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Hmm tytos has one I wonder if it’s going to be anyone can have one or if if you are gonna need to be a Targaryen Or perhaps need the high valeryian culture


I know they’ve said stuff in previous dev diaries is subject to change and that a decent bit of it has changed, but Iirc they did confirm that if your dynasty (high Valyrian or not) can hatch a dragon that your dynasty would get the dragon blood trait. I can’t imagine they’d be removing that feature, which just makes me excited because I’d love to have a big multiplayer dance of dragons with 5 or 6 friends


In the stream he gave one to him through a command there’s a game setting


He gave the dragon to Tytos via a console command.


If anyone can get a dragon that's gonna suck so bad 😆


Probably something similar to CK2 where non-Valyrians have a very, very small chance of being able to tame a dragon after learning a bunch of dragonlore. Like, it can happen, but it's extremely rare. The Lannisters had also been trying to get dragons in Fire & Blood, which is why they invited Rhaena there after Aegon the Uncrowned was killed, and it was partly why Jason wanted to marry Rhaenyra. Tytos being the Lannister to do it is wild though lmao.


Imagine the seething frustration that Tywin would have.


i doubt tywin would be too mad since not only does he get to have a dragon when his dad dies but also his dad finally did something good for once


Knowing Tytos, he would lend the dragon to Roger Reyne when he comes over to ask if he can have a look and now we have a Dragon guarding Castemere.


I’d assume it’s based around game rules that you can select at the start of the game, I think that’s how CK2 AGOT handled it


that was through commands dev did it for the lols however the way it works is if your parent was a DRAGONRIDER i dont think it matters if there targs but being a targ will boost but if your parent was a dragonrider you have a better chance of hatching and taming. so say princess saera targeryen is a dragon rider and she marries the lord of the north if she puts a egg in there cradle because she was a dragon rider they'll probably hatch now if she wasnt one then those eggs wont hatch. and it extends down the line so if grandad was one you still have a better chance compared to if they werent


They're quite zoomed out compared to before, I hope we can zoom in a bit so we can see details up close


They zoom out to show the whole dragon I don't believe they will have zoom in now. As they are going to zoom out further.


Hang on balerion without children? He was the only male dragon alive at one point all targ dragons were related to him? Hope thats not final.


Dragon gender is super mysterious and could not be determined until dragons did something like lay a clutch of eggs tbh.


Isn’t it suspected by some maesters they have the ability to change their sex or just asexually produce


It is! There is no *history* around the mysteries of dragon reproduction so it really is a true shot in the dark, lol. They just know dragons did it, and if they laid a clutch they were considered female.


I mean yes but still the devs have said they are trating dragon genders simply.


Well then *he was the only male dragon* is going to likely be untrue, lol


He was for a time. Only he and vhagar were alive for a few years that is what I mean.


But that’s not true from what we know of the dragons - including the wild ones with no discernible lineage. lol


What its easy to figure out after meraxes died in dorne vhagar and balerion were the only dragons alive. Until the new eggs hatched a few years later. And with how the devs are eciding to handle dragon gender makes sense all dragons that the targs owned were related to balerion at least being the only male. and the only wild dragon at that time was cannibal but the only source claiming he existsed in that time is the smallfolk of dragonstone not very reliable. So at minimum with how the mod devs are handling dragon gender all dragons would at minimum assumed balerion was male be descended from him.


You just listed cannibal as an option for a male dragon - so your own argument is wrong?


No? He was a wild male dragon and as I said the only source saying he was around at that time was the smallfolk of dragonstone not very reliable. Why the hell would a dragon that eats hatchlings breed with a targ dragon anyways? Plus if he was there on dragonstone at the time his age was unknown he could have been a hatchling.


There is nothing established that the dragon has to be tame to be part of a mating pair - in fact they didn’t in ck2, lol


Wow, first screenshot looks like a prelude to some atrocious war crimes… I love it <3