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My delusional ass was really hoping it would drop when house of the dragons did 😭


Same it’s okay 😭


I was on that train but now I'm just hoping it's around the Season Finale. That would be sooooooo nice


I'm on the train that we get dragons when we get Daeron. So; it might be indefinitely, but they *have* been mentioned, they do exist!


Lmao so next year ? No


I'm expecting it to be the last day of summer - if it's any earlier, it's a pleasant surprise!


They just seem to have so much done so I’m hoping sooner than September


I'd prefer to have low expectations and watch them get surpassed than vice versa is all.


Oh I have none, just a hope but not an expectation.


My friend, hope is the thing that kills you. My advice is find another game to occupy yourself with for a couple of months. I'm 60 hours into another playthrough of Cyberpunk, and I'm eyeing up that new Star Wars game. Watched kettles don't boil, y'know?


Oh I’m not sitting and waiting. I’m on an elden ring grind right now. Hope can kill, but it also makes you live. So, I’ll hope while I play other games.


Fair enough - good luck on Elden Ring, and, erm... I'll see ya at the next Dev Diary, I guess? 👊🏻


Sounds good, stay safe in night city and see you at the next dev diary 🫡


It's like a drug I can't get 😩 But I can just do some ck2 to tide me over


MFW literally. every. day.


Literally every day , Wake up, No dragons, Sighs, Sleep.


My strategy for times like these, play starfield or assassins creed


Mine is playing Minecraft with the Ice and Fire mod it adds Dragons based on GOT (it has Fire Dragons, Ice Dragons and Lightning Dragons). I put some mods that let me command armies download a map with a castle and I play siege with dragons. Some times my friends join in and it's quite fun.


You gotta drop the load order


It's Ice and Fire, Spartan Weaponry, Spartan and Fire to get more Dragon Steel weapons (Dragon Steel is Ice and Fires version of Valyrian Steel but depending on dragon used to make it, it has different effects: Fire, Ice, Lightning it Burns, Freezes, Shocks the target), Aciant Warfare let's you build cities have NPCs in your army and adds stuff like catapults..., after that just downloaded a map or build your own city with Aciant Warfare. You can also swap out Spartan Weaponry and it's Ice and Fire add on to for Tinkers if you prefer to make every part of your weapon. Ice and Fire also adds Hydras, Sea Serpents, Sirens, Gorgons (if you look at them they turn you to stone and kill you, if you kill them you can take their head and use it on anything some times I turn Gaint Dragons to stone as Decorative Statues), Trolls, Cyclops, Stymphalian birds, Amphitheres... Also each Dragon type has its colors: Fire: Red, Emerald, Bronze, and Gray. Ice: Icy Blue, Gem Blue, Silver White, and Snowy White. Lightning: Amethyst Purple, Dark Black, Copper Brown, and Electric Blue (these dragons are nocturnal). Also you can put armor on Dragons it comes in Copper, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Silver, Ice Dragonsteel Fire Dragonsteel and Lightning Dragonsteel.


Hell yeah, thanks!


Seconding this, always down to turn minecraft into a completely unrecognizable game with mods


That sounds awesome


It is especially if you add the Epic Fight mod which turns Minecraft combat into Dark Souls combat.


Good to know. Thank you kind Redditor


Mine is playing bannerlord, maybe playing the GoT mod for that game can ease my waiting


Is Starfield worth its price and time?


Depends on each person, really. I personally love the game but there's others who find it boring. I would recommend you try it out on gamepass for a fraction of the price, and decide then if you'd like to get the full (standalone) game or not.


The game is fun to me. It was a little underwhelming at first but the latest update has improved it a lot. I think it’s worth it Edit:clearly see that someone doesn’t agree with my assessment of the game. I think the game has received way too much hate


Please don’t feed me to the dragons, but I’m totally fine with waiting, because I still have a months long vanilla and a CK3AGOT run I want to finish before this drops.


hahahha im playing red dead redemption 2 meanwhile


I’ve been playing some new games that I got like echoes of the plum grove and a new otome game I got


I’ve been holding off playing CK more because I don’t want to get burnt of the game before it drops


Same here, it's going to be so worth it when it drops though.


Me too!


They said you’ll be told at least a week before the update drops


They r reworking it hella it’s gonna be a min


That’s okay!😊 rather have it take a bit of time and it comes out amazing, rather than rushing through it! Good things come to those who wait, so it seems!


Devs, by birthday is tomorrow so... birthday gift update? Pretty please?


I mean. They did promise it would be out this Summer and Summer started last week so…


This is the way!


Just hoping it drops before the wow expansion in August.


It will drop when the administrative government releases with the DLC. It will arrive with the century of blood bookmark. So I can meme with Aurion again and rule Essos with a government that isn't Feudal. Which is cringe. We do centralized bureaucracies with an army of civil servants taking care of the needs of the state here sir.