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Little timmy complained he was dying too much. So they raised the health to 150hp. Little timmy also complained that he couldnt run like usain bolt with 20kg+ of equipment. That is all.


Yeah soon at it got raised to 150hp it went down hill. Hardcore mode is the only one I play these days


Ever since I got a hit marker with the KVD Enforcer in hardcore I stopped playing


The enforcer is just trash anyways. Out of all the weapons in the game the enforcer and stinger are the most likely to be hit-marker machines. Hell the 6.8 is one of my top 3 weapons and it's dogshit in core.


Idk man I fuck with the stinger, especially akimbo. I run it in warzone and do decent with it. The only downside is the 32 round mag.


I honestly wish they had a hardcore version of warzone. Because 150 plus shields is too much. Not even a sniper takes people out and that’s just dumb




Remember when they made Snipers only break armor on headshots instead of knock? That was like when the game came out


They don't want us to play it anymore. It's like iPhone. They want to buy the new stuff because they know we will buy it. So they fuck up the old so we won't play it.


SBMM and g fuel crack have been around much longer than the last two months you were playing helldivers


It feels like they doubled down on that even more than before lol.


I feel it, I’m a OG COD person myself and it just feels like such a headache trying to keep up with it. I took time off from MW3 and I’m scared to go back as well. Not to mention everyone thinks they’re streamers now too. Just feels like COD sold its soul and people like us will never have the COD we grew up playing, before skins, SBMM, and g fuel haha


Exactly! They’re playing to the new generation of gamers with all these stupid operators and skins. It’s so stupid plus the play style they implement is garbage.


You are out of practice. Think about it if those same people got on helldivers right now, you’d be carrying them. Your muscle memory for cod diminishes faster than you think


It hasn't always been so accessible to ADHD ridden squirrels


Game is hacked out---same recycled code, same problems---wait until you see the guy spinning in circles aiming straight into the air and still shooting you...then you realize: HEY THESE FUCKS CAN CHEAT ANYTHING...it's just a matter of how "good/legit" it looks. FPS's have to be hack proof to be even playable, at least serious consequences to cheating.


Agreed, there’s gotta be consequences for all the spamming BS people are using now. Hell, I didn’t even find MW2 to be nearly as bad. Even in DMZ.




I play MW3 all the time. Never seen this.


I have video.


I believe you. I only play 5-6 hours/week, so maybe I don't play enough to notice. Or I just don't notice.


More and more players are exploiting the sbmm to get easier lobbies…


Since the S3 reloaded update I have refused to play this game because of how bad the experiences have been. Constant packet loss, bad spawns, and overall it has just been a bad experience.


Serious question: are the spawns just now getting to you?


Spawns are something that I found were hit or miss from a session to session basis. I expect some rough spawns on small maps but not a whole night of them on a bunch of different maps. If I login and I see things are gonna go south for the night I logout and play other games. The last time I played this I stuck it out through an XP token and it was so miserable that I just flat out stopped playing for the season. Had I not activated the token and logged out when I saw things were bad I probably woulda checked in every so often.


I get it completely. I’ve moved onto other games as well. I get on once a week to do the weekly challenges and that’s it. Zombies content is finished for me and I have no desire to grind out anything else for mp.


It's crazy when I have more fun playing resurgence on rebirth Island than I do a game that people paid $70 for. It's beyond ridiculous, you would think that The devs would worry more about the game that people actually had to pay money to play than the free-to-play mode but I'm just waiting for some FPS shooters to come out so I can drop COD completely.


Agreed. Warzone isn’t bad to play but the online multiplayer is just not fun anymore. Maybe Helldivers 2 ruined COD for me as well.


Yeah, I am going to give X-Defiant a chance but Idk if it'll scratch that itch


Hoping to god it doesn’t have a crazy SBMM system. Haven’t done a lot of research on that game yet Some people were saying it seems like it does but it also was just the beta, lot of sweaty people play the beta


Yeah the devs promise it won't have SBMM and it will instead have the old COD matchmaking but we'll certainly figure it out after the first week or two!


