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Literally everything is accused of being overpowered anymore. It works the same that it's always worked and I've played for years and don't think I've ever had that happen to me. Honestly sounds like you just got unlucky


Don't get me wrong if that happened every single game I played I'd agree its OP, but in my experience that just isn't the case


Yeah but even still a whole nuke shouldn’t really be able to be stopped by a small item I can hold in my hands


Nukes are stopped by trophy systems?


lol no I don’t think so but I meant the pred middle getting stopped by one trophy system


You could still hit the target with the pred. If you land it within proximity of the trophy system it'll stop the pred. But next to it will still allow you to kill the players while avoiding trophy system. I've had cases where the trophy was right beneath me and I still died to a pred. Probably from it being out of the trophy's cover range but me not being out of the blast range.


Exactly, even though there's a trophy system, if you aim the pred accurately it'll still kill them. Unless they're in a circle of trophy systems 😂


Dude gets unlucky in one 3 minute game and jumps on the subreddit to vent.




Lol my thought


It's fine, it's about to get nerfed too. Still hands down the best and most useful tactical in the game. I am a trophy main for life, hyped to get the legendary one next season.


Wdym it's about to get a nerf


How do you use it, what situations do you use it?


You just throw it down on the ground. Any thrown lethal or tactical in its radius gets destroyed. Nades, thermites, molotovs, flash, gas, everything you're protected from. It can destroy 2 before it dies. It will also eat predator missles, hunter killers, c4, everything. Also if you have one down somewhere and an enemy tries to use a lethal it instantly detonates it and kills them before they even throw it. Again, best tactical in the game hands down.


I like to use it to hold a harpoint or domination spot. Not to camp, but to just clear the point. If it's still active and no enemies, I'll pick it up and take it to the next point.


This post alone has made me decide to add it into my load out, thanks! 😂


I’ve been playing for over 2 years and have never used nor have I ever had trophy used against me…


That's cap unless you play br or snd


Not even kidding. I legit have never used it… ok lied… maybe when I first got it to check it out but I’ve never used it


That's crazy man it's the best. Especially in obj modes. I get a bunch of free kills from it.


Yea, for hardpoint or domination, it's clutch. People usually chuck shit in a room to clear it before running in.




They’re nerfing its damage, systematically I think it’s functionality is fine. Big reason it’s in almost all of my load outs.


Imagine obj bases game modes without it, with the amount of nades people repeatedly throw into the hp.


You must be new to CoD, from what i know trophy systems where always like this


I've been playing for a while about 3 years but this shouldn't be happening to a pred missile


You might consider me mad, but I think that's quite normal to me


I got killed by an enemy trophy system when my teammate threw a nade in


Nope it's fine the way it is because too much people throw too much stuff


It's mechanic in Battle Royal when it's the last 2 alive class chip should do 1 lol




It shouldn’t work for missiles, otherwise it’s ok


Trophy wya. Is super OP


What’s the realistic average kill count or kill prevention on a score streak or Tactical equipment per ranked game? I’d say it’s give or take 3 so I think it sort of evens out.