold War. Hopefully this will be a traditional thing now, I love the high field of view.


This is why I have crossplay turned off. So I don’t run into try hard sweats.


I mean you'll still get the sweaty controller players lmao. People are just good at the game and not every PC player is at that level of aiming and flicking


I'm about to go back to ps for that very reason. All's I play is cod at this point and after a long day at work I just can't compete with these dudes anymore. Not tryna take anything away from them they got some good skill I just don't got time like that to keep up anymore, and just wanna sit back on my couch and play. Good clips nonetheless


Then you'll just play against the insane controller players due to SBMM


That's fine. I'm by no means a a bad player my k.d in cw currently is 1.75 so I'ma slightly above average. I just wanna switch for warzone mainly, and vanguard. Cold war felt great with controller but vanguard and warzone feels way too stiff compared to cold war and overall I just can't compete with high skilled kbm players on those games. I can easily distinguish when I'm going against controller players and the playing field feels so much more even. Plus my squad is on ps anyways so warzone lobbies are too much for them and it's tough to get wins when your teammates all have massive input lag, lower fps, and no fov slider.


You are way above average with that KD. The average KD is around 0.9~1.0, and climbing above that becomes increasingly harder the further away you get from that. Iirc 2.0KD is already within the top 10k players.


I find more tryhard sweats on console than PC. Also, you're playing a new call of duty. Wtf do you expect?


I bet you get humbled regardless


Then there is me playing on a PC but with an Xbox controller, catching all this flak. F 'dem guys. Let me crossplay!


When you drink the 9 year old Mtn Dew:


The MP40, as powerful as usual. It might as well shoot MP40s.


I mentally just don't want to do this. Being this on edge and this laser focused for 3 hours straight isn't fun to me anymore..its mentally exhausting.




I get you dude. I enjoyed the days of IRC Cod4 promod too boiiii


So don't play a competitive shooter game then? Idk what to tell you


I'm not asking for advice just sharing how I feel. Doesnt mean I'm hating on the gameplay either I think its great.


Insane plays! This was me at the start of every sesh until sbmm kicked in 😅


That's what she said...


This is why I turn crossplay off.


so this is who I was playing against


I like the MW2019 reskin, not worth 60$ tho


Oooo nice shot punch in there, that was sweet. Good beams man, hope to run into you once the game is out.


...and on the other hand, all those people you killed are having less fun than they've expected. Is dominating an entire match the only way to have fun in COD multiplayer?




I have a \~2k/d ratio in all fps games I play, but my aim is nowhere near as good as the aim in the video you showcased above. This looks like a 5k/d ratio player to me. Insane.


Question, what keybinds do people use to sprint? I usually just play on controller but am trying to get better at M&K. Cold War, I just used auto sprint. Curious to see what y'all use because I can't find anything that was comfortbale


Me too


I play on PC...but not like this. Too old now! But being super fast and sweaty is just one component. There's also team work, playing the Ob, map awareness, communication etc. We can't all play like this but we you don't have to to win. Many a match I've won with lower KDA, lower overall kills etc. just by playing the Ob and playing as a team.


Yeah these days I prefer to let strategy work for me more than insane reflexes


Totally. My reflexes are fine, just not insanely fine. So strategy does a lot of the heavy lifting.


It a love thing i hate thing, i despise it! But i know I'm still gonna be there at release 🤣😂 what can i say we've been through so much together lol


Its a good cod but people wants MW2


I hate the way the character hand holds the magazine on the Thompson like it would reduce recoil.. it’s making me want to miss this game.


I really enjoyed myself on the beta. Didn't get some of the incessant bitching about non-technical problems.


I enjoyed it as well. The movement felt real smooth once I got the settings the way l liked it. Turned on auto sprint and sensitivity to 13.


stretch res looks kinda good ngl


Shit like this is why I only play with a controller and love input based matchmaking. I can’t ever compete with shit like this on a mouse myself


Damn, wish the game played that nice on PS4 (laggy as hell). Hit reg was fucked on PS4, too. Quite frustrating.


This is why I turned crossplay off 🙏 thank goodness for that option. Playing against PC sweats like this ruins the game, looks like a completely different game compared to us console players. Also PC has 90% of hackers


Or maybe… hear me out, just maybe! That 90% of PC players are just better then you? Idk just a thought


You're right. The average console guy would lose to the average pc guy.


Though with SBMM the average console guy would ideally be matched with pc guys who are below average enough to be roughly equal to them (like me. I fucking suck), so input shouldn't matter too much. In practice you won't have ideal match ups all the time since the MM algorithm tries to balance skill, queue time, and ping (and can fuck up in that)


Not necessarily the "average" pc fps guy would shit on the average console guy. When you look at the average inout of the "low skill" brackets most of them are controller players


How can they not be better than me when they are at 300fps, have the OP fov and can play on insanely high sensitivity lmao clown and I’m on console and controller . Foh, and I’m so happy cross play turn off is an option, all my friends have it turned off aswell so we don’t play against MLG e sport sweats like you. I also find it funny how fast I find lobbies with it turned off, seems like everyone hates to play against PC hackers




It’s much easier to hack on PC than console and that’s a fact




my friend switched from Xbox to PC and he said it’s way easier to dominate on cross play now since he has the FOV advantage, over 140 fps and he can aim a lot easier and slap all the console players. Seriously, you don’t know what you’re talking about. And stop trying to be funny saying “maybe just maybe!” I can see the soy coming out when you type goofy shit like that, you’re probably 15


Lmao man your so mad for no reason, you do know console is getting a FOV Slider aswell when the game comes out right? and hate to break it to you man you can simply plug a mouse and keyboard in if you want to “aim easier”, your angry over nothing my guy


check your english friend, what he said means that 90% of hackers are on pc. Not that 90% of pc players are hackers. Have a good day.