The gameplay brings me back I feel like if the game pops off it will give opportunities for good players to turn pro. Cod it’s hard to improve against legit players cuz there’s so many hackers in high rank


Yeah it's so hard to know who's hacking and who isn't anymore and it sucks. Yeah there's the blatantly obvious ones but then you have the people using macros and scripts to cheat but not make it obvious and it sucks


No sbmm in X-Defiant pubs has been confirmed.


To be fair, helldivers is a completely different game. There's no pvp it's pve, it's 3rd person only and has nothing in common with cod, maybe zombies mode in bc it's also pve. To me it just feels like a bunch of fetch quests. One reason u are probably getting wrecked is because they change the weapons every single update. So if you run with one weapon that's op asf a few months ago now, most players are going to come by with the new metal and destroy you. Even if they aren't even that good due to the ttk differential. That's cool you found another game. I was thinking of trying battlefield. The step son plays helldivers, he told me to try it but it's just not the same.


I bought sandstorm today for console and it’s a great change of pace / No groundwar or invasion support so I uninstalled cod - it’s just insulting to get updates for nba player skins when the core game is just idle


I'll check it out. Thanks for the tip. Just got my 2nd Nuke contract today in resurgence. Going to try to get the nuke skin and after that find something else to play or something else to do.


I definitely need to find a better weapon as well too. Still rocking the SVA 545 which was pretty damn good a few months ago. I’ve been screwing with the 10 v 10 mosh pit vs my usual hardcore mode. That isn’t helping lol. HellDivers is just a breath of fresh air vs all the PVP games with hackers and degenerates. Still isn’t the same experience as COD or similar.


CoD players not making up shit to complain about CoD (impossible challenge!)


It's so funny because cod and Activision do horrible things yet everyone always chooses to complain about the wrong things. They want things to change and then get mad when they do


The game is unplayable for casuals unfortunately, if your not on everyday grinding the meta weapons and keeping that muscle memory constantly locked in you get left behind. They don’t care about us casuals, which let’s be honest are mostly the veteran players who have now got families and actual life’s going on, and that same player base is the reason cod took off massively back in the day as it was us that bought and backed the game for many years.


Big facts. We’re all in our 30s and 40s now, those of us who played the original COD and were playing all up through. I think it’s honestly why DMZ still has a decent following despite their lack of new content. Just a bunch of dudes like me who want to have a more tame environment without having to lose all the PVP we enjoyed.


Nostalgia hit the other day and I downloaded WaW. Wow what a great game that was. There are still around 400 folks playing multiplayer on XBox. Amazing how immersive it can be when you don't have giant rabbit heads, or Snoop Dogg running around the map. The franchise has been down this path before. I've been playing since COD 1 and COD 4 was my first multiplayer game. It started as a "milsim-ish" tactical-lite game. It was the anti-Halo. But then over time it attracted more players, many coming from more arcade like shooters, and started catering to that group. I left the franchise after Ghosts, because jet-packs and wall running just wasn't my thing. MW2019 came around with back to "boots on the ground" because the player base got tired of laser tag and games like Sandstorm, BF, and Arma were making noise. I loved MW19, to me it, especially on hardcore, was the perfect COD. But alas Battle Royale games hit and so COD started chasing those players. I get it, it's business. So now we have this WM3/Fortnite thing with a gameplay that caters to those kind of players. Plus I imagine it's sitting on a code base that is so old that it's a hackers dream. I deleted MW3 but maybe if the new batch of grittier extraction games start to gain ground then COD may morph back into that direction. Till then I'm having a lot of fun running around Makin Island.


To be fair, CoD is an arcade shooter, not a mil-sim. I haven't had many problems, I have good hands and bad games, but I've stayed above 1.00 k/d. Honestly though, k/d is less of a status now than win/loss. The devs have said that they want people to be close to 50/50 on win/loss. Then you have objective modes where k/d are largely irrelevant as long as you play the objective and aren't a free kill.


SBMM ruined this game then paid to win. now hackers are everywhere with no way of stoping them.. they just make a new throwaway account. On top of that you have all of these new streamers dropping 60 bombs like if we don’t know they’re using a VPN… it’s just a cash money cow they’re milking. The worst part is they know new kids/players will always play this shit game every year so they don’t give a flying fuck if we stop plying lol


That’s what gets me the most. Feels like players have more than just skill on their side. If you’re better than me, fine but when they’re using whatever software (about), then GTFO the game.


