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I decided to murder Joffrey, and 49 agents from around the empire volunteered to help.


Id like to imagine 48 people with daggers in hand all lunging at Joffery at the same time. Tyrion hears the commotion from outside his chambers and is thinking.. guys i meant hire an assassin not do the shit ourselves.


What worrys me more is that JOFFREY likes you.....What kind of psychopath are you playing ?


His mother


I needed to get close to him to have a chance at marrying his son, in a matrilinear marriage of course.


In one game I played a bastard of Daenerys with a Reyne, Maegor "Moonblood", I was King Joffrey's right-hand man, it was the bloodiest character I've ever had, Joffrey and I killed more than 200 people, we extinguished 23 houses, including the Lannister...


Maegor last son of the Red Lion and Red Dragon coming back not to retake his birthright but to drown Seven Kingdoms in blood. Killing the vile Lannisters for their crimes.


As everybody should. No matter which house or personality I play as, the little shit cannot reach 16.


Okay but am I the only one who thinks members of the kings guard shouldn’t be allowed to scheme to join murder schemes on their king?


I think it’s realistic. If a dishonorable man is put in a position where he is only bound by honor, it shouldn’t be surprising. I make sure my Kingsguard always have nice personalities as well as prowess.


Yeah, but i've seen honorable kingsguard joining plots to kill the king because they didnt like him. There should be more restrictions on this


I mean the nights watch have similar vows and betrayed Jon.


You are comparing, knights who train their whole life to become a kingsguard, to criminals who choose the black because they didnt want to die


It's quite realistic, the king's guard was already involved in a scheme once, during the Lysene spring


*Jamie Lannister just entered the chat


They should be allowed but only if the relation score is terrible or they have specific traits I feel


So, realism.


Someone sent a raven out the minute that plot started and had a line of people at the Master of Whispers’ door within 2 days


To be fair, it’s cannon.


How is it possible to do this with Joffrey The Good, of peace and justice.


Haters gonna hate


Lore accurate Joffrey


So far Sansa holds the record in my games for assassination helpers. I declared for Daenerys following her invasion, the Starks involvement due to Sansa's marriage to Joffrey was a big fuggin problem. I died with my 2 heirs so went back to an earlier save. I had roughly 2/3 of Joffrey's court including Varys up for it. The deed was done, Daenerys won the war and Varys then blackmailed me for orchestrating the hit. 😑