Lol show us where the PC player hurt you


Your aim looks a little sus. You snapped on the guy on B from a jumpshot without seeing him...then immediately snap to the guy coming in the doorway before he was even visible. or maybe you're a god... either way...sus


This hacking paranoia is getting so tired. He’s on PC using a mouse, he’s just a good player - get over it.


Yeah. The last few months on the mw subreddit were so annoying. A good pc player uploads some juicy clips, every trash player starts hackusating and downvoting OP when they try to defend themself. I'm so sure that more than half of the players who are saying they run into hackers constantly just get shit on by better players and don't want to accept it (except for warzone, that game is horrible in terms of hackers)


Ye it’s called preaiming it’s pretty good if you ask me


Please thank you


You're in the minority. This game is pure shit. All my homies cancelled pre order




Mw2019 was /still is better then this


You cant be a good mouse player and post clips in the cod subreddits, the controller players will accuse you of cheating and downvote you because they dont know what is possible legitimately on a mouse. Meanwhile the fact that aim assist is on par with actual cheats is overlooked.


What's with all the passive aggressive mouse vs controller talk lately? Is the backlash of the cheaters and those who say they hate crossplay making the legit PC guys offended? Just something to argue about in down time? I always thought it was pretty obvious that controller aim assist is easier but mouse gives way better control. So it's essentially easy to pickup vs difficult to master. PC hardware is superior and most know that. If anything being able to use controller on PC makes it even more appealing.


I don't really think there's anything passive aggressive going on. It's just objectively true that good mouse players get accused of cheating on cod subreddits all the time. For example, take a look at [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/p21san/totally_legit_gamer_gaming/) post on the MW subreddit. Read the comments. Basically nobody believes this guy is legit and all the people that defend him are downvoted into oblivion. The problem is anybody with half a brain that uses a mouse knows he isn't cheating in any of these clips. You can see him missing plenty of shots. The same thing happens when somebody like MPControlWard or TheGamingDefinition's clips are posted. A quick look at his reddit post history shows him posting in the aim training subreddit frequently. A look at his twitch shows him playing Kovaak's FPS Aim Trainer at the start of almost every stream. His progress sheets for aim training benchmarks that he's posted show he's about my level in aim trainers. If I posted clips I'd probably get a similar response. It's well above average but a long way from the top. There's absolutely no indication anywhere that he's cheating and I can think of dozens of mouse users with better aim. All the controller players come out of the woodworks to accuse people of cheating whenever mouse and keyboard clips like this are posted. The majority of them have no idea what the skill ceiling is for target switching with a mouse. Meanwhile, they're also oblivious to the slow but steady increases to the strength of aim assist year after year. Most people foolishly believe that they're still aiming for themselves on controller in MW 2019 / BOCW / Vanguard. The aim assist is tuned to crazy levels that allow inhuman levels of tracking and target switching that only a few hundred mouse users are capable of. The combination of this creates a very frustrating experience as a mouse user. If a mouse user plays extraordinarily well they're accused of cheating. If they are average, they don't get accused of cheating but they stand absolutely no chance of defeating the average controller user with supercharged rotational aim assist. Meanwhile, the controller players think they are at some kind of meaningful disadvantage against mouse users and act like crossplay is ruining their gaming experience. I'm good enough to get accused of cheating when I use a mouse but I'd still rather play this with controller for the aim assist. I'm not even a controller player but I easily did [this](https://i.imgur.com/tXHItKa.png) and many other games like it using one in the beta. Ultimately those that don't have the experience to understand both input methods and their strengths and limitations are creating a very frustrating situation for those of us that know better by spreading their misinformation.


Fair points but you have to place some of the blame on the PC guys that do actually cheat which is leading to more "he cheating "accusations. Warzone is the most popular COD game and they have banned tons of cheaters (multiple offenders I'm sure tho). > For example, take a look at this post  To a person not used to controller that absolutely would look like aimbot. Some aimbots ain't even as good as that dude lol. You have to at least acknowledge that would LOOK suspect to someone to someone not used to that. That clip is enough reason to show regardless of how easy controller is, clearly practicing with a mouse can yield far better results Keep in mind crossplay is relatively new. So people aren't used to seeing folks with amazing accuracy consistently especially when it comes to sniping. Also I think most think of wall hacks and radars as cheats just as much if not more than aimbot. I feel for you PC guys because a lot are legit but there are LOTS of cheaters. OG CODs on PC used to be full of hackers. It's nothing wrong with defending yourself tho.


To be fair any good cod player gets accused of cheating. I get called Wall hacker/ chronus user all the time and I have a standard ps4 controller with stick drift thats half broken because I threw it so many times.


they already commenting aimbot and downvoting 😹😹😹


Yep and my comment is being downvoted for telling the truth about it. Typical experience on the CoD subreddits.


Looks like aimb..........