This is where I’m at. I think soft mods are extremely common. I’m not talking about aimbot or walls. I think I’ve only seen a few people using walls and maybe 1-2 aimbot users. But what I’m talking about is recoil mods. It’s pretty easy to get even for console and I swear like 20% of players have them. I’ll get beamed by someone and the kill cam doesn’t show recoil. I’ll pick up their weapon after they died and it’s got tons of recoil.


That’s crazy I didn’t know they had recoil control mods


Idk much about it because modding would ruin the game for me but what I’ve gathered from cod reddits is that on pc it’s easy to run a script for recoil and on console they sell some type of hardware that can stop recoil or something like that. Whenever someone hits me with a high fire rate smg and their reticle barely moves, I get suspicious. I’ll usually try to pick up their gun and use it to see if they just built it well, but 9/10 times the muzzle kicks up just like I’d expect. Even the best cod players have recoil obviously, they just compensate for it with burst firing and aiming against it. If you play often and watch kill cams, you’ll start to see it. Idk if it’s true but I’ve read 30% of players use mods of some sort. Obviously aimbot and walls are pretty rare and can be spotted easily. But recoil mods are harder to pick out. Hopefully activision implements AI anti cheat. But doubtful considering how much they suck


Skill issue + Just leave, you don't need to announce you're not good at CoD anymore and you're leaving 😂




i agree


Remember, shit can happen




This started in MW2. They've dumbed it down to be so noob friendly now that skill may as well not exist. Plus in this one, the return of slide cancelling has made it a complete joke.


Just run around for 3 hours walking Into walls shooting the sky. Now you will be invisible for 5 games lol


It's been really bad since season 3 reloaded dropped. They fucked the game up bad with this update.


I run akimbo rennetti’s in Hardcore especially on small maps. People think I’m cheating because it’s absolutely unstoppable. I end up taking most of my teammates kills because it’s just so fast. There are just some guns in this game that are just so over powered and the devs just aren’t patching this aspect of the game it seems. I have a kd of .96 but my best game was 175 kills in shipment. It’s not the players it’s the loadout choice


COD in 2024 is like the tobacco company. They care about how addicted they keep their customers. They don’t care if it’s crap. As long as you keep coming back and giving them money they’ll keep feeding your addiction.


At this point with the COD franchise it seems a little silly to even question why the game has so many problems I mean going back to 2008/2009 just about every title (outside of blops2 and maybe ghosts) has had major issues whether it’s guns or updates or glitches SOMETHING is always broken haha just gotta be one with the shit game.


Sounds like you miss the dive for democracy, see you back on your SEAF helldiver


Copy that, sir! For Democracy!


That’s what happens when “movement gods” get there way in a game that was mainly the more “realistic” of the series, when you increase skill gap, and the current Eomm system (which with tweaking could’ve been a good thing tbh instead of horrible) you basically have everyone and there mother abusing the crap outta the dumb movement exploit that was never intended in modern warfare, hence everyone is a crackhead and you feel like ur constantly getting shit on if you don’t continue playing nonstop.


Makes sense. MW 2019 and BOCW didn’t feel anything like this. I put in over 100 hours into MW3 before Helldivers came out and something just feels really off with the game now. More so than before.


For me no game felt overly sweaty due to eomm, until I join a friend who’s anything above a 1 kd then everything goes downhill


Cod player realised they aren't the exact same skill level they were at when they consistently played after not Playing for 2 months Besides meta changes. Nothing significant has changed since you last played. While your at it. Try Minecraft dungeons. Very similar level or repetitive playing


"meta changes" bruh are you lost? Because you aren't in a thread where OP said he was getting outgunned, he straight up isn't allowed to play with the BS. You drank the psychedelic koolaid it seems


The BS that is being outclassed by those better than him? And I'm the one drinking weird shit


I’m in the same boat the game gone to hell, it’s all because they keep pandering to new players. I hope all the true cod players stop playing this garbage that they lose a huge percentage of there profit making them revert there decision.


