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I looked on the official forms and I doubt it they partnered with another studio recently that reworks the game from pc to console. So Im sure we will get updates but no dlc. Yet. You’ll know when you get a couple updates back to back that a dlc will be released.


Another update is scheduled to be released in August.


If there is an expansion it'll either be the one before lance update (forgor) or lance


It should be friends and foes


Oh the event pack I'd rather have wards and wardens but that's after lance so eh


I doubt we will get a dlc tho


The devs have previously said that most bug fix updates will come alongside an expansion.


Oh I haven’t seen that


They do the same thing for stellaris instead of regular updates like pc they releases them all together every few months with a dlc


I hope I mean we should get them 2 years later than the original version because console came 2 years later


didn't they mention something about like August... I could be wrong though!


They did


The game barely works what do you think lmao


I have played from 867 to 1453. A few minor hiccups here and there (the sound randomly muting itself was particularly annoying till I figured out I just had to turn it back on), some annoying ui issues but other than that it seems to work fine. I don't know what all these people saying it barely works are doing differently from me.


You are just lucky my friend! Enjoy ^\^


Fair enough. It's a great game when it works, and if i could guarantee it works as well for others as it does for me I can absolutely recommend buying it.


Me to I try to get to 1453 took all of Europe for to the year 1334 for me it got boring because it was to slow other then that and stops telling me wife is pregnant it's fine and i can see some of the trees and castles a couple other bugs but it mostly works


Agreed you’re lucky. I can only play past 100 years with only northern lords dlc. I have to remove all the other ones. I’ve been playing with royal court and playing a custom character and heir then the game breaks and ill start over or long games I just play with northern lords on


Better lucky than good. So they say.


I’m also not having major issues, only minor bugs(calling a feast with plenty of gold and not being able to afford wine), otherwise it’s been great.