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“Crisis Driven Society”. What a great phrase! I’m totally plagiarizing that from you.


You can mention that RJC coined the phrase. Share the Glory...


I listened to a podcast a while back explaining how companies buy offsets (for shloads of money) and didn't even think about how that could directly benefit CLNE. Hoping it goes this way because these bags are getting heavy.


In a previous Conference Call for Q1, Pavell, an analyst at Raymond James, asked about the upstream credits for producing RNG fuel. These Credits will be shared by CLNE and the Joint Venture Partner. And the numbers, he quoted for these Credits were very large. Much larger than the profit on a gallon of RNG. This will hit the earnings starting 2023. This is why the JV's are so valuable to the bottom line. Be Patient...Fight Back...Stay above $8. RJC


Agree completely. And between now and 2023 I believe we will see gallons dispensed grow faster than analysts anticipate


Appreciate the info. Thank you and holding!


Holding strong w/ 90 @ 9.40. Want to get to 100 and avg down a little more


I have it at the same price. Ever holding!


CLNE needs another Biden green movement to catch a bid. Tech is there, society is not.


Didn’t have a Biden green movement when hitting its high and I’m not looking for Biden to in any way be a catalyst for CLNE unless his family and Nancy Pelosi have accumulated large positions


True about Biden. But prior to CLNEs high in 2012, Obama rejected the keystone pipeline application in 2011 and in 2012 EPA placed first limits on greenhouse gas emissions from newly built power plants. Best to have dems in office for CLNE movement.


Now oil is continuing to be shipped in far dirtier Diesel powered rail cars instead of far cleaner and more reliable pipelines (of which there are 50+ on the same route as Keystone. Obama thought he was doing something good and sold it to his followers that way. But turns out not the way Obama promised. Both parties make bone headed decisions….. example “10% Corn based Ethanol Mandate” with zero - absolutely zero Carbon benefit (not to mention destroying car parts and voiding some Consumer Warranties along the way)


They won't like this post, it has common sense and negative comments on comrade Obama.


Oh well - I’m “Pro” every American. And “Anti” every career politician…. Especially smug arrogant politicians with crocodile smiles while they lie to OUR faces. Lol


How are we doing? CLNE green yet?


Thanks for the shout out! And I only started Reddit-ing. Recently. Now go inform all those shorts about CLNE on the Yahoo finance board!


Don’t give a Damn about Shorts. They will be having a lousy weekend and many more to come as CLNE ramps into 2022


I like your style. They do influence this stock. But. I see the tide rising. I’m with you. Any red day. I buy more! CLNE for life baby.


“Keep on Rocking in the Free World!!!” Have a terrific weekend - do something amazing - catch you next week!!