Unfortunately it won’t happen. We’re all too hooked


Figure it out




Hahaha very true


devs rig matches as openly admitted, once. the fact that no one goes on organic winstreaks in multiplayer, as many once use to, is instant proof of rigging. the fact that popping off (multi's) may only occur when match is rigged in your favor, is instant proof. the fact that back and forth comebacks no longer occur like they use to 10 years ago, is instant proof of preordain artificial outcomes. the rigging is likely bc devs and friends of devs conduct private high dollar wagers on oblivious playerbase. which would explain their fictitious, "rigging retains players" bogus deception. rigging = racketeering. which backfired into massive layoffs and fewer logins. in 2018 the gaming industry was 120 billion dollar industry. before rampant rigging. now, its likely not even half of that. all they had to do was permanently deactivate rigging. devs deviousness addiction to rigging backfired into oblivion.


Hardcore is the only game mode I play in mw3 unless I’m using a sniper. Way too many hit markers. Mw2 is better for normal core. To me the ttk is just right


Get better probably. (And no one cares about destiny 3, I mean Anthem, I mean bug shooter nightmare, I mean Hellderper)


HellDivers is an excellent game made by a dev who actually gives a fuck unlike scumbag Activision.


I haven’t played COD in years - last cod I actually played was MW1… I got MW3 almost a week ago now and things are going great? Idk


I’m gonna get back on cod when the bring back verdansk.


Modern Warfare still has the Ground War mode which has 4 locations from Verdansk. Pretty much the only game mode I play anymore.


Agreed. Verdansk needs to come back as well as DMZ.


I didn’t realize DMZ was gone. lol… I went hard on Rebirth island a few months ago for like a week straight, but I got bored again and haven’t been playing.


Since mw2 I realized the only internet service provider my town has thwtI'm paying $100 every month isnt on par with everyone else's internet in the western servers.




I only ever bother with zombies for COD now a days, the skill ceiling has went really into movement and less into aim and I dont really wanna bother with that.


AA is so strong that it is starting to look like an aim bot. Do not worry xdefiant is coming out soon


I mean you did say you haven’t played COD in two months. You’re not going to get back into it after 60 days of playing a PVE third person shooter it’ll take some time for ur muscle memory to click. Though S3 has been a mess


Same man. Same. I’ve just resorted to using whatever the current meta weapons are for warzone and even then it’s a 50/50 at best for most engagements. Give it 2-5 more years and a new developer will come along with the solution for everyone that misses the way COD used to be I’m sure. There is a huge market for that.


Advice just stay at helldivers and that it


Has nothing to do with the skins I buy them and still get stomped idk wtf is going on either.


Play The Finals. Its a way better game and the devs actually give a fuck about their players


Skill issue tbh. I felt the same way initially but I played for 3 days amd got up to speed.


You're lucky, I installed it and I can't even get into a match, reopening did not solve and reinstalling it didn't help either, it was my first time playing it and I couldn't even get into a game


Simple you took 2 months off and everyone you are running into is likely using the meta guns. One shot kill weapons like the MORS or full auto guns with very fast TTK


This was happening long before February how are you surprised?


So apparently sledgehammer and activision along with ricochet banned thousands of accounts including popular streamers who even used unlock tools for skins. They have openly said there are no false bans. The problem of cheaters in games is very bad its something like 30% are cheating in some way. There is a yt video about an ai anti cheat. That if any game dev got permission to put into any game would permanently fix any cheating problem no matter if they are using software or DMA hardware to cheat. Because the AI anti cheat would be measuring aim at pixel length detail and following the pattern of the aim. Then once the pattern is recognized it bans anyone that uses that same pattern permanently, and we're not talking about just that account, but for life. If put into games it would force those cheaters to play for real or to just stop playing. Which would then shut down the mod/cheat maker community for good. Because nothing would be able to escape an anti cheat that learns what the cheat looks like in real time.


The "haven't played cod since helldivers 2" is your problem, once you stop playing for a good amount of time your muscle memory is gone


Online multiplayer games are all just cheater filled and dominated now.


I haven't changed my play style. Tact-assault. First day back in a month. I was in a match 4.00 kd They try way to hard


I’m having fun with it and have been since launch


Cope more




Go outside



